Sensitive Joss Whedon's new capeshit

Men will be BTFO

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I'm just wondering how empowered Batgirl will be. Will her outfit let her prolapsed rectum hang out, or will it keep it hidden? How many negroes will she take as lovers?


Here's hoping the brigade who ran him off twitter after Avengers 2 keep savaging him. Maybe we'll get a decent movie out of all this, but seeing these jackasses eat each other brings me far more joy.

Marvelcucks on suicide watch

oh Joss Whedon

Sensible Joss Whedon…

Hopefully they will drive him to suicide this time.

Didn't he make some really cryptic tweet (like school shooter level shit) and disappear or something?

is that even possible for capeshit?

And then he came back saying he was making a batgirl movie. Sounds about right.