Does anyone else suspect that the ruling class is pushing LGBTism and Feminism as a false alternative to distract the...

Does anyone else suspect that the ruling class is pushing LGBTism and Feminism as a false alternative to distract the public from real issues?

I think it's a brilliant scheme. It keeps the so-called Left yammering over these things while taking focus away from the big picture of income inequality (1% owning 50% of world's wealth), and stifling more fundamental discussions about capitalism's effects on people lives, property and monetarism.

Meanwhile, everyone else (that's not Leftist) sees this garbage permeating in Leftist spheres (ex. political correctness, quotas, language policing, transspecies bathrooms), and they gravitate towards the Right. This is why I completely understand the "Alt-Right", social conservatives and nationalists. They're working hard in their shitty dead-end jobs, yelled at by their asshole bosses and clients on a daily basis, they come back home exhausted, they turn on the TV or browse the internet, and all they see is "Leftists" and "Progressives" telling them how they're "privileged" simply because they're white and heterosexual. This racist, divisive bullshit is what fuels the Right.

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Rather, it coopts those two causes so it can be sure that those two never really achieve the destruction of the very system that is holding them back to begin with.

Of course. You can see this bullshit plain as day in some aspects of the Clinton campaign. She knows damn well how meaningless it is but she pushes it anyway just so misinformed voters have an excuse to vote for her since she doesn't give too shits about the working class as a whole.


Oh, you mean how they made it all about that, and then Hillary's campaing became all about that, and the polarization brought Trump to "power" and now they divided everyone around non issues, while they do their play on neoliberalism and so on?


It's just conspiracy theories, muh dude!

you're conflating the general notion of civil rights and equality for LGBT people with the cartoonish Holla Forums depiction of a vocal minority of social justice advocates.

none of this is a ""scheme"", capital is just really good at absorbing and coopting things. public opinion just eventually swang past 50% approval for gay marriage and companies realized they could just post pictures of their logos with rainbows on them and get basically free positive PR

I know this is Holla Forums and your probably fed up with the "brosocialism" here or whatever, but you should really get out more.

That's exactly the scheme. You wanna call it something else, that's fine I guess.

Google "reformism" and you'll have your answer

a scheme implies some sort of cabal of elites sitting in a room saying AH YES THIS IS WHAT WE'LL DO NOW, when it's really a result of the structure of capitalism and capitalists acting in their own self interest

of course people like that exist, but why do you think you see / hear about them the most? because they're the loudest, most obnoxious, often have brightly colored hair. believe it or not you can support gay marriage or the idea of trans people using the bathroom of their choosing without becoming a walking charicature

I wonder who's behind this post

"Leftists" who are really just mushy liberals devoid of class analysis are nothing new. Nor are they something the bourgeoisie needs to create, we do that well enough on our own.

well duh, bathroom laws, gay marriage, wymyn empowering, all bullshit to keep people classcucked

bernies supporters are becoming pretty redpilled tho, which is good enough

If there's one thing that porkies are good at, it's coopting radical ideas and making them part of The System.

It happened to the labor movement, it happened to the civil rights movement, it's happening to LGBT rights, it happens to feminism every twenty years or so (just look at Virginia Slims cigarettes, or the Spice Girls co-opting "girl power!", or the Ghostbusters reboot).

They want the proletariats to squabble among themselves over this bullshit while ignoring their exploitation. We overthrow capitalism, and prejudice disappears.

You missed out that there's enormous numbers of them. That's the critical thing. That's why there are entire websites dedicated to captured footage of them. This is where you're "it's just a few nutjobs who've tagged onto the group" narrative fails; the sheer volume of footage (and people met in IRL) mean that simply can't be true. issue

It's called neo-liberalism. Give someone a false sense of justice and they'll feel that they did their part and not question the fact that they live solely to consume to keep the economy alive.

Neoliberalism is just capitalism for hippies.

If you have nothing to add don't add anything, that's exactly what I said. They make people feel like they're making a change, just like hippies did, and then it's easier for them to accept capitalism, unlike hippies did at first.

This. SJWs are not a rare and ellusive species. They come out in the thousands for marches, and just about everyone knows one personally.

You really think so? I'm unsure. Some of them seem to put class first at least, in a way.

There was an article defending it that was hippie as shit. Not sure if I saved it though…

Anyone remember EA's defense for Mass Effect 3?

So yes.

The patriarchal family unit is the only protection the working class has against total capitulation by the tsunami of advanced capitalism. The bourgeoisie, unsatisfied with near total power, want to break the proletariat of every form of solidarity they have left. The promotion of homosexuality and feminism serves no one but the bourgeoisie, as it erodes the most fundamental component of proletarian unity. This sabotage needs to be openly rejected, discredited, ridiculed, and smashed through words and through militant actions by the international communist movement. Any "communist" parasite in support of this bourgeois tool of furthering the alienation of workers will get the guillotine when the ruling class falls to its knees.

Read a book you mautist twat.

unpopular opinion here, but this rabid fight against "SJWism" and "feminism" is futile. Frankly, feminism has its merits. Women and minorities have been unfairly subjugated and capitalism has played a huge role in this.

Instead of hating these people, seek a middle ground. They are much more likely to be receptive to your ideas than religious conservatives or other various sorts of scum.


In a way…first of all, you can make money off of it, thats aways nice. (Pride Parades, the hijacked legacy of Stonewall etc.)

It also disarms anyone who wants to engage in radical politics regarding those topics. ("oh you have this and that already")
The topics cant serve as much as an entry point as they potentionally could as they have been hijacked, and to some point are part of hegemony