Old New Episodes Edition.
It seems that Holla Forums seems to be on good terms with this show. Is it time we start having generals of it?
Old New Episodes Edition.
It seems that Holla Forums seems to be on good terms with this show. Is it time we start having generals of it?
are those actually episode titlecards?
I doubt it, but I think I'll have to commend them for sheer audacity if they go full Princess Marco.
Since Holla Forums seems to like this show so much, I think it deserves generals of its own.
Ludo's managed to become both actually competent and batshit crazy.
Both him and Tom seem to be built up as foils to Star; Tom has similar magic powers and difficulty dealing with the real world, just more aggressive about it; while Ludo has hard to control power mostly useful for blasting things.
fuck. I like this show but this just annoys me. If the twist at the end of the series is "tomco" being the real endgame I'm going to beat the shit out of Nefcy.
isn't that redundant?
isn't all shipping gay?
I thought shipping was mostly done by women.
yeah, and therefore shipping is always between 2 males
Well if the Blood Moon Ball and the Truth or Punishment Cube aren't any indication of what the writers intend, I don't know what is.
Everybody in this show wants to fuck Marco.
Every single girl, and now every single guy.
No, it really isn't! Generals are cancer. They inevitably turn into circlejerks, usually complete with tripfags, shipping, and inane "theorizing."
The previous had a cube that punished people for not telling the truth and a girl admitting to lying about her favorite color being pink as not to conform to gender stereotypes and cube responded with "fight the patriarchy" or something like that. You can expect the quality of the show to dip as it continues.
I watched all of season 2 and some of season 1 and I find it just okay. It has some very dark and clever scenes reminiscent of ren and stimpy but it only last for moments in episodes. Star just tries too hard to be wacky and quirky that at times it just gets annoying. Side characters are better characters than the main protagonists. The good cancels out the bad so it just about equals out.
Well I don't know man, I'm really into the whole Star and Marco stuff; is that what shipping is? If that's the case then I'm a huge faggot.
Take off the yaoi goggles; the actual episode is about two guys becoming friends over mutual interests, pranking shitheads, eating things their parents would not approve of, and otherwise wallowing in wanton debauchery. What's more manly than that?
Pretty sure the cube was being facetious.
Are there episodes worth watching besides the first?
What are you fucking gay?
Another Haunted Mansion crossover bumper
Goddamn it, sorrry
Holy shit Disney actually did that? For a minute I thought it was Robot Chicken.
It was done by the Robot Chicken studio for Disney. One they made for Pickle and Peanut actually has a character based on a Nine Old Men sketch. I wonder if they included that to spite Cartoon Brew commentators.
What's it like being retarded? I've always been curious, and you appear to be an expert on the subject.
Women universally hate each other, and a man and woman cannot be friends without it simply being a cover for mutual or rejected lust. Two bros being friends is the truest most pure form of friendship.
I hoped it'd be Robot Chicken and escalate into a sex joke.
That would have been nice.
Robot Chicken is great for fueling rule 34.
Goddamn, Mr Diaz about to feed that inflatable monster into a woodchipper.
glad I'm not the only one who thought this.
This confused me. There's a limited number of summons in her wand? It always seemed random to me.
Is the summon home a different realm attached to the wand? What about the infinite space inside that houses the unicorn powering the wand?
speaking of powering the wand; in quest buy, she had to go to the store to buy a fresh "wand battery", but in order for such a product to be produced and distributed, there would have to be enough people buying fresh wand batteries to justify making them. This means there's enough wand owners around to keep buying them. But isn't the royal magic wand one of a kind? all powerful and all that shit? As far as we've seen, no other wand exists, so what the hell?
I'm probably thinking too deep about this shit.
Spider with a top hat.
Can I have a gif of the spider shooting the wolf?
Get Out
Don't engage me you know what happens when you do that
…A thread gets deleted.
With no survivors ?
There are survivors, but do you remember the kanker thread?
