If some breeds of dogs are more inclined to types of behavior such as herding animals due to genetic

If some breeds of dogs are more inclined to types of behavior such as herding animals due to genetics,then are some races inclined to behavior due to genetics? '

Native Americans & their vulnerability to being addicted to alcohol,and the tendency for Arabs to rape women who show some skin like how a shark reacts to blood in the water are some of the examples of what I'm talking about.

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yes, this is why niggers wind up in prison

Yes, breeding science applies to humans too, but people don't want to admit that because of "evil eugenics"

because facts be raycis


Commander Rockwell said it best.


Can't inbed.

I don't get how people can shoot with their elbow way up in the air like that. Every time I see it, I think they must be retarded for not instantly realizing it's more comfortable and more stable if they just lower their fucking arm. Jesus.

It's to knock out any gooks that might be sneaking up behind you (happens all the time)

What is the genetic distance between dog breeds compared to the one between whites and niggers?

You tell me OP

there's your problem

Well at least for alcohol and alcoholism, that is because of recent natural selection for resistance to alcohol and lower rates of alcoholism. Europe had infinitely more exposure to alcohol than native populations of the new world. People who couldn't handle their drink ended up dead because beverages back then would have been harder to keep to any level of purity. You hear stories of people ending up blind when drinking dodgy beer overseas, imagine that happening all the time. Natural selection takes over.

Indians, Aboriginals and to some extent Africans and Asians didn't have the same level of exposure to alcohol. No selection pressure lead to a population with a higher risk of being extremely light weight and very likely to form addiction.

To answer your original question, yes, humans are animals too.

Don't know, man. That guy was SF, he probably knew more about this than some random nobody like yourself.

These pictures gave me the feels…

What's the context of the first one?
Discouragement of beeing a lazy degenerate?

That's a weekend paper (see: comic section), so you can assume the rest of the family is going to church while the dad is staying home.

arabs rape if your skin is showing ,drunk injuns , nigs gona nig (((they))) brain washed the western world Dand C thread

9yr olds are not women.


Norman Perceval Rockwell (February 3, 1894 – November 8, 1978) was a 20th-century American author, painter and illustrator. His works enjoy a broad popular appeal in the United States for their reflection of American culture. Rockwell is most famous for the cover illustrations of everyday life he created for The Saturday Evening Post magazine over nearly five decades. Among the best-known of Rockwell's works are the Willie Gillis series, Rosie the Riveter, The Problem We All Live With, Saying Grace, and the Four Freedoms series. He also is noted for his 64-year relationship with the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), during which he produced covers for their publication Boys' Life, calendars, and other illustrations. These works include popular images that reflect the Scout Oath and Scout Law such as The Scoutmaster, A Scout is Reverent and A Guiding Hand, among many others.

it's the proper way to shoot long distance with irons as it gives the gun support.

It isn't easy to characterize mixed breeds based on their parentage. Not only is it impossible to predict which traits will be inherited from either parent, but the random gene combinations can produce novel behavioral and physical traits.

Its also a common misconception that black genes are dominant. White people, compared to blacks, are terrible and recognizing mixed breeds. Whites only notice those with dark complexions whereas the others can often pass as white or escape unnoticed.

Behavior is strongly influenced by genetics. In fact "nature" is probably is more influential than "nurture." What is behavior if not an organisms response to its environment? Environments may differ but we are programmed in our responses to different environmental stimuli.

People on Holla Forums greatly exaggerate the "inferiority" of certain races and also greatly exaggerate the genetic dominance of such races. One very interesting genetic character of blacks is that their DNA tends to have smaller regions of crossover during homologous recombination. This means that Africans are incredibly inclined towards genetic diversity and that mixed breeds with blacks are very difficult to characterize. On the other hand, whites and Asians tend to have much larger regions of crossover and to inherit sections of the genome in larger "chunks," so they are much easier to characterize by association; if they have such and such trait, they probably have this other trait too.

Its incorrect to assume that "mixed breeds have no breed." New breeds are often created by mixing breeds. Just like the silly attitude that political borders must never be redrawn, so is it stupid to assume that every breed must stay static. We breed dogs primarily for functionality and only recently has this obsession with purity progressed to such a degree that mixed breeds are famously healthier and more virile than pure breeds.

It is entirely possible to create new races. In fact, we know that Asians and Europeans are themselves stabilized mixed breeds, having blanda'd up with Denisovans and Neanderthal races.

New breeds CAN BE created by mixing breeds, but a This bred with a That doesn't produce a ThisAndThat breed in the first generation. The definition of a breed is that it breeds true. A population of 1st-generation hybrids doesn't have fixation in any of their genes, and their children won't have fixation either. It takes dozens of generations (or a many generations of careful artificial selection by breeders) to make a new breed out of a bunch of mutts.


it's more common in older military guys because it works well with straight stock rifles like the M1 and M14 and that's what they learned on.

for modern rifles elbow down works best, but old habits die hard

new breeds still have unpredictable characteristics and greater variation. the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a fairly new breed and it's common to see variations in size and shape

Right, it takes many generations for a new breeds gene pool to stabilize. First generations often have wildly variable phenotypes, so there has to be a selection pressure which can result in either unipolar genetic selection or multipolar genetic selection with the further separation into multiple distinct breeds, which is possible. Usually with unnatural selection we tend to select unipolar direction.

