Most Toughbooks have WWAN cards in them, my CF-19 included, should I be worried for botnet faggotry? Because if so, thank fuck I just ordered a mPCIe to USB adapter card.
Justy 4WD pic unrelated.
Most Toughbooks have WWAN cards in them, my CF-19 included, should I be worried for botnet faggotry? Because if so, thank fuck I just ordered a mPCIe to USB adapter card.
Justy 4WD pic unrelated.
Other urls found in this thread:
all wwan cards have proprietary modem firmware, a lot of which can be updated over the air. So by definition yes.
Please quit trying so hard to fit in here, reddit.
Answer my question instead you faggot, holy shit. I know Holla Forums is cancer but still.
How is asking if something can track me cancer?
I value my privacy and I don't use WWAN either. (Panasonic has a nice little program that can disable radios from the system tray)
Holy shit something tells me NSA shills took over my thread.
So, I guess i'm fuarrrked until I recieve my mPCIe > USB thingy?
What is this, learned helplessness?
You're a meme meister and you honestly believe that the NSA is in control of the Holla Forums cancer? Please tell us more about your persecution complex.
It also turns it off in the BIOS, and rfkill says it's hardblocked if I go into Loonix.
But whatever, I already removed it because I didn't use it. I'd rather have bluetooth instead for my headset.
Question answered.
Really, just stop. There's no arguing Holla Forums is cancer and full of shills for whatever agency or religion they believe.
Good good, keep going my meme friend. We need more persecution in Holla Forums.
Can you elaborate on what you want information about instead of just spouting memes? If you're wondering about your information being collected. Cell service providers log the data about any cell phone's or cell modem's connection the their cell towers and store it for at least a year (see pic related, it's more than 6 years old so it's possible they store the data for longer now), and sell that location data to advertisers and other companies:
And one of the companies that buys the data:
If you're worried about additional attack surface and/or separate processors running proprietary code. All phones and cell modems have a baseband processor that handles connections with cell towers and run proprietary firmware. The baseband processors have DMA in basically every phone made along with any computer where they're attached to a PCIe bus and possibly the ones that attach to the PCI bus as well (I think PCI expansion cards have DMA but it's been a while since I've read about it). Over the air attacks on the baseband firmware of cell phones have been demonstrated at Defcon so it doesn't take a state actor to find one.
If you're worried about either or both of the above, your best bet is to simply remove the WWAN card. You should also consider ditching your cell phone.
I don't use my WWAN card because I have no reason to (I don't work on the road and neither do I have the $$$$ per month for mobile internet) so that's why. Saves me some battery life too, disabling it.
And the fact that I don't have BT anymore in my 19 after upgrading the WLAN card made me think about replacing it with what I said earlier.
That said, I already removed it. Toughbooks have "dead" headers on the WWAN daughterboard for Federal models that can not have any wireless whatsoever, something with confidental info I guess.
Ditching my phone isn't something I plan on doing, considering I don't live in a 3rd world shithole like the USA. and that I own a freedom = #1 phone aka the Nokia N900
"Botnet" is only used by memeslinging faggots. 99% of the time the word is used wrong.
Yeah? What word should I use for faggotry like Intel's vPro/AMT or the subject in the OP?
Also check my trips because why not.
fyi this user is a redditor and a cp posting diaper fetish faggot.
Spyware, if anything.
Are you sure that your phone company isn't doing the same?
Co-processors running proprietary blobs? Just coming out and directly asking if they are anything like Intel's ME? Most posters use the term "botnet" to describe software and services that collect data on you and not things like Intel's ME.
Don't forget the rise of "Stingrays" and fake towers. Local police, state police, and alphabet soup agencies are all known to use them, and they can fake GSM, CDMA, UMTS, and LTE towers.
The last thing you want is for your Toughbook to connect to a fake cell tower.
Just remove the WWAN card. If you really want mobile internet, buy a USB WWAN adapter or a phone with tethering and a removable battery instead and use that.
Then what? Saying that I have nothing to hide is dumb and I agree, but a phone is a must for someone that rides like a absolute maniac on his bikes
Or that I really like night biking. I'd hate to go out at night and not have a phone at hand in case of emergency.
Something I learnt from the ye olde days (aka 2014) on Holla Forums is that vPro and everything related to it = botnet, but I could be wrong.
Which I did as I already said. Still waiting on my mPCIe > USB adapter card so I finally can use my headset again. Got my BT stick already in the mail and it's working fine outside of the 19.
You're an idiot. If you can't handle the thought of being tracked at night, then don't put yourself in a situation where you demand to be tracked! Stop going for a drive at night and drive safely you moron.
God, you Holla Forumstards are so paranoid.
You can be too redpilled, you know. If you blindly believe everything boards like Holla Forums or /x/ say you're the ones that are idiots.
Not only that, i'd rather have a phone so I can dial home in case I flat during a ride. or that I end up An Heroing myself on my bike some day
If you just want a phone for emergencies then you could always just load minimal amounts of prepaid minutes on it and leave it off whenever there isn't an emergency. That's what I do and it costs me about $2.50 a month.
typical goy logic
Which is exactly what I have been doing the last 8 years: top up every 3-4 months with 10$ worth of credit. Hell, I don't even call that much.
I would love to see your reaction when you broke both legs in a desolate place with no means of getting help. There's plenty of faggots that will ride away after a accident.