You know, I never really found any non-vanilla fetishes attractive before but now I kinda want to be inside that wand.
Star chews on her wand a lot, doesn't she?
So you would be inside her wand, and Star's wand is inside her…
Quest Buy doesn't make the slightest amount of sense, mind. Most of the things in the magical worlds don't.
Star is consistently portrayed as using only a fraction of the wand's full potential, too. Even Glossarick has no idea what's up with it, since it's technically broken in half right now. I get the idea nobody really knows very much about it and how it works.
Very convincing onomatopoeia
This will never fucking happen to me or you, and its even worse when you know someone who has that privilege.
Thank you, now I'm pissed.
Of course it's happened ro me, several times.
That's why it's so cute.
What does Star say?
Thank you but no.
Anyone got new episode links?
Just a matter of time until Janna is stealing Marco's clothes.
That's a skirt? I thought star was wearing Pants all this time.
>still no Janna filter on ff.net
Fuck this I need to satiate my autism.
Her design is awful and you should feel bad.
What now?
The same thing we do every hiatus, Pinky.
Try to take over the world!
And post Janna?
More cancerous CalArts bullshit.
She really needs panties to function in that properly.
Can't have a panty peek without panties.
Yes, ma'am.
Nice, although she's enjoying it too much for it to be a proper spanking. If she isn't sobbing and apologizing, she needs more. Half the fun is the aftercare where you hug her tightly and reassure her that it's all over and you still love her.
porn of toddler star pls
Huh. Girls wanting/enjoying a spanking is my thing, so I politely disagree.
Have you guys seen between friends?
Post all you have, how does that story end anyway?
Ahahah, that's gold.
The story has been going for what, over a month now? Two? And star has not taken off her panties yet
Oh excuse me, it's been going since FUCKING MAY
Man I lost track of time
There is none yet.
You misunderstand. There's no reason the spankee can't derive pleasure from the experience of a proper spanking as well. It's a bit like choosing to go on a really wild rollercoaster. You know you're going to be terrified while you're on it, but you still enjoy the adrenaline rush and after you get off you really want to do it again. Naturally only certain types of people enjoy rollercoasters though.
The ideal scenario would start with Star getting really shy and reluctantly saying she's been naughty and needs to be spanked. She'd know full well what she was letting herself in for, and she'd be torn between aroused anticipation and fear.
From that point on I'd treat her like she really had broken some major rule. I'd make her fetch a spanking implement, restrain her, force her to confess everything she'd done wrong, and then spank her until she gave up the last vestiges of resistance and could do nothing more than cry.
Afterwards I'd untie her, and just cuddle her tightly in my arms. It's difficult to describe the kind of emotional release I'd be aiming for, but it'd be some blend of contrition, helplessness, and total freedom. It would be a combination of the relief that the spanking was over and the comforting reassurance that she would be loved regardless of what she did.
That kind of emotional rollercoaster is what really arouses me. I think, given Star's behavior on the show, there's a slim chance she might actually enjoy it too.
I'm… I'm just posting this for no apparent reason.
Star is basically a toddler anyway. Just look at how she chews her wand like a teething baby.
Give me draw requests
Star's floating head and Princess Ponyhead doing embarassing things.
Janna getting spanked by Marco for stealing his stuff.
Janna annoys Marco by liking it.
Moon and Toffee fucking in front of a crying River
Moon Butterfly in lingerie.
Janna stealing Marco's food.
Monster Arm happy time boyfriend fun.
Star blowing stuff up with gasoline.
Moon Butterfly going through a lot of champagne.
Thank you! Star looks so innocent burning stuff.
I intentionally did that.
Champagne enemas were my first thought.
Janna looks like a pirate there, something about that dramatic pose.
She's running.
Maybe some speed lines would help.
Here are your speed lines.
Why scrap that idea?
Janna slipping up and calling Marco "Daddy"
Janna is going crosseyed enjoying that Marco arm there.
I was kinda suggesting Moon Butterfly taking lots of champagne enemas, actually.
