Who's the worst MCU villain?
Who's the worst MCU villain?
Malekith. He wasn't developed at all.
I think I agree. He didn't even really get any memorable scenes. As weak as most of the villains in the MCU are, I could rundown a list and find something at least fun about all of them except Malekith:
Lovable Jeff Bridges
Hammer was 100% distilled 80s business guy and Burd
I mean, it wasn't great, but we knew his motivation and we got Trevor out of the deal.
What's Malekith got? Pointy ears?
All of them.
Malekith got fucked by Loki fags.
There were scenes that developed his character, but they were cut for more Tom Hiddleston.
That whole production was a cluster fuck of last minute changes. Did they even film these cut scenes, or were the rewrites before they could?
I'm more sad that Lady Sif was supposed to do a lot more in the movie, but things had to be changed because the actress got hurt.
Exactly. Even though there's few good MCU villains most of them at least had something that made them characters. Even Ronan. Malekith didn't get that. He just felt like a cardboard cutout villain without any real fun cheesy lines to make it better. Just wasted potential.
It took me 10 minutes to remember who the hell Malekith was. He was so forgettable I literally forgot that Thor 2 had a villain in it.
Can't even blame you. Thor 2 is probably the weakest MCU movie in most ways.
still pissed they killed off Ronan. They could have used him for other films like the Captain Marvel one.
What about Red Skull as a villain, I thought he was pretty good as an over the top nazi.
Cinematic Ultron would have been the greatest if he was written better. James Spader's portrayal of him was just utterly beautiful. That fucking robotic voice in that tone, mmf!
it's not even the fault in Ultron's writing, it's all the writing surrounding him.
The movie's plot was basically bullshit, and his character was the one really fine thing about it.
If we're talking about villains that were fucked over the most by translation to the screen, then Ronan probably wins, as he had further to fall, but Malekith ended up worse in the end.
His scheme was retarded.
I felt cucked.When waching that movie. His first appearance as a malfunctioning robot virus was creepy as hell and super cool. Then they just turned him into an evil tony stark. If they'd kept him with that first appearance, that movie probably would have been a lot better.
This is what Alt-Right Buzzfeed articles would be titled.
how has Holla Forums fallen so far?
Because we realized we could never really leave 4chan no matter how awful shit got so we just screwed ourselves over and kept fucking shit up even worse as we now drift aimlessly though the boards.
wanna post some weird porn?
Anyone from Iron Man. By far worse than Yellowjacket imo who at least has a cool costume.
The MCU has yet to have a single non-shit villain
Could it be because none of them are The Joker?
I think Malekith is in his own tier, and the question should be who is next.
That's too believable. I get that Loki is supposed to be charismatic and an enjoyable villain, but if we could stop having market-driven writing I think things would improve greatly.
I think Ronan takes it for getting wrecked when his opponent started dancing. Maybe if the rest of the Guardians seemed incapacitated, it would make sense that he wouldn't take just Quill seriously. But with a bunch of super dangerous people just standing their, a driven fanatic gets bamboozled because his opponent started acting weird? That's shameful.
NO, WAIT! Scratch that. It's Zemo. Everything about Civil War was garbage except the big fight (which still had issues, but was at least fun). Zemo is such a nothing character, and the way everything just worked out for him was almost Nemesis-tier. Additionally Crossbones' Aloha Snackbar moment was stupid so it's a two-fer.
Also I have no problems with Yellowjacket, because they emphasized that the chemical was making him crazy.
Yes please.
I actually loved Yellowjacket. I've honestly missed having crazily evil villains who have no motive other than "Because why not?" And the actor who played him did it perfectly.
When he blew up a cute little innocent lamb "For science!" and was all happy and gloat-y about it, I knew I was going to adore the guy.
What does that even mean?
Zemo had no appearance and no personality He had a motive, but we did not know that until the last minute of the movie. He was a character equivalent of a mcguffin.
He was more of a prop than a character. His motivations were beyond arch, and his actions tell us little to nothing about him. He also bears zero resemblance to his comic book counterpart, so it's not like people invested in the lore can fill in the gaps.
Funny you should mention that - I just (finally) watched Civil War yesterday, and I was going to make a thread to discuss it and see what Holla Forums thought.
Because holy fuck was this movie a mess.
I literally spent the first half of the movie blankly staring into the screes, thinking "is- is anything happening? Why? If something is happening, why is it happening? Does this movie have a plot?"
The most important character motivations of the two sides of the conflict were "A black lady was sad/angry at me" and "Um, freedom, I guess???". The villain her no personality, and only revealed his lame fucking motivation by the end of the movie. Not to mention his genius plan of "Oooh, what if I make the Avengers fight each other instead of me?". Holy shit bitch, nobody came up with that before. Call the goddamn mensa.
Just like you said, the big fight was the only semi-entertaining part of the movie.
Too bad he ends up being another "dark mirror" antagonist. Trey Parker and Matt Stone actually make fun of this trope in the South Park movie commentary.
Joss Whedon.
Top kek, top shelf.
In terms of personality, that came off in bits and pieces if you paid attention.
I don't think you understand. His "character" is: revenge for dead family; heroes aren't morally superior because collateral damage happens; I will mercilessly kill a huge string of people, directly or indirectly;* and in assembling my machinations, I will turn you against friends so you understand how bad you are.
*Without regard for collateral damage, which makes him childishly hypocritical.
So we have a methodical yet childish psychopath, which might be interesting if he was called out on it, but instead this unimpressive singularity of luck not only succeeds in tearing apart the avengers but gets to live another day.
It feels like he was chosen as a throw-away villain who could be dumped under the bus and not detract from the real stars of the movie.
As for his appearance, he was a dude. Just some guy, no costume, not even distinctive colors.
Wasn't that the point?
Remember how they turned Zemo into a Call of Duty?
You mean they made him look like a normal person?