The Mafia vs. Mudslimes

Are they based as fuck?

- Honor family
- Protect your women
- Fuck up anyone who fucks with your community
- Take care of your own
- Have lots of kids, propagate your genetics

Haven't heard anything about Italy getting hit by mudslimes.

Other urls found in this thread:

The mafia is one of the big organizations helping them cross over into Italy and then further up to Germany/France/UK

They couldn't give a shit

Also, half of their big names were kikes who were working to spread degeneracy, turn white women into whores, sell drugs, et cetera.

They're a front for the jewish mafia

Italians aren't white and the mafia is kikes

They are gigantic faggots and mussolini had taken care of them until ami niggers put them back into power.


Miss x tends to be whiter than women from X because whiter = prettier.

Italians are neither shitskins nor white.

Italian Mafia as is.

The italian mob both in italy and in the US hasn't been ethnically italian for quite a while. Most of the heads are still italian but the bulk of the operations are "racially diverse", mostly north africans and east europeans in Italy itself.
In addition to that the Italian mafia like you know it from the movies is dead, not only lost they most of their power in the italien justice and political system, they are also hardly on the streets anymore. The streets are occupied by younger and more aggressive gangs, mostly from africa and the balkans.
To compete with those they lost most of their "class". It's very similar to the Yakuza, the downfall of both is a mix between the crackdown of the state and young people from other countries taking over most of the street business.
In the war with the government, I don't quite remember the year, the Italians lost their respect from the mafia because they acted more like IRA/RAF than people caring about the community.

Bunch of those are not white… as in western/northern europe
But yeah they are white, some berbers are white too

Also the mafia fucked over anyone who wasn't italian and get paid to do non-white stuff (dump highly shitty cargo on the Adriatic/Mediterrean, transport niggers over Europe with their Italo-Libyan links, sell weapons to the border cartels)

kek, his brain was too small to hit.

Can't wait to see you D&C types dangling from a lampost.

But at this moment all yuro countries are majoritary white, even in Italy there's plenty of them
Maybe not France tho


Yes, Europeans countries are not equally white. Call it whatever you want. This is a fact, and like other facts, it doesn't care about your feelings.

The Allies empowered the Mafia in Italy starting in 1943.Much the organization came from America and it was very dysfunctional in terms of keeping order which was the pathetic justification.

The Allies didn't give a shit about Italy.

Those aren't even white. GTFO amerikike racemixing propagandist.


southern Italians and sicilians aren't white, but us northern Italians are

Some northern Italians are almost white.

hello shekelstein, still bootyblasted about what the Romans did to you back in the day?

and /thread

don't take the bait luigi this is going to be derailed into a nordic v med thread real fast if you keep replying

I'm 1/4th sicilian, 5/8ths german.

Am I white?

They look pretty white

i don't have anything against nords, I just get pissed when kikes say shit like that
my name is actually luigi, shit feels bad man

I am unsure if its even actual Nords doing this.
I have a feeling these D&C posts hail from our (((greatest ally))).

At least Luigi Raviolli, the one affected here, is decent enough to accept it, unlike non-italians who are buttravaged that Italy actually got its shit slapped by someone many centuries ago, just like Spain with the moors
Italy is white, just not "pre-globalism Nordland/Balticland", which is the difficult Holla Forums standard

Looks like a bunch of pretty Mexican girls to be, user.

*to ME

That's a jewess



the hwhitest

It always follow a similar derail pattern same with christian vs pagan shit

They were basically the closest thing we had to jews before jews started jewing in the US of A.

There's a reason why there was a huge backlash against Italian immigration.

this, their god is money

No need to lie to yourself. Accept who you are. Italians have significant shitskin genes. This is unfortunate, but we are still allies. We are both European, but only one of us is really white.


And the jews are a front for the Black Nobility (banking and royal families of europe)

So there's no more "respect" in the Mafia as there used to be, and they don't 'protect' their ethnic people?

Also, regarding the Mafias in Italy – I can't believe there is NO Mafia presence in central and northern Italy.

Doesn't the Mafia run the country? Also redpill me on who the fuck the Camorra and 'Ndragheta are? Looks like they fuck up a lot of shit.


No, they're criminals.

You can love and respect your family/people without eroding the fabric of white society.

Not nearly as much as there used to be.

But there hardly is. Currently the north is pretty much under control of the albanians.

No. They did have big time influence in politics and police. That ended, if I remember correctly, with the second mafia war. During that the mafia basically fought each other and the state by targeting and killing officials. There were a huge amount of convictions in the after match and because they started to go against the state and because the mafia wars were bloody as fuck, they lost most of the backing in the community.
People like Berlusconi had alleged mafia connections but they don't run the country anymore. They mainly deal and smuggle drugs and weapons.

They can't compete against the newcomers, especially the incoming islamic gangs/hispanic connections

Sorry to fuck your shit up, but it's less pozzed than you think, and more complicated than you hope, like most all things pol related… let me educate as someone related real closely by blood yet too "white", "irish", and or "outsider" to ever make it into the high ranks.

My family going back to my grandparents were ranked as fuck, it goes by bloodline and resembles any European noble shit going on yet more down low. Rules there are, and my grandma broke a huge one, married a potato nigger, which meant close protection for us but never ever allowed to touch the family business, so her line (and my gramps) ends there as far as connectedness.

As far as usa mafia goes fuck that shit, their standards are low for entry, as are their operating security procedures, so they're always getting busted. Disregard all the bullshit movies, tv, etc you see, the American italian mob are toothless, just like the American Jewish mob (believe it or not), basically by the time you see it openly they are past it to something else. The real mafia, just like the real jews, operate on an honor system, you give up small fish but never big ones, and if the big ones are ever implicated then war will result until silence is achieved again; this pattern has played out several times over.

