You have 3 wishes mortal. choose wisely
You have 3 wishes mortal. choose wisely
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish this sthit never happens again. Literally one frame apart… what the fuck
whats wrong with it
I wish for dubs
Can you make me a little girl who isn't crippled and who has a normal, first world, non-nigger family?
Also his dubs.
I wish I could wish for unlimited wishes
I wish for unlimited wishes
I wish for this user to die instantly the second he stands up
I wish you wouldn't
I wish to fart at will because they smell pretty good
I wish I could control anyone's mind
I wish I would live for 10,000 years unless I decided to kill myself
I could instantly get whatever I wanted no matter what
I wish for a pretty and loyal gf who shares my interests and passions.
I also wish for a well paying and stable job.
I'll keep the third wish for the future because the second wish basically gives me most things in life, I am a simple man with simple needs.
Your shit doesn't work
I really want my wish. I'm gonna give him a week before I get upset.
well you just fucked up.
I wish this thread didn't exist.
Dub dubs - your wish is granted!
I wish for 10 billion dollars.
I wish for my body to be fit.
I wish to be a sucesful game designer.
Interdimensional peace (no weapons are ever needed again anywhere except for defense from natural threats such as meteors)
Women return to their natural place beside a man (feminism is deader than dead and women are ashamed they even thought of it)
Because we have true peace (no violent crimes ever), age 13 is considered the new age of adulthood
Those would be my 3 wishes.
I wish for a world without jews
I wish for a slender wife in her 30s
I wish wishes were granted
I wish all wishes in this thread become ignored.
I wish for everyone's waifu to be real.
I wish my country wasn't so fucking shitty
I wish I could form a happy white family and have many many children with someone I love
I wish I could afford to add more land to my farm
I wish to go back to 2013 and start again. Please.
for what purpose
wish for a 16 year old wife, she'll be 30 eventually and you'll die before she is old and ragged
I want a retractable penis the same size and shape as a pony has, if you can through in the balls on the same wish great if not penis is good.
I want to win the one of the large jackpot lottery drawings.
I want to live in a state that has no laws and will never have laws against bestiality.
At 9999 you will regret not asking to live to 20000. Youll go mad
1: the snake dies
2: the snake lives
3: I win
I wish to be an omnipotent god.
I wish my mother was rich. and
I wish no one knew I existence.
health, success, wisdom. people try to do these wordy specific ones, the genie's just gonna find a way to fuck with you. stick to abstract concepts.
I wish i was banned for five minutes
Hee hee hee! I like you! Snake!
nigga that's a dragon. dragons wont fuck you over
For my first wish, I wish that my wishes could be heard, read and understood regardless of the time, place or medium they are wished .
For my second wish, I wish that I had found a working set of 7 dragonballs 1 hour before wishing my first wish.
For my third wish, I wish that I will find this second working set again in 2 hours, regardless of where I look.
Toei's crappy work ethics are more powerful than Shen Long. You can't ask that wish.
Look at you! Pathetic little snake! Hee hee hee! Look at you!
If you can't wish that you useless gay dragon, then;
>I wish to time travel back to Berlin 1936 with a Detailed History of WWII book, that includes every single day detailed and every single battle fought
I wish to wake up in a room full of sexually starved, homosexual black men fresh out of prison
I wish for $10 billion
I wish to be able to do all the drugs and alcohol I want without any chance of overdosing
ayylmaos are demons user.
StupidHee hee hee! FoolHee hee hee! You don't know youHee hee hee! I know youHee hee hee! You're stupidHee hee hee! You're dead, just like meHee hee hee! StupidHee hee hee!
>Eyebrows are also completely different, but maybe it's supposed to be like that, I don't know since I don't watch this
I want to believe
I wish for mongooses