How does it feel to have inferior genes, Holla Forums?
Tfw comfortable in my body
She's going to penetrate you while you're tied up. Have fun man.
You realize just because you have the highest scores in a special education class that doesn't exactly make you a genius right?
Your statement is wrong user, cause we aren't talking about any class, we are talking about life.
That is why men with many women are subject of envy, because they have been approved as suitable for mating by many different partners.
Every girl you fuck is a biological seal of approval at being good at life.
All it proves is their are a few trashy skanks willing to fuck a disgusting Holla Forumstard.
im not comfortable in my body. i constantly feel suffocated. but i know the moment i lose it they will get me.
How does it feel to be more pathetic than most Anons on here?
I'm an Alpha male Holla Forums.
And girls want to fuck alpha males. Let it piss you off as much as you want, but you know it's completely true. That girl you like who is kinda cute in a weird way, but is totally sweet and you have the biggest crush on? The one who keeps going back to guys who treat her wrong for reasons you don't understand? The one who calls you up at 1 am to cry about how her boyfriend hasn't called her in 3 days, and no matter how long you listen to her, she'll never think of you as anything other than asexual? The one who will curl up next to you on the couch, hug you close, kiss you on the cheek, and never let you fucking touch her beyond that?
Yeah, I'm fucking her.
The hot girl who won't even look at you when you nod at them and smile? The one who laughs when you trip in the hallway and drop your stuff? The one who comes up and coyly asks for your help with her homework, and then pretends you don't exist once you finish?
Yeah, I'm fucking her too, even harder.
The geeky girl you think might be enough like you that you have a chance with her? She plays warcraft on your server, and watches anime, and reads comics? She's so incredible and you just love her so much but you still haven't worked up the courage to tell her how you feel about her?
Guess who just sucked me off and told me they'll always love me?
Meaning she wants to refer to herself as a man, adopt a husky voice, dress you up as a girl, and strapon on fuck your ass?
Congrats on those genes, faggot.
I had a girl tell me she was ditching her best friend which confessed to her because of me.
She was intrigued at the idea of me fucking her silly while her best friend was in the same house.
Do you wanna see her? ;)
She sends a lot of nudes.
everyone knows that women are retarded, why would approval from retards be worth anything
I never talked about retarded girls, but let's make the case i AM talking about them.
Why is it that they are so repulsive to your intellect, yet you still want them?
Don't pretend you wouldn't like to turn into a mindless sex object every single one of them.
It's your body, your DNA talking, and if you ignore it you are denying your human nature and will never find true happiness.
yeah, your life must be really good
get out
That stems from ignorance. Why would I want multiple women instead of just one? Alpha bro will just spend MOST of his money chasing pussy while I only need one, trustworthy partner.
Yeah, right.
I'm a eunuch.
The best way of reaching true happiness is disposing of all your needs.
Prove me wrong.
Oh, how very big of you. You're an alpha male, are you? Well, let me clue you in on something: Alpha Males haven't been in charge for a good couple of decades. Obviously, this tirade is directed on a High School level.
Once you get out of high school, and begin working at your dead-end office job, you know who your boss is going to be? That's right, that pasty nerd you made fin of
It's funny, you see. The majority of the women you are talldng about, despite the blatant lies you've slipped in, and the generalizations which remain moderately untrue, are frankly, idiotic sluts. The fact that you're trying to taunt us with them is inane, because while they sound appealing in text, in reality, we wouldn't want anything to do with the fucking skinks. And finthermore, thank you for "fucking every girl in the school (I bet you can bench 2000 pounds too, amirite?)." Honestly, thank you. Why, you may ask? Because, by taking away the easy route, you have brought pain upon us. You have brought us misery, you have forced us to adapt to that misery, and to grow as people.
Luxury doesn't incite growth, pain does. So while you're busy sticking it in your AIDS-ridden skinks, we're studying, learning, gaining skills that are necessary for life.
You may scoff at this, call us stupid nerds for not getting the pussy while it's hot, but guess what? We're going to get it eventually. You said so yourself, women love power.
Stop talking like a wigger
That is an interesting point, and i do agree.
However i find pointless to dispose of things i like in a way that can't be reverted.
I like being off caffeine because i rest better, and i like being off alcohol for that one time i want to drink to feel better, but do you never regret not being able to go back if you feel the need for it?
are you saying the second one is also a pasta?
It's a nostalgic pasta for sure. It's around 11 years old!
If you don't want to do something you don't regret not being able to go back to it. One day we all won't be able to go back to our hobbies.
Also, I'm preety sure that's pasta.
Does "she" have a feminine penis? :^)
Lies you fucking niggers. Your boss will be an extrovert jock because he knows someone (because he's confident and charismatic and networks with people and trolls on Fagbook)