Will we ever reach the stars?
Will we ever reach the stars?
The journey to space is a slow process and always goes in order from probe, to government employed humans, to private humans, and finally to the public
The military already tried and didn't achieve anything
You'll be long dead before anything meaningful happens anyway
That's what I was always afraid of. I wonder if some millionaire out there would be willing to build an ion drive probe to couple with a Jupiter gravity assist and at least get some good, non-voyager deep space telemetry before we're all dead.
You best hope is The Muskelon!
When I was a kid, my science magazines practically promised me that humans would be living on Mars within a decade.. did not happen. Very disappointed about human race.
Well fuck me sideways.
Worst is the lack of flying cars. I don't want a smaller phone with higher resolution. I want a flying car powered by atomic power.
b-b-b-but we can't go to space til we solved all of the problems here on earth first
how can we spend money on space when shaunqueena needs mo money so she can have a seventeenth child?
Blame the muslims and the beta uprising.
This is a good point. I can't stand someone who actually thinks this is how it should work... the problems here on earth are basically unfixable because no one can control birth rates in 3rd world countries (inb4 muh women's education)
Despite the problems here on earth we need to go to space. And it is for this very reason among others that we must do it.
Some libtard I was arguing with in person actually used this exact argument. She wanted all poverty to be solved before we continued space exploration. I tried to explain how some people will always be poorer than others so it would never be solved. I also explained how if a big enough rock hit the earth, the entire human race including all the poor people would die. She actually thought that was the better option because libtard.
we won't go into space because disgusting people like you exist. we dont need you contaminating space or any species outside of earth.
If you can't even look at your own species with some pity what the hell are you going to do when you meet some alien.
yeah, that's what we need. fucking nuclear bombs in every corner.
That's the exact impression I got from the libtard. She would rather see the entire human race slaughtered than reach the stars if a handful were left behind. Not sure where the compassion disappeared.
(Nice projection image, btw.)
we can't reach the stars, and eliminating poverty could be done tomorrow.
it's based on a 1000 year old buddhist map, not 100% accurate.
That's probably true for this century.
Even if we worked more hours and cut down benefits there simply aren't enough of us to support Africa alone, much less the whole world. They're a resource sink. We've been wasting billions there for decades and all it does is create more mouths to feed. In some first world countries it could be eliminated. I didn't look in the numbers, but I'd guess it isn't possible in the US.
If you mean with bullets, it'd take way longer than a day.
Africa could support itself.
and currently we produce so much food that we could eliminate poverty 3x over.
because we live in a world which cares about money more than people or the resources of our planet, we waste food to keep prices artificially high.
for example if we produce too much food, most of the food will be dumped into the oceans to make sure prices will not deflate.
the united states at one point produced so much food from farms that they build an entire warehouse to store food just to let it rot.
those countries are kept poor for the benefit of corporations, why is africa so poor when its country is the wealthiest in the world in natural resources. its leaders are installed and they keep their people dumb so they can stay in power.
as long as for example a diamond company can get cheap diamonds and markup the price by 5000% than the people who run the diamond mines are happy since they get paid good money to keep the slaves working.
At this point I feel like saying "fuck the poor just stop wasting resources already".
I suppose now would be a good time to introduce
in case you haven't seen it and might be interested.
There's a lot of options to explore if you keep an open mind and willingness to experiment.
You mean "don't dare question the credibility of anything posted within"?
Experiments will show if it works
If it works, it works.
While there isn't an alternative form of moving from Earth to a distant planet that a. Doesn't burn tons of fossile fuel and b. Doesn't take decades or even centuries, there won't be an economic interest to get out there. It's just not worth it. If you have a billion dollars and someone asks you to invest 90% of it on a cool space mission that will give you 0 in return, you simply won't do it.
I'd sign up for a generation ship even if I never got to see the outcome. Don't have $1B to spare, though.
That's a falacy. Just because that's how it has been done doesn't mean that's how it should or will be done.
we live in a capitalistic society so it's usually governments who pay the bill and the corporations suck the milk off the teats after the government pays for it.
basically it's the citizen paying for it but the corporation benefits and profits off the patents that were paid by the citizens.
What exactly is your definition of capitalism? Because everything you said sounds like socialism to me.
Socialism is just a view, a branch of capitalism.
