Educate me on drugs?

Loser here. I don't know SHIT about drugs. I'm 22, a kissless virgin, and have no friends so I have no hope of getting any either. Where would I begin to learn about drugs reliably? I don't want to take the super dangerous ones.

I figured you guys would know a bunch about it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off, dataminer.

hmm. Well if you guys are too paranoid to talk about it I guess I'll ask elsewhere.

How can one get ketamine?

It makes people forget they ever took it and the night before. I know a 13yo who had said she'd want to try some with me but I can't find any in my neighborhood. She is 14 now and if I don't get any soon I'm afraid she'll move away. The hardest stuff she's tried is weed. I just want to fuck her. She's my only chance at fucking a teen

Vets and people who listen to the disco biscuits are the best people to ask.

They make music sound way better. Much better

Weed is less of an issue than booze. Booze kills thousands and thousands of people every year and causes things like child and spouse abuse, assault and doing stupid stuff that gets you in jail or lose your friends.

Weed "can" make you hungry, "can" make you paranoid if you're not chill and will "likely" make you very happy and content for quite a long time (a couple of hours). If you have some problems they will melt away and if it's raining you will enjoy the rain, if it's sunny you will enjoy the sun, if it's dark you will enjoy that too. And when you are out of weed, you will say something like "I wish I had more" but you will be able to quit with 1/20th the problem of someone trying to quit tobacco.

Weed is a miracle and though I haven't been stoned for about 3 years (because of work and fam), it helped me though a shitty time in my life and it's just fucking amazing.

I have a decade-long career in drugs, recently retired. I can answer most of your questions regarding drugs and degenerate behavior. What would you like to know, user?

I sure hope you're just pretending to be a fag.

OP here. Happily.

I can tell you illicit drug culture is at an all-time low.
Ecstasy, commonly called mollie (or thizz, back in 00-09) is always cut and is very low quality, due to high demand and difficulty of production.
Meth is most common now. It is easy to produce, but even its quality is shite in the current year, due to the newfound difficulty in obtaining an important ingredient whose name escapes me righnao.
LSD is usually fake. Like E it is hard to make. Most 'acid' you find these days is a drug called 25i-NBOME. 25i can be fun in its own right, but it's important to know that's what you're taking. If you are a drugnoob, take great caution when taking "LSD", because it's probably 25i. You can overdose on 25i, and it's bad to mix with many other drugs, whereas lsd is safer. Know what you're taking.
You can buy drug-test kits online. These are kits that test a substance and tell you what drug it is. I recommend buying one if you plan to experiment with drugs.

I've done both. There are different qualities of LSD, and different types of psilocibin mushrooms. This effects the trip. In general, LSD gives you strong "visuals", (warping effect, rainbow patterns moving over objects, objects appearing to 'breathe') and mushrooms give you visuals and, in high doses, actual hallucinations. LSD was more fun for me, but it's so hard to find real LSD these days I would avoid it altogether. Mushrooms are excellent. Small doses can give you neurotropic effects, high doses give you crazy trips. LSD also gives you euphoria, shrooms don't. But like I said, go for shrooms because they are the safer bet.
Molly is powdered ecstasy, thizz is pill ecstasy. Both are usually cut with meth or other drugs, though in current year thizz is cut much worse.
I don't know, no way that's legal or likely safe. If you go looking for any drug, you're likely to get ripped off or even robbed. Be careful. It's better to try and make friends with a scumbag so you can have a drug buddy. Your combined efforts will be better and safer than going alone.
Fucking NO. Don't even fux with it. NO. It's easy to find. It will make your life hell. You get shakes. You fucking die if you get bad shit. Don't do it.
Heroin and meth, many just drink, many homeless are just mentally unstable, many just smoke weed actually. It's a long road to becoming homeless, and trying drugs is a pretty good entry point. Be careful, user.
In legal states, yes. In illegal states, yes, kind of. Big grow-ops exist and are profitable. TBH I'm ot quite sure what you mean with this question, but short answer is yes.
see pic related

don't touch any of that shit except weed.

you will get aids and die and have your teeth rot out if you do anything besides weed, after raping your grandmother (alive or dead) and stealing her weeding ring for that last fix before you end up prison bate for some 500 pound mexican.

Waste of time and money, user. That's all you need to know. Most people i know rely on one substance or another, hell, even i enjoy chocolate a little too much really.

