Around 14 minutes in

around 14 minutes in

is he correct, /leftybiofags/?

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this man needs to be sterilized

who /leftyeugenics/ here?

b-but muh genius whos good at conversations

who /justfuckingwaitforgenetherapyit'snotworthit/ here?

I tried asking Holla Forums why they care about race so much with this shit a couple decades away and they couldn't come up with a legitimate answer beyond "the jews will abuse it"

sadly that's why the "jewish question" exists to begin with, it's a fallback for literally anything they can't form a cogent argument against

and even without genetic engineering a lot of biological differences between races are still artificial, like lead poisoning in the US and disease in africa

I first listened to Stefan Molyneux like almost 9 years ago. When I used to be a libertarian. But then I didn't follow him much after that. Then started listening to him again a couple years ago.

Is Stefan Molyneux a well known adversary among the left or something? He keeps being brought up here.

He's an Ancap. But he's got that sorta alt-right vibe going on. It's like there's some sort of paleo-libertarian renaissance on the internet or something as of late.

Back in 2007, Stefan Molyneux was for open borders. But nowadays he is very adamantly against open borders. Because the Mexicans tend to vote for the expansion of the welfare state. And he doesn't want that.

Molly is a common topic in the left because he's a perfect caricature of how the old left sees the right. He's made the same journey that so many other lolberts have: despite having constantly professed opposition to tyranny, he slowly revealed himself as being an even bigger tyrant than whoever he criticized.

Simply put, lolberts simply want a fascist empire on their property.

molyboo is pandering to the edgy sheepish masses to get money to raise his kids.
he;ll say whatever is edgy for that time, i bet if nationalism becomes the norm tmr, he'd become Holla Forums's best friend

What is he basing this off of? A study? Equating correlation with causation? Just making it up?

Sorry cant watch the vid on phone atm.

It sounds like he's pulling that out of his ass.

His wife is a renegade-psychologist, counter-feminazi who exemplars the role of women in society and provides him with the guidance in figuring out why the evils of capitalism are a result of "single-mothers". These "single-mothers" parasitic sub-species is only viable because crony-capitalism , as a result of a government conspiration to raise your taxes and lower your wages.TAXATION IS THEFT BROTHERS!

Brothers and sisters, please donate to your glorious champion, let us fight the good fight and be the heroes of tomorrow!

That's not an argument!
You are not even a philosopher!


I have a question for any AnCap.

If taxation is theft, what is rent?

It's voluntary because their guns in my face don't hurt my feelings as much

Lolberts are just confused fascists.

I used to think the opposite, that they were people who saw the flaws in our system but simply didn't see the authoritarian nature of capitalism and thought of socialism as a caricature of Stalinism.

But, as I've talked to them, I've been somewhat disturbed by the greater tendency for the jackboots to come out when capitalism's incompatibility with their supposedly beloved liberty is brought up.

As much as I want to literally end their lives, I almost have a shred of respect for people who call themselves monarchists and whatnot, because they actually admit it.

In other words, exerting coercion upon others based on your possession of the housing space is justified by the all-redeeming
market, and thus all violence/coercion is moral.

From this viewpoint it only follows that any opposition to the benevolent will of the market lacks in it's all redeeming blessing and it's therefore immoral.
You see all violence/coercion is immoral, it just happens that the one lolberts commit is exempt because it's blessed by the will of the market.
Obviously the ONLY MORAL COURSE OF ACTION is to eliminate/subjugate those that oppose the market, as covered by the NAAP.


You see when the "haves" extort the "have-nots" it's not extortion or coercion or violence.
When the "have-nots" resist however…

Also an ancap would probably go with some masturbatory rubbish about self-made, entrepreneurs, bad decisions,fair trade and the usual bullshit.

I was confused why chan lolberts would be so comfy with stormfags for quite a while because rhetorically they seem vastly different. But IRL experience with aynclaps and lolberts revealed that their dedication to "liberty" is discarded the second they are going to be negatively affected by it. At this point I can honestly say a lolbert fantasy wouldn't be any less authoritarian than the stormcuck "Israel for whites" dream, but with "private security companies" instead of the state.

This guy is awful. Try watching the one where he tries to shit on Che Guevara. It's just all emotional shittalk, he is simmering with hate so hard that its visibly difficult for him to form his points, even though they are as basic as "Che was a psychopath!!!11!"

Guy himself is anarcho-capitalist, and he dares to call socialism a selfish utopia.

The thing is, what is the real difference between taxes and rent?
I mean, both are a fee that you pay to live on and utilize property that you do not own.
I mean, I don't like taxes but rents are essentially the same but a little more regressive, since they work more as a poll tax.

What do you mean what is the difference between TAXES and RENT!?

THE GOVERNMENT collects taxes, you non philosopher.
THE GOVERNMENT is an entity OUTSIDE the blessing of the market.

Clearly, you don't understand the utopia that would develop from free-market-capitalism,and that every evil of current CRONY-capitalism
*pulsating temples*
is created by the VIOLENT extortion of the governments over capitalists that prevent them from racing themselves to the bottom to
satisfy all that magnificent power all the "private-people" have over them.

The fundamental difference is that taxation goes to the government and it is therefore EVIL and THEFT and EVIL.
If you don't pay they will VIOLENTLY send you their THUGS to extract every last cent of your HARD EARNED MONEY.

Rent is, on the other hand, a voluntary exchange for the mutual benefit of all parties.
I want housing, you want money.Everyone wins.Simple right?

