Critical thinking is hard, let the Simpsons do it for you

Look at this blatant propaganda garbage. A lot of the comments sound like either shills or genuine retards who's opinions on Trump are formed from a fucking Simpsons short
I have a better idea, the like bar is already at 2k dislikes to 8k likes, let's push it farther down

In fact, since it's painfully obvious Hillary shills are going to go all out on the front page of Jewtube, we should scope it out and raid any propaganda we can find to even the playing field. Normie's will look at the massive dislike to like ratio and we might turn some heads

Other urls found in this thread:


WebM that shit, OP!

The propoganda machine blows

I have a better idea, the like bar is already at 2k dislikes to 8k likes, let's push it farther down

I haven't watched Liberal cartooning like (((southpark)))(((the Simpsons)))(((family guy))) (((etc))) for years.

Hilarious to see how blatantly the propaganda is pushed now.

I hate to say it, but Jap anime really is the most based entertainment now.

that shit




This. Their playbook is out in the open now.

The divide and conquer especially. It's so blatantly visible to almost everyone and yet we do nothing about it. We pretend it's just business as usual and go along with it instead of speaking out against it.

Fuck people who watch the Simpsons. Fuck this shitty propaganda.

The people who watch this garbage are enslaved and I pity them.

Flood the comments with hillary ignoring the soldiers

I think one of the creators is a kike but they're lolbertarians who said in the past they really hate liberals

Probably the biggest lie in that stupid clip.

That's a funny character they invented.

This is supposed to be satire, right?
Literally all of the opposite is true.
Hillary is responsible for Benghazi.
Hillary is The one who puts on hours of makeup but still looks like shit. She looks so much older than trump, yet she's represented as a 40-year old while the don looks like he's undergoing chemotherapy.
Hillary is the one probably messing around on social media due to her not getting enough attention, etc.

I think personally what bothered me most about this clip is that they never would've been so blatantly bias towards any political party not even 10 years ago. The Simpsons is beyond dead, it's past the point of death

Politics aside, that's some horrible, hamfisted writing. Sad, because this show used to be my favorite back in the day.


I grew up with this show and while it is bluepilled as fuck, I still held it dear to my heart. But enough is enough.


They made him sound like he had a slight Yiddish accent for fucks sake


Holy hell this is heavy handed.
So what the hell is this? Its not a clip from the show cause its on summer hiatus.
Did they really animate a fucking Hillary commercial?
The jew running the Simpsons must have is ass in a cast after the booty blast Trump gave his rump.

you know it's easier if you can do it yourself also

Still, is it a surprise of Simpsons creators going that route? Remember their 2008 election?

Thanks for the WebM regardless. But I was calling for a raid on the video

I wonder how many take satire seriously.

Anyone who wants to can do their own homework and research to find that opposite is true You.burgers can't be THAT lazy,


Give this user some hope.

you can use all of the info from if you want to

Fug. I was halfway through making mine.

Jokes on you, that's not a webm.

I'd still appreciate a WebM version.

you know that in burgerland, TV IS the distributor of information.
They literally take everything that the television shows as a fact.

Hillary supporters seem to have difficulty seeing that its satire. Given their confirmation bias

Not gonna lie though, the "Yes build a wall in the ocean, loser!" made me chuckle

Just try watching the daily show. I was at a normalfag's house the other day and it was on. I was almost gagging from disgust since it was just pure unadulterated democratic party propaganda. Just straight from Hillary Clinton's campaign talking points, even repeating the nonsense of Trump being some sort of Russian Manchurian candidate. And of course plenty of "literally Hitler."

Notice that all the characters except for trump are yellow

He becomes yellow after they spraytan him.

This is just as true in the UK, where people lap up anything from the Guardian or BBC. If anything, the USA is less trusting of old establishment media than Europeans are.

Does that mean that they are trying to highlight how much of an "Evil White Male" he is?

To be fair that's pretty universal, people get buttmad over satire if god forbid mock what they hold sacred. So It's either genuinely buttmad people with fragile beliefs and shills that spread satire like it was factual propaganda.

What happened to 'just shrug' ?

I've seen the collective delusion and denial of Shilldog's supporters, so I've seen this myself.

