Can we have a MGTOW / beta male cringe thread?
They as bad as feminists.
Can we have a MGTOW / beta male cringe thread?
They as bad as feminists.
When's the last time a migtow harassed a scientist to tears over a shirt? Never? I thought so.
Give it time its quite new.
Until then you have no grounds on which to claim the two as equals. Feminists are objectively worse.
They still cringey group of subhumans. Its good that they won't reproduce.
You're on 8ch Holla Forums making a thread about people you don't like at 5:30 in the morning, you've no grounds to be calling others cringy.
Are you so thick you assume everyone here is from cuckland USA?
What a small world view you have. No wonder you are defending MGTOW faggots you live in a dengerate kike culture where women and men have succumb to the kikes dengeracy.
So I guess this is how you spend a Saturday afternoon then? That's not really much better.
I'm a NEET staying at home while my girl friends at work.
Not even a NEET by choice she wants me to stay in her home country with her for a year and work visa is to hard to get.
Shes eastern european to. So would yoou look at that… one of those "Gold digging sluts" providing for a guy.
My dudes, there is no need to look further.
When you get into the game, you will not be alpha, no that scale is for plebs.
you will surpass the alpha, the alpha male will be like a child to you.
you will be more, more than a mere man.
you will be godlike.
if you know where to look and can find us, you deserve the knowledge.
So then you're just a white knight, defending the poor womenfolk from men who have no interest in them, without hope of compensation.
Nope I am a normal person who isn't some sort of butthurt beta man child.
its a gender based cult.
It's people who don't care. Considering all of the nothing that they do to anyone, I do want to know why you hate them.
If they don't care about women why do they spend all their time on the Internet ranting about them.
So many MGTOW left over men nobody wants videos shitting up youtube.
Even on Holla Forums they need their own board to bitch about the other gender.
If they don't care about women then why do they sound so butthurt.
Eh, I guess there are those types too. Still, that's all relatively benign so I don't see where the hate comes from.
Why do people hate bronies? Are they not just benign?
Bronies are like furries posting their shit where it isn't wanted. The only mgtow thread on Holla Forums is yours.
Too bad you cling to petty things like wimmins, off course we can't ignore sex, but women are magnetic,when you understand that, getting laid will not be a problem, just change your frequencies and wimmins will be throwing themselves in your way.
I had high school girls leaving their lives and studies to come live with me,more than one, I had two girls living with me at the same time, I had girls asking me to merry them, I had women stalk me online and irl.
just because I learned how to attract them when I need sex or a woman in my house.
However life is rich and getting laid is not a main priority anymore, there is more to life indeed.
As far as women are concerned, unattractive men in a community are nothing more than a rich vein of untapped resources. The roasties will move in, displace the omegas, and seize both their resources and the alphas attention. Of course, this will destroy the community, but the roasties don't care about that.
That's why omegas and women are mortal enemies. Whatever omegas create, women see as their right to own and acquire, like mineral prospectors.
because of the circle jerk, trip codes and gay shit which this kind of posting is frowned on by anons.
Tbh I had all those things will teenage american girls.
I think young USA girls are just fucked in the head and want to run away overseas….
I found a nice normal girl around my age a bit younger who I enjoy spending time with.
I actually enjoy sharing my home with her, she is my lover and best friend.
Meh she'll get bored and shank you eventually.
It's a certainty. Don't even bother arguing.
Seen it too many times. The hoes ain't loyal. That's a fact.
Homosexual properganda detected.
Reported to KGB and Putin.
She can't I don't live in the USA and she has a child to me.
She would never be able to date again here.
For example her mother has not had sex in 10 years and she looks great for her age and is a very caring tradional women who makes even me breakfast every moring.
After her husban left her by leaving her a note never to return she has not seeked out another man or tried to get resources or anything.
To be honest thou her mother is so sort of unicorn from a lost time.
The truth fears no lies, and the truth is that women are insufferable.
That's why both tradcons and feminuts have a hard-on for censorship. The gears of their "civilization" are greased with the blood of males which is then slurped up by the roastie menace.
Maybe it will work then. Women are herd animals whose existence starts and ends with social shaming. Since there's still a good shame structure in your country, it could work out.
I think the fear of a women getting bord of you is a fear women also share about men.
This is not just a women thing… this is a relationship thing.
Men get bord of women to.
But how do you explain here mother? It has nothing to do with shame for her.
Her mother for example if you even look sad will come over and ask what is wrong what happened and begin stroking your arm.
She always offering to bring tea or coffee and if you say no she doesn't understand why and asked "Why you don't want me to do".
My girl friend says no man would date her anyway because she is so boring.
She goes to church every sunday but isn't a god nut.
She never fights with any other women or people and is very nice person.
However I think maybe she was born with abnormal brain or something where nurture instinct is switched on to much.
So there are "unicorns" out there but they came from old slav generations.
That's just how women weasel their way into groups and acquire resources. They are expert social manipulators.
Personally, I reject all their "gifts" because they always come with a huge pricetag later.
She calls me her son and she has always done the same to my girl friend.
If anything I am costing her resources. You are trying to bend reality to fit your cynical view of all women.
Whatever man. Do as you please.
You won't believe it until it happens to you.
Maybe it won't.
For me, the risk it not worth the gain.
When you find yourself disappointed you can't say you weren't warned.
What if you are wrong and you live a life of bitter hate without anyone to care for and about you because of some bitter beta brain washing you saw on the interweb.
Anxious roastie detected.
You already fundamentally misunderstand what MGTOW is. MGTOW has issues with the system the fucks over men in favor of women and seeks to educate men when it comes to children and marriage in countries where. Granted, there are woman haters among them just like there are man haters within feminism. You can't have a gender rights group without radicals.
Sort of like how many here assumes all Atheists are anti-theists, of course you dumbasses can't tell the difference between MRAs, MGTOW and anti-feminists. You're looking at everything through cracks.
You can make fun all you want but MGTOW is the best thing that happened to me and thanks to absorbing their information I'm finally able to participate in life again.
you have no idea what hate actually looks like