What female characters would you like to see as males?
What female characters would you like to see as males?
Gender reversal is retarded.
Wonder Woman.
I want a noble, enlightened demigod from an ancient culture who comes to the modern world to save it from the folly of feminism.
if they become traps or twinks
storm, raven, moon dragon, ivy, harley, witchblade, ladydeath, and the female furies minus granny goodness
Jane Foster.
Peridot. Her robot design looks androgynous and I've always thought her male counterpart would sound like David Warner. This is ignoring the midget form though.
Why is the male Enchantress have an open showing his abs when the female Enchantress doesn't have her clevage and abdomen exposed?
Bitches want to see abs, yo.
John Foster, male nurse alongside a Dr. Donna Blake?
HELLO, thanks user
Then what's the fucking point? Traps and twinks are only hot because they're feminine.
but they are still feminine men, and i love me some smooth, young, girlymen, with big dongs
Oh man, femboy Star Sapphire?
What would Power Guy have to compete with PG's boob window?
Low-cut crotch window.
Happy trail optional.
Oh hey, I wanna see fem Luke Cage and Iron Fist.
Squirrel Boy?
Lol, is Deadpool canonically the only motherfucker who ever made out with his own rule #63 counterpart?
Ooh, male Jenny from My Life As A Teenage Robot.
Male Emma Frost and Selene from the Hellfire Club?
Male Catwoman?
Fred Perry has Momeye The Sailor Scout.
Power Guy? That character actually existed..boob hole in costume and everything.
Male Catwoman…isn't that Catman?
Dane looks like Hercules…though Wonderous Man look good.
It's like this board gets gayer and gayer every year.
This tbh and its not even fun anymore since the female versions look manly as fuck now too. Except in Japan. Those fuckers at least still know how to do gender swaps.
Is it weird I usually prefer male to female gender swaps over female to male ones? I guess I prefer the female form more? Though traps I'm okay with.
Thats because they actually bother to make them look feminine.
agreed, though it makes me wonder how Wonderous Man's version of Themiscyra would work? are they like mgtows on an island who hate the outside world but Wonderous man realizes there's more to life on the outside?
She Hulk