You get a a $26,000,000 budget for season one (No, you cannot embezzle)
You have to make 572 minutes of programming, be it 52 11-minute shorts, 26 22-minute episodes, 13 44-minute specials, or a combination thereof.
Your goal is to make it as fetish-tastic as possible for you, as well as appealing to any young minds that may be watching. BUT you still have to maintain a TV-Y7 rating.
what show do you make?
You can make a cartoon! how do you use it to give tomorrow's children YOUR fetish?
Something basically like Rescue Rangers, replacing Chap with a female, replacing the fly with some cute furry critter, putting both females in skimpy outfits (or one wearing nothing which is never explained), making awkward, suggestive plotlines where they get hit with liquids or something a lot or hidden innuendo, maybe a love triangle but this time, both females on one guy.
Then looking for an asian animation studio which still knows the art of 90s animation, so even the kids appearing in episodes look kinda seductive regarding their facial expressions.
Making the villian obviously rapey, using weird devices, maybe even being attracted to the female characters despite being a human.
One episode of course needs to be about one of the female characters turn into a human, have amnesia and fall in love with the villain.
Hmm what else… there's just so much.
How about a love potion device that makes the love interest character of the male team member fall in love with the other male team member, and he's totally creeped out by this, while the internet will ship it hard?
Add a female shapeshifter.
Add a female, dominant tsundere character.
Add suggestive dances, meaningful over-the-shoulder looks, butt views, hell, anything Disney would do except even more blatant.
There are too many possibilities, honestly.
fuck off
The Adventures of David Bowie
you know, so it's normal for the male main character to wear a skirt
what is it? come on, you can tell me
yeah, sure it can appear in SOME capacity
Oh, we can find a way!
my fetishes are incest and gay women getting raped by women. no possible way I could do this
I'd probably just make a Detective Conan thing with a female lead, but she's only reduced to her teens. Then she has weird fatherly/romantic relationship with her old male friend, who doesn't realize it's her de-aged. Oh, and I guess she can revert to grown up randomly, so she can be caught in childish costumes that are just a bit too small for her adult frame.
Basically all the shit I THOUGHT 13 going on 30 was going to be about, but it ended up just some boring shit I don't remember.
you mean Freaky Friday?
Full frontal, non-sexualised nudity
make it about classical statues who come to life when the museum curators are gone. BAM
Avatar and Frozen show that having siblings at all in a series promotes incest. You can get a dominant female villain who implies rapeyness very easily, even having her defeat and humiliate other women from time to time or have it implied in the past. And if she's related to the character, two birds, one stone.
dammit, wrote that wrong, I meant gay men being raped by women
You can't show full frontal nudity on television (last time I checked)
you can if its a classical statue. which is why I suggested that thing I just suggested
Why are you using a tripcode?
How about you fuck off?
If I want faggots I go to the furry board.
Yiff in hell.
There's no use reinventing the wheel.
I don't go there. Because I don't want faggots.
If you didn't understand that, come out of the closet I guess.
And it was so blatant that the show was cancerous and annoying.
It was like Stripperella for kids.
I just add a lamia character, and that would be enough. I think I have that fetish in the first place because I once stumbled upon a Crimean mythology book as a kid, and there was one Scythian fanfic where their half-snake goddess forced Heracles to marry her and that's how the Scythians came to be. Ah, good times.
Go back to fuckchan, you asshole.
For some reason I just have to think of a kinda hilarious, old Magic the Gathering backstory.
Drakes (Dragons without arms and hands, just wings) and Wurms descended from dragons who lost in a Dragon War.
The losers of that war had to give up their limbs because they weren't worthy of being dragons.
What chan?
fuckchan = every chan but this one
Did they stop the show only because they ran out of weird fetishes?
A show about humans and monsterfolk living in a world isolated from modern day society (because Reasons™). The cartoon is half-and-half an adventure cartoon and something more serious, delving into inter-species politics and intrigue as the humans are getting sick and tired of the monsterfolk, but the monsterfolk feel the same way.
Also all the monsterfolk are in the style of Monmusu.
