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Soul Eater
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welp I guess I'll post this on >>>/maka/
Since there's no images.
Holla Forums is being buggy again.
I had to sign in with a mod account to get to this thread for some reason. It's strange.
This raises some questions I'd like to know the answer to.
It probably just means he doesn't get flustered that easily by a girl's body unless it's taken to the extreme of touching breasts.
I am surprised that old lady knows how to fight. Maybe it's mandatory to know how to fight if you wanna work at Shibusen.
The questions I meant were about how she found out about his boundaries.
I bet the librarian is secretly a badass as well.
Isn't "Gekkou" the same thing Eruka says?
It looks like she is going with the suicide bomb tactic.
Kid does have to find out how symmetrical their bodies are ( ° ʖ °)
It's definitely a froggy sound. The old lady is a crayfish.
Holy shit stein one shot that guy. Pretty impressive but I don't think that clown's dead yet.
This makes me wonder if stein is gonna go insane or turn on the rest of the Shibusen forces. I do wanna see psycho stein again.
These covers are so good.
I am surprised Maka didn't try to meet up with Crona on her own without telling the others.
Yeah psycho stein is great. I just like seeing stein in big fights to.
I like the search for Crona because it's kind of a mystery what he would actually be doing.
Probably hiding in some corner while hugging a pillow.
Kid surviving his explosion earlier made sense cause he has a Shinigami body but this lady should of definitely died there.
It kinda looks like Justin is fucking her from behind if you ignore all the blood.
Could've been that she knew Blackstar would defer to her on the matter, so even it's the whole team no-one would try anything until she said so. But that definitely would have fit her character.
Good way to pass time.
I love how the granny lives for Justin to fuck her up. He's such a badass.
Yeah he is. I didn't really understand why he was your second favorite character when you said it before but it makes much more sense now after all the stuff he has done.
I wonder how these clowns are made.
The old lady might've been a certified badass, we may never know. Or she could've just been a gorilla, because she was kind of shaped like it.
Stein getting ready to fight is so segoi.
This clown reminds me of Shiro.
I don't think it's really a spoiler- they're really just manifestations of the kishin's madness like the one that Maka killed. They just kind of appear.
Well mostly the round bits around her boobs.
I forgot to press enter
Between Justin going rogue, Medusa being a witch, Stein being crazy, Blackstar being an unpredictable retard and Shinigami not being able to leave the death room Shibusen really had a lot of liabilities.
I actually liked her more in the previous form. The paw's are a huge turn off for me.
Yeah they kinda look similar. I like how in the first pic she is looking so cute and innocent then in the second one she is naked and being a slut.
Imagine him dual wielding Spirit and Marie. He would be near unstoppable if he could handle them properly.
I was just about to say something about Stein holding Marie and still being psycho. Without her calming wavelength he probably would've already started killing his own troops.
That's still so stupid to me. The fact that he was dumb enough to plant his soul into the ground and cripple himself like that is mind boggling. I guess the show wouldn't have much stakes though if Shinigami could just go around and bop all the villians
I wonder how that would work. I guess Stein could do it as long as Spirit and Marie could resonate properly, they've all had multiple partners. Stein seems to like attacking with his hands though, depending on what he's attacking.
It really is stupid. But it's also consistent with him just making stupid decisions in general.
I read/listened that drama CD today. It was way more enjoyable then I expected. Slightly disappointing that the radio show thing wasn't translated though. Did you find any other of the CDs?
I don't know if it's legit but I found one that was labeled as CD02, it was translated from Jap to Spanish to English so I think it was lost. Also it could just be one of a few tracks
Spirit: Today you’ll understand it… Maka is not the only one for you… You’ll test the effects of my drug, Soul, no… individual…
Maka: Oh, Soul, Are you leaving?
Soul: Yes.
Spirit: This is not good! Maka already came back from shopping! It’d be complicated if she fell in love with Soul!… Maka!
Maka: ¿Dad, you came?
Spirit: Y-yes… I needed fresh air… more or less…
Maka: Hmm…
Soul, we need to study, So you can’t go play basketball with Black Star.
Soul: I know.
Spirit: Maka hasn’t changed her attitude… that means… Damn! Another fail!?
Maka: It’s for your own good. You won’t pass the exam cheating, you know?
Soul: Could you shut up, please?
Maka: Why? It’s not okay for you to cheat! Anyway, Soul… Soul, um…
Soul: What?
Spirit: Is it me or Maka’s blushing? It can’t be!
Maka: Soul, you’re an idiot and it’s inevitable… but sometimes you’re not like that… Sometimes you’re the worst weapon… No, it’s not that…
Soul: Huh? What are you talking about?