I could really go for one of those crazed gunmen to go on a shooting spree entirely localized in the Simpsons writing office.

here ya go faggot

Isn't it supposed to be funny?

No. It's meant to social-signal their politically correct views to the rest of their hipster faggot friends.

Possibly. I think it was mostly an excuse for a spray-tan gag, and maybe to suggest that he's old.

But I don't watch the Simpsons, so I don't know how clever this show usually is.

Do you have the other song of his that is .mp4 that was floating around in the last webm thread?

Is this supposed to be funny? Where's the originality in these jokes? Is it a meta joke where they're mocking how much Hillary is trying to shit on him? I can't understand how they can repeat jokes from last year unless it is.

It's actually pretty accurate.
>Bill picks up
Like I said, accurate for many cuckold homes in America.

this marks the end, the dying screams of what used to be american pop culture that was exported worldwide. Now the show has nothing to offer except it's name and what it used to mean to normalfags. Now it's just a propaganda tool with no content. there's no joke, only signalling lel so clever so funny XDD for braindead lefties and liberals

You're saying they took a break from summer vacation to make a political ad? They are going all out.

This kills the culture.

The way Trump is portrayed is through an anti-Trump commercial in the clip.
It's actually satire on liberal media and political hit ads.
It's high-brow enough to pass as pro-Hillary but is actually pro-Trump for those who can understand context.
Wew lad.

Gotta pay those electric bills, user.

I just can't understand it though, it's everything the Simpsons wasn't over 20 years ago. The jokes as are pretty much big bazinga tier shit that laughs at people for having different opinions other than the norm or cuckold tier. There isn't much of a difference between them, nowadays. The fact that it's a Simpsons gag for a general election, no less, makes it all the more infuriating because the original series was known to keep it's political bullshit subdued up until the Lisa episodes. This isn't just some knee jerk reaction, either, as almost everyone who talks about the new Simpsons know this, even the normalfags.

The two parts that give it away are

Anyone who doesn't see that this is pro-Trump needs to watch it again tbh fam

This type of bullshit is the reason I don't watch TV any more.

I saw this too

probably the best part of the skit



I guess they just can't let something die gracefully, they need to bleed it out it like a stuck pig – it is kosher after all.

Well a few years ago I'd only watch TV for news but that was my normie days.

Why is Trump the only one with a natural skin tone?

These people don't give a fuck what you think about it as long as you watch it, they'll keep going further and doing more of it if it gets you to give them views. Do us a favor and kill yourself.

Of course the kikes added that, didn't they. Not sure how many people of voting age still watch the simpsons.

This is propaganda user, they don't care if you don't watch it either. They'll buy views if they have too. Might as well leave the dislikes because its better than showing complete apathy towards these crooked fucks

Also, I'm aware of the reference. Just curious that they chose to include it.

Yeah, this show is written by propagandists.


OP, The Simpsons hasn't produced a single good episode in nearly 20 years. While that is certainly propaganda, I'm pretty sure this is mostly about about the writers desperately trying to get the show noticed by jumping on whatever bandwagon they can.


I thought we were better than this at reading context, Holla Forums.

It's less about us and more about retarded voters interpreting this user



Their audience is supreme-liberal-tier, what more can you expect?
I'm honestly surprised how well the dog whistles are hidden.
I love that.
It's so obvious but so benign.

Nigga, it couldn't more obviously be a jab a Trump. If you don't see that you've got the autism.

Congratulations! You can't understand context!

Thats not even propaganda, just wrong.

Simpsons can't even do real celebrity voices anymore. Sad!
Also note the similarity to #votetrumpgetdumped

I wonder if they'll recycle the voting machine gag this time, too.

Yup, that's some heavy handed kike propaganda there.


This is pro-Trump satire directed against liberals.
ridicules women

Anyone who follows the news for the last 8 years knows it the opposite, even the normies
Additional lel was when I saw Bill handing the phone to Hillary and not one random hooker. I bet many of the viewers thought of it also.

President messing in the election is dihonorabre so the writers basically shit on Obama

This was a very cleverly made skit. IT fooled democrats and even Holla Forumstards here.
Remember that even Hillary tweet team is infiltrated by pro-Trump people. No one likes the bitch.