The main characters are a male human and a female harpy; both run mail for their respective kingdoms and do often encounter and help each other. Eventually they try to become messengers of peace as well as messengers of others.
Wasn't shit like that out as an animu?
when will you faggots learn of the ULTIMAFILTER (trademark pending) that filters everybody who is not-Anonymous by default?
(^|, )(?!Anonymous$)(?!OtherNames$)(?!YouWantTo$)(?!Allow$).*$
Just type the above and check "regex" and all your namefag problems will be solved for life
The only fetish that I have that couldn't effectively be worked into a TV-Y7 rating would be long term psychological torture. But the rest is good enough for me.
Already done.
I agree. You should probably die soon.
I'm thinking something like Totally Spies.
It's a superhero show about a busty blonde whose metabolism got fucked by nuclear energy. She has an insatiable appetite and gains weight very easily, but the fatter she gets, the stronger she gets. She loses weight just as quickly, so her weight is reset between episodes. Besides the crime-fighting shit, alot of the episodes revolve around her hiding her eating and trying to get food without spending much money, so she risks becoming a villain herself.
She lives and works in a commune that fronts as an orphanage, but is actually a villain/monster mill run by the boss/landlord. At first, no one on the orphanage side knows that the landlord is a crime boss. To keep the heat of him, he routinely pits the workers against each other, bribes them, sends them on bullshit trips, gives them meaningless "tests," etc. The boss got wise to the blonde fast, so he likes to bribe the blonde with food and tell her not to eat X for Y minutes.
The other workers include a stereotypical slacker "bad girl" and a ditsy scientist. The slacker loves to tease the blonde, but is mostly useless when the chips are down. The scientist, on the other hand, is great with all sorts of technology, but tries so hard to figure out where the energy and monsters are coming from, that she can't hear the fight going on outside.
I'd take 26 22-minute episodes. Frenchie, psuedo-Disney, or 90's style, doesn't matter.
Fuck that's not TV-Y7 is it
That sounds like an anime. You should call Pierrot, that shit's right up their alley.
No, Freaky Friday is about a mom and daughter switching bodies. 13 going on 30 was about a girl wishing to be older and magically waking up in the future. sounds more accurate to be honest family member.
If the villain is one of those mustashe-twirling Dick Dastardly types I'd be sold.
Totally Spies was unparalleled in its DA-tier fetish fuel. No other show will ever top it.
That won't stop us from trying.
Yes. You just completed my vision.
Hm… how could I make a show about orcs, impregnation and traps?
Simple. With orcs and elves, one elf is a feminine character who's gender is never clarified and the elf race is about to die, so they look for the last elf female, while the orcs try to find and kill her to get rid of the elves in the future.
Also, the elves have to fight for who has the right to mate with the one female elf.
I was thinking orc adventures with humans and elves living in farms, like Silver Spoon but with orcs as the farmers.
Your fetish is ironic
I don't think it's easy to shape fetishes in that way - or at least it isn't as simple as "monkey see, monkey do".
Maybe if we had a perfect model of human brain development we could do it, but we don't.
I guess if I had to try I'd hire the best hypnotist I could find and get them to design subliminal messages to be included in the show.
A terrorist group made up entirely of attractive women creates a prototype serum that makes people shrink to a few inches tall (with the unintended side-effect of making them nigh invincible) and intend to use it to take over the world. Mild-mannered protagonist accidentally consumes the prototype and shrinks, and the terrorist group wants to capture him and experiment on him to perfect their serum. Protagonist must now evade being captured with the help of a female secret agent.
Protagonist ends up accidentally and/or intentionally stepped on, sat on, eaten, or inside women's undergarments and cleavage multiple times per episode. Finale episode is the shy, clumsy member of the female terrorists drinking a serum that makes her grow out of control, driving her mad with power and demanding that everyone worship her while she rampages through the world's major cities. The terrorists and the heroes must team up to stop her before she grows too big.
What are the limits of the TV-Y7?
>tomboy MC loses her pants regularlly flustering the girls who see that she wears briefs
>her preferred sport is multi-gun and she loves modifiying her own gear because to my knowledge you can shoot intimate objects plenty in kids TV
nice fetish user.