Maka: Why can’t you understand me!? I don’t hate you… I… How can I say it? Anyway… I don’t want you to leave me!
Soul: Huh!?
Spirit: Maka, calm down!
Maka: Dad, don’t interfere! Soul, you are really… handsome…
Soul: Hey, why are you holding my hand?
Spirit: Finally! My drugs worked! But it’s not moment to celebrate…
Maka: Soul… I LOVE YOU, SOUL! Soul: What’s happening to you!? You probably over studied and somethings wrong with your head! Let me go, bookworm!
Maka: Stay with me! Stay with me forever!
Spirit: Maka, it’s enough!
Maka: Dad, what are you doing? Let me go!
Soul: What the hell is going on!?
Spirit: Soul, Maka probably studied too much and that’s why she’s acting this way!
Maka: Dad, let me go! I’m fine, I’m just in love with Soul!
Soul: That’s not normal!
Spirit: Soul, leave her to me!
Soul: I’m pleased.
Spirit: Now, leave as fast as you can!
Maka: No! Soul, don’t leave!
Soul: I need to focus on my studies first! See you later.
Maka: Don’t leave me!
Spirit: Leave!
Maka: SOUL!
I think I lost half of my brain cells reading that.
The first CD made sense and was believable that it was made by Okubo. This sounds like some retarded kid's fanfiction.
Also no cute Maka voice to seduce me.
Honestly I think it was from a track in the middle of a cd because there's not really any context.
That's just a general drawback to everything.
I have a question: Does the factory appear in the anime? I simply do not recall it. I think Soul Eater veers off the manga's course by around episode 41? Or 31? I'm quite certain the first thirty episodes are canon, beyond that however, I'm uncertain.
You've definitely convinced me to give this a re-read.
It wasn't a factory like it was in the manga, but there was like one episode where just Kid went to look for another tool of Eibon's and the clown popped up in some underground city. That was a not-really-equivalent bit that seemed like it was more just to shoehorn the clown into the anime because it was cool than to contribute to the plot they were working on.
The first real deviation to me is that Maka beats Mr. Mosquito in the anime, I think that was around episode 40. After that it really starts to deviate.
Also just because I haven't posted references since the last thread…
First chapter:
If you watched the anime the manga really started deviating around chapter 41:
FWIW it's kind of hard to read threads with this many images on this site, you can also just read it on kissmanga.
And a torrent to the manga
I thought kickass went down. Is that the legit site or one of the many knock offs.
Yeah, I remember KickAss going down as the big sign that the days of downloading things off of the internet are over. Well, I suppose MegaUpload was the true warning. With MegaUpload down, the internet from before the 2010s is basically a graveyard of dead download links.
I don't know I just go by this site
But I'm pretty sure that torrent is the same one that I downloaded from the original kat a few years ago. Either way it's an ok torrent site that works with my client so I'm ok with it.
Heh, mega going down sucked. I think in a few years people are going to look back on torrent sites being shut down as a whole and realize that the amount of original content lost because of it is really more important than the shekels lost from pirating.
That guy in the fifth panel has a shotgun weapon
Which do you think looks cooler, stein or justin?
Stein is my sempai. He's so cool.
I never noticed the shotgun guy before. A lot of the shibusen goons seem useless but I least that guy had the right idea.
I don't know, I think Justin looks cool when he sets up guillotines everywhere but seeing the inside of Stein's head is also really cool. Obviously I'm rooting for Stein and Marie but Justin is just a badass to.
He is pretty likable. A bit too much actually…
He is super strong, a genius doctor, and a lady's man. If it wasn't for him being prone to madness then he wouldn't have any faults. Even when he goes insane that only makes him cooler which is a plus.
Marie is such an OP weapon.
I mean cutting people open is a pretty major fault. But he'd be kind of like that uncle that gets a little violent and unpredictable when he drinks too much. Overall a solid guy.
It occurs to me that up to this point they really explained more about how Marie is supposed to work in the anime than the manga. In this Marie just kind of fucks shit up and spares you a lot of details.
I don't understand how that ctuhullu warlord in Eibons book gave kid and black star the power of madness. Isn't madness/insanity something that only Asura could give since he controls that stuff?
Also I might've forgot or they never showed it but what happend when kid talked with Eibon a couple chapters ago.
Wow that lamp death scythe has multiple genie forms? Pretty cool.
I forgot about the Genie's powers. Kind of out of place but neat.
To add on to the madness thing. Other people like Medusa and Crona (I assume) can assess it cause it's so rampant in the air because of Asura's wavelength but Kid and Black Star got their's directly from the cthullu old one which doesn't make sense to me.
