What's Holla Forums's stance on Zionism?
Literally fascism.
Also, if you support a two-state "solution" or use the term "Israeli" YOU ARE A ZIONIST BY DEFAULT.
gee, i wonder.
Literally a pity party consisting of angsty self-hating Jews and Palestinian national bourgeoisie.
So what does "anti-zionism" really amount to? A one-state solution? A re-Arabization of Israel's population, especially Mizrahi Jews? A Mugabe-tier land reform? A pan Arab state? Islamic socialism? What?
Israel is the best middle-eastern country to live in, even as a muslim.
Don't forget that alltho faggots like sargon spam the term "regressive left", it was coined by maajid nawaz to refer to leftists who are willing to support any "anti-imperialist" regime or group regardless of how reactionary and regressive they actually are. That's all that anti-zionism is (when not used by stormniggers)
Sorry to be the one to tell you but you are the memes.
So, "regressive left" are basically tankies.
I don't know. I thought tankie was just a buzzword to be spammed in the sargon fashion.