My thread.
I am going to post some shit. My vpn expires in 4 days and I start a new job in 6 days. Need to make the most of the rest of my neet time.
My thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I want to deliver the dick to Haruhi
Once my vpn expires I'll make sure I get a 2 year subsciption this time.
I hope Trump gets impeached soon.
Enlighten me. Does people even use it?
I dunno
I just use nano
Stallman is a faggot
What kind of job?
Maintenance/cleaning shit
I have to admit, but I am finding no common theme at all in this thread, and it's becoming highly distrubing for me. I hope I don't get triggered or anything like that.
Yeah it's just kind of whatever I click on, mostly from the unorganize,random, and animu folder.
I actually had one of those bigfoot HHDs. Ran 98 on it.
How good did it run?
this isnt a maxtor? This is a QUANTUM BIGFOOT! look at this , man its a quantum bigfoot TX 8gigabytes, with ide connection and molex power support! it even has an led and nostalgic drive spinning sound! it will literally blow your face off with it's 5.25" profile! Less time for sissy harddrives that come with manuals and driver disks, man we're badass we don't need none of that! Its so big it'll make your optical drives nervous to be around! damn right, and if you got a dual drive setup yo better get your secondary out of there if you wanna fit this big boy in there. Its so big you gotta put it in the front!
come on man i just spent like 5 minutes scribing that from a youtube video
I'd love to get drunk with Bill
Waste of 5 minutes
use it to kill yourself OP. Death before employment
Nah, not ready to die yet
Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Work. Die.
Welcome to the rest of your life, OP.
I tried to get autismbux but it didn't work, apparently being a socially awkward shut-it isn't enough.
With the single exception of this first webm, this is perhaps the poorest collection of images and videos I've ever witnessed.
Good luck in your new job, though.
I have yet to find an animu as good as haruhi.
It's just all stupid moeshit nowadays
mlp ponies are hot
My thread is garbage enough satan, take your meta bitching to the asuka sticky.
I hadn't seen this in a while.
I wouldn't give up the NEET life for that.
Incase some mod gets triggered, I hate Holla Forums and Holla Forums. Both are circlejerks and if you have a different opinion they ban you.
I don't understand retards put "don't evade bans" in their tos. Who the fuck doesn't evade bans or at least change their ip several times a day.
Fucking /pone/ called was mad at me for bitching about ponyshit.
Fucking faggots need to take the brown pill.
Clop is for virgin dreamers
Even if I didn't clop I'd never get laid unless I buy a prostitute.
Spent nearly 8 years as a social autist.
Thanks based pajeet
Once again the republicunts don't give a shit about the consumer and are trying to kill the inernet,
It was straight balls. I played Thief, FFVII, Half-Live, Runescape, Deus Ex, and whatever demos came on my PC Accelerator CD.
I remember Thief being too graphically intensive for my (very first) video card. It would overheat and I had to install a fan and heat sinks on it.
I heard that autistic people have a hard time understanding sarcasm.
plz no bully
Who the fuck is this again?
Steven Assanti
Got the clip of him acting like a retard going DEH DUH DEH DUH and shit? I could really use thay
how is that shit not falling out of the pan? ew.
That's all I got m8.
Nice thread,keep on rocking.