Libreboot KGPE-D16 SJW Edition


The Libreboot D16 is a secure, high-end workstation product, using AMD Opteron 6272 16-core 2.1GHz CPUs (You can request Opteron 6204 (100 GBP extra, quad-core 3.3GHz), 6238 (100 GBP extra. 12-core 2.6GHz), 6284SE (1000 GBP extra per CPU, 16-core 2.7GHz) or 6262HE (100 GBP extra, 12-core 1.7GHz)) with ECC DDR3 RAM in an E-ATX compatible form factor. With 16 cores per CPU, and up to 2 CPUs supported with full hardware virtualization, these systems are ideal for all use cases, including serious professional software development and 3D modeling. It can also be used for gaming.

It comes with NVidia GTX 660 Ti or 670 (where possible, we will ship the fastest one) (2GiB VRAM), which can be used by the Linux kernel with the free nouveau driver without having to load a non-free video BIOS in libreboot



Come over here Goy !

Other urls found in this thread:

And you're surprised it costs money?

Suddenly the Talos workstation motherboard doesn't seem that expensive anymore.

but it didn't come with 2 GPUs

I bought a board for £400 through newegg and flashed it myself for about £60 in parts

Honestly minifree is bullshit, buy and flash yourself you spastics

Do you understand what is a workstation?

Especially since the tranny running it lost it's RYF certification because it proposed debian instead of trisquel.

Totally overpriced.

This is hilarious, you can buy the default setup for ~ £1200

Where do the money go ?

Flashing a DIP8 is trivial...

£25 for a sticker

Are they still doing the thing where the mainstream drivers are made from reverse engineering the HW by one guy on their forum and then Matrox steals the code and releases a proprietary driver based on it with DRM added?

Can libreboot even be trusted anymore now that the primary developer has gone into full meltdown mode? Seriously, read his GNU rants on the libreboot page. I wouldn't be surprised if libreboot monitors cisscum for wrongthink and reports them to the Tranny Castration Squad now.

This tranny charges $490 for a laptop you can get for $50-60 on eBay with no HDD and flash yourself.

Trannies are well known for siphoning money towards either cutting off their genitals and pumping their bodies full of hormones or as a way to live for free. Just look at Chloe Sagal's whole car accident lie, or how many trannies have patreons.

Yeah, this is a common theme. Like Devi Ever or whoever the tranny who made guitar pedals was ripping off the Smashing Pumpkins guy.

For £598 you can send them your ThinkPad and have them install Libreboot on it for you OR you can buy a X200 from them with Libreboot for £398. Somebody explain this shit to me.


this is a 5 year old chip. how is it in any way high end?

its as if you dont care about your data

any data any machine will write to disk is going to be stored in memory

fucking kikes.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with both batshit crazy, and absolutely incompetent. Any project "maintainer" who tries to join GNU without reading what they have to do to their project is both by default, and just by reading through the GNU coding style guide and GNU function documentation, you can see that they have certain preferences for how things are done. That the idiot in charge decided to ignore all that and claim that an IP transfer, done when your project joins GNU for legal reasons, requests to do things the GNU preferred way, not fucking with copyright licenses, again for legal reasons, and taking an EMACS virgin joke as some sort of sexist remark also shows that they're incredibly incompetent and batshit crazy.

Hitting myself in the head with the claw part of a claw hammer would've been less painful than reading that fuckwit's rants. He's still going with the "talk in third person to make it seem like it's not a personal rant" bullshit aswell.

How many memory errors did you had in your personal computer in the last 10 years?

You might find this research paper interesting.

DRAM Errors in the Wild: A Large-Scale Field Study

What's the point of ECC when 99% of the data it's fed from the network is pure garbage.

What's the point of network when the data itself is garbage?

Libreboot is still GPL. People who want to change its function is free to modify it any time.

The GNU project does not require for copyright to be transferred to the FSF in this age. All that's required to become a GNU project is that the copyright holder grant a license to the FSF to allow the FSF to relicence the project in question at their own will at any time in the future. The intent is that as new GNU licenses come out that supercede the older licenses, the FSF needs the right to update the licenses for everything inside the GNU project. As copyright holders, they will obviously have the right to do this but they don't strictly need to be the copyright holder of a GNU project when they are permitted to relicense the software at will.

I don't know what specific terms the leader of libreboot struck with the FSF but what I do know is that she doesn't understand the meaning of the deal she made with the FSF when she commited Libreboot to the FSF. As far as I understand, Libreboot is the copyright of the FSF.

I still get antsy with X200 flashing and those have clamps and other stuff to make it easy. If flashing these requires soldering it's no-go.

to a implant and hormone pills





I just got on Holla Forums and saw this. oh lawdy

wew lad


And yes like most trannies he has become batshit insane.
He his also trying to change his name.

Yes it can because he isn't the ONLY one working on it go on the coreboot mailing list

Rowe isn't a major participant in the libreboot the only good thing of value that he did was the documentation.
The other participants migrated to the coreboot project after his meltdown.