One more recent examples of stabilized race mixed populations is the Japanese. The Japanese race only recently stabilized within the last thousand years. They are actually race mixed between Yayoi continental Asians of Sino-Korean origin and the Jomon, which were aboriginal inhabitants of the island. The Jomon were shorter, more robust, harrier, more aggressive and more martial. Jomon bred Japanese constituted most of the Samurai class. After the dissolution of the samurai class, the Jomon descendants were fully absorbed by the larger population. The fact of the matter is that the Japanese are so genetically unique becaue of their mixed race heritage. To this day they are slightly shorter, more robust, and have more facial hair. We also see much more martial, aggressive and sexually oriented behavior than we see in pure bred Sino-Korean Asians.

Pictured are modern day Japanese women with obvious Jomon facial characteristics. I think nobody would mistake these women for Chinese. We can see the slight mismatch in jaw size, as Jomon had larger jaws. In the more unfortunate (or fortunate from the Japanese perspective) incidences, some Japs have smaller jaws and larger teeth, resulting in their crazy crooked snaggle teeth, which they think is cute.

Pictured are more pure bred Jomon types. Unfortunately they have largely been absorbed by the larger Japanese population, so you will rarely see such distinct phenotypes in modern day Japs. However you will still see these types depicted in their media

Take note of the heavy facial hair and distinct phenotypes of these Japanese men. You will not find such people in mainland East Asia

There are still (relatively) pure ones left user. But it's doubtful it will stay that way much longer when Japanese make up 97% of Hokkaido. The average "Ainu" of today is half-yayoi.

I don't get why kikes try to act like this doesn't apply to humans. Literally the exact same thing. The only difference is that this was not selective breeding really.

What sort of jap is this guy?

Its probably better for national unity if they are bred out. I also think its a genetic improvement over the pure bred Yayoi types and over the pure bred Jomon types.

That's a good mix. Those are the types of guys you'd see as samurai

The upper jewish echelons are selectively bred. They have racial laws that are a lot stricter than the Waffen SS. They also have a lot of genetic problems.

Definitely a bit more Jomon than average.

I think I see what you mean. Though pure Ainu have an average IQ of 97 (Imperial Studies from back when they had truly pure Ainu), have high test and don't run into the Asian issue of being uncreative ant colony people, aggressive pure Jomon would not be able to preserve the peacefulness and high-trust of Japanese society.

Especially now where almost everyone lives in crammed metropolises where there is no space to breathe, and workers are wageslaving 60 hours a week sustaining an economy that can only get worse, Jomon would not tolerate any of it and lash out. Maybe back when they lived tribally, they would be more reserved and calm people, but with all the craziness today and unsatisfying lifestyle of urbanites, Japan would have unending riots, public disorder and violent crime. Crime would be as bad as in Russia.

People tend to forget without the Korean autism genes, they wouldn't have the nice society they have now, nor would they be able to industrialize so quickly without the extreme narrowminded focus of Asians.

Chickenwing posting is still shitposting even if chickenwing is perfectly valid for many rifles if your right arm is unsupported

Yea. The jomon admixture actually allows their better Yayoi traits to shine, and visa versa. But they definitely do have a problem. The Japanese have the Jomon admixture which makes them more creative, exploratory, and high test, but the Yayoi continental genes give them the high structured order necessary to advance their society to a higher level. Jomon genes give them exploratory and territorial drive; Japs are extremely xenophobic and nationalistic ironically thanks to their mixed race heritage. They have that masculine energy of a primitive man defending his patch of the woods against aggressors. They are also unique in their capacity to sustain extremely high pressure. They can contain that primitive drive or instinct until they're ready to unleash it in a frenzy of activity ie nearly conquering all of East Asia before and during WW2. Japs are truly formidable in battle. Scary people, you don't want to be on the receiving end of their bayonet or crushed under their boots


East Asians can tolerate extremely high population densities psychologically. But you'll notice that some of the Japs are having psychological problems. When there isn't enough of an outlet for that primitive masculine drive they sometimes crack under the internal pressure. Like that random Jap who went on a 20 kill stabbing spree to eliminate undesirables. Tbh they need another war and more living space. Chinks aren't like that, they live like ants.

Chinks themselves are partially mixed race, as in the country of China. The Han are their Yayoi-proper ethnic group, but the Manchu Qing dynasty mandated that all the peoples in their domain were "Chinese" which included most significantly the South East Asian population. South East Asians are genetically distinct from the North-East Asian Yayoi-proper type. Its probably nearly as significant as the difference between Nords and Mediterranean Europeans.

The English are another example of a mixed-race population as a mixture between Germanic nords, Celts, and peppering of Mediterranean influence. Islands like that are great places for race mixing experiments because you can really homogenize the population under a natural selective pressure.