The European Italian mafia, just like the European Jewish banking families, are entirely based on lineage and loyalty. They work with each other when convenient but God damned if they trust each other, and rightly so.

If you're looking for a morality tale go eslewhere, like US corporations they are ruthless, and many here do business with them directly or by proxy because their internal feds are not globalist (pozzed in the direction of their own profit rather than some foreigners). I don't have a dog in the fight either way; until I see immediate human suffering (child traffick, heroin addicts) I dont give a shit.

Moreover, the stories you hear of Italian mobs resisting immigration are true; they control politics loosely, but do not loosen on purpose, and spurn globalism and negroism as a rule, are behind most of the soccer racism, etc.

Also, like in japan, in any crisis or near crisis situation, "organized crime" (which means org crime outside Jewish control of course) will be responsible for 90% of disaster first responders, and all of any regions government in the event of wrol time.

All three of these things have a fatal underlying flaw. "Your own" and subsequently "your woman" are all shit self-hating liberals.

So if the Italian Mob is shit, is the ((("Russian Mafia"))) the most ruthless?

How the fuck did the Mafia in New York and Italy get cuckolded by Albanians and mudshits?

Up to the 1980s, the Mafia RAN New York. Then they fucked it up. How?

Too many non-Italians? No Omerta?

Also are there Triads more powerful than the Yakuza regarding political influence and racketeering?

There is no "most ruthless" most would kill an infant by beating it with a dog if the money would be right.

I would assume: more aggressive, easier access to guns and drugs. If your home country is not competent enough to deal with organized crime or easily corruptible you have a very easy base of operations. Look at how the mexican cartel, young, violent, well armed, in an incompetent country, easy to grow strong and expand in other countries.

If a crime network runs a city, the feds will take you down. Most criminal organizations today prefer to stay off the radar, not commanding the radar operator. Easier money.

Depends were. In Japan? Yakuza. Otherwise political influence is always relatively local. You don't need to own the mayor if you can own the guy who is supposed to check your cargo. Organized crime is about making money, war is bad for business, so most of the time syndicates don't bother with each other. One can have city 1, the other takes city 2. One takes part x of town, the other takes part y. If people die, the authorities will try to get you.

The time of classic crime syndicates running major towns and places in developed countries are over. What you will find is syndicates being connected to big business. If you have capital it's easier to make a lot of semi-legal business. You'll for example find oligarchs who became that through syndicate money.

I never said it was a shit, I said it got coopted on this side of the pond by expansionist, non-traditionalist motherfuckers with no respect for old rules and order.

So of course they get horned in on by other ethnics, but then again usa crime was always a jews game to start, the other groups are pawns at best when they operate here. Don't think the ndranghetta (actual Italian mob in Italy) give two fucks about a movie like the godfather, there busy monopolizing the traffic from South America to all of europe.

And along the way, despite all your whining of degeneracy, they are looking out for italys long term racial future and security, best that they know how to.

The answer to.literally everything in USA is "the jews". All else is a turf war that they tolerate…

State power is far bigger and nastier than the power a criminal organization can bring to bear
Just look what the CCP did the Triads when they tried to cross them

Nothing is based about the mafia or organized criminals in general. I loved the gangster culture (part of America) growing up, but the more you look into it the less positives there really are.

Much of it in America was incredibly Jewish. Don't know too much about the European/Russian variants, but it's not much to look up to either. Much of the organized crime isn't even by the natives, but rather foreign run gangs operating inside the country (Lebanese, Mudslims, etc.). The Russiann Bratva for instance is heavily Chech, Jewish, and other minority groups. Russians actually make up a very small percentage of that "fearful" Eastern European organization. Bulgarian mafia is also shit-tier and has a large Turk influence.

They're criminals. They could give a fuck about the nation, its people, or the health of it. I guess it's a good thing that most of these groups aren't really characteristics of the native population.

Thanks for the redpill. So how the fuck do the Clintons, two lawyers in Arkansas with little money, become a fucking crime family?

Like, how do these two former 'nobodies', get hit men, get away with murder, rise in power and the Feds can't do shit to them?

They're so powerful, they cucked the head of the FBI from indicting Hillary!

Did they form their own crew? Is another organized crime family backing them, I mean how do these people end up running their own crime syndicate with no prior connections?


except some italians, especially toward the north, are actually white. nothern italians are more white than most of the faggots on this board to be honest
nope. pure bavarian phenotype. kiss my ass subhumans

She's is a Jewess dipshit

Some northern Italians are ALMOST white. FIFY.

Bullshit, the mafia does not such things, they are like niggers going WE WUZ KANGZ, they only "honor family" when it's convenient.

That's actually fair, the mafia tend not to kill women, though they have no problems butchering boys and the like.

Yeah, because they are fucking with the community in the first place.
It's like a leech wanting all the blood for itself, this isn't no Japanese mafia that clean parks and shit, Italian mafia it's all about abusing others.

See above, the mafia would sell all of us out given the chance.

How being a criminal = making lots of kids?

Do not be mistaken Holla Forums, italian mafia is a cancer that need to be eradicated, they are just slightly better than jews but not by much.
Anyone that claims "italian mafia" is decent or "care for their own" lives in delusion and saw too many jewish movies.

Holla Forums, you should know already that the Mafia is Jewish as fuck.
It has connections to Hollywood, our government, the music industry, media, military and etc.

I have some books on the Jewish mafia here.