This THING doesn't deserves anything.

It's literally a dude with lipstick. I expected him to be more like linetrap or something

So what if she wants to change her name? What if she decided to change her gender? Does that bother you? Does that hurt your manliness or something?

You masturbate to underage anime girls and be respected, she wants to be recognized as a woman. Live and let live.


Time and skills. Sometimes you can fix a washing machine by hitting it the right way. You're not going know about this until you get proper training in the mechanics and operation of the thing. The same thing goes for flashing a motherboard. It's trivial as long as you get the proper training.

Why do people need to disapprove of something that has no effect on them? I think gay people are disgusting but they have no effect on me so I don't care about them.

Then I dissaprove you on the grounds that lolicon is disgusting and you must be a closet pedo.


Gonna ignore that forest fire until its right on your doorstep eh?

What are you talking about?

Please go and work into a mental asylum maybe you'll understand after seeing enough people eating cigarettes because they want to be ashtrays.
I have seen some shit and I know how to recognize mental illness.

Their is a difference/line between a fetish and wanting something that is genetically impossible.

Oh he does he has hormone therapy and the whole shebang.
Nowadays he looks less has a human (you can't change the shape of bones)

A gay men/woman (except for crazies ones) won't ask to surgically add wombs/penis to have babies because they feeeeel like a woman/man.
It was already observed with the furry fandom (pic related)

that's photoshop r-right?


Like this user said no it's not photoshoped
In the name of ART (and yiff) Rodrigo Braga did this to himself.
Even if you think it's hardcore it can be undone.
Other than the already fucked brain that this person has what he did didn't artificially/permanently altered/disrupted thousands of perfectly working brain-cells just because he was feeling that he was something else.

This is where I draw the line you have a fetish you disguise yourself has a man/woman/full horse suit.
ok I don't give a fuck but when you alter the way your bodies initially works because you don't feel like it's how you are meant to be.
It's just plain madness.

Are seriously making a slippery slope argument?

Everyone but faggots like you already know it, history is bound to repeat itself

Lots of people believed that 1984 was just fiction
(and that's just one part)

A lot of people thought that RMS was wrong, that he was delusional.
What's the state of software, drm and patents nowadays ?

Now the question for the next decade and more is:
does Brave New World and similar will happen ?


Holy Jesus, what is THAT? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?

Debauchery has affected many people in the past. And encouraging that kind of behavior will only doom us further.

How does a trans person's own decision affect you personally? I don't like prostitutes but they have no effect on me. They stay in their own part of town and I stay in mine. what? You do know that people have been doing ridiculous body modification since the beginning of time. How is this any different from all the other people who want plastic surgery so they can feel better about themselves? Why should I care that someone who I'll never meet in my life got surgery to make their head look like a dog's head or any other ridiculous shit people do like breast implants? If they aren't hurting anyone then I really don't give a shit. I don't understand how people can spend so much time worrying about things like this that doesn't affect them.

Its affected me when they fucking complain so much the cucked alberta government inserted their bullshit pronouns into the school system.
Not only do they affect me, they affect further generation with their disgusting behavior.

I think the reason people are so affected personally by trannies and the like is that they come off as mentally ill, which bothers people as you can imagine. Leah's actions certainly doesn't come off as a reasonable person with a calm mental state, and they're not the first to act like this. Personally, I don't know whether being trans is a sign of a mental problem, but consider this: Wouldn't you think it was strange if I were to claim I've felt all my life I was something I biologically and logically could not be?

To me they just come off as someone who just wants to be outraged about something. Like Holla Forums and a good portion of the general public now days.

If you believe that their behavior is disgusting that's fine, but you don't have the right to feel non-offended when they take offense at you. Take their offense like a badge of honor or simply go your own way. If they start harassing you, take it to the police as you would for any case of harassment.

I support the mentally ill with the latest techniques in psychological counseling. If they are so ill that they cannot work without causing drama, it's obvious that we can avoid such people and stop working with them. Until they get into my face and start swinging their fists, I can ignore them and go away from where they are.

You'll grow out of lolbertarianism, one day. And you'll understand that what affects society affects you.
Normalizing mental illness will of course affect you; first because you're one of the few understanding that there's a problem and not applauding for men thinking they're Napo... women.

Believe me, most of us would prefer not to suffer extermination and relax peacefully in our armchairs.

I don't understand this. As long as they're not in my face, I don't see what's the problem. To me it's like gay marriage: I don't like gay marriage but it will never affect so I don't care. I care about niggers because I know for a fact that they are very willing to get into my face.

Did you even read my post?

One day you'll work out that gay marriage was always a non-issue used by the media to distract dumb Americans from real political issues. The fact you used that rather than literally any other example means it worked perfectly.

"I don't see why healthcare is an issue. So long as I've got mine (and black people don't get any) I don't care".