I've kind of been wondering if in Japanese they used the term 'madness' to describe both in Japanese or if it's a translation of something else.
I've also wondered about the use of "Madness" wavelengths from the Kishin and if it's not more like lowercase m mad wavelengths that bring out Madness in other people.
It's definitely got soft rules anyway.
He seems like one of the cooler death scythes. Maybe 2nd or 3rd if you base it off just powers but I haven't seen much of him
Is Soul spanking her in that pic?
She has no boobs though…
Hopefully that Cthulhu thing makes another showing and explains himself cause he is pretty confusing.
I like how worthless akane and clay are, can't beat a clown that stein one shot, can't guard an entrance. TSUGUMI SHOULD OF BEEN HERE INSTEAD!
It's funny how when gopher was introduced he seemed really serious and ominous and now he is just comedy relief.
Yeah, he's a good one. I also like how he made some of the death scythes actual characters, then the Russian and Indian one were minor characters but they had really cool powers and made a good showing and then the African one is just a nigger. I mean he has some powers but he's definitely the worst.
No it's drawn from the scene where Soul has the black blood dreams of himself growing out of Maka I think.
There's not really a lot of closure with it.
This panel was funny to me.
Isn't there a board on Holla Forums for garbage like this?
>>>Holla Forums ?
I don't really know why Kid thought taking a captive would work.
Gopher realized what a weak little shit he was after his first fight so he decided to become a gay jokster so he doesn't get killed off.
I was confused why he didn't just orbital strike all these clowns like he did with the dragon.
I didn't realize he needed to activate each Sanzu line to get the power boost. I figured that after he unlocked a line for the first time then it was a permanent boost to him.
Really the only thing that suggested that it works that way is that he wasn't walking around with the complete rings on his head.
I don't really why he would go onto the moon and not be moderately serious right when he got there. If he messes around obviously he's not going to do well.
Yeah. Seems like inconsistent writing to not make kid start off with one of his lines activated.
Ok so Kid activated one of the lines from the brew powerup but when did he unlock the second one?
I think the second was in the arc with Noah, right before he fought the dragon. It came with his madness powerup iirc.
East Asia's death scythe meister is pretty hot
Today's chapters were pretty much a multiple long ass fight scenes.
I feel like Maka is gonna get her ass kicked and black star is gonna have to save her. Also isn't that second panel wrong? There should be 2 souls instead of one.
This is a special kind of garbage. Why not take it to /a/ or something?
Was Crona/Ragnorak drawn with separate souls before? I thought they were always one.
Mods on /a/ were nazis the last time I was there. Dys has never asked us to leave but if he does we would.
Every so often someone else joins the thread to talk about Soul Eater. There have been more drop-ins on b the last couple weeks or so than I've had in 2 years on my own board.
I went back and checked and it was explained as 2 souls before so yeah seems like an inconsistency.
Should've named the board Excalibur.
Why not kiss my ass.
I wonder if they worship Shinigami or normal god in these churches. I don't see any death symbols like in Death city.
Absolutely not.
I didn't pick up on it at all. Could have to do with why Ragnarok hasn't been talking to, if they've merged more and Crona's internal conflicts are pretty much over.
I was kind of imagining it was just a christian church. I doubt Shinigami would've let a bunch of hooligans hang out in it if it was his church.
Ragnarok still has his old personality just that he doesn't talk alot(for some reason). I liked him better when he was sitting on crona's head since it was so cute rather then a weird blob thing coming out of his stomach.
I honestly wasn't reading the Crona parts so carefully before so I'm glad that you pointed this stuff out. With him not appearing in so many scenes where he's interacting with people like before I didn't notice Ragnarok that much.
the ban was a joke too, i knew exactly who it was when i made it
Consider me rustled.
Were you always Seele?
Seele is the BO account, I'm still dysniggrea
Just post the fucking chapter already
I realized that.
Yeah right.
Also who does the appeals, does it always go straight to the BO account or can any mod review them?
any mod.
if it gets denied before i see it i can manually lift it. any other mod can too, its very versatile.
I like perturbed Maka.
Crona is starting to look like a Tim Burton character.
I think you've done that for me before.
I had no idea.
In the last page Stein looks so cool and Justin looks like a bug.
Despite being very cool Justin was a creep. It was a good way to go. Stein and Marie's attacks are so cool.
I like this page.
What is this about?
If Shinigami was having negotiations with the witches for the infinite clown army issue then why send the Shibusen army up there in the first place? Especially when they didn't have a way to deal with it, death clearly knew about it.
