You fucking loosers disappoint me
Good ol' webm thread
>inb4 some0ne dumps the same webms we've all seen all over again
tfw this thing has more motivation and talent then 90% of us
Maybe that guy will show up who likes to post all the Russian garbage then berate everyone for "not contributing enough" and then tell us how much he looks forward to some stupid monthly webm thread of 4chan thats "full of OC" like it's his birthday,
Oh god, Proxy Paige, my dream woman. Do you have sauce on her vids? My normie sites pornhub and eporner don't give me shit on her.
Look at file name nigger
Aint that every webm thread?
Make Webmthreads Original Again
Excuse my degeneracy. Now I gotta masturbate.
Also>>6970000 noice quads.
You would switch places with him? I'm a fairy I can make it happen.
gonna need some soundtrack to this, fams
The ONLY way to save this fail of a thread, is to post some dank brand-new OC, like this:
That should be right up your ally
would love source on audio here
what is his problem?
doesn't want a camera yet too lazy to move away
sauce on song pls
Doesn't have the same neat video effect, but does have the entire song.
not sure why but I completely lost my shit, reading this
ayyy found it ty
cant even embed and theres literally a box for it labeled "embed". I'm sorry i am retard
quads checked
I'm scared
Was this supposed to be funny? Not asking in a sensitive faggot way either. The whole series of events came across as unintentionally funny, barring the music of course.
The fuck were they thinking?
it's based on a young adult novel
The golden years of cars have passed away…
Someone got the uncensored pic?
bet youve never seen this
Why did god give you those eyebrows? Why indeed..
I can only imagine him in this shirt.
You don't need to imagine, just make a thread on Holla Forums asking for selfies.
Every time. You can be right leaning and not be a Holla Forumstard.
Some tards molest living beings recording them, 100 years ago that whale would be forced to kill that guy just for one second of recording (this is why they used pics), but now cultural marxism fucked them and his gf is probably giving a blowjob to some nigger whale on welfare.
welcome to the club
Fuck off shill
You still didn't win, Marco.
You think Gamergate is right wing. You are wrong.
Maybe you think they’re the alt-right. Perhaps you labeled them all as Trump supporters. Nope. But don’t fret! You are not very wrong. There are right wingers within Gamergate. There are alt-righters within Gamergate. They’re just not the majority. It is a common mistake, and it is understandable why many people feel this way. At first glance, looking at the anti-progressive, anti-social justice, anti-feminist movement, you could be forgiven for thinking it is right wing. It requires a good amount of research and engagement to see that it is not, and most people are not interested in understanding Gamergate. It’s also commonly not a mistake when people call Gamergate right wing, but rather an attempt at painting the complex, nebulous online movement as politically extreme and hateful in order to dismiss it outright. If that’s the case – if you are portraying Gamergate as right wing because it makes your political round pegs fall neatly into your mental round holes – then I have to ask you to consider whether your political position is a strong one if your view requires the mischaracterization of thousands and thousands of people?
Who am I to tell you that you’re wrong?
I’m Brad Glasgow and I am among the few journalists who understand Gamergate. In fact, I am currently writing a book about the movement. As a local newspaper journalist who finds internet culture fascinating, I decided to step up and cover the story after seeing the ineptitude online journalists applied to their coverage. Being a small fry journalist, I knew I had to distinguish myself from the multitudes of editorialists covering Gamergate. I took the radical step of reaching out to its supporters, listening to them, and presenting their side of the story in my famous Interviewing an Internet Hashtag article.
Before I became a journalist I was a project manager for a market research firm. I applied that knowledge to my study of the movement, and in January of 2016 I conducted a survey with 725 Gamergate supporters who were able to verify that they had supported the movement on Twitter, Reddit, or elsewhere, at least one month prior to hearing about the survey.
was this supposed to make me hard?
What in Sam-Hell do I name this webm?
t. whiteknights
You OK?
is this copypasta?
I was saying it made me hard you dunce
What was it?
sounds like a retard getting isis'd
it was a questionably aged person with a penor in their mouth, and the webm was zooming in and out
mods delet because it looks like cp, i'm guessing
That's fucking beautiful
this meme be egg burger
Atleast they weren't white
I made this post because the anime recipe is so bad and wrong.
Haven't checked those in a long time.
I'm sorry bro. That's all I've got.
that owl is somehow simultaneously adorable and intimidating
cuz its a dog with autism
No shit, I used to feed owls, they're some of the most intimidating things in the world, because you can't hurt them, but they can really easily hurt you. I'd honest to god rather feed wolves or leopards, at least they don't go straight for the eyes and face.
Tip to avoid owl attacks, understand their behavior: First they click their beaks, then they move back, then they move side to side and puff themselves, then they puff out a lot, finally they spread their legs out, poop, and fly at you.
that is punk rock as fuck
anyone have the one where a white seal sings a Mario song?
Rip /webm/
i wasn't even looking at the eyebrows
Any story on this or is it just a random girl, The song makes me think theres some kind of sad story behind how she got killed or something. just curious
Any story on this or is it just a random girl, The song makes me think theres some kind of sad story behind how she got killed or something. just curious
Chaka Khan - Ain't Nobody
Nice prank
DA FUK 'STRAYA??? cunts
/polk/ is shit
I got banned for caring about plants and kangaroos
I know I have it, but I gave it some retarded joke name and can't remember what it was.
Give me a few minutes I'll probably get bored looking for it by then and leave you hanging tbh.
Have this other piece of shit for now.
I want idubbz and papa to make another collab.
No you fucking didn't.
I need context, NAO
my posts were removed
might as well have been banned :,(
That's because pics of your dogs fucking little children will not be tolerated.
the whole series had a shitty teenage theme but as a whole i liked it. this and the suicide scene fucked me up though so fuck whoever made/posted this. edgy underage faggot
t. weak bitch
The funny thing is… this is NOT edited in any way at all!
Sounds like some old Anal Cunt but I cant say with 100% certainty.
SHoe is nigger loving scum
Fuck yeah, Boxxy slimmed down
Boxxy leveled up.
What is this song about, and why did everyone stand up?
It's a Ukrainian folk song. Look for "Plyve Kacha". It's about a mother talking with her son who's about to go off to war.
It's become associated with those who were killed in the 2014 protests at Maidan.
webms suck
discord .gg/ f4ZpS7q
Oh, duckling floats on Tisyna*
Duckling floats on Tisyna.
My mother, don't swear me,
My mother, don't swear me.
Oh, if you will swear me at dark hour,
If you will swear me at dark hour.
I don't know where I'll die,
I don't know where I'll die.
Oh, I'll die on foreign lands
I will die on foreign lands.
Who will prepare a grave for me?
Who will prepare a grave for me?
Oh, another people will prepare,
Strangers will prepare.
Won't you regret, mother?
Won't you regret, mother?
Oh, my son, how could I not regret?
My son, how could I not regret?
You were laying on my heart,
You were laying on my heart.
(Tisyna - is a diminutive name of Tisa river, which flows on the west part of Ukraine.)
I assume they stood up because it's a beautiful rendition and part of their heritage, it's both a sign of honor and respect.
moar folk music
Immigration propaganda.