Well my idea is to have this vigilante who is like the Shadow crossdress all the time for disguises and for personal time. The vigilante behaves like the Shadow, has agents and uses disguises, mostly female. There will be lots of lewd crossdressing scenes. The vigilantes background is that he originally was a tailor at a women's clothing store that got set on fire by the mob so everyone thinks he's dead. He uses this to his advantage to crossdress to get intel. He also has this female persona that he uses to get the drop on criminals and beat the shit out of them. The show will use many different crossdressing techniques like tucking, padding, not wearing padding and only womens underwear, and occasionally use skinsuits. Also, one of his agents who's a kid will try to be like him in this Batman and Robin sort of way. The kid will crossdress like his hero as well.
Another idea I had was a crossdressing cartoon where the boys have to dress up as cheerleaders and compete in a cheerleading competition. Essentially in the world I set up a lot of boys do this and this is considered normal so it would be kind of a sports show to see who comes out on top. That and there would be lewd locker room scenes.
also there maybe some padding and showing how crossdressing techniques work.
Another idea I had was for a crossdressing teen superhero. Not like Shezow though, instead the origin would be like the kid is crossplaying for a convention and saves some one and it goes online. He ends up becoming a crossdressing superhero and has to keep it up with all the shenanigans invovled with maintaining his double life. The other origin I had in mind was he was a trap who worked for a maid cafe that got destroyed by gangs so he dresses up as a maid to seek vengeance on the gangs.
Do you think kids are predispositioned to a certain fetish or are they just blank slates where you can impose whatever fetish you want on them.
Is that a "Are you born gay?" discussion?
Not so much are you born gay but are you born to have certain fetishes. For example are you born to be a Furry? Are you born to be into giantess fetish? Thats the kind of thing I'm asking.
Do identical twins always share the same sexuality?
No? It's not purely genetic.
So a combination of environment and genetics then?
I have another idea for a crossdressing cartoon. Essentially, the plot is a boy is dating this girl and his girlfriend gets sent away to a private boarding school. He doesn't hear from her and thinks somethings up. So he disguises himself as a girl and enrolls in the school to find some occultish things going on. It will have school shenanigans and him trying to hide his true sex and also he gets hit on by lesbians.
Hmm, I'm thinking about this, but I'm not sure how a show about a pregnant evil child would play out
thank you for responding to my suggestions of a crossdressed focused cartoon.
Have there been many crossdressing leads in animation? Not counting Bugs Bunny, of course.
I've been meaning to check that out. Is it any good?
none that I can think of user.
It's fucking great. The whole show is dripping with style, the animation is beautiful, and characters are charming throughout. I can't recommend it highly enough. You can probably still find it all on youtube, but there was a DVD release (the guy putting together the special features actually came to old Holla Forums once to see about finding any information anons had about the end of the comic series).
I'll check it out user thanks.
I'm drawing a blank here, can anyone help me come up with a way to speak lactation into a children's cartoon?
When it's on a cow's udders that spray out like a fire hose, no one gives a shit.
Just have a mother in there who always has a hungry baby she has to go off and feed. But you never show a bottle. Not once.
Another idea I have for a crossdresing cartoon is this kid who lives with his single mother and falls in with a gang in order to seek approval. He fucks up this trap maid cafe with the gang. The gang abandons him and he has to repay the damages by working at the cafe with the other traps in a maid uniform. He learns humility and eventually becomes friends with the traps at the maid cafe. Hijinks ensue and lots of trap lewdness. Also, its hinted the boss of the cafe is a crossdresser and later episodes will confirm it.
Trap maid cafe isn't exactly "sneaking" your fetish in though.
true. I just wanted to vent out all my ideas for a crossdressing comic/cartoon. In retrospect a lot of my ideas would work better as a comic on deviantart or something.
My fettish: loving and being loved by ghosts
thats an interesting fetish user. Never heard of that one before.
There's just something about disembodied spirits that gets my motor running. The being posessed bit is part of it though, and the reason i would make it integral to the plot would be so that it is viewed as a positive thing and something for the audience to look forward to as the solution to a problem.
user, have you read Itoshi no Kana? I bet you'd like it.