What should have happened during the European colonial era was a lot more cucking of the natives. That would have spread the European seed far and wide and improved the competitiveness and genetic diversity of their colonial possessions. This is a natural process. Most of our current races and ethnicities were formed by one tribe cucking the fuck out of another. The resulting population would have a lot of genetic diversity and natural selection would result in the best traits of both naturally combining.

Instead Europe conquered the world, suddenly abandoned all of their colonial possessions before they really did enough cucking, and then invited all of the world to come in and cuck them. WTF? That's dysgenic, the weaker seed cucking the stronger

The best scenario for Europe politically and for the world genetically would be for white countries to wake the fuck up and send all the foreigners back home. THEN send all the mixed race people back to that land and set them up as puppet governments with European nations as their patriarchs. Then resume the natural process of the stronger patriarch slowly whitewashing and cucking the rest of the world.

The fact of the matter is that pure bred Europeans cannot thrive in the places that they failed to colonize properly in the past. At tropical latitudes Europeans are just not genetically inclined to thrive. They could do this in North America north of Mexico, the southern tip of South America and probably Oceania, and North East Asia is they managed to genocide all of the natives (not realistically possible.) North America and Oceania are done, southern South America could be revisited. As for the rest of the world they need to CUCK the natives and improve the genetic stock/diversity of the world

Jews are the most inbred people in the world. All pure bred Ashekenazi Jews are descended from less than 100 ancestors approximately 1500 years ago. They upper echelons may be "selectively bred" to be the Jewiest of Jews but they carry an absolutely ridiculous number of outright genetic diseases and a horrible array of dysgenic traits. Disgusting weak physically incompetent bodies with pathetic skeletal structures, horrible neuroticism, really bad tbh. They should all be gassed. In fact they require regular injections of goy sperm just to keep their population healthy enough to live.

I would be quite weary of improving the genetic pool of untermensch. Stolen european genes is why the Ashkenazi are so overpowered and scary, despite their very small population.

Rockwell to me embodies traditional hierarchies while also simultaneously respecting his audience to draw their own impressions.

That's a rational wariness. A natural consequence of improving their genetic stock is that they will be better able to compete with Europe. The alternative would probably maintaining European dominance and maintaining the rest of the world as eternal political dependencies. The problem is that Europeans are not so far above certain populations, like East Asians, that Europe can simply keep them like cattle. They are already challenging European global dominance. In other cases, such as Africa, the natives are honestly so far beneath Europeans as to not be useful workers in the modern age and actually be a massive impediment to economic exploitation. I do not believe Europeans are genetically inclined to thrive at tropical latitudes, however. South Africa is actually a very nice suitable climate for Europeans, but the northern latitudes are dominated by the Sahara and the rest of the continent is too tropical. Now the problem becomes increasing competitiveness from East Asia, Africa is unsuitable for exploitation without cucking the natives with European seed. The Asians will take Africa instead, the Chinese are already cucking the Africans and making a bunch of black hapa babies that speak Chinese. China will dominate Africa and Europe will be confined to the continent.


So Jews are Satan, constantly degenerating, and as Satan they need sodomy to survive?

Disgusting creatures.

Shit, that actually makes sense. They are constantly inbreeding, but also constantly stealing genetic power. Jews are like a bottomless pit. They're the void in His Dark Materials where all the life in the world is leaking out in to.

From what I looked up

Coudenhove-Kalergi was half Nip, half Austrian. He was not Jewish, though he was a Mason and a good goy.

What a stupid, satanic man. According to the Old Testament itself, it was God who deliberate confused the languages and scattered the people so that they could not build a one world government at the tower of Babel. Therefore it was God who created the separate races. His perverted dream of a one world race is not only unbiblical, but its also impossible. No sooner would he have united all the world with one race than would they start immediately diverging again. It would have to be a very deliberate process to continually stir the pot

so to be Jewish is to know that your women are constantly fucking whoever they want to basically collect sperm for the Jewish race to survive.

Jews are the original cucks.

Assuming they had control over the beta race at that point, they would do as they always would: roam the world for more good men to consume

Not exactly. Jews were and still are notorious for whoring out their women. It's not at all uncommon for a heeb to send his daughter or sister to fuck (or, even better, marry) a strong gentile so that she could get some good genes into the bloodline. Hell, even Orwell wrote about it, and he was race-blind.

Why do you think all these successful politicians, public figures, millionaires and the like end up with kike spouses? It's Bene Gesserit-tier gene milking and selective breeding. A kikette may come from a family of cousin-fuckers, but she is not outwardly deformed, so she is sent to seduce some gentile so that her kids could possibly inherit his genes while being kikes by birth. They are improving their genepool while polluting ours.

Nah, they became cucks when they swapped their lineages from patrilineal to matrilineal. Oddly enough, this happened after they killed Jesus Christ.

However, I am inclined to believe in that claim somewhat, as the Spartans (related to jews) had a tradition of cuckoldry.

Why/how did that happen?