The really shameful part is the context of the joke is that it is a Trump attack ad against Hillary, but a real life version of that ad exists from 8 years ago. It was a Hillary attack ad attacking Obongo's resume which pissed off a lot of dems because she was punching to the left in a manner in which played to McCain's strength (le war hero meme). It was easily one of the top 5 mistakes of Hillary's primary campaign, some people even thought it had 'racial undertones'. You really have to read into that to think it's hinting that Obongo is a shiftless lazy fucking nigger, I guess even liberals instinctively knew it and were hearing unintended dog-whistles.

Anyway how does the Simpsons even exist, is it subsidized?

This is incredibly sad. It's just depressing. I'm not saying the Simpsons was the ultimate form of American television, but it had some funny moments in there in the past. But just look at it now. The dialogue is so dry and stilted it's laughable, the jokes aren't even jokes, and the message was broadcasted minutes before the skit even ended.


God alone knows.
It was brilliant from the mid to late '90's, but has been a terrible pastiche of Family Guy cliches ever since.
Feels more like a sketch show these days, only with the same characters in each sketch (but who's personalities change to suit the joke).

Except you can't actually understand context because you're autistic lol

The two jokes in that skit are "Bill still thinks he's still the president BUT HE'S NOT" and "Trump would suck as president because he talks shit on Twitter and is self absorbed."

Satire would portray Hillary as impossibly good and Trump as impossibly evil.

By the way you pen your posts it's obvious you're a nigger with below-average intelligence. Sad!

Only about 4 of us see it for what it is, user.


The way you can't understand context of a cartoon skit makes it obvious you're literally autistic lol

gets stuck in my head at work

Spread this over comments for the dumb brainwashed no information stupid people, only the evil corrupted ones will still support Hillary Garbage Clinton. I'm from South America and I don't want the shit corrupt influence of Hillary Clinton and Europe had the shit corrupt influence of Obama, Hillary Clinton and American libtards and their countries are being fucked by terrorists..

Copy and join "wikileaks." and ". org"

DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment.
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/13762

Content & Social Strategy Discussion.
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/7512

Re: BuzzFeed and DNC connection.
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/10933

DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/4776

DNC making fun of black woman's name.
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/17942

DNC controlling the narrative
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/12450

DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/7102

Creating a fake job ad for a Trump business to paint him as a sexist.
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/12803

DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment.
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/6107

DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a “rigged system.”
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/8806

Offering to send interns out to fake a protest against the RNC.
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/13366

Faking outrage and pasting in a video later.
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/7102

A mole working inside of the Sanders campaign.
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/7793

DNC feeding CNN the questions they want to be asked in interviews.
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/4077

Draft linking news articles about trump to use as negative press.
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/7586

Democrats using interns to organize fake “protests.”
wikileaks. org/dnc-emails/emailid/13830

The most important emails are here
truthrevolt. org/news/dnc-emails-here-staff-staged-fake-anti-trump-protests-used-bernies-jewish-faith-discredit-him
But are 20,000 emails with a lot to find that have not yet been read.

Watch on youtube Paul Joseph Watson, Stefan Molyneux, Mike Cernovich, Milo Yiannopoulos, StevenCrowder and even the Alex Jones Channel, and read zerohedge. com breitbart. com

Spread all the emails, truth in the face of these disgusting libtards and the naive people to change their brainwashed mind.


I really dont know if mememagic is real

we'll see

Whats more likely?

The key here is that they "attacked" Hillary first with the bill Clinton thing then subtly made her seem like a stronk independent woman

That's certainly one way of looking at it.

There's nothing you can't do, user.

you are giving the average lazy viewer who watching nothing but late night tv, hbo weekly news, and AMC series too much credit. They are not critical thinkers, everything is face value unless it is explained to them in detail. Even then it is iffy.



well said.



How come no one has made videos about this yet? It's perfect Bengahzi material.

Why do people keep posting gaycore music along with that image?


Because they were counting on YOU, user, to make it with the right music but since YOU didn't show up that day, people decided to make a version that would trigger YOU so you would go on and fix it, then spread it around.

Do your job!