You'd be better off asking a drug related board. There used to be a few floating around. 420chan? Lainchan had a drug board i think? Still, Wikipedia is going to be more reliable with detailed info as many burgers don't know shit about the stimulants they take for recreation.

just drink alcohol, you fucking degenerate. Drugs are for niggers and kikes

Honestly user, I would recommend not doing drugs at all. I went down to the end of the road with the druggie experience, and I wish I hadn't. I have done meth and gone to thrash metal concerts, I did acid and ecstasy simultaneously at a rave…
I'm not some cool guy, i'm kind of a dork, so i don't want it to seem like i'm bragging. But illicit drugs are shit right now, and pharmaceutical drugs have always been shit. Weed, mushrooms, and beer is all you should do.
I would honestly recommend being sober. I just quit smoking weed erryday and I noticed something - I'm having dreams again. Every drug has bad side effects and are a distraction from the more interesting and honestly fun aspects of life. Be careful, little dude. Don't trade in your life and braincells for a lie.

depends how you define waste. it's only a waste if you don't enjoy it

This is all from me, just FYI.
After ten years of being in the hole, I have a lot of opinions about drug culture, modern life, and degeneracy.
What is happening now with the fag movement is the final stage of what started in the 60's. Drugs have always been around… 1800's, cocaine was legal. But there hasn't always been a self-destructive culture surrounding it. Everyone is looking for a fun experience, everyone wants to find a perfect escape, and to the naive onlooker the world of drugs seems to fit that perfectly. You hear crazy stories about mind-bending experiences people have, and mostly, it's bullshit. I've had a few crazy hallucinogenic experiences that I could share, but most of what you hear people talk about is just made up. Hallucinogens are not a good way to gain wisdom.
At the end of the day, you're going to try what you want to try, just remember that everything in this world is infused with a touch of bullshit. Most of what society glamorizes is made solely of bullshit.
I could tell you about some of my drug-induced escapades, if you're interested. Should I go on?

Thats bullshit. Why do they get rights to all the good stuff?

It's only a waste if you don't learn from it. You almost got it right.

There is more to life than self gratification. But you have a point.

It looks like you may have abandoned the thread, but I have one more point to make. If you don't have a buddyfriend to go on this adventure with, you ==will get ripped off.== In highschool a geeky kid gave me $100 to get him ecstasy. I took his money, spent it on E for myself, and told him I got jacked. He tried again, this time giving me $200 (moron). I stole his money again, and gave him the same story. About a year later he tried buying drugs from me again. At this point i was selling so i actually hooked him up, but the point is if you're naive your money will get stolen.
If you really want to experience degeneracy, Start frequenting a bar. Go in, order an IPA, drink one or two and leave. Drunks will talk to you. It doesn't matter how lame you think you are, drunks will talk to you. And drunks have drugs. So, I guess bars are the answer to your prayers. Anyway, if you're still here, good luck and go fuck yourself.

fucking formatting

Yeah you are right actually

I meant it really to say that it's no more a waste of time than anything else

I didn't abandon it I'm just at a loss of what else to ask.


Silkroad is now FBI.
Stoners can be cool. Avoid hippies and ravers. Beer-drinking metalhead stoners are the best kinds of friends.

me btw

Then how do you buy drugs online?

I'm bored so I think i'll rant more if that's okay.
Of all american subcultures, Heavy Metal people are the best (or at least, the ones here in california are)
It's easy to confuse types of heavy music. Hardcore and Deathcore fans = shit. Metalcore = shit. every kind of core = shit. Punk rockers are mostly shit.
Old-school thrash metal, power metal, and sometimes oldschool deathmetal seems to attract the best groups of people. There is a weird kind of brotherhood among these types, and though popularity of this music is waning, it's still alive.
If you hate metal, then there's not much to talk about with these folks.
Here is some good starter metal if you're interested.

Iron Maiden - Purgatory

Metallica - Hit The Lights

Mastodon - Crystal skull

Death - Flesh and the power it holds

You don't. Unless there is a new venue I don't know about, just avoid it. Deepweb is dead, everything is honeypots. Buying drugs online is a pretty surefire way to get jailtime.
Like I said, I'd recommend going to a bar, hanging out for a while and trying to get cool with some drunks.

OP the guy that's been samefagging in this thread clearly means well but he's giving you shit answers and acting like it's objective.