I also would watch that show, although it sounds more like an anime plot than a western cartoon plot.
I'm trying to come up with one of my own but my fetishes are too numerous. I'm trying to decide whether to focus on one or try and cram them all in one show.
Looks interesting, I'll give it a read.
I'm drawing a total blank on this. Wait…. yeah, no I've got nothing.
I thought maybe serialize the movie Free Birds post-movie events and have looney toons-tier stunts blowing feathers off or some gothic archetype bird character in a love affair with a goofy predator.
I think that fetish could only work for a short rather than an entire series. Otherwise it would be run into the ground.
Ordinary school student learns that his new teacher is actually a Demon Queen that plans a demonic invasion into his town. One of his classmates is Demon Queen's daughter, who becomes his ally because she wants to be a regular girl and is not thrilled about her future career as succubus.
To cram even more fetishes in, both Demon Queen and her daughter have ability to become various monstergirls.
To add some politics in the mix: later on, it will turn out that Demon Princess rebels against her mother because her father was an angel who lost custody battle during divorce with Demon Queen, despite being a more responsible and suitable parent. In the end of Season 1, justice prevails, demonic invasion is thwarted and Angel Dad regains custody. In the Season 2, Demon Queen becomes school principal and also decides to get married again, but since she has no common sense, she keeps hooking up with worst kind of people/mythological figures, so her daughter and protagonist have to ward off unwanted suitors while trying to find a better candidate themselves.
Magical girl show with the girls transforming into big, muscular women.
Something along the lines of Gravity Falls or Spy Kids - basically just a 10-12 year old brother and sister duo doing cool shit, solving mysteries, fighting bad guys and saving the world.
The only difference is that the girl has daytime accidents and hence wears diapers. It's only occasionally brought up in the show and is basically treated as no big deal by the rest of the characters, although sometimes the bad guys would tease her about it. She is always drawn with a slight bulk between her legs though, so if you're paying attention you can see she's always diapered.
There would be plenty of bondage in the show too, but it wouldn't follow the cliche of having the girl always be the one to get caught and tied up by the bad guys. She'd be presented as just as smart and talented as her brother.
It can be justified to the censors by saying that it's intended to make kids with bladder problems feel more normal and less isolated.
Basically the goal would be to make a great show and have the diapers just be a minor character trait. That would be much more effective at spreading the fetish than making a shitty in-your-face show.
I think they are predisposed to certain general categories of fetishes - certainly I was always fascinated by any kind of dom/sub type situations as far back as I can remember. In my case that evolved into a diaper fetish some time around when I was potty trained.
…I would fund another series of She-zow.
That's all.
Honestly, is there any reason for that show to exist beyond giving Shadman something to draw?
I want more crossdressing cartoons. Is Shezow any good?
I don't know, I've only seen the porn.
Shadman gives him a beauty mark on his ass. HRRRRR
I've seen some lewd fan art of it on deviant art. It turns me on.
you know the only thing that bugged me about she-zow's costume was the cheetah print pattern.
I just finished reading your recommendation. 10/10, kind sir.
Got any more?
Basically about a robot girl that looks nearly 100% human (but with features to remind you that she's a robot you silly kids) and like Totally Spies, each episode focuses on different kinks that are totally made doable as a result of her being a robot.
You can still incorporate that, bruh. its not hard to think of how
Are we allowed to use the money to bribe people to get softcorn porn onto tv during the saturday morning time slot?
what is that?
I'm lucky most of my fetishes are actually pretty tame and vanilla. What makes me a degenerate, however, is how many of them I have.
It's a magitech fantasy setting.
Main cast is composed of a plate armored (no helmet, though; gotta show her fabulous hair) warrior Lamia woman in her thirties, a shortstack fairy (really short human sized) engineer witch witch hat included, you heretic with a robot spider pet she carries around in her arms like it was a plush (which she uses to perform maintenance on her own implants) and a thief delicious choco dark elf. They are all augmented with magitech to hell and back, and it shows. For example, Lamia has got hidden blades in her tail, and her metallic arms are actually not part of the armor; fairy has retractile mechanical wings that work through jet propulsion rather than standard flapping, as well as some subdermal circuitry that allows her to channel the magic in her heart outside of her chest; and the thief has both some chameleon skin augmentations that are only visible in extreme closeups or when in use, and also some augments that are _never_ explicitly mentioned.
