Have fun being uncomfy faggots with bad digestion.
Milk straight from tit > stove heated milk > microwaved milk > cold pleb milk
Have fun being uncomfy faggots with bad digestion.
Milk straight from tit > stove heated milk > microwaved milk > cold pleb milk
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You're scum.
Milk gives me the shits
I would like to suck the milk out of a cows nipples tbh.
So u like ur cereal to literaly taste like ass, do anything u do not involve liking to suck ass?
If I wanted warm cereal, I'd eat oatmeal instead of half assing it like a faggot.
i know this isnt the norm but i sip a bit of my own urine before bed. soothes my throat
i just dont like doing it if i know people will talk to me in the morning directly after i wake up since it makes my mouth smell horrible in the morning
Have fun being a man baby. Boohoo baby wants its milk.
Its time to wean, faggot.
You know that the calcium thing is a meme right? You can get twice the amount of calcium milk offers by eating a handful of almonds. Plus milk is so full of sugar (sugar rots your bones btw) that you could honestly switch it with your MountainDew and have the same nutritional value. Milk is intended to nurture infants, not adults.
Anyone who drinks milk past the age of 12 should be shot.
It's okay user. I sip a bit of my own cum sometimes before bed. Make my throat feel a little gummy, but moisturizes it well.
well urine is sterile
plus, i have always wondered what my cum tastes like but never actually did it. Could never bring myself to sink that low
thats why i know im not and could never be gay
oh shit we got an actual M.D. in here
sugar makes your dickhole fly off. Joe Rogan said so
Not one of these contains a single shred of evidence that "sugar rots your bones". Try actually reading the shit you googled and you might not sound like a complete idiot in the future.
I stopped drinking milk around the time I became an adult. I still keep a half gallon around for making scrambled eggs and other cooking though.
Each one of the articles contains evidence that sugar rots your bones. Would you mind actually reading them before posting any more reaction pics?
Quote because you're apparently a braindead memechild:
"Aside from calcium depletion, refined sugar also strips the body’s stores of magnesium, which seriously impacts bone health. You see, magnesium is needed for bone-remineralization, the process by which bones are restored of lost minerals. Without magnesium, the body cannot:
Adequately absorb calcium
Stimulate calcitonin, a hormone that draws calcium from the blood and tissues back into the bones
Suppress parathyroid, another hormone that breaks down bone
Convert vitamin D into its active form for calcium absorption
Activate an enzyme required for new bone to form
Regulate calcium transport"
What's funny is most people have an amazing source of calcium with no nutritional drawbacks and almost always just throw it away. I'm talking about eggshells.
Yeah like that Holla Forums volunteer who shoved an egg up his ass and then ate some of the shell
I seem to have forgotten how to read. Can you point out where exactly do you see the statement that sugar makes bones rot? I'll help, it's not there you illiterate mongoloid.
I'm not saying sugar doesn't have detrimental effects on the body, including bones. I'm saying the statement "sugar makes your bones rot btw" that you made is complete horseshit, accept it and move on.
I'm not sure who you are trying to delude, me or yourself?
It must suck having to stupify yourself to avoid having your milktard delusion shattered.
I've had enough of talking to retards today.
Did you run out of meme pics already?
Nigger, are you retarded?
here are your (you)s
Shitskins detected.
Back to Africa with the lot of you.
my man!
You shoulnd't drink milk if you're an adult man that values his health tbh