Thank you, that helps.
Requesting first class tickets aboard the Ragetrain. Thanks for ruining my night; asshole.
I agree. Fuck that guy.
But did something happen along the way?
Also, you're welcome.
Maybe a tipsy Moon Butterfly tries to do magic and rainbows and butterflies come out of her butt.
No, no, I'm talking about why the enema part of the post wasn't there.
And now she did user
they said Quest Buy stocks every conceivable item in the universe or some shit
they said Quest Buy stocks every conceivable item in the universe or some shit
This comic not implying Star a virgin is it? I find the idea of Cat noir being a virgin more believable
I'm sure everyone missed them
Just thinking how awkward it would be for Star to see a blow up doll of herself at Quest Buy, and what her reaction would be.
Does he say that in the show? If so give him a fedora.
I give up.
What is this?
That's a screenshot from quest buy rush.
Also, the joke is is that there's a 420 on there.
Eat nachos until your socks fall off.
Call it a tame fetish, but i love casual sexuality like that. Like the characters know and trust each other enough to be sexual in front of each other without acting like lusty beasts.
Also, they are probably watching porn together.
It would be more fun if they were watching Little House on the Prairie and Star was getting off on it.
Even more funny if star is getting off on a video brinquedo DVD.
Predictions for into the wand?
Sneak peek.
Now we can contain our hype for at least 24 hours and 17 minutes.
Well that's just a guess tho.
It would be a twist if Star's wand was contaminated by say, Janna messing with it instead of the obvious bad guy evil stuff.
Are they doing a twin or a doppelganger episode with Pizza Thing?
I see Two Red Riding Hoods, where is the wolf?
Pizza Thing
Why isn't there 34 of this yet?
Ever notice how it's always and only the worst properties whose fans insist on permanent general threads?
This is the plot of naysaya, not pizza thing.
Marco seems like an honest, straight up guy.
Why does he need a spare head to say embarrassing things?
I saw this on tv the other day for the first time other than just reading fap threads about it on Holla Forums and good god do the voices suck and not even fit the characters.
Well, here's my theory on the ep:
Remember monster arm, well, in this episode, i think monster arm will come back in head form and take over Marco's body. There is some evidence that monster arm may come back, you know. "But what about the secrets?" You may ask. Well, maybe monster arm will forcefully pull secrets out of Marco to torture him somehow. Or maybe this just won't be the case, I dunno.
I like that idea of the monster arm coming back as a head.
Star has a conflicted feeling that's contaminated the wand.
I was not referring to hentai and I never was.
Yep, you're doing it perfectly.
OH boiiii into the wand is tommorow
You hype?
And I'm going to watch this on the Disney xd app for the very first time
So wish me luck
So I just watched the episode, and it was very, uh, surprising. Apparently there's this room in the mewni castle called the grandma room that star hasn't been in "since she was a baby."
And there are many grandmas in there who were wand wielders. And there were lots of routes they took, so it's hard to say what route star will take out of those past wand wielders. Maybe she'll be a perfect queen like Lord Celsius the shy? Or maybe she'll become a rouge fighter like Lord Solaris? Or maybe she'll just comepletely rebel from being a queen like Lord Eclipsa of Darkness. Plus, more of toffee's backstory was revealed. Apparently he was a warrior in some kind of war in mewni, and Moon banished him with her strongest spell, which was the thing that cut his finger off. And glossaryck shows up in all the pictures for some reason. He was being confusing before it was cool. But the ep was still pretty good.
I got all the names wrong except for one, oops.
