Is this last remnants of white kino?

Is this last remnants of white kino?

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It looks okay but the stronk womyn angle they are pushing puts me off.

I didn't really get that vibe, it's more of a "she quirky xd" angle. She's in a supporting role to a guy, both are white with no shoehorned minorities. For 2017 this is the best we can get.

Looks good, looking forward to it, Luc Besson is quite capable technically, just wondering who wrote the script.
Also I am a big fan of Cara Delevingne ♥ the male actor looks like he had fetal alcohol syndrome.

She's pretty hot

You really don't know Luc Besson movies, right?

Neither stars a nigger

I want to lick her eyebrows.

I feel like a caveman would find her really, really hot.

normies should leave

I think I discovered the big threat: CGI.

Holla Forums is for neanderthals only, homos saps please leave.

I know that feel, would love to shag her ♥

You have to go back

Yes it is heavy reliant on CGI but Luc Besson is not new in this domain. For me the problem will be the script. I am pretty sure it will be good entertainment.

It's the most aesthetic blockbuster release I've seen in years. It's gorgeous.

Yeah but I have a feeling it will flop, reddit never read the comics and even though it's a revival of something truly special and great it will fail to reach an audience. Just like John Carter. I will pick up the bluray and treasure it always.

Looks bretty good to be honest.

Don't talk about John Carter, would have love a sequel :'(

He is an internationalist, all of his movies mix and mash all sorts of world-wide culture. Rastafari, Japanese, European, Arab, etc…

Protagonists are always white and do not mix.

Look at this white couple, LOOK AT IT.


Give me 3 movies or you don't have a case

It's gonna flop because there are no agendas to pander here to make the cancer news site rounds, just like with John Carter. Good white kino with traditional values. Will get shamed for being patriarchal.

>>>Holla Forums

John Carter had a stronk female protagonist who can sword fight just like the boys!


>>>Holla Forums



Its not indie-ass its one of his best, you cuck. There is a good reason why he is a shitskin ugly fuck.

3 movies:
Leon The Professional: Spanish dude and a (((white))) girl.
Wasabi: Spanish dude and japanese women.
Lucy: Egiptian muslim and (((white))) woman.

I could go on.





back to reddit

you got btfo son



Jean Reno is white now? Juan Moreno y Herrera-Jiménez is white?


hello, schlomo
post some more cuck porn, I'm sure that will show us just how right you are




top kek

… Computer Graphical Interface?

Computer generated imagery.

like pottery



Why are you triggered exactly? The discussion about Besson being an internationalist? You are a fan of him or something?

Imagine being so triggered by even slight praise of white people that you save an entire folder of blacked images and spam them every time the word "white" pops up.

Stop derailing this thread you fucker.

He's not derailing shit.
Just hide his posts and respond to actual discussion.
It triggers him even harder when his efforts are completely ignored.

No I have reported him, he must be banned.

Fuck besson for starting. Second: visual aids. And third, being white is the best :).

He'll just change proxies and come back.

Despite his leftist leanings there's nothing subversive, cynical or lowly about his movies. They are the works of a man whose values and thoughts are deeply rooted in traditional European cuture.

The Big Blue is a visual poem about man's capability to place his existence on a new basis achieving spiritual singularity with nature and brotherly love.
Léon is about human intimity and agape, mirroring God's unconditional love towards his children and the sacrifice he made. It is also a denunciation of modern dysfunctional parenting and the sexualization of the youth.
The Fifth Element elevated space opera clichés into a chivalric romance.
Valérian, I guess, will be about retaining your idealism and sense of adventure in the world of grown-ups and the awkward beauty of teenage love.

Besson's neither pretentious nor edgy and it makes people think that he's a lightweight. Far from it.He's an honest old master craftsman who never ceased to appeal to the better angels of our nature in his playful way.
In a few decades cash grab recipes will purge the last remnants of beauty, adventure and creativity from mainstream cinema and the likes of him will sorely be missed. Enjoy this last remnants of white kino while it lasts.

I think it goes further than that, because it isn't tainted by radical progressivism I think the media will try to bury it. Bad reviews and they will talk about it as little as possible.

This is a good post.