The Lamia is the only fully dressed (except for her tail; she just wears a chainmail skirt to cover the part that's closer to her body) member of the group. The other two girls wear fairly "sporty" or downright skimpy clothing, but will never show anything more than their midriff or legs. In specific, the thief wears biker pants most of the time, whereas the fairy usually wears some artificial leather looking stockings that cover her from under her skirt up to the bridge of her feet. Their excuse for showing so much skin, even during Winter, is that it allows them to move more freely, but it will be implied later on that they just like to show off their bombastic bodies. Both the fairy and the dark elf always walk barefoot (absolutely no shoehorned closeups of their feet, tho; they just happen to walk barefoot and that's about it). It's also important to note that, each of them have two sets of clothes to swap from time to time. The Lamia only has her casual clothes (a plain t-shirt) and her armor, though.
Lamia is the most mature of the group, being more often than not the serious and stoic one, but will sometimes give the other girls some smacking if the situation calls for it. However, she will get very tender and clingy when high on soda (the official explanation is she is a bit bitter due to her current life situation, but will forget about everything as soon as she drinks her favourite soft drink, as if it was her own personal sadness crisis emergency ice cream; it's actually just a kids friendly version of beer, however). Both the witch and the dark elf are fairly happy go lucky, but the dark elf seems to be considerably sharper than the witch. Despite being the person tasked to maintain all the complicated magitech artifacts and implants of the group and being fairly good at it, she's very naive about everything that's not her field, to the point she sometimes seems to be retarded. The dark elf, in contrast, although not very well versed in anything that's more advanced than level elementary mathematics, seems to have graduated in the school of life with high grades; in specific, she seems to be very capable of pushing people's right buttons to get them to abide to her will, which is why she often acts as the face of the group. Basically, academic smart vs street smart. Despite their apparent differences, they are the best of friends.
To appease the autists, the show will mainly feature a continuous plot (because muh deepest lore ensures people get addicted to your show, which increases the chances of fetish memetics), but attempts will be made to put opening and ending points in places where people could drop or pick up the episodes without getting lost. Small self-conclusive side plots in each episode will reveal more facts about the world, but mostly the characters.
Even though the show is mostly aimed at 12-13 yo kids, the characters will often drop double entendre (sexual) puns or make adult life references to keep it entertaining for teenagers or adults who can understand the references. The show will sometimes make use of self-referential or otherwise absurd humor, in the style of Monty Python's Flying Circus shorts, usually based on surprise and little time for the viewer to react. There will still be lots of action.
The plot mostly follows the daily life of a group of hobo-adventurers who, despite being technically and physically average to good, they still manage to be utterly incompetent, hence why nobody wants to hire them. They will travel from town to town mounted on top of the Lamia's tail in search of some place in which their citizens haven't heard about their infamy. Sometimes, however, they will be so desperate they will simply have to adventure for food instead of money.
The Lamia is actually a fairly bitter woman. She dislikes her life as a wandering adventurer and her career choices (she acknowledges Lamias have such a shit mobility they make really bad warriors), but above all this, the fact that she never managed to get a boyfriend (yes, she is still a virgin, but that's obviously never mentioned); in specific, she seems very envious of her friends, who seem to be able to flirt without a problem. She embodies the stereotype of a middle aged Japanese business woman who chose her career over her personal life. She will be the focus character of at least two subplots: one in which the current villain manages to hack into her arm's systems due to the fact that they are running backdoored proprietary software and starts fighting her friends (with piss poor results, since she is still able to control the rest of her body); it is revealed at the end of this episode that said backdoor was actually put in there by the fairy, although the reasons are never specified (you know exactly why), but the Lamia never gets to know that; the next episode will mention they were then upgraded to run only fully free software. The other subplot will be an episode in which she will be really close to seduce a man, only to get cucked after the dark elf enters the scene and she unwillingly steals him. The ending in this episode will actually be a music video representing the Lamia's rage as the dark elf tries to run away from her.