The only thing I can think of is the signals that it sends to the witches. If all of their death scythes were up there there's no way that shibusen could be baiting them, just kind of putting all their cards on the table.
Plus they are occupying the clowns while Sid sneaks around. Which brings up the question; what do they really think Sid is going to accomplish?
Half of the people in that group are evil witches that could easily turn on the shibusen students. Jesus christ Shinigami is retarded as fuck.
I think the better plan would be to send the Shibusen army and the death scythes to the witch world and force them into helping.
Maybe just recon or something, no way he can handle the kishin himself.
Yeah Shinigami is definitely baring his ass with these negotiations.
True. Sending Nygus with him to do recon is a lot to divert from the battle though.
Got to get a little bit more fanservice in right before the arc gets in full swing. The humiliation factor is definitely good but I think I would've preferred it if the three of them did it.
Kid doesn't even have his weapons with him. There is no way he can take that many witches empty handed.
Has there been an ugly witch yet? They all seem fairly attractive.
Did you miss the nigger?
I was prepared to wait to use this Kagura but it's pretty much perfect for when niggers come up.
Who are you talking about?
The one that's reading their charges
I've never seen her before unless I'm forgetting something.
I am surprised they didn't charge shibusen with the abduction of Angela either. OH SHIT I just figured out that Angela is the one who should of opened the portal since she is the youngest. Okubo is a dirty man.
Good point. Do you think she'd do it in bloomers? Could be kind of hot.
I think it'd be cool if Ookube did a proper sequel for a few arcs. Where Angela turns out to be Baba Yagas daughter. Imagine an arc where Maka, Tsugumi and Angela go to kill that cthulu thing.
Maybe repairs wouldn't take so long if he didn't carry that huge metal bar all the time.
That does sound pretty cool. Seems like Okubo completely forgot about Angela. Also has the other Not cameo came in yet or is it later?
Yeah I don't think Angela appears again. I might get a big draw tablet at some point, I don't think it would be that hard to draw fanfic when the characters have already been shown a million times.
I think the cameo is this chapter.
I don't remember it being a 'love cannon' before.
Holy shit I called it.
Are you referring to excalibur being the original demon weapon or tsugumi being the cameo? I feel like you kind of called both.
One of the things that I kind of like Shinigami fucking up a lot is that it makes the handing over a little more believable. Like if Shinigami was perfect all the time and we saw Kid growing into being a god it would seem like a downgrade rather than just passing the baton.
Also that picture is hilarious and makes me wonder why I haven't seen more excalibur r34.
Ok so there's Tsugumi and Eternal Feather. It's nice to see her but I kinda hoped it would be more then just a flashback type of scene.
It's so gay. Gopher's stomach bulges like he is pregnant or something. I am kinda disgusted.
I love the scenes created out of the kishin's madness. My favorite is the one where Eruka eats Free's face.
Refering to Excalibur.
So what if he can't adopt a soul or whatever that is supposed to meandoes it mean he doesnt have a soul? cause that would be pretty funny He is far superior then any demon weapon ever created. If Eibon's goal was to create a model of Excalibur then he failed pretty hard cause Excalibur is leagues ahead of any other weapon ever shown. No… putting Excalibur on the same league as the rest of the weapons wouldn't even be fair to him, he is much more.
Well I guess demon weapons didn't go as well as they could have. But even if they don't have the combat ability of the prototype they're still usable, which Excalibur evidently isn't.
Really though they should've just had Tsubaki go use excalibur for this battle. I bet she could take on the Kishin.
Oh yeah. Her soul type supposed to be match able with anyone's or something since she can match with fag star. Stein can also change his wavelength to match any weapons. That's why in the anime when Excalibur came to shinigami's mirror realm I was confused why no one ever put out the suggestion to use Excalibur against the kishin. I understand that he is annoying but the world is going to be destroyed if the kishin isn't beaten so why not just use him. It just makes so little sense.
Crona has definitely gotten stronger but I don't think he is anywhere close to the Kishin's level. I feel like he will just get chomped down by that big kishin monster.
Well Stein said that Excalibur can match with anyone but it's really a question of personalities. So I guess Stein could fight with him but if anyone has the disposition to use him for any length of time I think it'd be Tsubaki. And she showed she could be a pretty good technician if she wasn't a weapon.
I won't give anything away with Crona and the Kishin but you'll like it.
BTW I assume you were the one posting in the a raid thread. Do you pay for a VPN?
Has she? I am pretty sure only patty fits that description.
I throw my router against the wall and it magically changes the IP. Its odd but it works so I don't question it.
Well it was just the little bit where she was fighting her brother but it was still cool.