LSD lasts a bit longer. Mushrooms are a little bit more emotional, kind of like they're more primal and intuitive.
MDMA, it's the active chemical that you're supposed to get in ecstasy but it's little crystals or a powder instead of pressed pills.
I'm not here to make friends for you, baller.
It's impossible to know the answer without a crystal ball, as whether it's worth it is a function of what's foregone. If you're going to live a great, happy, fulfilling and well-adjusted life without doing heroin then it's probably not. But it's made me feel less like killing myself an awful lot. Overall I'd say it's been a net positive despite the obvious drawbacks like overdosing and withdrawls.
Sharing needles is a great way to get AIDS and other diseases. It's really best to just not re-use needles. If you always use a new needle it makes smaller holes in your arm and has a miniscule chance at getting infected. I had a friend that almost got paralyzed from a bacterial infection from re-using his own needle, nothing to do with sharing or a dirty needle; just that a duller needle makes for a messier hole.
This is just operations security shit.
Probably whatever they can get. Primarily booze and opiates I'd guess, crack in bigger cities to. But a lot of homeless people are just unlucky, mentally unstable and not that bright.
I don't understand the question.
Because it's cheaper to make them smaller, they're easier to carry around and harder to break I guess.

Not if she's 3d.
If you want.
Silkroad was shut down years ago. Agora is the best darknet market but overall if you do proper operations security it's as safe as driving to someone's house to buy drugs if not moreso. Just have to go about it the right way.

Sorry dude but you're completely wrong about the online drugs thing. I've been buying weed and acid off the deep web for a while now without a hitch. I've done drug tests on acid I've bought off AlphaBay and can confirm it's real LSD. Don't try to buy bud off the darknet though, the stench will get you arrested if the bag ruptures in transit. Edibles are completely safe, and imo more fun and healthy than smoking.

Good to know, I thought it was ded. I usually use niggers to buy drugs.
I wouldn't mind doing dat thiiiz just one more time so maybe I'll check it out. Thanks.

Hope you have a good time with that man. I make it a rule to never do business with niggers and as a result have never been in danger while buying drugs. I'd like to put that suggestion out there for any newfags lurking

what drugs do you recommend to get hypomania, energy, become monster or hitler?

Kill yourself if you think weed is a drug.

PCP, baby.

weed is a drug, brothers it's time to put down your degenerate drug use and fight.

don't buy anything from niggers.

some can handle taking them, some can't.
if you have something mental illness in your family you might be one of those who can't use all drug but some, weed are one of those you might be able to use, where coke and harder drugs might not..

do some research on mdma, which is the only hard drug i can recommend..

drugs i have tried that i won't recommend is: coke, speed, shrooms (if your not in the right place in your life).

weed have taken and givin me good memories, and can be used as medication ->

good luck, don't take too much if your going to try them.. just taste them (start with 1/3th of the amount you might take the as a first timer, and wait till they take effect, wait some more time and take 1/3th more.. if you feel good the option is to save some for later or take some more)
do not get addicted, have long breaks between (6 months between, and only take it a few days like in a weekend or a holiday..)

You're clearly a 10 year old. Doesn't know what the definition of drugs is. You deserve brain cancer asap.

your clearly a pompous little cunt way out of his depth jog on asshole tosser

Unless youre genetically fucked when it comes to addictions you can try just about anything
I'm genetically extremely prone to getting addicted, but have I gotten addicted to anything?

*Yes, yes I have*

Whats wrong with hippes and ravers ? Just curious.

Find a field and steal some. Watch out for pickup trucks carrying beer and shotguns.
Unless you want to suck dick for $5, no.
Heroin and meth mostly

Thats all you need, first worlder.

I have 3 grams of the marijuana but am unsure whether I should use or not. I'm trying to find work, so maybe I should save for celebration. wat do


Pretty fucking good.
You'll have to find some shady fuck who sells it.
No. The moment you try that shit you'll discover nothing else will ever live up to the first hit, not even more hits of herione. It will fuck you up.
It's not a meme.
That's beyond me.
Not where weed is illegall. Or at least, not anywhere you can easily get.
They work, no need to change something that works.

Weed is the only one worth trying IMO. Ecstacy is risky, unless you're in a good mood and start it of easy and controlled.
Anything else is a slippery slope, and carries the risk of addiction and fuckyouuppery.

im just beginning to read this thread but i quit weed for a few days cuz i couldnt find any and i also experienced having dreams again too. It was weird, scares the shit outta me and when i wake up it makes me think about it.

I actually prefer not having dreams, i dont know how to make them stop. I've since found buds and am good.

This. Also, please give us a story or two.

I've discovered many things through drugs, but can't honestly say much of it has stuck around.
The only things that have really made an impact have been sober, regular life experiences. Drugs can't really compare to the knowledge life itself gives you.
I'm not ranting about some "life is better than drugs" shit here, but the things that have really impacted my life significantly were shitty things that life throws your way every now and then. Shit that just makes you "grow up", for lack of better words.

My most pleasant experiences have been with beer and weed amongst a group of good friends. So far, I'm content to keep it that way.