The fairy is actually fairly innocent and naive (or so people think). She will actually believe anything anyone tells her, which is a trait the dark elf will be sure to exploit, either for benign or funny purposes. She is the most passive and least agile one of the group, and will often get distracted over minor stuff, which will cause her to be left behind from time to time. In fact, the fairy getting lost or being left behind in dungeons will pretty much become a running joke. Another running joke will be that, whenever they are in town, and more specially in a tavern, she will be seen in the background being approached by a man, she will laugh a bit, and then they will both disappear in the next shot, only to reappear much latter with the fairy looking happier and livelier than ever. In one of the episodes, when the whole team is high on soda, the gag will be changed to including the dark elf instead of the approaching man. As the series advances, it will be revealed that she is the way she is because she lived most of her life secluded in her noble family's mansion. She joined the group after being thrown out of her parent's house because she was the only one of her older sisters (all of them as sexy as the witch fairy, just much sharper and competent) who managed to remain an useless piece of shit by 20. She seems to have a crush for the Lamia, but due to the fact that she is actually very passive in these regards, she never manages to reunite the courage to tell her.
The dark elf is, simply put, quite the slut. She is the one who manages to get the team's contracts, not without a previous closed door negotiation with the client (often explained as "I will talk to this man; go buy some potions while I reunite with him"). In one episode, she will comment on some special custom implants she got as she walks away with a client who seemed to be fairly impressed with her optical camouflage skin if you pay attention, you will get to hear them talking again about the optical cammo in the distance, and then the dark elf will mention "oh yeah, it's MUCH better than using a blindfold". Sometimes she will also act as the spy, using her superior social and sexual skills to infiltrate and acquire information or steal the necessary MacGuffin.
Blow most of the budget in animation and storyboarding (make sure the camera feels more dynamic and cinematographic, like in anime), then in music. I will take care of the writing 4hotpockets, if necessary. Also hire Xavier Houssin for the character designs to guarantee dem hips.
You will have noticed this is actually quite a lengthy post. It was necessary, since all those were my fetishes. All of them. Including the cybernetics running free software part. Specially the cybernetics running free software part.
If you don't somehow insert /ss/ vibes then you have failed.
any way you could give a short version, Dickens?
this. just summarize the premise without the details and describe the fetish.
Actually, I will make a list, since it will be faster:
>slut dark elf thief who is the face and vagina of the team. Also seems to have bisexual tendencies.
>all of them heavily augmented with magitech implants cyborgs are my fetish
Before you argue it's too adult for a TV-Y7 show, first understand all innuendos are very, veeery implied and usually delivered through double entendres, and skimpy clothing would not be THAT skimpy, just showing a bit of midriff and legs, maybe a tiny little bit of cleavage. Many shows have gotten away with way lewder stuff than this, like SU with space lesbians or Wakfu with Eva fucking Tristepingas off camera
Disney is at it again.
You can never document fetishes well enough.
whats your fetish? dogs with heels on?
How am I supposed to make my snuff fettish appropriate for a kids show?
just any generic deadly danger dungeon.
or like, zombies
Fantasy setting, Two brothers are on a boat, stranded at sea, barefoot and with tattered clothes, until they arrive at a strange land. Once there they met a boy with cat ears and tail, explains to them what happened to the fuck was this place, leads them to his village, but in the distance, a snake follows them. Tl;dr, peaceful and pretty place, got taken over by a mysterious warlord, and his army of wizards, animals and soldiers. Brothers live with the catboy for a while, hide from his parents when they come home. A few days later, a shitton of snakes swarm the house, forcefully take the brothers to the warlord, warlord is a slightly older catboy, with huge white puffy ears and an enormous tail, who wears latex boots and gloves. Warlord tries to find out where they're from and if they know about the gleaming eye of elure, hypnotizes brothers, to near point of death, saved by a bird who distracts the warlord, now kids are trying to escape and find a way to remove warlord, while not getting tentacle raped, hypno'd, or killed.
Only thing not accounted for is death by penis here, but otherwise, I'm good.
Almost forgot, there's an episode where one of the brothers turns mini. So yeah.