I completely misunderstood you. I thought when you said "miss" you meant I saw her before and didn't for a whileits hard to word this. I was thinking about when the NOT cameo would be coming and for a second I thought you meant she was from NOT which confused me. **idk which makes me stupider, not understanding you in the first place or typing this garbaled thought process.
I suppose it would've been more obvious if I greentexted what I was actually responding to.
I guess if there's anyone that's nearly as good as Maka in SE it's kid. I don't understand how Stein slid.
Soul should definitely be lower.
The comments they added to the characters is a nice touch though.
Yeah he doesn't really do that much. I think shonen popularity poles always have a bias towards kids, especially the main characters.
The first time I read this I didn't get that the "hee-hee-hoe" was what japanese people do when they're in labor. I guess I have Kagura to thank for learning that.
Maka almost got rid of Blackstar for good this time.
He is like a cockroach. Everyone is disgusted by it but killing it is no easy task.
Maka is so sassy before the big fight.
At least cockroaches scurry away when you turn the lights on.
I tried to find a non-amv that showed what I wanted it to from this fight and couldn't. But this scene from Fairy Tail reminds me from this scene.
Okubo isn't even trying to explain blackstars dumb shit anymore.
Does he do that usually? Eating other peoples powers and makes it his own? Cause if not that's some iffy writing.
This has been bugging me for so long. Why is soul able to use arachne's web power thing? It made sense during the fight with arachne cause she already made it active and he just jumped on, but why is he able to do it himself.
I am glad they call it a hack as well cause the ability to shut down anyone's powers like that is definitely classified as a hax.
Shinigami's reaction is amazing. I need more serious Shinigami.
Uhh no? Death can't leave the city while Excalibur can. Unless it's about to be revealed he could move around this entire time and just chose not to.
This one is remarkable.
It's not unheard of but it was definitely a deus ex machina the first time it happened, which I think was this one. The character is slightly less douchey but FT has been running long enough that the power ups have gotten really lazy and there's almost never any logic.
Yeah it's pretty weird. I was wondering if that's just his way of drawing it as it moves through air.
There are always twists with Shinigami.
I hat anime speeches. So cringy.
This one isn't particularly bad but they're never good.
Maka in action is so segoi.
I like seeing her fight when she is aggressive, sort of like she was in the Arachne fight just because of how fluid she looks. However her defensive fight style is pretty ugly like when she was fighting Giriko. She should learn how to block with a scythe from stein, he makes it look good.
I wonder if maka is gonna keep those moon laser things. They are pretty sweet.
I think some of those scenes would look better if they were animated. The way he draws her swinging soul around when their soul's are resonating looks cool because he blurs the motion or does tracers or whatever you call it on an already cool scythe but when Maka's jumping around to avoid getting hit he doesn't blur Maka very much.
But the way he stylizes the attacks is really one of the best things about the manga IMO.
This is fucking hilarious. It would've been great if he just ended the chapter here.
That would've been the perfect time to do it. It would've been cool if he ended the arc there and then had the airship crash and half of the characters die. Then finished this arc with the Kishin dying and then did another few arcs with the surviving characters hunting down and killing all the witches.
A giant laser went through the ship. Most of them should be dead tbh.
I thought they were gonna explain it but they still haven't so what the hell does nyamu mean? Is it supposed to be an animal noise? and if so which one.
I like the slut clowns personality. Her actual personality not just her tits.
I wonder if Mabaa is related to Sucy from Little Witch Academia? They apparently don't have left eyeballs and I remember Sucy referencing her family being a big witch family at one point. But I haven't watched the whole thing so I don't know if it holds up.
That sounds like a good crossover. I would actually want to see that rather then all the MLP and sonic crap.
Maba remains a complete enigma I think. I have no idea what animal makes a nyamu sound.
It's a better fit than a lot of things that exist.
I kind of wonder what the total kill count was of the death scythes that were left there vs the shibusen students. They must've been there for hours killing clowns.
True. Makes me wonder what everyone who went inside the moon has been doing all this time.
Could be a Wheel of Time type scenario where when you get close to the bad guy time moves differently because of their crazy powers.
I've never heard of that before actually.
Where did kagura get all that money? Don't tell me she is whoring herself out again.
That should be a doujin but it's not.
It's from an episode where Hijikata and Gin switch bodies. So Hijikata pays Kagura, Sinpachi and his rent while Gin turns the police into a mad-max type biker gang.
That sounds like a good episode.
I will attempt to sort out my Kagura folder now. There are 225 now 226 images in there. If I don't come back then it means the kaguras got me. If that happens please tell my croners I love them.
Good luck.
Croner is a funny nickname to me because it's also crown in norwegian.