Is there a name for this? I want to wear female clothes, I am not gay, nor do I wish to be a woman. I just want to wear female clothes and look good/passable as a woman. The only thing I can think of is 'female clothes fetish'.
Is there a name for this? I want to wear female clothes, I am not gay, nor do I wish to be a woman...
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you're gay
How am I gay? I am not attracted to other men the slightest.
you're probably mentally ill too
dunno what it's called exactly but look for 'lolita fashion', it looks similar
I also wanna wear something like this, but I'm also not interested in men
Case of a guy who does not appreciate his looks and wants to get attention in some way.
Probably brought up without a dad in your life.
Chop of dick and become a tranny.
Or man up and find some male role models who arent the basic /fit/ meme.
Trannies are mentally ill, they honestly believe they are a female 'soul' in the body of a man. I am and will always be a man, no matter what.
straight crossdresser seem to coin it perfectly.
it doesnt address the underlying issue of his problem.
clearly he needs therapy to help him understand that being a man is not necesarrily being not "pretty"
Yes, you are a fop or a dandy.
then what's with your weird fetish? dressing like a woman? that's fucking gay as hell
The clothes themselves, I want to dress up and feel them against my skin. While at the same time being able to admire my mirror image.
A lot of gay today, but whatever. /fa/ is officially dead so this is now a fashion thread.
Unfortunately for you OP, you're a man. You will not be able to fit into any of Lolita fashion. Unless you are super ridiculously skinny. Still I think you will have some troubles because men tend have broader shoulders. You might what to try flowy dresses to hide your figure.
So elegant.
You know you can look FABULOUS without looking like a chick right?
Not every cross dresser is a queer. Go cross dress if that's what you're into
No cross dresser has ever been cured by therapy you vapid retard. OP's not hurting anyone by being a little gay boy
Term for that is crossdresser.
We have a specific word for this already.
Trans - To change
Vest - Clothing, as in 'vestments'
-ite - Suffix denoting an individual belonging to a group.
Transvestite doesn't mean transexual or even gay, though people are gonna think you are, and not without reason. It means you wear the opposite sex's clothes. Tomboys are transvestites. Girls in denim used to qualify as transvestites before it became unisex.
I'm not op and don't want to be a woman I just think their clothes look better. I wish men could just wear fancy dresses that accentuate my legs more.
Yeah that's super gay
How is it gay though? I thought the definition of being gay, for men, was being attracted/wanting to have sex with other men?
Welcome to the world, KLINGER!
I'll be real. I wish it was socially acceptable for men to wear dresses or skirts, because sometimes I just want to let my boys breathe down there
you want to be a straight trap? interesting
i've gotten into the trap scene recently too, early days though so i can't really give amazing advice
Cross-dressing or transvestism.
If you call it a kilt, it's not gay. Also, if you can toss a telephone pole across a river and play the bagpipes.
Are you Asian by chance?
Because if you are: Just dress up like a KPOP idol
Literally those guys go around in dresses and so much makeup and hair products they look like fucking drag queens yet they have so many female fans willing to die and cut themelves and bend over just to get a kiss or get fucked by these idols
Seriously: Look up KPOP/JPOP idols. The more feminine ones. They fuck a different girl each week on tour and they look gay as fuck
daddy replied to me!