
What's Holla Forums's stance on Zionism?

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Literally fascism.

Also, if you support a two-state "solution" or use the term "Israeli" YOU ARE A ZIONIST BY DEFAULT.

gee, i wonder.


Literally a pity party consisting of angsty self-hating Jews and Palestinian national bourgeoisie.

So what does "anti-zionism" really amount to? A one-state solution? A re-Arabization of Israel's population, especially Mizrahi Jews? A Mugabe-tier land reform? A pan Arab state? Islamic socialism? What?

Israel is the best middle-eastern country to live in, even as a muslim.
Don't forget that alltho faggots like sargon spam the term "regressive left", it was coined by maajid nawaz to refer to leftists who are willing to support any "anti-imperialist" regime or group regardless of how reactionary and regressive they actually are. That's all that anti-zionism is (when not used by stormniggers)

Sorry to be the one to tell you but you are the memes.


So, "regressive left" are basically tankies.

I don't know. I thought tankie was just a buzzword to be spammed in the sargon fashion.



It created a stable modern country among the most hostile and brutal regions on Earth.

They did a lot of fucked up shit to the brits during the occupation, and later the arabs but as a whole it was probably one of the better outcomes.

The early Zionists had better values than both the modern Left or modern Right.

Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.

Its nationalism and theology having a retarded baby.

Confirmed Holla Forums.

Theology isn't a bad thing.

did you know you can meet god if you drink bleach mixed with koolaid and menstrual blood?

You should try it.

I'm a libertarian socialist, but a realist.

a communist utopia is not popping out of the middle east any time soon

fixed that for you.


The go-to Zionist argument against any Jew critical of Israel.
Kill you're self

A Communist Utopia cannot "pop out" in one place. It's a planetary thing. (Inteplanetary too).

Can you now explain, why Israel isn't just a tool for 'Murica to have control over the oil in the middle east?
And why Zionism isn't just another form of Fascism/Nationalism?



Israel is living on borrowed time, increasingly the alt right becomes more prominent in the rightwing and they hate the jew.

On the left they call out the jew for their colonialism and persecution of the Palestinein.

The corporate media that kept chanting ISRAEL IS OUR GREATEST ALLY is increasingly irrelevant in the internet age.

The more time goes on the more the evaglical baby boomer base that supports israel will die.

The jewish left flooded europe with muslims who also hate israel.

I give israel a good 15 years till it collapses somehow.

You mean the same "alt-right" that is sucking Donald "I support Israel 1000%" Trump's dick at the moment?

But we have to expand and spread it to the aliens!

Donald is a madman who changes his views every 10 seconds.
Also he said he would be neutral on Israel.
The rise of trump means the rise of nationalism, this replaces the dying evangelicals and gives the GOP a new base to play with.
Religion is taking a back seat, its why faggots like milo have become so prominent and trump doesnt care about trannies

You're forgetting one of the most growing and dangerous groups to the human race: Lolberts, they'll defend Israel to the death once their support is needed, as the last bastion against homophobia, soggy knee and atheistophobia in the middle east, also as "a democracy willing to defend muh free market"
Israel has been receiving lots of Europe's kike bankers due to refugee threats and I expect them to take a central place in future economic affairs.

Daily reminder that Satan Nazi literally believes in Posadism.

Among leftists, zionism is a spook.

The only time most people care about dead Arabs in the middle east is when they get to blame it on The Evil Jew. Fuck that.

Yeah, sort of.

Arabs and Jews need to throw off the spook of religion and nationalism and fight the real enemy.


You just full pollyp

If you keep up with your jew news, currently in israel the government is being taken over by people so far right even a guy who called Palestinians cancer thinks they are fascists.
They are also taking over the military of Israel, i imagine once they take over the government and military, they will take over other realms like entertainment and the mossad and stuff like that.
Netanyahu is kind of like a Franz von Papen character who thinks he will reign them in until they conduct the night of the long bagels and Israel takes off its mask of pretending to care about human rights and goes full zionazi.

I just see no positive outcomes for israel at all

/thread (provided the real enemy is global capitalism)

No, it's the Belgians.

Of course it's global capitalism! Where do you think we are, Holla Forums?

420chan regular just acquainting myself with Holla Forums. thank heavens if that's the page most are on here.

The worse part is that they have nukes.

Lolbertarian aynclaps like le Isreal? Thats odd. I also heard they cuddle up with alt rightists too.

Then again, there are Socialists drenched in idpol.

They got leffties in 420?

used to have a ton. a lot of anarchosocialists and left-leaning libertarians. been disappearing steadily though.

What happened?

have a feeling a lot of people filtered in from Holla Forums 4chan during outages over the past year or two, but can't be sure.

So pics related kinda sorta?

absolutely. i remember that drama from a few years back.

Self-hating Jew =/= Jew critical of Israel

I'm talking about the Jews who specifically feel ashamed to be Jewish because of what Israel does, similar to how Maoist Third Worldists demand white people apologize for being white.

An impossibility.

Unlike in apartheid South Africa or Rhodesia, whose colonizer populations were never more than 20%, a one-state of Palestine would have a population that's roughly 50% "colonizers" and 50% "colonized". A land reform akin to Mugabe's would be impossible for that very reason.

Jews aren't going to just "give up" on the Zionist project, especially when Judaism has always valued the Land of Israel (not the state, the land) and given that these people have control of it now, they certainly aren't going to just hand it over without a fight.

Not to mention, the Jewish religion is entirely past-centric. Jews would rather fight for the memories of their ancestors than a future of peace with the Palestinians. This isn't an "idealist" critique either, given as to how the vast majority of Jewish rituals and holidays are entirely focused on remembrance, so Jews are conditioned into such a way of thinking since birth.

You know most Mizrahim in Israel tend to be heavily right-wing, no? Yes, they faced and continue in some regards to face racism by Ashkenazis, but very few of them see Zionism as a "mistake" or readily embrace pan-Arabism like many people on the Left say they should.

I can picture Israel going full on Zionist fascist theocracy jew north korea, because who is going to stop them?
Maybe europe will write and angry letter or american congressmen will send them more money lol.
But i imagine an actual genocide of palis would rub some people the wrong way and isolate them north korean style.
Then maybe the world will wake up and america will have to lead a collation into Israel to remove bagel and the nukes.

Also hitler will be redeemed historically because of jew stupidity

This. Hitler was a left-nationalist like Malcolm X and Teddy Roosevelt. He committed certain atrocities and held some reactionary views, but was ultimately a progressive figure in history.

wtf are you smoking? The only thing progressive that Hitler did was bring down Europe's colonial Empires, not because he opposed colonialism, but he decided that it was easier to make colonies out of nations in Europe and lost control of it like a retard.

His domestic economic policies were literally privatization before it was cool. Hell he probably could've got away with ruling all of Europe if he would have just kept the peace with Stalin, but he and the people who put him in power were fierce anti-communists and hence couldn't even think rationally about their supply-chains and geo-political/military strategy.