Can someone help me. I have anxiety with panic attacks daily. I cant fucking help it. Are there drugs or something to help me? Please talk to me
Can someone help me. I have anxiety with panic attacks daily. I cant fucking help it...
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You need to make sure you are getting enough magnesium and that your adrenaline levels are kept in check by keeping your blood sugar stable. You can keep your blood sugar stable with a lower fat diet high in sugar from sources such as fruit, fruit juices, and milk. Don't just eat those things; eat them frequently at timed intervals of no longer than 2 hours. If you have an orange or a mandarin every 2 hours, this may help a lot. If you are used to running on adrenaline and cortisol, don't be surprised when the first time you indulge in a glass of orange juice, you get sleepy. That's your adrenal glands taking a much needed break. When you eventually adjust your metabolism to running on sugar, you won't get crashes like that.
Have you tried benzos?
Learn to recognise the signs of a panic attack and try to focus on something you real to anchor you. Also, breath in for 7 seconds and out for 11 seconds at least 3 times when you feel the whole heartbeat/chest tensing thing or it starts happening. Don't struggle against it during one, just relax and let it happen.
You will be most successful with citrus fruits. Try oranges, mandarins, and orange juice for starters, but not grapefruits. Grapefruits will inhibit your liver's ability to remove estrogens from the body. You may feel milk doesn't have enough sugar at times. Try adding a spoonful of honey or some sucrose in these cases. Ice cream is also a good choice, especially before bed. It will put glycogen in your liver so that you can sleep longer without adrenaline and cortisol waking you up sooner than necessary. I recommend dairy products without carrageenan however. One such ice cream brand in the U.S. is Haagen Dazs. For example, their ingredients for chocolate ice cream are: cream, skim milk, sugar, cocoa processed with alkali, egg yolks
Very few ice cream brands use egg yolks these days. Instead there are usually random gums of questionable nutritional value. Any ice cream that has simple ingredients such as this would be good to have in your diet. Fruits, milk, and chocolate are all sources of magnesium, but it would be wise to also supplement magnesium to get yourself away from anxiety more quickly. There may also be some other issue causing you to waste magnesium more quickly.
Adding plenty of sugar to your diet will also increase carbon dioxide production in your body. This will allow you to breath more deeply and guard against hyperventilation.
Breathing exercises are also fine, but only offer temporary relief. Bag breathing is also useful. Both help remove anxiety by increasing carbon dioxide production. Breathing through the nose instead of the mouth will help regulate things. Moving to a higher altitude will also improve carbon dioxide production, perhaps more consistently than any other option, but none of these options will fix the latent dietary and lifestyle problems that inhibit carbon dioxide production. It is absolutely necessary to increase sugar intake if one is to make a serious effort at improving this one aspect of health.
Eating fruit and doing breathing exercises for an anxiety disorder is like putting a band-aid on a broken bone. Y'all've clearly never had to deal with mental illness. You need to see a psychiatrist OP, they're the only ones who can prescribe you medication, a regular counselor won't do. There's different kinds of benzodiazepines, some you take daily to stabilize you and some you take when you feel a panic attack coming on, you might need both. Seriously, talk to a psychiatrist. Don't self-medicate if you don't know what you're doing.
I used to have anxiety issues as a child. My mother would have panic attacks at times. I think it runs in the family either genetically or by inherited lifestyles. I'm always calm these days, perhaps the calmest person in a room of 500 people. I became extremely calm once I added plenty of sugar into my life. I think it's more likely that anyone with anxiety has unresolved health issues that can frequently be completely relieved by the right dietary changes. It's true that fruit may not be the only thing needed to fix OP, but it's a step in the right direction that nobody else is going to tell him. Nobody is going to recommend eating plenty of sugar. It's too taboo, and everyone is mistakenly afraid it will make you fat and give you diabetes.
A spoonful of coconut oil makes me breath more deeply within about 5-10 minutes btw. It's a useful tool for fixing a broken metabolism.
I feel your pain, fam. I used to be the same way, and it still happens sometimes.
Marijuana may help, or immediately trigger one. But I'd give it at least a test try.