From wikipedia:
"Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit."
Socialism just add another component to this system. So Socialism is just a pure capitalist issued system.
You're just a fucking motherfucker.
You need to spend money on things and people dont invest in things that dont make them money rather than improve technology.
Project Orion is the closest we've come. A spacecraft that uses nuclear explosions to propel itself.
NERVA was interesting too. If you look on youtube, there's a video interview with a surviving Orion engineer.
NASA plans for NERVA included a visit to Mars by 1978 and a permanent lunar base by 1981. NERVA rockets would be used for nuclear "tugs" designed to take payloads from Low Earth Orbit to larger orbits as a component of the later-named Space Transportation System, resupply several space stations in various orbits around the Earth and Moon, and support a permanent lunar base. The NERVA rocket would also be a nuclear-powered upper stage for the Saturn rocket (the Saturn S-N), which would allow the upgraded Saturn to launch much larger payloads of up to 340,000 pounds to Low Earth Orbit(LEO}.
/r/ing that photo of the NASA protestor with the sign that says "BILLIONS FO SPACE PENNIES FO DA HUNGRY"
this isnt going to happen. dont kid yourself.
Read a book you tard
Orbiting nuclear weapons, something that humanity sorely needs
also detonating thousands of nuclear weapons in space where it's going to eventually rain down on earth.
The equivalent has been going on for billions of years about 8 light-minutes away. So far it's been pretty beneficial for human life.
Of course. But, we had people working on it. We had it planned. We had an objective.
What do you think the Sun is?
Oh wait, our engineers lives would be much better spent designing a talking multi-lingual toilet so we can teach Mbembe to stop shitting upstream of his drinking water. Maybe we can teach him JavaScript while we're at it!
better map
there is no proof for space other than what nasa feeds us.
There are also no such thing as satellites.
here is your satellite.
Echo 1
If space was real big investors would have gone there long time ago
The worst part is that there's people who actually believe these things
Flying cars are absolute disaster for public safety, but god damn the flattards make me wish we had them. Then I could tell the fuckers to go beyond the south pole and fucking stay there.
Eat it. How do you explain this?
They do. There's even one satellite you can see from earth with a naked eye, the international space station, owing that to being absolutely fuckhuge and painted white. With a proper telescope you can spot smaller satellites, the easiest to catch being geostationary radio broadcasting satellites, being orbitally synchronized with earth's rotation speed and thus maintaining the same position over the sky. The international space station, on the other hand, moves so quickly it only takes it a couple of minutes to cross the whole sky. It's just on your picture, size of the satellites is exaggerated 10 000 times over.
These all are taken from different angles.
Ummm, the satellites would reflect light, and WOULD look that big from "space"
The "ISS" is actually FLYING in the air, in circles around the border, why do you think they need to refuel it all the time?
Yea, different angles...
2017 confirmed as the year society breaks down and we go back to hiding in caves making shit paints on rocks.
It doesn't have any wings and it's thrusters are so tiny they can barely give it a slight nudge when at full throttle. So no it doesn't "flies", the way an airplane or a balloon does. But it is actually within upper layer of the atmosphere and experiences some minuscule drag that slowly but surely reduces orbital speed and therefore height, so it has to boost itself every now and then - I'll give you that. Geostationary satellites though never refuel because there's no air that far off the planet.
F- see me after class.
So you are saying someone have done all this work to debunk NASA(NAZI) as some sort of joke?
Yes I choose to believe that flattards are elaborate dedicated trolls.
Dedicated sure, but you're giving them too much credit. These flat earth memes could be given to a bunch of first year middle schoolers to debunk as a science assignment.
This is so true it's not even funny, the resource on this planet is ultimately finite and majority of these nigger/shitskin communities consume resource but do not produce enough to justify their existence, they're essentially just converting useful energy into flesh that will require even more resource to sustain. Is this all worth it in the name of morality?
It's immoral in the realest sense, and incredibly selfish of our friend shaunqueena.
If Whites go - which doesn't seem unlikely right now - any and all hope for humanity goes with us. The other races of the Earth will turn on each other and achieve nothing over thousands of years, just like they did the thousands of years before.
Purge it?
Probe it
I refuse to believe that you're this stupid.
you could have prevented this...
