"don't look at me like that user"
"don't look at me like that user"
Why not?
*it makes me uncomforyable…*
"Aaaaaw how cute…"
*te-hee :3*
Hang yourself op, never thought I'd find someone more pathetic than me, but I did and now I'm filled with hope
* that hurts user… ;_; *
Then you should thank OP since it helped you to feel less worthless.
Who is this possibly autistic QT3.14?
Why do americans have such fatty flat faces?
Her body looks yikes to and she has such a medicore face.
Is this really what Americans find attractive even if she is trying to appeal to pedos.
*I won't tell you my name! hee-hee :3 *
*pat the head* I am sure that tongue could do some nice things…
she might not be head-turning gorgeous girl, but she's cute and adorable
Yo. Don't know about the other Annons but, Gonna need a Time-card and an age before this can continue any futher
Most of it comes from being gluttonous burgers, but some of it may be a genetic facial feature. IDK, tbh because I'm no geneticist.
Ur a cute :3
* liek this? *
looks young in the face but she's legal
If you say so dubs.
Do you think it is from race mixing? European girls have much better pretty defined features with a more sharpe face.
Where as Americans like OPs girl have fatty flat almost asian frying pan faces.
I hear in American as well that they prefer big asses, big tits and huge lips like that of a Negroid.
Race-mixing wasn't really that big in America until the later 20th century. You had a few who laid the Injun and niggers, and vice versa, but mostly whites stuck to other whites.
How did they end up so sub-par compared to european girls and on a different plane of reality compared to eastern european women if they all come from europeans…
* ty
Now show us bagina
* ur such a lewd guy user *
wink plz
post more pictures of the girl faggot
I second that notion OP
Whenever I see some SJW saying things I don't like here, I'll just assume it's a retard cunt like this
Hahaha btfo retard SJW CUNT
put shoe on head and lick it
(checked nigger)
I second this notion: moar and with lewds mkay
Holt shit, he's gorgous! I'm willing to turn gay just to get some of that boipussy.
OP is a fag
* nooo… *
What's her age? Looks a tad bit too young.
she's legal
think of her as that Monroe pron star, babby face but looks so young
She's not legal. She is a 15yo girl from Germany.
Since when age make any difference around here?
really, saurce?
Paranoia and the UK.
God help me.
She was posted on 4cuck a while ago. Some german user recognized her pics because they were spread on german pedo forums
but how cum her ass and cunt is skinda busted though?
because she's a fucking slut
so, some 12yo sjw retard said that he knows her from a pedo forum. thats some solid evidence right here
cause shes a whore
post screenshot of that post/thread
He posted a direct link to the forum on 4chan but was banned shortly after. I don't have the link… Anyways, it was some dad who was posting pics of his daughter.
It happened a half a year ago, check the archives if you want, good luck.
sure m8. screencaps/evidence or gtfo. dont have that, then kys or shut up
I call bullshit
No thx
I don't have it, fag. I admitted that I don't have the evidence. Go ahead and save the pics on your HDD though, I don't care.
"underage german girl" lol I dunno.
Roast beef pussy yuk.
think of me when your sitting in a prison cell
I recognize this semen demon.
ayy, sure nigger
post more fam
Her name is masha babko.
huehue, going to prison for some low res nude pics that some 16-20yo cumdumpster posted online herself
not gonna happen brah, at least not in my country ^^
*15 m8
you're going to jail
I'm not a burger like you
no nah nigger
I'm not a burger like you
so nah nigger :P
even if she was 14, i wouldnt go to prison for her self posted nudes
Please explain with specific details what you know about her.
Use google mr FBI :)
I don't like JEWgle, haha! Post what you have here, fellow Anomalous !