To be fair this is all the Simpsons have left their viewership in the toilet they have to have gimmicks (celebrity voices , crossovers, etc.) to get people to watch their show.
They obviously would not support Trump as they are leftist it makes perfect sense for them to do this.


Shit like this makes me glad I stopped watching TV years ago.

I watched as a kid until it became a chore to watch it I finally left after the jews appointed obama as "president" as it became insufferable.

Ever notice how these shows are narcissistic as fuck?




It's not a jab, it's an embrace.

It was by the same artist as the previous one, something about having a kid then waiting 18 years and fucking them or something. "Bring guns back" or something like that.

When Obama won the election against Mitt Romney the Simpsons literally had Mr. Burns say him and his elite corporations are going to crash the economy. Cuz Obama neva dindu nuffin.

Believe it or not, I used to love this show when I was growing up. I stopped paying attention to it after the movie came out (wasnt all that great), but when I saw that they made Marge a closet lesbian, I felt sickened and knew that the show died a long time ago, even before the movie. The level of pandering this show does is astounding, and the fact that it even still has an audience disgusts me.

I like this graphic, because it reminds me of how much originality and memorable scenes there were in comparison to what it is now.

Nice repeating digits.

everything post season 12 is awful…

but its incredible this show got so many golden seasons before it turned to shit,

Who's the original artist. It's actually not bad.

Video related is perhaps the most redpilled moment in Simpsons history, and like 20 seasons of bullshit later we finally got to the point where the Simpsons are shilling for a literal crime family. If this doesn't indicate the slow progression of one of the best TV shows of all time into total garbage, I don't know what does.


That doesn't even sound like Trump

Hence why all the polls favor Hillary much more than the actual vote will.

I like that they showed the Trump is still awake at 3am. Really makes that late night call easier to handle when you aren't being jolted out of bed.

Holy shit.

I remember watching that episode as a child. Now i get it.

I read somewhere that the Simpsons is full of Harvard grads now, which is sad because I can't even tell if this is pro-trump or pro-hillary.

What is this sorcery.

Ballots are secret for a reason.

The Simpsons were always about Americans embracing being stupid and ignorant as a quintessential character trait that led to strength, unity and happiness.

It's classic predictive programming.

The episodes were just clever enough to trick you into thinking the curtain was being pulled back and you had a backstage pass to the show. As each generation became progressively dumber, the show itself got dumber and more hamfisted with the propaganda. The fact that the majority of young people are left leaning assholes (30 years and younger) is mostly due to decades of television brainwashing, which convinced them that some politicians had good intentions and could be trusted with your future, eg. the ones saying feel good things.

they willingly fund and propagate those types of movements in private for more ammunition on their show.

they are just as bad and should be removed just as quickly.

Meant voting for hillary

It's implied he doesn't really give a shit enough to make a decision and is only picking one because the people around him are belittling him into it. This is one of the many ways democrats get people on their side. Most people just go with what they're conditioned to think the smarter option is.

Based Russian and Eastern Euro animation is good.


still comparing him to hitler? I thought that they were comparing him to nixon now

To be fair, Trump did state that he kept Hitler's speeches by his bedside

Lisa has always been a rude bitch who always annoyed the rest of the family, her whole character was made to be the opposite of Bart and to be as counterproductive to the story as much as possible. Think back to how many times she was reasonable to anybody in the show besides from the Krusty's dad episode and the Itchy and Scratchy lawsuit episode.

I was meant to say I was responding to the image

You said it m8!


Didn't they make this same shit for McCain, with Homer trying to vote fro obongo but the machine kept voting for McCain?

Has Simpsons ever made fun of librul candidates?

that's some QUALITY




This clip actually comes off as pro-Trump.

Yeah, not pro-Trump to normalfags

Mmm doesn't OP know that the obese Jew that writes it is some sort of weird Communist/Anchrist (yah I don't know either) whose said publicly said every Jew thing imaginable? That he wants to subvert children and break up the traditional family and on and fucking on. Just Google the pig. He's human shit and looks like it.

That's my point, they are mocking anti-Trump ads.

I see what you're saying, but some leftists still spout that Trump is Hitler unironically. It's either pandering or mockery, and considering how they portrayed Hillary and then Trump, I'm gonna say it's pandering.

Although the line between pandering and mockery can be pretty blurry to be fair.