Gno. A diversion, maybe.

It doesn't.
If you need plastic surgery to feel good that means you have mental health issues.
It has always been like that.
The only moment that plastic surgery isn't because of mental health issues is when someone is mutilated via horrific events.

b..but tans aren't mentally ill

war in syria
snackbar explode far away in my country
snackbar kills people with rifle in home town
snackbar explose near from you


lgbtq and acceptance:
people are forced in a state to not say offensive words
People can't go against some of the nonsense that it brings, say otherwise and you're a nazy biggot that can loose jobs and more.
Gender theories is teached at school so that kids can be more accepting towards each other
Kids can legally change their gender if they want to hormonal treatment is authorized
their isn't enough diversity in your work the HR hires more diverse an young crew
Diverse crew sees that your wife is the same skin color has you they ask why
Next day you hear that the HR has been replaced
HR ask you to come in is office
Explain to you that their isn't enough woman in the company and to balance everything that you'll be replaced.
Hr tells you have too are else you're a misogynist biggot who won't let handicapable black lesbo people work.

What affects society affects you.

It's also because you think in short terms like most of the population.
Thinks about what's it going to be in a decade or more.
It's only when people thing on very long terms that it's always beneficial for society, RMS has proved that.

Kek is listening

But normalizing mental illness is a net benefit for society because people are more able to get help with their problems instead of having to worry about hiding them. It's why people in the US are more likely to see a shrink than countries like South Korea. Would you want to live in a world where injuries weren't "normalized" where people continued to go to work with broken bones and tried to hide their injuries instead of seeing a doctor, or where someone who lost their legs is looked down on as "unnatural"?


If mutilating their functional body parts to conform to their mental illness is your idea of "help" that's not a net benefit.

"Normalizing" means "there's nothing to cure", champ. At least that's what most people understand by this word.
Nice memes.

I know your position, because I (and most people on Holla Forums) went through this phase. The idea that as long as you don't see it isn't that ridiculous, but the point is that when you'll be able to see it, you may not be able to stop it anymore.
Like an user said, you should concern yourself about a forest fire before it reaches your door.

Not it's just saying yes to their madness.
Would you normalize schizophrenia ? or sociopaths ?

Ignoring natural selection

Fallacious example.
That's physical damage to a body not in the psyche.

You seem to see the world like it 's everyone or no one gets help.
But that's not what we are talking about.

How many metaphors or examples you will need to hear so that you may understand the basic things that we are trying to explain to you.

How do you want to cure/heal/treat mental illness when you are yourself saying to others >it's okay it's not an illness you can be that too
You are adding oil to the fire.

"normalized" that word does not mean what (you) think it means

There is a huge difference between accepting something and calling it normal. It's possible to not treat someone like shit while thinking that they're not "normal". The whole normalized meme stems from the stupid idea that the only reason people categorize things is to oppress or exclude. So rather than accept that differences exist and are ok, everything has to be normal(ized).

So what's your solution? Because that's the solution people in the field of psychology suggest.

If there was no problem then why are they pursuing the treatment that people in the field of psychology suggest? Just as people pursue the treatment for broken bones that doctors suggest.

Despite how much you may want to evangelize about it you haven't, or at least not as a serious consideration.

They will exist either way. The ideal response would be encouraging them to get professional treatment as opposed to having them self medicate and try to hide their problem.

Pro tip: leaving people to be removed by natural selection in modern society only puts them into desperate situations where they are significantly more likely to resort to committing crimes to support themselves.

My example is applying the same philosophy to physical damage that you apply to psychological damage. How is that fallacious?

People have always been forced to not say offensive words. There have always been libel and slander laws. You do not have the right to speak your opinion then expect others to be happy with it. If they get offended, then so be it. If they take you to court over it, then be prepared. It's no different in this age as it has been 50 years ago.

Now if your child is taught that hormonal treatment is necessary and authorized by their own child self, then obviously they know better than you. Let them go, "disown" them for they don't need you any more. They can go live with their trans adopted parents for as much as they want.

If your employers believe that there isn't enough diversity in your work and they're willing to exchange you for a less qualified person, that's their own business. They will reap the consequences of hiring workers who can't do the job. You should be happy to drop the job because you're so bigoted that you cannot stand to accept what they do to themselves.

Stallman has always believed that freedom includes the ability to make bad choices. Stallman also supports the LGBTQ community.

You call "cutting your weewee" a cure when they think that they're women? That's no cure, that's going along with their retared fantasy.
"I'm special."

Is there a tranny-free version of Libreboot ?

No. Nobody cares to put in any effort to fork Libreboot and maintain it alongside Libreboot.

I wanted to make some joke here about Francis removing his blobs, but I couldn't come up with anything.

Anyway, no, I don't think so. It's a very small project and even GNU couldn't find somebody to take Francis' place.

So what's your solution? Because that's the solution people in the field of psychology suggest.