Glad we agree user! :D
Hi Todd
What is airplanes?
>muh perspective!
round earther is now using the same excuse as flat earthers...
Carthage, China, Egypt, India, Iran etc says hi
Expensive, cumbersome, and complicated to operate?
Oh you poor uneducated bastard.
Not any more, 90% of commercial airline work is done by computer now. Planes are actually easier to automate than cars because planes don't interact with other planes, they just fly from point A to point B and adjust for air conditions.
You've clearly never flown a plane before. That shit is incredibly difficult. Before you take off you need to go over every single part of the plane, you have to check the tension on the cordage, check your equipment thoroughly, check your fluids for rainbows etc.
No computer can accurately react to shit like wind shear, micro-bursts, or cloud suck. If that happens the planes basically fucked. People have this impression that pilots don't do anything these days but that's simply not true. While flying they're constantly checking their equipment, looking for emergency landing sites, calling into the tower to avoid hazards, and checking their artificial horizon. If you look at video of a person landing a plane, even a simulator, you'll see just how frantic the whole process is. The biggest concern when landing is to avoid collisions, if the tower tells you to make an adjustment you need to make it right that second without delay. No computer can do that.
Look at the requirements to be a pilot, it requires quite the breadth of knowledge. You have to know Morse code to be a pilot for instance, that's how you get your radio operator license. You have to have a good understanding of meteorology too, if you look at the forecast and don't know what the symbols on the screen mean then you're not fit to be a pilot.
Its expensive as all hell too. Frankly, its the worst hobby anyone could do.
Computers do all of that, and a lot faster. If you comb though aircraft crashes that weren't caused by hardware failure, you will not find a single instance where they were caused by software failure - it's always the pilot fucking up, often overriding automated systems' best efforts to salvage the situation.
Also sleeping.
Bullshit. You don't even need a radio license at all unless your flying internationally. And morse code has not been part of the test for a long long time.
Former student pilot who was solo certified and landed at airports with a tower several fucking times. (Yes I hated the stress so I quit call me a pussy whatever)
But tbqh the user you replied to was right, commercial pilots rarely have to do anything challenging and autopilot will get you to feet of the runway without touching the yoke and it does it better than you can yourself.
I remember studying for the test and there were questions about morse code, I don't know if they dropped those but it couldn't have been that long ago. The test did however expect me to know all the working parts of a radio. I don't see how you could possibly be a pilot at all without having a radio operator license, its really important that you have some idea how it works and what the terminology means.
And yes, most pilots land at airports where the fuck else do you plan to land? The airport is shared by most everyone that flies, that's why you have to get permission from the tower you can even take off. But yes, landing is always stressful especially when the tower tells you to take immediate action. I don't fly anymore, its too damn expensive and dangerous. Its great while it lasts but you have to land eventually.
I was planning to become a commercial pilot but they only ever hire people from the air force, civilians never get jobs unless you're going to be a brush pilot.
ALL crashes are caused by the pilot fucking up. Hardware failure just means the pilot didn't do a good enough job inspecting before take off. A collision means the pilot didn't take proper evasive maneuvers or didn't call into the tower before attempting to land/take off. There is no accident in aviation, if you crash your plane you'll lose your license for at least a year, the FAA will do a crash assessment and if its determined you were at fault then they strip you of your license indefinitely. You only get once chance before you're barred from flying.
Software piloting just creates more issues and increases the risk of something going wrong. The safety check already takes a long ass time without having to check the program to make sure its all correct. I just don't trust a computer program to handle the kinds of dangers you experience while flying.
My father is a pilot, he says flying modern aircraft is just pushing a button and waiting a few hours. He doesn't even have to land it himself most of the time. Hell, his plane doesn't even have a real throttle, the original one had nothing and the current version has one that does almost nothing just to make the pilots feel better. The plane sends his boss an email if he does something wrong.
TL;DR commercial pilots are just bus drivers now.
It's not important that in practice, pilots are able to fly by pushing some trivial buttons and letting a computer move the plane. What's actually important is that in the event of an emergency, a pilot has the training and mindset to control the plane in such a way that an untrained pilot could not. We pay pilots big money because they've learned the theory and experienced the significant training in all kinds of situations.
sure is >>>Holla Forums in here today
except we don't pay them big money. pilots get shit pay tbh. being a pilot for a major airline you start out at ~25k-30k and in a fuckton of debt from school. if you're planning to be a pilot expect to work two jobs to make ends meet.
or helicopters
Easily automated. Give it a few years.