The Simpsons are too lazy to animate a original short for a Pokemon go parody
They can't even redub old footage naturally

Captain Pronin is possibly the best cartoon series ever to come out of Russia.

Every fucking one is comedy gold.

Well generally she was made to be a good-hearted individual that was often times naive, but generally when the focus wasn't on her she was the voice of reason since she always commented on how retarded everyone else was acting.

The screen where he's shaking hands with Bill Clinton at the end fucking killed me, Please tell me there's more than this

There's 4 episodes with english subtitles as far as I know, 2 of those I've already embedded. Just look up "captain Pronin" on jewtube.

nice dubs

I'll bet you a kike volunteered to do the voice for free

So it goes
So this is pro-Trump right? I know he's a cuck, but Scott Adams has made some really good points about why Hillary will lose the election. The Simpsons thing being basically every one of them at once.

He actually does keep a book of hitler speeches in his night stand. Not a bad thing really but I guess it scares normies.




Because it's pro-Trump and beacause OP is a faggot

checking my own dubs with the same joke in 2012

Praise Kek



So either the democrats think that the modern united states citizen basically just takes public transportation 24/7, never opened a bank account, and didn't have a birth certificate.

OR… or… they just wanna use people that are not citizens to get more votes.

No shit, and it's working.





It kinda does. The Clintons part is not a jab, it's supposed to mean that voting HIllary is as good as voting Bill again. The context is a pro-Hillary ad.


Just about any traditional television show can't go into double digit seasons and stay good. With the Simpsons, it was when they started relying more on lazy pop-culture humor and started having guest stars star as themselves. They just ran out of material but the show was still too profitable to cancel. Family Guy also had a real negative impact on the tone and quality of the show.


What if it was a buttmad Berniecuck?

The sign falling is a really fucking creepy coincidence


Simpsons have always been used to push narratives.

And we just going to ignore the ominous music along with the pointless pan up to the clock?

What's going to happen at 3 o clock? Or is it pointing to a date 3/12?


December 3rd?


They generally like to play the long con

Maybe, also where Trumps clock ended after starting on 3.

Also why is China used as a threat? Why not an easier target like N Korea or something?

Also his phone contacts plus random foolishness that caught my eye, means nothing but with these fuckers you never know.

fuck you

Decay started around Season 9. Right?


Two twelves? dafuq

i'd say around season 11 when the new millennia hit

this is getting ridiculous by now.

artists should hold some form of ownership or receive some monetary gain from situations like this

The clock part is mainly referencing that Hillary line about "who would answer the 3am call", which was ironically the exact ad to ruin her candidacy.
Because Chyna, guys. It's still funny to make fun of. Right?
Diddles Ivanka lmao, stolen speech lmao, he's a russian plant lmao (this means we must war with Russia), and the picture is just randomly planting that big cat's hunters as his friends, because liberal signaling. In other words, he voted for Hubert Humphrey, and killed Jesus.

The extra 12 on the clock isn't a joke. Just an honest animation error by the gooks and chinks they've got working the animatics into animation.

never seen that pic about simpsons?

yeah is shit now

That should've been a sick burn on her but anyone who says "coding" deserves to be gassed tbh.

Mate, that's just straight-up jumping to when it already hit rock bottom.

Basically, Season 9 is where the decay began, and it finally ended, when they completely switched over to digital inking. Just look at the Season heads, for a good idea of what I mean.

What song is that?

Marge was never a lesbian, Homer was fantasising.

Yes, but it's so poorly produced that it's not apparent to most viewers.

B-b-but Lisa is perfect!


Guys I watched this and it seemed to me to be mocking muh vagina voters and cucked men who vote for what their wife want in order to keep receiving sex.


To be honest… it was quite funny. Most jokes actually work which is rare for leftist "comedy".

It's still not funny regardless.


I felt like the thing was more in praise of Obongo / status quo than anything else.

It worries me that a German Seer once told me none of the people currently running will become president. He's not always right, but often enough… I really fucking hope Obongo doesn't retain power somehow.

So… comedy has been dead for… a while now. I don't really get what SJWs are laughing on shows like these. Virtually all of their comedy shows are just sermons at this point.




