I want to start contributing to an open source project to improve my skill, and because it's an awesome thing to do

I want to start contributing to an open source project to improve my skill, and because it's an awesome thing to do.
But I'm not sure what project. I'm thinking of Blender3D or Krita, but I'm open to other suggestions.
/g/ suggested freebsd, gimp, and llvm. I may look at llvm, but probably sticking with Blender or Krita.
Help me out Holla Forums!

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Doesn't matter, just do your due diligence and remove all non-gender-neutral pronouns.

Contribute to something simpler like... Anything that you use that is simple and easily improvable without having to read a book of docstrings. E.g. feh, meh.

dickbag is gender neutral, right?

I like feh because it's simple and basically already perfect. I can't think of anything to improve.
Krita on the other hand just implemented 2d animation, and you can't even copy and paste keyframes yet. That's some low hanging feature right there. Blender I don't even know. I'm sure it's big enough that theres some cruft-work around to be done.
You could be right about not jumping into something too big, but I kinda want to try jumping into a project like that.

I'm not at home now and don't have feh here but IIRC there is no option to what algorithm to use for zooming. For instance, one might prefer nearest neighbor instead of cubic for pixel art. I patched meh to have that option via a --fast CLI argument that makes it use NN instead of cubic, you could do that for feh.

llvm is macfag cancer. You want to use gcc.

GIMP is something that you should learn

Krita isn't going to make you a better artist than using the GIMP, but whatever, install both and play around.

A FreeBSD isn't going to be a better choice than a GNU/Linux distrobution of your choice. You sound new so I recommend you go to distrowatch.com and try some of the more popular distros.

Blender is a special-purpose tool. Its going to take you a while to learn to use it, and it can be frustrating for a new user.

You need to try something small because your skills are small. Do it. Just DO IT. Make your dreams come true.

Fuk. I must have stuttered hard.

I've been using gimp (not well or with script) for 'bout 10 year now. Blender about the same. Krita I started using last year. It's animation interface is much less painful than gimps, and it's default brushes are nice.

I've also written a good bit of shitty web things in python, and a little bit of shitty hardware stuff in C.

I don't want to brag, cause I'm far from the skill I'd like, but I'm not new.

I'm looking to get into coding on an open source project. Preferably one I like to use and respect such as blender or krita.


Since your skills are limited, pick a project, find their bug tracker, narrow down a bug to where it occurs in the code. Read and understand the surrounding code, and propose a fix.

It will, in all likelihood, be rejected because you suck. Take the advice given about your code, revise your fix, and propose again.

Above all else, communicate with the project maintainers about the bug, the cause, and the fix. They know the project better than you and can help you code to their preferred style.

Thanks. This is cool advice, and basically what I'm expecting to do. I guess "should I do blender or krita" is a pretty stupid thing to get stuck on. Maybe I'll flip a coin.

--force-aliasing in feh

Found the alexjs dev


I think they where trolling. It's difficult to discern. They also seemed to think I wanted to install and use software, rather than coding for it. I really don't know how I gave off that impression.

GIMP is perfectly fine for art. You can use it on a tablet with a pen if you want. Its very capable software. You have alpha channels, fuzzy select, layers, filters... anybody who hates on GIMP never took the time to learn how to do even the most basic operations in it. I'll use Inkscape to make SVG files as well.

Blender would most likely be extremely complicated.

Try a simpler one.

Ok, fair enough. The only thing gimp really seems to be missing is good tools for painting, and it could be that I just haven't looked into it, but krita's painting is nice out of the box. I'm betting that if you use script in gimp it could be pretty powerful. I still use it over krita for photomanipulation type stuff.

Gimp is not intended for painting so obviously, it's not going to have any painting tools. If you want to paint, use Mypaint.

If you like writing drivers then FreeBSD would be a good choice for you. Here's a book on it too if you want.

There's also these sites
This one seems to be down right now though

You could try writing or improving some filter for ffmpeg. It's not a small project, but since it's not GUI program, it'll probably be easier to understand the inner workings than Krita or Blender.

Freetard here
I don't know what you stand for user.
But please know that opensource and free software are different.

The main difference is that free software only support licenses that fully protects the freedom of the users.
For example it protects from tivoization.

Opensource is a basket of permissive licenses.
And is quit often used has a buzzword and Trojan horse.


about opensource from RMS :

note:Tivoization is a hardware restriction that stops you from using modified version of a software, thus restricting users of freedom 0.

Now that my autism has been calmed.

Like this user said use gcc.

For projects that you can contribute well there is The Generic Graphics Library that always needs a hand

Personally their are two language that I would recommend to you for developing it's C and Scheme/lisp/guile.

You have SICP
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
The full text here:
But I recommend you buying the book.

Lecture 1A | MIT 6.001 Structure and Interpretation

The Little Schemer


I wish you succeed user
Happy Hacking

That's not so.
Any software that grants 4 freedoms is a free libré software by definition.

Free Libré Software does not protect from tivoization.
GPLv3 forbids tivoization, thus there should be no restrictive hardware means which would prevent modified software to run.
Sadly Linux nor other software projects affected by tivoization didn't adopt GPLv3.

Licenses are not the case at all here.
The differences are strictly ideological.

Open source makes point that openness of the code (as the ability to read it) matters,
that it helps to extinguish bugs and produce better product (which is not always so).
Freedom of distribution is assumed, but may not be the case for example for Microsoft's "open-source" projects.
Freedom of user is neglected. There's nothing about user in the Open Source Definition.

Free libré software holds purely humanitarian message on the other hand.
That freedom of the user is essential, not some profits of non-restrictive code distribution.

Practical approach of the open source is probably why it is more embraced by tech people.
While free libré software nowadays attracts mostly SJW types,
such as feminists who demands that "easier" languages were used in order to make programming more inclusive for women and minorities.
(Gladly Smallman told them to fuck off.)

The main danger of open source is that it's enabling and legitimizing proprietary and corporate software,
The idea is that companies which participate in open source is somehow redeemed.
In reality, it doesn't matter if Apple is doing FreeBSD or not, it treats users like shit and should be destroyed for that.