We need to be proud of what our german brethren did. Our aryan ancestors are rolling in their graves at the sight of Holla Forums denying their greatest accomplishment. For shame.
This site is filled with holocaust shamers
this tbh. If you deny the holocaust then you don't want the jews dead
This, we need to be proud of the extermination of that many jews, even if it was fake, we can still relish the idea
fuck the jews. we'd be called antisemites whether we denied or didn't. we need a real holocaust
lol all of this has been dismantled and debunked on Holla Forums i remember the thread. i remember it so vividly because the user got banned after non of you had any arguments. you people are so full of shit.
Adolf Eichman tapes from when he was in Argentina (see: architect for holocaust)
OSS/MI6 records of concentration camps which they didn't act on for quite some time
there is mountains of evidence
when you guys argue that the Jews had incentive to try and make the holocaust look as bad as possible, you have to also realize that in every genocide that's ever happened the perpetrator has an equal interest in destroying all records that tie them to it to prevent prosecution from international bodies down the road
are you retarded? where did you get the notion i'm going to debate you? shove your (((mountain of evidence))) where the sun don't shine.
must be nice never having to be challenged outside of your echo chamber hugbox
it'd be really fun to actually talk to people like you IRL
actually yes, it would be a nice laugh to see you sperg out about stuff out of the blue.
Based on the last 6 posts, it looks like you'd be the one who spergs out.
something tells me you used the same keyboard to type these :DD
>>>Holla Forums
Holla Forums is at least consistent in its views
LARPing as nazi's when the majority of 8/pol/ users who have been in public as shitskins is pretty pathetic
Your shilling techniques are genuinely shit, Holla Forums is trash just like leftypol is. You aren't even going to bother Holla Forums with your shill threads about National Socialism anyway, they are mostly reddit tier kosher nationalists now.
At least put some effort into your bait/shilling.
well let's see: i tell you about a thread that left you all speechless on your own board, then you fucking sperg out about adolf eichman. gosh, how much inbreeding in required to produce this much retardation? just fuck off man.
the point was, the percentage of 8/pol/ users who have shown their faces in public
learn 2 statistics
basically my stance is we will likely never know the full truth of what happened but it's probably kikes being kikes and lying/exaggerating greatly, and if did actually happen then good and it needs to happen again.
This shit cracks me up every time.
do you really think the average working class jewish person deserves to be executed?
you realize it's a small percentage of jews who influence the world, and their is a historical basis for why they got there (a lot of it being the fault of the goyim).
you can come up with a better way to overthrow their power and dismantle their position of control without having to kill all jews, you know
If you are so interested in statistics why don't we discuss racial crime statistics? Also your point remains invalid because you don't actually have any solid statistics, it's all baseless assumption. Although with the kosher slant Holla Forums has taken it wouldn't surprise me if there were a few non white mod's.
They function as a community and are the most ethnocentric people around, they may not all personally act against the interests of Europeans but they do act as a community. They cover for each other and create a climate where Jewish behaviour is acceptable.
If you want to see how the "average" jew would behave without any restrictions being impose on him just take a look at isreal. They would treat Europeans the same way of given the opportunity.
when did i say i deny the holocaust? where did i interject my opinion about the holocaust? please, show me, since you're so fucking smart and i'm just a retarded 11yo
Just to clarify they don't need to be executed, they just need to be completely separated from European societies (genetically European, I include the colonies in this.)
Forgot muh video.
They did something incredibly stupid that sapped manpower and resources, disgusted a large contingent of their officer corps leading to insubordination and mutiny, ensured they'd appear as thoroughly evil and indefensible as possible in defeat and the subsequent Nuremberg trials, and left the populace they supposedly loved and championed so much to bear the shame and pick up the pieces.
They could have deported the Jews and other undesirables to some ass-backwards African colony then relinquished it and kept Europe, a FAR greater prize.
They could have done any of a hundred things that would have appeared far more geopolitically reasonable and still achieved their desired ends.
But nope, Hitler had to be an all-or-nothing malignant narcissist and psychopath who in his hubris ceased the advance at Dunkirk, split his forces to break the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and fight a war on two fronts and attempted genocide cos MUH MASTER RACE.
class trumps race always
Reveal black crime statistics, and then the percentage of them that live in project housing.
And I'll show you studies detailing crime rates in white areas living in poverty dealing with painkiller/meth epidemic
it's not black/white
it's class
Sure thing buddy, now explain why poor blacks commit more crimes than poor whites.
they don't
and for further reading (although this is not strictly something regarding those in poverty - it deals with the concept of racial disparities on the whole in a more broad scope):
so poor kangz commit less violent crimes than poor crackers. that's not really proofs to your claim, which is
crime isn't the same as violent crime. do you actually have a sauce or are you nitpicking and wasting my time?
You are arguing with a communist faggot, of course he is nitpicking. Not only will he nitpick, he'll intentionally misrepresent information in a vain attempt to win the argument.
If you really care just counter his points. It's observers that you need to win over, not cuckolds.
Are you guys just trying to make yourselves look retarded at this point?
Yes, yes we are
Holla Forums. there are no observers. there's only (4cuck file newfag niggerfaggots) and rightfully so.
The second link explains the problems with ethnic analysis, too bad you're illiterate.
watching you retards flail about when presented with so much as an opposing opinion is always entertaining.
it's always the Holla Forums faggots who are so indoctrinated by their hivemind that they won't even do something like entertain a difference in opinion.
it's impressive really, all of the cognitive biases you can observe by watching how they behave
Wrong, both of you faggots have your heads so stuck up in your asses that you virtually cannot hear each other's argument.
You are the one making claims, you should be providing this information for us. Copy and paste the relevant text and I'll read it.
You respond to facts with ad hominem arguments that Are there to discredit what I presented without having to address it. This you lose the argument. You are clearly a uninformed tryhard
It's sing-a-long time, boys and girls, here on Holla Forums… here's one you must know… it's ur Holla Forums anthem…
Baah Baah, Black Shirts, have you any Jews?
Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Three trains' full!
Ones' a disaster,
Ones' full of slaves,
And ones' for "Resettlement",
They'll be gassed today.
It's good to see David Cross getting consistent work.
wtf i believe the holocaust happened now
I don't care about the reading, it's the download that is the issue. It would take you five minutes (if that) to copy and paste the relevant information and prove that you are correct. Do it faggot.
If you insist on somebody reading (what I assume) is a wall of text every time you want to prove your points you aren't going to convince many people.
This thread again? Damn, that was fast. I guess this is the new shilling tactic. Let me rehash.
What you are promoting is kosher nationalism, and it suits very nicely ZOG's agenda of global domination. Since the true National Socialists struck fear into their rotten hearts, they want to make damn sure it never happens again. So they perpetuate the myth of the holocaust and a veritable religion of guilt surrounding it. This coincides with flooding the world with this notion that only backwards, bigoted and mean-spirited buffoons subscribe to the axioms of true National Socialism.
In reality, the NSDAP were good people; maybe the last of their kind. Ukrainian women gifted them with flowers when they were liberated from Communism. Regiments of Cossacks fought side by side with the army of Third Reich in an attempt to overthrow the murderous red regime. Nearly one million brave Russians allied themselves with the German army during Operation Barbarossa. What you are pushing is the Jewish Hollywood version of the story, the lie that just keeps on giving.
Show me one Jew that is not at least very high upper middle class. The 'poorest' Jew I ever met lived in a small mansion in the foothills outside of the city.
im proud of all this anti/pol/ posting. crossboarders where getting so shit.