It's the witching hour.



kekkus fortificae


I'd swear these shills are mocking us across platforms at this point.

I genuinely wasn't sure after watching the clip if it was clever satire about political attack ads, or if the producers sincerely hate Trump and want him to look bad.

Apparently, according to interviews with the producers, it's the latter. Which makes it much, much funnier.

Like everything else in Hillary's campaign, this doesn't make her look any better; instead, the main takeaways are:

- Hillary is a bitch who hates men.
- Exposure to Hillary will turn other women into bitches who hate men.
- Therefore, men should vote for Trump (but you may have to hide it from your wife if she's as obnoxious as Marge).

Oh, and
- Donald Trump will make Chris Christie eat worms.

In other words, just like everything else Hillary has ever done, she's accidentally made another pro-Trump ad. A DOUBLY-effective one: since it's actually obviously trying to make him look bad, people are going to react with "fuck this, I'm going to vote Trump to spite them!"

I think it mocks both sides. Homer is supposed to be the dumb guy but Marge is a self-righteous cunt and Homer only votes Dem to get pussy.

I don't think that's a shill. Just a retarded Stein/ Johnson voter.

Well, that was a Halloween episode =^]

Mike David - Summer Gun Jam
He almost deletes this shit clean. I can not find any mp3 or such for the Kill all the Gays song.
He also did video related

You guys finally realize the power of American propaganda is the way that it's elegantly put together arguments that could be taken both ways. American propaganda is designed to make both sides hate each other.

From this simpson's episode, some people will think (primarily women) that Trump would actually do that stuff . And it fits into their whole Mary Sue power fantasies about smashing the patriarchy they always have.

Other people would realize it's a parody of commercials and it's all bullshit, and it has stereotypical male husbands appeasing women for sex and telling them what they want to hear.

It's designed for both sides to get something from it. It's not one side or the other. And it helps create more fighting and division between the population, which is exactly the purpose.



Nah his profile has zero activity i'd doubt that its even a day old.
A stein voter would have some kind of bern-out esc avatar.
A Johnson voter would be just be a neo-con.

I think this is demoralization aimed at locking down independents who haven't been paying attention yet. If an independent switches to/listens to Trump it is VERY hard for them to be switched back to someone like Clinton.

Trump has a massively proactive group of people on the internet in youtube, faceberg etc. for a number of reasons:
A. all the bernouts are not in the mood to be posting on the internet, especially not about how great it is Clinton has a vagina.
B. Trump has Holla Forums, libertarians, and anyone else who has been locked out of politics due to the neo-con, neo-liberal bullshit kike funded dichotomy.

When shills come here to say "don't vote for trump he's le Jew" or "there's no use its rigged." they aren't aiming to get us to not vote. Holla Forums is to small a demographic for that.
They're aiming to demoralize us to the point where we stop creating memes and become as demoralized as the bernouts are. this so the dems can try and take back control of the normie discussions to the same levels they had in 2008. They can't do that when we flood goytube, faceberg reddit, etc. in mass with truth and memes on our side.



Thank God at least anime is far less fagged up than this bastardization of Western media.

I like this version of Lisa better than the liberal cunt she is now.

or maybe youd realize a voting poll volunteer is gonna be fuck all useful telling a real ID from a fake one when they can barely handle the paper work to register to vote, which requires ID already

Where can i get a copy of that?

No, his ex-wife claimed that to make him look bad in the Normie's eyes and then she took it back.

They don't realize that rehashing basic CNN talking points isn't edgy/ avant-garde/ humorous.

Remember when Bart was meant to be sympathetic troubled kid who tons of potential mixed in with a lot of problems instead of an absolute asshole?
"Bart Gets an 'F'" treats him like an actual person instead of a one-dimensional piece of shit.


Apologize to me for being a homosexual.

Me and my brother would always make fun of how cucked The Simpsons has become by adlibbing our own impressions of the simpsons, typically filled with liberal garbage.

This is almost exactly how we imagined the simpsons would sound about the election.

Meme Magic is not to be toyed with.

Here retard you dropped something this is why we strap your helmet to your fucking head


Why is he not yellow like everyone else?

Funny that you bring up the "Marge forces Homer to vote who she wants" thing. I remember this episode and Marge was telling Homer about why voting against her vote is bad.

