does liking Thundercats make me a furry?
Does liking Thundercats make me a furry?
Only if you fap to Snarf.
Probably, but you are what you are, OP.
Makes you a gay furry.
The thunderkittens are OK to fap to. Maybe also Cheetara.
even the male one?
Wilykat? Wilykat is about the cutest little thing next to his sister.
There's no way I wouldn't fuck his tight little ass while I eat out Wilykit.
I miss them so much
Well, they're dead now. But think of it this way: they'll be young forever.
LITERALLY came here to post this
This universe is cruel…
No, they're to human to be in the furry tier.
Not faggotry if he's cute enough.
yes it does
they're basically american cat-boys/girls
I wish I lived in a universe where the rest of the series lived up to the hype of the intro episodes..
what about Tigra?
I'm not sure why they gave some thundercats elf ears and others cat ears. Personally I think they should have all had cat ears because, they're cat-people and they looked like hairy elves with the elf ears. But I guess they gave them elf ears because they had elf ears in the original show.
Even then it didn't make sense. Made them even more homosexual then they already were.
I'd like to thank you spammers with your Thundercat furry thread and the Bear Girl thread. Because of this surplus of furry threads we ended up losing the general anthro girl threads which would have contained everything in one thread. But nah you just had to spam. Fuck you.
I'd be more pissed at the anime spammers.
Maybe an 80sfag
Speaking of his sister
What exactly is wrong with fapping to furry girls? It's not like they are real animals. They have human characteristics, they can talk and they are sentient. It's no different than when Captain Kirk fucks green women.
There's not wrong with liking anthro characters from good tv shows.
But wanting to fuck them makes you a slimy untermensch fat fuck furfaggot that deserves to be neutered with a rusty blade and forced to work on a farm for the rest of your short, brutally difficult life.
if you have to ask…
Yeah, but what if they look like this?
If you have to ask, there's no hope for you.
Still makes you a slimy untermensch fat fuck furfaggot that deserves to be neutered with a rusty blade and forced to work on a farm for the rest of your short, brutally difficult life.
I'm not even the same guy
Liono should have grabbed her by the kitty.
Fapping to it, yes. Liking it, no.
Like this?
damn she's hot. She's still humanoid enough wher e I guess she doesn't count as a furry?
why? lack of muzzle?
Yes. Exactly.
Quite, but maybe nakeder.
yes, yes it does
Thank you, Santa!
Breddy sad they blew that impressive animation on a mediocre script.
Just a lovely reminder that the 6-inch scale wilytwin two pack will never be released