What does Holla Forums think of Salad fingers?
What does Holla Forums think of Salad fingers?
I remember watching the original shorts and thinking they were some weird shorts that were interesting.
I thought the shorts were just weird for the sake of it. I think MatPat has once again read too much into this series.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Muhammad the prophet of Allah, please don't tell me that they turned it into an actual cartoon.
there's ten episodes of it apparently. I only remember seeing the first one.
I digress, it was really spooky.
That's literally what it is. The guy said it iirc. He or his friend was called 'salad fingers' and he made something weird out of it.
Why did they bother making a video? The shorts came out long ago and the most accepted theories have already been made.
I ain't watching your shitty clickbait Matt.
Somebody make a webm.
Shill your garbage elsewhere.
Why exactly is Matt Patt shit?
Salad Fingers is the Firth stuff for casuals.
Toast Boy, Sock, Dog of Men, that's where the shit is at. Roof Tiling and Berries really disturbed me as a kid.
Because he's a hack with some expertise in psychology from what I heard.
So he's just like every other e-celeb, except with some knowledge of pseudoscience.
tsk tsk, user
This guy gets it.
would you consider wisecrack to be hacks with their philosophy videos?
Don't… Sonic Boom me… Burnt… Face…Man.
I don't know who or what that is, so yes?
well he did admit to having a worthless liberal arts degree in his south park video so yes I guess.
I'm so sick of that guy
One of the few things out there that is actually Macabre and not edgy angsty shit. Maybe it has something to do with it being grandfathered in from the Golden Age of Flash Cartoons.