


i hope i don't have excess skin like that when i lose weight

i'm like 220 6 ft 1
but i'm used to being a 140 twig

losing weight right now

i heard that if you're young the excess skin ain't so bad.


im trying to shave off some unpleasant boating in my lower abdominal area. Im in 2 weeks out of 1 month plan. Not seein much change. Doubt ill see any in the next 2 weeks. And im not 100kg fatass.

how tall are you


Intermittent Fasting has helped me a lot. Look it up


He kinda looks like Sean Faris

What happens to the excess skin?

Way to go OP. Very impressive.

start foreskin restoration, tug it all down to your cock, full body

I've always wanted a foreskin that hangs 2 feet below my dong.

Went from 110 to 80kg in 2 months, 185cm tall.
Went on auschwitz diet, 500 kcal/day.

the reason he probably had excess skin is because he lost the weight so fast

if you do it very gradually (i.e. over YEARS) it doesn't get that bad as it tones up during exercise and your body adjusts

Dropping, or gaining, a significant weight in a few months or a year changes the body drastically and not even accounting your outer appearance: Your hormones and T levels will fluctuate severely

I know there are convenient laser devices that can tighten the skin in a matter of minutes. Maybe there are researchers who are working to produce this technology so that it can be used to mediate this problems for larger areas of the body? I think something like this may already exist, so if you do end up getting loose skin, you could just pay a small fortune to reverse the process without going under the knife.


don't expect fast results man, it's like learning to draw, you only realize how much better you are after a few months or more.

What are you doing?

I've been doing a keto diet and walking on my treadmill for 1-2 hours a day 3-5 days a week and have lost 30 pounds since I started in mid march.

Realistically you just need to do a simple CICO diet and don't really need to fuck with keto unless you really want to lose weight fast.

Also I forgot to add don't take any diet/workout advice from women AT ALL. Even if something a woman tells you sounds legit confirm it with a man first, preferably a buff man.

user, that goes without saying for any bit of information, not even MGTOW women are fucking retards though