Ok, s'more discussion. Glossaryck says in the episode that "He's been too short to ride, but he's been on them all." Jesus, glossaryck, can you get any more confusing? Ok, calm down, me. Maybe you can crack his code. Ok, so glossaryck was in all the paintings, right? Maybe he's really important. I think he's some kind of advisor to the wielders of the wand over the years. He helps them do things, and when they don't need him anymore, he stands by, literally, waiting for the next wand wielder. And those weird, flashing images. What do they mean? Well, maybe when star got toffee's finger, the finger will probably start growing into another toffee, which would make things way worse for star and friends. And that image of Lord Eclipsa May mean something way deeper. Maybe After Eclipsa ran away, she became part of the monster's side. She did get married to one, after all. Maybe she maneuvered toffee to do all of his plans and helped him with them. And this is a pretty far fetched guess, but maybe she's still in hiding! All of this Toffee and Lord Eclipsa crap will probably be part of season 2's finale.
Posters for next eps. For the first one, I guess that the girl looks like it could be Tom's sister or something. And for the second one, the implications in the poster give a little boost for my theory on the episode where monster arm takes over marco's body.
And here's the promo. That spade seems pretty lore-y. And is there going to be some kind of subplot where glossaryck goes on some kind of adventure? Oh, And those star eyes. They're just ripping off Steven universe now.
Sneak peek
She'd probably buy one, if only to make 'beside myself!' jokes for years.
Lord Celsius is basically mewman Fluttershy.
Eclipsa's beau there looks like the same kind of demon as Tom…
They seem to be going full hog with the Butterflies having all kinds of dark secrets.
I'm thinking a life like Star doll would make a good decoy or distraction.
Uh, it's celena, user.
About to watch the episode
Just watched the episode. I'm pretty sure the one causing the leaking of magic is toffee, and that naysaya episode was like a family guy episode.
Still, it gave some development to Marco/Jackie relationship.
Eh, I think sleepover did that better.
Anyone got a MEGA folder link?
Which reminds me that I'll need to watch that episode.
Ok, I guess you could download the Disney xd app and watch it on there. But, be warned. It can get scary at time.
Promo for Bon Bon.
This is going to get WAY deeper than just a clown seance.
Also, this is going to be a "winter finale," which probably means that there's going to be another hiatus. Oh boy.
And I just realized this, but Janna really likes scary, spooky, and creepy things. So why is she crushing on John Keats instead of Edgar Allan Poe?
where are the downloads for episode 13?
Because Janna lied. She wants to marry Marco
Marco can be "scary, spooky, and creepy" with a little push
You had to make me mad, didn't you, user?
I've come so close but never close enough.
Nah. This was never the case. Star was the liar in sleepover, not Janna.
Poster for next ep. Looks real sad.
And that green glow can only mean one thing: trouble.
*no thumbie bumpies plays*
Ah, God, I forgot.
I need some info on her.
But one can have more than one crush.
Let's just call her "Altaria, god of all demon magic" for now. or just Altaria for short.
Yeah whatever. I guess John Keats and Marco are on equal crush levels and the cube is like "fuck it, star is the liar."
I like that name, nice one user. Now all we need is a good drawanon and then spread it on tumblr, devianart or wherever the fuck the fandom gathers.
Star's reality is variable because she can't make up her mind. That's how she broke the cube.
Janna always lies. The first thing she says is, "Wanna see a dead possum?"
Yes. Pretty sure Jackie has more than one crush.
There was more than one liar.
fuck off
There's only one way to out this guy.
We can do better.
Cal Arts from Japan!
i saved ur drawing
Take this cancer back to cuckchan.
So, we get to see Star's jealous side?
those queenly hips are…lacking
So, nobody's got a MEGA link for the rest of the series, then?
I'm still on S02E06
This is also future Star Butterfly, Mama Moon has strong genes.
I guess.
I'll just leave this here then
Hello Nefcy
how are you doing ?
Please stop using the professional connection for personal uses or just use tor I won't get trouble if someone reads the logs.
insert pun about "shipping and handling" here
Uh, that comic was by moringmark.
its not like they're going to pull a love triangle thing or something
To be honest it'd be refreshingly original for them to NOT hook up in the end. That kinda thing fuels a few too many Nice Guy fantasies.
Bout to watch it
Well, damn… Ludo just took star's book… and that's trouble. Looks like the next portion of this season will get real deep.
