According to George Orwell, there's a French proverb that states, "Trust a snake before a Jew and a Jew before a Greek, but don't trust an Armenian."
Could nature have bequeathed a fouler, treacherous, unscrupulous, scheming race than fucking Armenians? They rival Gypsies in their scheming, conniving nature.
Armenians controlled the economy of the ottoman empire.
the kikes orchestrated a campaign to convince the muslims to slaughter them all so that the kikes could control economy of the ottoman empire.
never trust a kike.
they tried to exterminate an entire people for fucking money…. MONEY!!!!!
Nathan Perez
Hi Cenk
Jordan Rogers
Trump should bomb Armenia
Liam Green
typical turkroach
Brayden Sanders
2/10 would not bang
Luke Edwards
Are you fucking retarded?
Landon Hughes
He should bomb Turkey while he's at it.
Jonathan Barnes
Obviously, Jews are far worse. Unless you're a turkroach. Is that you Kikefy? Tbhq tho if the Kasparian bitch is Armenian that is supremely ironic, as The Young Turks are named after a group that perpetrated the Armenian genocide.
Baah Baah, Black Shirts, have you any Jews? Yes, sir! Yes, sir! Three trains' full! Ones' a disaster, Ones' full of slaves, And ones' for "Resettlement", They'll be gassed today.