Do I still get wizard powers at 30 if I get fucked by a guy?
Do I still get wizard powers at 30 if I get fucked by a guy?
It is still technically sex so no you lose your wizard status
Yeah, it's called black tantra
You have to absorb his semen
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
You become a dark wizard and have to fight normal hetero wizards
More of that slut, faggot.
He can also look like a girl.
Who are these people?
8ree bread
is this anothre dick girl?
This. Technically not a Wizard but a Sorcerer or Warlock, depending on whether you're more frequently a top or a bottom or into traps or bears etc. You still get Wizard powers from abstaining from pussy but you also get secret "gay community" powers that are feared and hated by most Wizards. Hide your power level from Wizards because they will try to destroy you before you reach this state.