Easily automated. Give it a few years.
No human can do that.
Commercial planes will be manned by a crew of 0 humans within the next 20 years.
>if the tower tells you to make an adjustment you need to make it right that second without delay. No computer can do that.
Fucking dumbshit. Literally everything you describe are things computers can automate. And do automate. And do a better job than humans.
Good, plane ticket was expensive because of them, airline paid them big money but they fly it into buildings or went missing anyway, at least computers do not believe in questionable religions.
Considering the designs of fighter jets going back more than 40 years necessitate a computer making tons of corrections each second just to keep them from crashing and how it's actually impossible to fly one without the computer assisting you, I very much doubt your claim.
For anyone wondering what I'm talking about:
"Whitey on the Moon"
A rat done bit my sister Nell.
(with Whitey on the moon)
Her face and arms began to swell.
(and Whitey's on the moon)
I can't pay no doctor bill.
(but Whitey's on the moon)
Ten years from now I'll be paying still.
(while Whitey's on the moon)
The man just upped my rent last night.
('cause Whitey's on the moon)
No hot water, no toilets, no lights.
(but Whitey's on the moon)
I wonder why he's upping me?
('cause Whitey's on the moon?)
I wuz already paying him fifty a week.
(with Whitey on the moon)
Taxes taking my whole damn check,
Junkies making me a nervous wreck,
The price of food is going up,
An' as if all that shit was't enough:
A rat done bit my sister Nell.
(with Whitey on the moon)
Her face and arm began to swell.
(but Whitey's on the moon)
Was all that money I made last year
(for Whitey on the moon?)
How come there ain't no money here?
(Hmm! Whitey's on the moon)
Y'know I just about had my fill
(of Whitey on the moon)
I think I'll send these doctor bills,
Airmail special
(to Whitey on the moon)
Fuel and maintenance is orders of magnitude more than the cost of the crew.
Actually it's because most of them are composite images. (images made from individual photos from different satellites) This explains why North America is huge in the 2012 photo.
Hey now, maybe I will peacefully retire in Argentina when I get old.
Red Ice Radio had a guest (India Indian, who has lived in Canada for years) who wrote a book on Whites and why we are necessary to civilization. In a nutshell: Even tho Asians or Indians might be smart enough to do great feats of engineering, they really don't see the point in anything beyond what is necessary to give themselves the good life. They won't create for the sake of the creation, or go and explore and adventure for the sake of doing it, only if it's necessary to secure a good life for themselves. Whites, however, will go beyond, and build space shuttles and climb mountains "because it's there". We enjoy creation.
Carthage: white
China: not white, but hivemind
Egypt: the ancient ones were white
India: ancient Aryans were white, the modern indians, again, can be smart, but hivemind
Iran: true Persians are white
White race here, saying hi to you, how's our civilzation and science and art and philosphy treating you?
Please try to ignore troll posts.
Well, this started off as a nice thread...
So that guest was full of bullshit and a Canadian to boot?
Not until we perfect interplanetary highways.
Doesn't help that shit like this happens.
Sure they can, in fact in the link I posted it shows how computers react faster and more accurately than humans in inclement weather conditions. Why on earth would a computer not be able to adjust course faster than a human, when it's "brain" is wired directly into the plane's senses instead of a human having to read a meter, assess what's going on, and then react appropriately without choking worrying about dying?
I'm 99% sure everyone was talking about commercial flights and not cruising around at 2000 feet in alaska.
But you already do. Show me one plane in the past 40 years that doesn't have a single computer on it that helps the pilot if not handles the situation completely.
Not anymore, we pay pilots to do a baby sitting job because people like you are paranoid about computers. Truck drivers can make a shit ton of money, but it ain't cuz they're mechanical crisis experts.