Here's the mp3. The quality is a little lossy since it was a youtube rip but it's good enough.!CkNWRKzJ

Why would they call attention to 3 AM?


Just read this;

forgot the key: !Dmi0d_WyTwZlSPH3CPy5Oj7Rua7pv4o-AEfx5RBP5KQ


You guys think King of the Hill would have been pro Trump? Dale certainly would be portrayed supporting him at least.

King of the Hill was great, Mike Judge originally wanted to make it as a parody of a modern Republican family but it was played pretty damn straight most of the time.

and it's weird that Jeb Bush and Hank Hill have similarites. They sell a certain item and are neocons.

No, they got out of supporting Bush II because he had a weak handshake.

Henk was a Populist. Neither Democrat, nor Republican. simply a Conservative American who voted for the guy whom he thought would do the best job.


Hank Hill is a registered member of the Republican Party.

That's what I really liked about it. They never pushed as a view point but, simply demonstrated on the show because the Hill family were middle class living in Arlen Texas, it made sense that they would be Republican.

Compared to what's already being discussed about the current Simpsons and Family guy which from what I've seen (I barely watched either) they would never show them openly being liberal but, the show themselves forced liberal views onto the viewer in 'subtle' ways.

That's why this recent simpsons is so obvious because they are literally pushing an agenda and saying not voting for Hillary is 'wrong' and only someone as dumb as Homer would consider voting for Trump.

It really seems like they are sabotaging her.



Does Mike want to distance himself from this stuff or is there another reason?

Trump is funny, Hillary is desperate to be President. What's the problem?


They reuse voice actors for the simpsons constantly now.

It's more or less on life support so it can drum out propaganda.

The Simpsons after Season 10 is mostly garbage.

Praise Kek

If they did an episode on it it would probably start with Hank going muh new yorker and Trump is a jackass.
Then he would somehow meet Don Jr. or something who would tell him about Trump's work ethic and how he raised them and Hank would be so impressed that he would change his mind.

The image shown is Homer's fantasy, not Marge actually being a dyke. The one who was a closet carpet-muncher was her sister Patti, and she isn't even that as she was with Skinner and it was broadly hinted that she and Selma were fond of kidnapping men and using them up. Plus there's her panty-moistening for MacGuyver. It was retarded to make her a lez.

Everything else about that video was disgusting, but when did liberals start jumping on NATO's dick?

Oh, that's right……Russia.

When Trump took the obvious stance that we should leave if it doesn't help us. Liberals will disagree with Trump no matter what he says. They are so addicted to the "conservatives are all evil and must be opposed at every step" mentality that they can't break free.

I'm just glad the show ended when it did.

I don't think I'd be able to stomach a post-Obama King of the Hill. Even when Bush was running they talked about it a bit but ultimately never revealed who Hank really supported in the end. But with how the media bullies anyone to the right of socialism these days, they'd probably have to send a very firm pro-Hillary message.


The comment section is awful.

As often is with this election, the normie is being apolitical and saying both candidates are equally bad. They're dissatisfied.

Just being useful idiots as usual, do you expect a normie to conceptualize the importance of this election country and worldwide ?

the simpsons clip was made after you numb skull

As already said, after season 11 or 12 (I forget it's been a while), the Simpsons became a cameo machine/political soapbox for leftist faggotry.

what's depressing is that actually could have been funny


matt groening or however he's fucking called is a freemason. why else would that mind-lulling trash run on muroch's brainwash network?

time to watch nonsense of a world that never existed like that. their wet fantasy is a threat to reality. never forget that.

kek is with me tonight. praise the lord, amen.

I thought it was the 9th/10th season it went full garbage.

fucking hell…..

this show is still on?

So we make a federal citizen ID with a chip in it simple as that. The only reason they haven't done this is it makes it easier for people who don't care about the rules to skirt the system and get away with things like human trafficking and voter fraud. They already have millions of duplicate SS numbers that they do nothing about tracking down when it would be very easy to track down. But no jose can run his business with dozens of illegal workers and pajeet can hold foreign nationals as slaves in his estate.

This is a great reply.

That is some great comedy. Where can I find more high quality comedy like this?