Manlets, when will they ever learn???
Manlets, when will they ever learn???
his other hand is on the left girls ass - isnt it?
and he can blame his height because she is tall and his hand usually goes there but since she so tall it landed on her ass
that is one smart manlet
holy shit how small is this guy? Almost a midget
unless it's a shoop, but I don't see any reason why anyone would shop that
Even finns have gengis blood and blu eyes are dying.
Are chubby / fat chicks the female equivalent of a manlet?
why the fuck are niggers acting like a feel
could you imagine if all short guys had to do was stop eating like a pig to grow taller?
their inability to learn is amazing
Heels automatically give them an extra 6-12", but my question here is: if you are above the average height, why make yourself stand out even more? Same goes for the manlets, why stand next to and pose with Amazon women?