This is kind of funny.
Getting copyright notices
I've found that limiting the max number of connections per torrent to 6 or so stops the copyright steins from getting your IP address 95% of the time without affecting download speeds too harshly.
land of the free, they said
sorry man not everyone is a neanderthal that enjoys watching movies in 240p on
At least I'm not a fucking chimp.
I truly am free.
I never watched the movie. How would I know if the movie was good or not without watching it first?
True enough, forgetting you're seeding a torrent is a non sentient thing to do.
I like seding because sharing is caring. If you don't seed the shit you pirate you are a monster.
I only seed shit if it is almost dead and I barely got it downloaded. Otherwise I'm not seeding some movie torrent that has 80,000 seeders.
It's a shit movie tbh
t. cuckold
I get movies at thrift stores, $1 each. why waste time and money pirating.
Protip: leave your wifi unsecured so you have plausible deniability if something comes up.
Unless you're ameripoor and have to pay per kilobyte.
That'd very fair. You also get much better ratios from the dead ones.
stop pretending to be retarded
At least they didn't get you for Backdoor Negro Linebacker Orgy 2
That would be a bit more embarrassing
but the constable told me Kodi boxes are just as bad as heroin!
doesn't copyright expire after far less years?
I torrent cp
I torrent old horror movies and books.
oh, i guess the jews tricked us again
Jews are responsible .