Taking requests. What a set of photos? I can make one for you, if I don't already have one.
There are over 2 million pics in my archive. All sorted by topic. If I don't have something I can usually put something together in about 30 minuets. People, places, things, historical, military, porn, anime whatever.
Rule 34 stuff is not a good request. I can't pull many images of Russian midget porn. So..
Make a request and I will make a torrent and give the magnet link. I only make torrents so don't request MEGA or some other site.
Most of my collection revolves around Hi Res stuff but that's not always the case. Some sets are like 50/50
Pic related
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking typo's
Why do I never see them until after I post.
I think my brain just overrides what I am reading
and defaults to what I am thinking.
trap set pls
bumping with random pics
Have a set already
give me a sec
4,600 pics
mag in next post
Did you actually want the set or are you just fucking around?
Request 10/10 female hotties for art reference. Any age, no nudity.
something like this?
Perfect. Exposed toes (sandals, peep toe) are a huge bonus, as I'm currently working on feet studies as well.
There are better examples of non nudes in the set.
Can include the foot folder as well.
c. 15k pics
folder dumped
Fuck, never-mind, I just realized you're taking requests to make torrents. Can't torrent at work mate, so unless you're willing to post em here to pass the time I take my request back. Cheers, though.
bumping with random pics
any rare nazi pictures?
Fuck these cunts. Upload the best you've got and make torrents for unique collections you have. Porn is so fucking cheap, you can find it anywhere. I want to see something i don't already have saved.
Like these. Good quality. Uncommon.
WWII ultimate collection.
19k images
Also a 5000 pic collection with Hitler in all the pics, and him with other people.
I have the complete Gorsky collection of witch you just posted two
and tons of other rare and historical sets
Please gib
I have the WWII stuff already. Rare historical sets are my favorite.
In the op pic the image on the far right is my torrent folder.
I have already made and uploaded 290g
and c.900,000 photos.
19,900+ pics
Some sorted folders but the bulk is unsorted.
Nice color shots also.
Seeders are crazy fast. 4-5mbs on average.
My most popular set over all.
I will have to make the Hitler set if you want that also
let me screencap my non porn stuff
Rare historical sets would definitely been more appreciated. War collections are fairly easy to come by.
Have a great folder of Hi Res Vintage.
First pic is Detroit, third is N.Y.C.
Stick around user We will put a sizeable dent in your storage space.
I have the Wright Bros. collection archiving their pre-flight R/D years up until first flight.
Nice Space collection documenting ALL past US operations and a considerable amount of Russian programs.
Vintage Anerica
Hell I am just getting started
Fuck, posted the Detroit thumbnail
Bless your kind soul.
I made a small thread here on fs
You can find it here
See if something there is of interest while I get some other Historical folders in order.
Let me know if you need seed help and I will transfer the set to my client folder
got any pictures of yugoslavia?
how about regional gourmet image macros?
Have about 4.5k on Yugoslavia
A mix of city and countryside.
Some general food folders as well
The slave set will need some work
food folder is ready if you want it
Last bump from op
aw man, come back op
Seconding both of these. I love this stuff, you're doing awesome work user.
I grabbed all of these, thank you.
Enjoy your new pics.
Here is a link to my board.
The Available torrent downloads sticky and the Request sticky
have other different torrents as well. The threads are only are a small portion of larger source folders. Can make D/L's for them as well if you want.
Dude you expect me to wait around for like 10 hours for a reply?
I know this board is slow but come on.
both the selected files are all memes. no joke
either they are my sorted memes (main) or archives of other peoples memes (archive)
the rest are just my files
me again, can i request all of yours. i will slowly integrate them into my better sorted archive. pls
Do you have a set of pictures of birds with arms?
60g >memes
wizard tier
whats in the torrent folder?
any cool imagesets?
pls post pics
i am not op but ok
lots of books tbh
kinda boring but i am a really fast reader and i do lots of coding.
i read through like 5 books a week or so.
also lots of tv and movies
also tons of anarchist cook books i love that kinda shit
made herion iin my garage once. got high as fuck
also not wizard, i have a family and gf
i am only 18 but have been collecting this kinda shit since i was like 14 because its always been a side hobby.
i made a scrip that makes it really easy to save images and sort them when i save them so it isnt a hassle. and it just flows while meming. so it isnt time consuming.
nigs u think i joke