By all the powers of faggotry that flows through my veins.
I, Anonymous Grant your wish!
Welp that wasn't predicted at all.
Star vs the cuckening
Dream dream dream dream dreeeeaaaam
Got some FLCL vibes
Still waiting for Janna to slip up and call Marco "Daddy"
Still waiting for Janna to steel Marcos semen and see Janco in this
I'm gonna need a whole new folder.
Janna is the sneaky type.
…That doesn't happen.
This is just an au made by moringmark.
Yeah, starfan13 said that star was her crush, but I think that she's secretly aiming for Marco.
Speaking of starfan13, anybody want to go to the Facebook live chat?
Do you think Princess Ponyhead was lying too when she confessed having a crush on herself?
I don't have that much time or that much to say, sorry.
Yeah. She was aiming for the earth turd.
I am heartbroken
So much salt from trumblrites
Star is an overbearing cunt who is going to die surrounded by cats.
Deal with it, tumblr.
Yeah, you know how SVTFOE is with subverting tropes.
Is there even a MEGA folder?
Am I lying to myself by believing there is one?
For the love of god I'm so far behind
The only way this show would be acceptable is if the genders were reversed.
smdh Disney you had one job
as much as i didnt want this to happen i am still satisfied when it did shit honestly it made me realize how needy and cunty she can be
[spoiler] marco has a harem tho so who cares [spoiler]
shit user that stuff is recorded on my tv idk how to get it to my pc from there srry
Nice spilers there, Fernando
Wow, what a shit character design right there, they all look flat and her eye is going out of her face.
There's also a lot of satanic shit in there. Bible fearing user or not, her wand definitely has a pentagram on it (gold star encompassed by a gold circle), her design has devil horns for whatever reason, and this scene here has her doing a mock ritual and uttering a incantation… none of which seemed terribly funny.
I really can't remember if cartoons were always this blatant with social, political, and spiritual propaganda, or if these nu writers and animators are just getting more ballsy.
You know, as much as my soul has been crushed by the last episode (unrepentant Starco shipper, sorry), I do really enjoy how far Ludo has come. In the span of two seasons, he's gone from being a complete joke that only gets people to follow him because they dont know any better, and then getting kicked out of his own team entirely, to becoming a legitimate threat with powers to rival Star's, a slave army consisting of most of the population of Mewni's monsters that's legitimately afraid of his wrath, and emerging entirely victorious by the finale through getting Star's book. Granted, it took Toffee's death to spur him into this level of competence, but it certainly is refreshing.
I think this stuff was always there, they were just better at hiding it. Most likely the writers are being edgy.
Well, the spell "all-seeing eye" came from a chapter called "eclipses," which most likely has spells that came from lord eclipsa.
And, in eclipsa's painting, the beast she married looks like a demon.
So, I'm pretty sure that lord eclipsa married Satan.
Dark, eh?
It might be an in-universe thing. Star is from another dimension, and in the bible (which you'd need to believe in somewhat to see satanic shit as a thing) there were these near-humans pre-flood that were banished to other dimensions. It could be hinting that she's of nephilim origin?
Also, Star fans don't like to discuss things: I met one in a game and she just kept saying "That's just your opinion, man." Whenever I wanted to discuss the show with him. Mostly cause I said Starco is dead and the show is mediocre.
Starco is dead.
Now we wait for March next year.
Do you guys believe this is going to get the Gravity Falls treatment and we're getiing a physical spell book.
Couldn't Glossarick kick Ludo's ass in 5 seconds?
Then again is a very important chance to look at the other half of the wand.
I'm pretty sure thanks to technicalities, he's bound to serve whoever has possession of the book, so he probably wouldn't be able to directly attack him.
That being said, given how unhelpful he is by default, it's quite likely he'll do his job as poorly as possible and general be a passive aggressive ass towards Ludo. I actually look forward to seeing how it goes.
Nah, he's too lazy.
Ludo could easily take him over.
Wait, March?