Medications are an option too, but it's wiser to pair the drugs with dietary and lifestyle changes.
user, try vitamin D it helps with a lot of mental problems
those idiots should be nuked
if you have rarely / occasional attacks then consume benzos or maybe antihistamines
if daily, something like anxiolytic antidepressants like SNRI or ht2a antagonists or other stuff
you could try nicotine gums too
yes panic attacks are daily in fact past 3 weeks i have been in constant fear and anxiety. I have bought shitload of vitamine d, b6,b9,b12,zinc and magnesium but it seems it had really weak effect on me. I have never been afraid of anything i literally dont give a shit about most things but my mental state is not improving.
I have to seek profesional help
Good goy! A gutful of MKUltra drugs will see you right.
Listen to this user . Nobody ever died of a panic attack.
If they will help me i will be best goy in all history of our planet controling jewish zionist lizards.
Talk to o a therapist
Not only can they refer you to a psychiatrist who will prescribe you with some decent medicine hey can also give you some training on how to reduce your anxiety naturally using calming techniques
problem is i am calm all the time but the anxiety and panick attack comes randomly. For example i was talking to coworker about coffee and in the middle of sentence i started to panick this never happend before. Or when i am falling asleep and even when i fap. There must be something wrong with the hormones or vitamines or something in my brain becasue several months ago i fell on my head and was unable to feel my right hand. Now it's fine but sometimes i have painful headaches and i am unable to sleep.
HOW can you even have a job in this condition?
vitamins are bullshit
you need strong drugs
no need for professional, you can buy drugs from darknet or other people
buy some kind of antidepressant-anxiolytic, you can find descriptions on wikipedia
you could have some damage from that hit to head, you need to evaluate it
you need to tell doctors you hit yourself in head and after that your problems started. they need to check your brain
if your brain is not destroyed they you should just take drugs like SNRI
Get yourself checked for heavy metals. Mercury-free dentists may know where to perform tests.
Datamining thread.
This is the best advice. I had this shit too. I think panic attacks are a natural reaction to an overly complex world.
Also as much as you can, try to not care what people think. People are retarded, you are retarded, I am retarded, no one's opinion matters. The best cure for anxiety is misanthropy.
you gay nigger. I am drugs. I spent 10 years doing drugs. Some stims help at first but all drugs end up MAKING IT WORSE. This is also true for pharma drugs. The answer lies inside.
Find out what you don't like about yourself and try to fix it. Get used to failing and trying again. It's what everyone does
who is this cunt? He's in every thread.
t. Dataminer
you are wrong, antisemite
drugs are great. go to pharma and buy them today
so you are afraid of something
I mean you can call it that if you want, but I'd rather empower people with knowledge than just say take drugs or go see a doctor. Those are fine too, and I even mentioned benzos myself. The biggest problem with this thread is OP did not go into detail about his health. It's hard to come up with a solution specific to him when he hasn't even said his height, weight, age, and any other health issues he might have, so don't be surprised when he's given general nutrition advice. (Very useful advice in my opinion.) This thread is on rails until he comes in with the one detail that makes it obvious he needs a very specific strategy.
Whether or not you get panic attacks at this specific time frame, this passage may be relevant to you, OP:
It is very possible that the problem has to do with too much lactic acid production and not enough carbon dioxide. What has created this imbalance is anyone's guess, but frequently it is hypothyroidism. Increasing sugar intake is a viable strategy for increasing carbon dioxide. It's not the only thing that should be done in that case, however. There are a grand array of strategies for improving thyroid health and metabolism in general. Here's a crazy idea: take a vacation somewhere with a high altitude and see if your panic attacks decrease in frequency while you are breathing thin air. If you just want drugs and to forget about this issue, this thread isn't necessary. A doctor is all you need for that, but as long as you come here I'd rather figure out what your actual problem is and help you learn how to overcome it.
Not OP but honestly wondering
I've had 2 family members with totally different mental disorders use prescription drugs and then go cold turkey because they didn't like the way they "felt" on the drugs. They are very sociable people and talk a lot and are outgoing and the drugs make them turn into a "robot" they said. No emotion. No feelings. No highs. No lows. Just a consistent "Don't care"
I'd like to feel that. I'm sad everyday because I'm an ugly loser virgin and I just can't get over that nobody loves me. I don't like feeling like this day in and day out.
What can I say or where can I go so I can get meds that make me feel nothing? I don't care if I get addicted. I just want these bad thoughts to go away
I'd cherish having to "feel" like a robot. I don't want highs or lows. My whole life is a dull low point. I just want stasis