I am practicing my english, let me know what you think.
What things do I need to improve?
I am practicing my english, let me know what you think.
What things do I need to improve?
need to work on anunciation
you need to improve your personality
Better? vocaroo.com
You need to capitalise English.
Well, you seem to have grasped a high level of comprehension, so congratulations for that. However, you have a very thick accent and it's quite difficult to understand what you are saying when you try to be "impressive" by speaking "fluently". Slow down, learn to develop your enunciation before you try to speak at a "normal" pace. Get a better fucking microphone, while you're at it.
that's better. what's your mother language anyway? you sound german/polish
oui oui
try to talk more like this man
Thanks for the tips ¿what do you think now? (thanks for the microphone tip btw)
My mother language is spanish but even my spanish friends think that i have a "strange" accent
Like a mexican?
are your parents home, or you don't want to wake your wife's son?
cool. good luck with your english. go to >>>/lit/ or >>>/pdf/ and read english literature. i'm sure it'll help.
Calm down, take a couple of tits, i don't know anything about the WWE
Sorry, my parents was in home but i am alone now
Got it, thanks!
not sure if ignorant or extremely good bait
Much better than before, but your words still sound slurred. I can understand you, and that is good, but I would suggest that you work on your clarity of speech. Keep it up.
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Your accent is super strong, work on that aspect specifically. Find clips of English and practice them over and over again (like movie quotes or whatever).
you need to pronounce the 'k' sound harder, it sounded like 'thens'
in fact I think that applies to most of your consonants
seriously, word by word, real slow
accent is not acent
fluently isn't flunty
Got it.
But my accent sounds like a Spanish accent or some kind of weird accent?
¿What do you think now?
well you got the k in thank, but you didn't really get the t in accent or but, or the x sound in fix
also the 'th' sound, and speak slower
better speed, and you pronounced some of the sounds better.
particularly look at how to pronounce 'th', in 'without' it came out more as an n. The 'x' sound in fix is pronounced eks, you were saying 'fits'.
Overall quite a bit better
Thanks very much! i will try to improve everything.
Take this nudes that i found in another IB as a gift
Lol that app is truly shit.
youre welcome, thanks for the titties