Oh god, please tell me info on the next portion of this season.
also, isnt "All-Seeing Eye" an Illuminati thing?
No, is a christian thing.
Illuminatis use owls.
lurk moar.
It is, there also may possibly be some symbolism in the crown and wings, the green glow from the eye, and the position she holds the wand in once the eye opens(third eye), but I don't have the connections there.
These groups have all sort of blended into one. I'd argue that Freemasons are the big thing now… well, again.
let me have my damn conspiracy theories ok?
though in all likelihood, the All-Seeing Eye in Star's wand is a reference to the Eye of Sauron from LOTR
The season is over, friend. New season in March, 2017
Well, they said this was only a midseason finale.
Where? I would love if the season wasn't over and no need to wait until March for new episodes.
They're trying to imitate the same cours system we see on anime.
Daron nefcy said it right on her blog, you bakas.
user, pls.
What exactly was said? Are we waiting until march for new episodes?
Well, they only said that there were no new eps in December, so I think they'll finish up this season in January.
Well yeah, it's magical stuff. Probably a lot of implication meant to be that despite their sparkly facade, the queens of Mewni aren't necessarily heroic.
I dunno why everyone has to assume there's always some silly conspiracy/subversion behind everything these days. Aside from Holla Forums encouraging the habits of paranoic schizophrenics.
wew lad
call jojo's designs gay all you want, but don't compare it to your shitty calarts fapfuel
Glossarick only need give Ludo a very dangerous spell and then get out of the blast radius.
Ludo is self defeating.
Yeah, you might upset the SJW elite that make your babies first cuckold show.
Let's be fair now, Jojo is pretty gay at times.
Ofcourse it is, but his weird italian fashion poses and the detail in which he draws them are half the fun.
Detail is a bit of a stretch. He just draws a lot of shadows and random crap on. While doing super weird impossible angles for all his drawings.
Check your eyes faggot. They're really not working properly if you still think women looking like men is a good thing.
Those shadows are largely how you should draw folds in clothing, classically trained artists usually spend years perfecting just this aspect of their skills.
To be fair, his poses usually (barring the first 2-3 parts, where he was young and inexperienced) are doable, just really uncomfortable due to his source material.
The man has an extremely weird, but very unique and high effort style.
Unlike what a lot of western animation seems to be going to, all looking the same, low effort and with that fucker that's doing Hellcat the calarts potato seems to even be infecting traditional western comics now.
I'll accept that. I'm sure he's learned a bit more to do more believable poses and angles. But sometimes he does it purposefully just because it's his style or niche, I guess.
Yeah definitely, I'm not sure if it's nips in general or just Araki but it's hard to argue it's not on purpose.
Reminds me a bit of Mike Mignola. He has a very niche style that some people can't get into. Some may even call it lazy. But it's very stylized and different. If you can accept that and enjoy the story then it's fine. With Araki, his style is so much more realistic so everything is so much weirder to look at. Were it in a more cartoony or stylized form then the ridiculous poses and designs would come off much less out there and hard to accept. Ya feel me?
I think we've hijacked this thread enough though.
Why is Star such a cunt?
She's intentionally being naughty because she subconsciously wants to get punished. Unfortunately for her, everyone in the multiverse is a fucking idiot. People just let her get away with shit rather than taking her over their knee and reducing her to a contrite, sobbing mess.
Are you this guy that was shilling on Holla Forums? Or is that image some sort of meme?
Why are you posting this image all over this board? Are you a fellow Rachposter or just a mentally ill kike?
That's basically all Ludo's been able to do with the wand so far and he's made it work.
She's a literal princess with massive magical power (and not insignificant physical power). Absolutely no one is really able to willing to reign her in effectively given her father thinks her rampaging is rad and her mother can only threaten to ship her off to brainwashing school.
Kids are cunts
Because the show pushes a "Fuck Authority your a super special snowflake even if your a reckless irresponsible bitch!" angle.
It's subversive to burn all the triangles.