What, blaming a rocket explosion on a bug? Yeah, that's pretty dumb.
that was alien intervention to keep us on this planet you fucking idiot. bugs don't fly hypersonic speeds. dumbass.
i have met them myself. not directly but through a friend of a friend while i was at university in germany. and then i started getting followed and got weird calls at 3 in the morning and all my friends broke contact.
i applied for a job to the nasa program to get closer and even interned with them and on my starting day suddenly my entire computer was shitting itself and i think they were using my webcam or taking screenshots because i got a call and they knew exactly what tabs i had open, my emails were being deleted randomly, and i got a call and they even knew what i was wearing and what was on the desk beside me, and how many people were in the house, and they warned me not to show up and to break all contact with nasa.
Difference being there aren't usually 100+ passengers who could die with a mishandled mechanical failure. Autopilot can't determine the Boston River would make a good emergency landing spot when both engines fail shortly after takeoff after ingesting a flock of bird. Autopilot can't figure out how to fly when pitot tubes get iced over.
If you have experience with computers, you should know not to trust them.
we don't deserve it anyway tbh
Why the fuck are you on a tech board? Computers do what we program them to do. If we program them to analyze terrain and combine that with map data and landing protocols, it could figure out the safest way to land. Brains aren't special, there's nothing that they can do that a computer eventually won't be able to. Do I think all planes will be 100% automated in the next 10 years? No, probably not. 50? Probably. 100? Yes. Remember it's been less than 50 years since we landed on the moon with computers less powerful than a graphing calculator.
it has 5 other reasonable sources to back it up this time tho
looking in hindsight, i think the message is that human development will be the ultimate doom of humanity. have you noticed that history is the gradual chipping away of the judeo-christian ethic? jesus being the anprim marxist hippie he was predicted all of this.
How the fuck can you be on a tech board and not have heard of bugs? Not to mention bit flip errors caused by cosmic rays, random hardware issues when a chip gets too hot or old, etc. etc. etc.
Sure, maybe in 50-100 years we'll have self-healing, adaptive AI that can compensate for the many things that can fail in a complex electro-mechanical system like an airplane. But until then, I'm not going to trust my life to it.
you already do
With a human sitting there ready to take over any time. The only computers necessary to actually fly a modern passenger airplane might be some simple, fixed-functions of the fly-by-wire chain. I'd include engine management but they'll still fly without engines. Not talking about fighter jets.
I guess you're right, humans never make errors or go insane. Surely a computer is less mentally stable and capable than a human pilot.
nah, they'll have one pilot to keep the passengers happy
What you are talking about are embedded systems. You are currently surrounded by them, without even knowing it because they actually do work most of the time.
What you are complaining about is their reliability.
You should look up how many systems a plane has in order to to the same task.
Also for hardware issues : components have specifications that are getting respected for each situation. The plane industry is quite an annoying thing in that regard.
There is no comparison to the standards being put in the IT systems of a plane and the one you usually encounter.
Not only do you have a very closely inspected IT system in a safe language, that isn't likely to fail due to hardware, but you have two others on board that are checking their results with each other to do the same.
And not only that, but any failure is analyzed (hint black boxes, and sensors on any component), because the plane industry doesn't like failures. Billion dollar firms wanting explanations are behind that and they do not want to be known to make the next burning mass grave.
Please tell me how a human hierarchy on board can even get close to that level of safety.
Guys... I legit built a modified one of these in my garage, and it works way better than Shawyer's. What do I do with it? Do I go to NASA and let the US gubbamint own all of space or should I go to SpaceX?
My agenda is to convert Mars into a second earth with an atmosphere and oceans and everything. I'm sure it can be done with some creative chemists/engineers to terraform.
Not exactly. Like I said in , there are some required for flight controls but they are simple and easy to verify.
My first reply was to the suggestion that pilots could be eliminated entirely. I provided examples where autopilots would and have given up and dumped control to the humans. I'm sure there are plenty more, it's common. Even losing GPS causes them to fail. If humans (or an AI with an equivalent level of intelligence) weren't in the picture to dump control to, we'd be seeing the exact opposite of a safe and reliable system.
That's why you have two.
What if that society employs all people through the government?
I fear humanity will not make it off earth.
The only way to achieve practical interstellar travel is through teleportation. Perhaps higgs field manipulation could be the key but until then we'll be stuck where we are.
I hate you.
A spacecraft with a constant 1 G acceleration/deceleration could reach Proxima Centauri in less than ten years. A so-called "Earth-like planet" exists there.