You see the wonderful free-market makes it so that if I don't offer you reasonable price then, other capitalists will displace my
business by offering better and cheaper alternatives.

Well no.Evil is not compatible with a free society,this situation cannot exist.
The people would rebel and boycott the business that do that and soon they would be replaced by better ones.

You see if for whatever reason the "bad" capitalists didn't get removed, then it is the will of the market and their violence/extortion isn't violence/extortion.

But those lazy bums that don't(/cant) pay my righteous market-blessed rent?
But those pesky squatters thinking they can utilize one the hundreds of unsold houses to LIVE?
DISPATCH THE GOONS-err enforcers.

Of course I am, I am a philosopher after all and let's not forget that free-market-capitalism and " MUH NAAP" is the only moral position.I can only be right.

By the way, you might be thinking,Why wouldn't those people be able to pay the rent?

This is also a simple , but unpleasant, answer. There are people who simply don't value their time as we do and simply don't invest in raising their human capital.
This situation concludes in them being good-for-nothing parasites that expect, however , to have the perks of us productive,valuable people(like the speculators).

Worry not, this irrational sense of entitlement is the product of poor education by single-moms and government indoctrination.In a free society we would all be
daring entrepreneurs and the very few unfortunate enough to be handicapped in this way would be taken care of by charities.

Well just look at what happened with Pinochet in Chile. Pinochet enlisted the help of Milton Friedman and the "Chicago Boys" (Chicago School of Economics, which specializes in Austrian School Economics) to determine economic policy. Milton Friedman agreed to help Pinochet even though he was a fascist dictator. That should tell you everything you need to know. Even though libertarians go on and on about "statists", they are actually fascists in reality.

Murray Rothbard has even been quoted as saying that the police need to be "unleashed" and allowed to administer swift punishment to criminals. I'm too lazy to pull up the quote right now. Not bullshitting you. Google "Murray Rothbard" and "unleashed" and it should be easy to find.

Stefan Molyneux's hatred of single mothers and obsession with DEFOOing (separating yourself from your family of origin) stems from his mommy issues. His parents divorced when he was young. And his mom was abusive towards him. She threw him against a metal door when he was a child. He moved out when he was 15 years old. Studied at University in Toronto during a time where tuition was heavily subsidized by the Ontario government.

But then moved back home in his early 20s or so when he had trouble getting a job and went back to University to pursue his Master's. Then his older brother got him a job at an IT firm and got him involved in a pump n dump scheme during the time of the 90s IT boom.

This fucking scumbag has the audacity to talk about lazy millennials who vote for Bernie Sanders and Justin Trudeau who live in their parents' basement. Yet he benefited from heavily subsidized University tuition in the 80s and 90s. He moved back in with his mom in his 20s even though she was an abusive bitch because he was desperate for financial support. He was able to get a good-paying IT job because his older brother owned a company. And got him involved in a pump n dump scheme which made Stefan Molyneux a lot of money.

This guy is a fucking piece of shit.

Molyneux is a classic example of what happens when you are raised in an abusive family. It's not the fault of single moms. His mom just happened to be an abusive cunt. It's a tragedy that no one reported Stefan's mom to children's aid and got him put in foster care. And he had to wait until he could support himself financially to get out of there.

A healthy two parent family is better than a single parent household. But sometimes parents "staying together for the kids" causes more harm than good.

And single moms, to Molyneux's credit, can often tend to be colossal vengeful bitches. If your husband cheats on you because he's not getting it at home or the spark is gone, don't be a vile vengeful bitch. Handle the situation in a mature manner. You don't have to stay together but don't cut the father out of your kids' life just because you are butthurt about the fact that he had an affair with another woman.

When parents are able to handle the situation with maturity, divorce is not harmful on children.

Am not saying it's A L I E N A T I O N
But A L I E N A T I O N

Is all this really true? Where is the evidence or how did you come about it?

I'm his mother.

Stefan himself has talked about it extensively but it's dispersed amongst way too many videos to list he even admitted to the pump and dump in his really early videos but he never brought it up after for obvious reasons

I'm starting to see a connection myself. Even liberals point out that fascism is the combination of state and corporate power. I still mostly see them as useful idiots for the most part myself though.

These posts are golden and should be capped for future generations. Really shows the religious nature of 'muf free market.'

Hell, look at this:

It boils down to:


That's as far as I got. His smugness is unbearable.

An-Caps are retarded faggots though.

You have to be patient with niggas like this.

Look at the 1st and 3rd answers he's picked on this screenshot. Very ripe for the realization that business and money are a detriment to humanity, and that life shouldn't be about money and increasing profits.

Those two are pretty promising. Though on trade, on one of those Sargon videos on TPP he literally said 'It's obviously a government document. I already know it's bad so I don;t need to read it"

Maybe his problem is he is intellectually lazy.

Don't know. But there is some good creedence to the idea that if you eat a lot of meat you hit puberty earlier because of the growth hormone they put in it.

He's right, but for the wrong reason. He needs to figure out why governments and many of their decisions are "bad." Who influences politicians in the first place, and why? Why is this lobbying behavior existing in the first place? Are they living in a large-scale socioeconomic system that incentivizes this type of monopolistic behavior, or should we just blame "human nature"? These are the types of questions libertarians and an-caps need to be asking themselves so they can think outside the social Darwinist and market paradigms.

Why won't he kill himself already?