Mummy said I don't get my allowance until I made 20 posts on Holla Forums
Mummy said I don't get my allowance until I made 20 posts on Holla Forums
I thought you were my mummy
Reported for Caster. Have fun in cyber jail.
why is she so perfect?
What are these called. Not the caster but the anime pics in this format.
I could be…
Thank you
Is your mom hot? Show pics.
You people should be gassed.
Guys what should I jack off to? No homo stuff pls
pic related.
I dunno man, that seems pretty homo.
But it totally is
does that make my boyfriend gay, then?
fuck off
hey, you're the one posting sweaty, half naked men. i'm into femininity.
I'm not a gay expert or anything but wouldn't the dicks make them gay?
slightly gayer than really feminine females, but still straighter than masculine ones. because, simply put, only one part of them is gay - the dick.
I guess. I get really upset at traps though, they're cute and all but I can't maintain an erection with them because they have wieners flopping about. There's so many good trap doujins too.
they're certainly not for everyone. but i've always been fond of them.
there's good doujins of everything, honestly.
You're allowed to be straight and not like trap porn, user.
And you can think things are cute without wanting to put your dick in them. Like with children or animals.
both these guys are ugly as fuck and have worse personalities than women.
yes, seriously, it's that bad.