The whole reason she's in earth is because of how reckless she was.
In fact, her recklessness in season 1 caused all the shit that's happening in season 2.
In Season 2 she's way more controlled than before but not to the point the character has been derailed for hurried and badly paced character development, and most of her wrongdoings now don't come from a desire to disrupt authority lke season 1 but from emotional needs.
Does this belong in Cringe?
This series teaches it's main lessons with the example, they won't spoonfeed you by telling that the lesson is being learned and they're fucking shit up less and less.
Star could probably help Marco with that.
Remember: it's not technically trans if it's magic.
Eh, Il be frank in that I mostly only saw season 1 (And as such It should be fair for me to judge a show), so maybe it's very different in season 2.
But the whole "House for Troubled princess is EVIL because we actually care about following etiquette instead of "Your Individuality""
Sweetheart, your a literal privileged class. There are some requirements that go with it. I frankly don't give a shit how "EVIL" it was framed when this sort of etiquette was a absolute requirement to broker peace and create kingdom stability.
Is not like being a princess is a job, and as it was shown in season 2 there all kinds of queens, barbaric queens, etiquette queens, tyrants…
So etiquette is not obligatory, Star was going to be send there due to her dangerous recklessness, in contrast pony head is not as capable of destruction as Star is and her father was sending her there because she was a nuisance to him.
I agree that freeing all and every princess without considering why were they there is dangerous but to avoid hypocrisy pretentious libertarian here the methods applied to their learning go down with shit like MKUltra. Even king Pony Head admits is more like a jail than a reformatory.
And Queen Butterfly does send Star off to the most boring dimension she can think of as an alternative to hellschool brainwashing, she's clearly not being flippant about it.
Star has in general chilled the fuck out since Season 1, I think dealing with Toffee taught her that not all bad guys are incompetent boobs she can steamroll with overwhelming force. She's been on better terms with her mother, acted slightly more responsible and been smarter about using her magic, for the most part.
I think they've been using Janna more basically as a replacement of season 1 Star, being rebellious, whimsical and irresponsible for the hell of it.
Especially when Toffe barely had to use any actual force against her.
I was telling to a friend who asked me which had a better story if Gravity Falls or Star vs. And I told him that what really matters is that Star has better storytelling.
Like Toffee being a competent antagonist by having a personal motivation against Mewni, or the royal family at the least compared to Ludo's incompetence and weak motivation.
Now that Ludo has a personal hatred towards Star he has become a more competent bad guy.
Ludo makes a lot of sense as a foil to Star, they share a lot of their bad traits- self-absorption, poor attention span, ego and the belief they can just do whatever the fuck they want and are entitled to have everyone go along with it. Both of them learned the hard way they need to actually earn trust and the right to do what they want, and figure out what they actually want out of life beyond their latest whim.
Right its a title. So you can't just dump it on somebody else like so much millennial garbage.
And so Star Plans on being a shitty queen?
I'm actually a Libertarian as well, and It gets all complicated in realities where royalty matters in whatever sense, but culture is like 99.99999999% responsible for keeping freedom. And so personal responsibility is important. Which I didn't get a sense of star learning.
But eh, I guess I get such a sense of "Lolrandumb!" Combined with "DEEP LORING" from the show (Deep loring is what I call lore or small moments that act all deep and mighty when 99% of the show is utter garbage making them worthless/ Appealing to very easily seen emotional cues), so maybe thats impacting my perception of the show.
Just go watch the second season first man.
Especially now that you can just binge watch it.
When their is no medical diagnosis that their is a genetic disorders then being "Trans" is a mental disorder (or just a fetish, in that case don't shove it in other peoples throat).
It's has simple has that.
this nigga gets it ^^
It's "there",user. Improve your English, otherwise you'll be mocked precisely for these little slip-ups.
Please no.
Don't bring that overused meme up.
we need more porn of marco in that dress.
and by we I mean my dick
Tell that to crap like MLP
Everyone does, user.