You could, but be ware of severe emotional damage. Hair colour, piercings and tattoos are dead giveaways.
I do, and they're a solid bunch. Just be ware if they start doing heavier shit outside of the yearly rave.
Also, keep another group of friends that are more "normal". Normies suck, but anything that resembles normies is a good thing to keep your social skills in the right place.

Take note of this, pic related.



Hydro makes me feel almost euphoric like I'm floating. I love it when my doctor prescribes it and I get it often because of all the abscesses I incur.

Wow…Now I know. Thanks dude.


I wouldn't know, I don't like hippies and don't hang around with them.
That means they're safe for one time use in the appropriate dose. I wouldn't actually try it.

It's a synthetic opioid. I wouldn't take my chances with it.
Opioids are insanely addictive. Add that to the fact that any prescription drug, and then specifically synthetic drugs (which means 99% of them), will fuck you up long term.

Seriously. Take this shitty "meme"

but replace herbal jew with pharmaceutical jew, and you should get the hint.

What's really gross is when it starts to make a 'pop'ing sound going in and out. Shit's cheap I hate that some people use the same rigs so long.

Depends on the type of hippy and drugs. Hippies definitely do the most psyches.
Depends on the drug and what you hope to get out of it. A lot of painkillers, tranquilizers and antibiotics are pretty much the same things people get. But I wouldn't take my dogs frontline.
Is this your pill?

Why the fuck would you wanna do drugs? You don't want to do dangerous ones, well guess what that's how it begins. Don't touch this poison unless you're ready to marry yourself off to a chemical.

Get high on memes OP. The only drug you need.

There's probably a reason you got that from 9gag. The jews would make more money keeping it illegal, which is why they keep fighting it.


"n-no you're n-not s-supposed to think about t-that"

Drugs wreck your body. You only get one body, and it's where your soul hangs out. Trash your temple and you'll live in misery. Ask yourself, is it really worth it just to be "hip" or to "fit on" with the "cool kids" on 420chan?


jew pls go

tier list
morphine with memes
synthetic acid
everything else

First of all tier lists of drugs are gay. Second of all what acid is not synthetic?

LDS (lisergic acid diethylamide) is synthetic, LSA (lisergic acid) is found in morning glory seeds and more potently in hawaiian woodrose. LSA can get you fucked up just the same as LSD. Hope that helps.

but you said LSD and synthetic acid which are the same thing

What the fuck are you talking about?

As if alcohol isnt a drug. You are a retard.

LSD is synthetic

Stoners are solid friends to fall in with if you're in the shit. In high school I fell in with them after moving from out of state, they were the only people who'd chill with me cause I was socially retarded as fuck. They stuck by me, even though I was a total straightedge and never did anything with them I could get busted for. Mostly I just watched them do their thing, because they're a lot smarter than they get credit for. They had this whole complex dealing system going on where they did everything by proxy through freshmen with shit to prove, they had outside hookups, and moved serious product, pulling in a couple hundred a week. Most kids just wanted weed, but sometimes all they had was coke or pills they stole from their parents, so towards the end they started flipping selling those too to the more hardcore kids. One kid paid exclusively in heroin, one of those little square street packages for 3-4 good sized buds. Only one that even dabbled with it themself was the sorta goofy one of the group that'd drink hand sanitizer and huff dust off just for a buzz, had a lot of fucked up shit at home. The rest of us were tight till one of them went snitch. To this day, I still don't know exactly who it was. They all assumed it was me at the time, and after the next summer they wouldn't talk to me (besides one of them, big goofy dude, said he knew it wasn't me. Found out later it was probably this little mexican prick who got butthurt and ratted, and got busted with everyone else because of it, but by that point the damage was done and they'd all gone their separate ways). Still, it got me through a good chunk of high school with some solid people, even if they did do sketchy shit. They were always talking to me about how much more I was gonna be, how I was too smart to chill with them and shit. Broke my fucking heart they never saw how brilliant they were, for total amateurs they ran a tight fucking ship. Ran into dust-off kid about a year ago, he cleaned up and is working as a janitor at this fancy lodge I took a date to. Fucking killed half his brain with the shit he'd done, but he remembered me, and he told me he always knew I'd turn out solid. Hadn't talked to any of the crew since it broke up, and he'd missed chilling with me, and I about teared up in front of my girl. To this day, I regret not even staying in contact with them, even as druggies and burnouts they all could have had killer futures with someone to tell them they weren't worthless sacks of shit…

considering hitler did meth, probably meth. But you'd better have good self control and a precise scale to keep your doses small (or you will go full manic).

t. never done meth. softer amps are great though (same rules apply)

Don't do drugs. Using substances to alter perception of reality is evil.


Alcohol is a solvent, not a drug. You're drinking a solvent, the high comes from it's poisonous effects while your liver works overtime.