It's been pretty quiet here lately…Did they get BTFO by mods and go elsewhere?
Where have all the pedos gone?
Idk. Maybe Podesta's throwing a house party.
What are you talking about? They're still here creeping up the place
they're all still here theres just more to life than shitposting.
After God Emperor Trump began rounding them up & throwing them in prison, 8chin's been strangely quiet & absent the usual degenerate bullshit. Nice change of pace from when the lil junkie cripple was running the joint.
pedo detected
The Jew will never stop his degenerate ways
We'er still here. We can talk about other stuff you know.
Nice job captain obvious, if only every pedo posted a picture of a little girl with every post they make regardless of relevance then imageboards could finally rid themselves of them for good and be the safe haven normalfags deserve.