
What is the least interesting culture and why is it Mexican?

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Because they're fucking spics what did you expect?

There are a multitude of south east island cultures that are basically carbon copies of each other.

i can't think of anything interesting about my culture (which is not murrican nor mexican, can't tell more, because its a sicrit culture).

Disagree. Arab cultures are far more boring. Mexicans have at least some kind of fun with fireworks, tequila, mariachi, margaritas etc. But Arab/sandnigger culture is #nofunallowed. No drinks, no women, no fun, muh honor.

Would it happen to be…

no, because that's already your thing

A culture can be interesting without being good. Middle eastern culture is largely a blight on this earth, but it can be fun to read about.

I enveloped myself in mexican culture for about 4 years, got into dancing, the food and the people.
I found them to be rather dirty and full of criminality as well as a total refusal to meld with american cultures and language. On the good side they aren't terribly religious because it gets in the way of having lots of sex with women at the mexican dances.

name one interesting thing about your culture

Oh no you caught me. Now what're you going to do with me?

my pedo-scanner is going loco


Give example.
Off the top of my head there are 10 cultures I'd rather read about than sandniggers.

Most of the interesting things come in the form of fiction written by/about them and their food.

that is the first thing that comes to your mind.. that makes me really sad

Finnish. it's barely even a thing. pretty much just

Native American culture is significantly more boring than Mexican culture. At least Mexico had culture borrowed from Meso-American peoples like the Aztecs and the Mayans coupled with a native cosine, art, and music.

Native plains Indians? They had jack shit. They were just generic tribes even when European settlers showed up. They roam around, hunt buffalo, and have tribal wars with eachother and thats it. Even in modern times the most they're known for it running casinos. Thats fucking sad

No, it's just that your cultural bias doesn't let you see shit.


Nice try Chief Chugs-Listerine but you know its true

At least they have a culture. No like niggers and US.
Which is basically the same thing actually…

This is what Disney sells to you about mexico, but mexico's culture is mostly cheap beer and soccer.

I need the sauce.

I'd say 100%, but I grew up around the Pomo, constantly bombarded about how great they were, and they did fuck all but gamble even before the white people came. They barely even had art, they just gambled fucking beads and killed each other. I figure they can't be the only worthless lazy shits.

For illustrations always try saucenao first.




I actually like Hispanic culture because it's vibrant and feels more family oriented than most other cultures. Now asian cultures, those are some boring sobs

Integrated Latin-Americans are fine, cause they integrate that good family shit into an American values system and drop all that spic "honor" bullshit. Hispanic culture itself is total trash outside that one single aspect.


White people culture is boring.

Mexicans are the worst I've ever seen. I even hate the way spanish sounds, like nails on a chalkboard to me.

¡Aiyiyiyi no me gusta este pendejo!

We invented culture. We created architecture, we created cars, airplanes, rockets, we went to the fucking moon. We redefined warfare, weaponry, machinery, philosophy, art, literature, mathematics..
Where is your "culture"?


It's boring because it's so all-encompassing that it's become invisible. Almost everything in every modern society is technically "white culture".

The whole concept is pretty retarded though, because white people are a race that have split into multiple continents over millenia, not a specific subset. Individual white countries have a plethora of cultures that all differ from one another.

it's not like the same isn't true of other races. for example, black American culture is very different from Jamaican culture, which in turn is very different from Nigerian culture

mariachi is nothing but polka music with beaner speak.

nothing original about that.

Shit tier culture.

I would not say it is the least interesting (I like it a little), but I think any culture would be more interesting without a lot of foreign influencea. I think not being miscegenated helps a lot too, because the culture would feel like your own.

Boring /= uniteresting, not that I am saying whether or not they are. Mind you, some of them did have societies similar to the Incas and other civil groups, if that is something you like.

I do not know too much about them, but I am sure there is more to them, nomadic or not, than most people think. Besides, I think to anyone not interested in dude-bro things, they do have a lot of infuence in the US (probably Canada too), history, and even it's politics a bit.

There is a lot of history behind Arabs, and remember, this is not only Islamic history, but pagan and Christian as well.
Compare there history to a bunch of men and women dancing in glitter, feathers, and soccer balls. In the end, Arabs and other Semites have long history, philosophy, religions, complex thoughts, influence, art, along with the usual (food, drink, clothes, music, etc), and compare that to a hue country were culture simply revolves around glittered, bikini clad whores wearing with feather hats (no symbology behind it, when there is, few know what it means, and most who like it do not care to know), dancing and drinking beer in a soccer fest. The only thing left is food, music, and urban art.

If they are of the same sub-race, it should not matter.

In some hispanic countries, a family can just consist of an unwed mother, her bastard, her "bf", and the "ex" who helped make the kid who occasonally visits; a family is rendered a bunch of companions.
Also, boring or not, Asia is fascinating, like the West.

The people in those dances are not actually religious.

pic is mostly Latinos


Imageboard culture.

oh, yeah.
fucking data miners have to ruin everything.

Nigger YOU didn't invent shit, you're just like the we wuz kangs you make fun of

Cultures are the result of "We"s. Everyone else does it anyways.

Yes I did. I'm white.

I think Etruscan culture was best and plus they didn't age discriminate