Fug, you guys make me want to watch this potential kino in kinema.

Is Cara Delevingne attractive?

Yes, extremely so.

I agree. This is why I call him a internationalist (as in, someone who just loves all cultures and likes to use them), and not a multiculturalist.

She does have a strong presence and an aura of style that makes her more than conventionally attractive. I guess it might be a product of her aristocratic-grand bourgeois background.

No. She's flat, has terrible teeth, no ass, and caveman eyebrows. Nothing remotely appealing about her.


So beautiful ♥

She's perfect. 😍

Found the virgin.

What did she mean by this?

Seeing this movie for Cara, will masturbate in the theater to please her spirit.

Wtf happened to this thread?

She is a werepuma. (Like the werepanthers in True Blood)
Obviously she wants to breed.

Its so dense, so many things going on!

This is what happens when you allow waifufags.


They just made an AMA here but I don't know how to see only Luc's answers.
The layout of reddit is too retarded:


All this salt because we are aesthetes.
Stay virgin.

t. virgin

That's what I was talking about

Will she marry me?

Batb was white kino

Back to tel aviv

People hate the critics nowadays.
Iron fist was trashed by the critics and it was a success, same with Suicide Squad.
On the other hand look at Ghostbusters.
People are fed up with SJWs.

Kill it with fire

I don't think that was a complaint.

Is there porn of it already?

Is she making a comeback?

Right on my face

is this a we wuz shoop or real? I can't tell

This is currentness, user

Will she make eyebrows fashionable again?

It's real. I looked this nigger up before.

When were they not?

t. Spaniard whose ancestors mixed with muslims


I want to cum on her eyebrows

Why the bushy eyebrows? Isn't she a model?

Because it's hot and fashionable.

What's wrong with asking What did she mean by this?

Much like the cinematography in the trailer it's aesthetic as fuck. 😻

I saw several non-whites in that trailer


What a load of multicult bullshit. The species that are sharing all of their knowledge are going to be at a competitive disadvantage with the "racist" (actually "speciesist") species who find a way to use the knowledge offered by cuckold xenophilic aliens without disclosing whatever unique knowledge they have alone. There's no self-serving reason to reciprocate the offer of information unless that's a requirement to receive the information in the first place; i.e. you have to make it an exclusive organization. If all the knowledge is pooled with organizations on one planet, self-serving species with significant advantages in technology that have a reasonable chance of keeping their presently unique information secret would be better off trying to clandestinely acquire access to the pooled information than saying "lol take all my technology so I can look at what you have to offer which might just be a pile of shit xd!"

It's posts like this that give pol bad reputation

It's non-arguments like these that give Holla Forums its reputation for being full of kike faggots who want to rape children.

Typical pol manchild, as bad as leftypol, how ironic that you two sides of the same retarded coin deserve each other

Nice attempt at damage control, /leftykike/

Ah, the enlightened goon.

We are a Holla Forums colony fleeing the persecution of Ikampfy and his ilk.
Leftypol should have been buried to the ground eons ago. On this very grounds we will lay the foundation of the perfect world to come. Libertarians, nationalists and apolitical folks united.
We are the cure.

like i said, autism

She has taken a stance against the obvious right-wing connections of the other german brand, Adidas.

What is wrong with autism? It just means that we are special.

The cuck porn spamming goon got triggered by white people again.

I want to cum on her eyebrows.

So the mods just deleted 20% of replies ITT?
Did we just get RULECUCKED? Is this a "serious on-topic discussion" only board now?

Preventing people from spamming porn to shut down the discussion =/= "serious on-topic discussion" only board now.

way ahead of you

I noticed a disturbance in the force ever since /television/ was created.
Hopefully this board doesn't turn rulecuck.

Sure but there is shitposting (which is fine) and spamming a thread.
Wondering how much they paid for their banners because on mobile I saw many ad banners of /television/
IMHO Holla Forums should be Continental grounds, but in this thread people were spamming IR porn because of the title. If people want to post IR porn pics, why not, as long as it is not with the obvious intention of shutting down the discussion.

People spamming IR porn in this thread were just like
I don't like faggot Jew Milo and Base Jewess mom but we can all have a mature discussion even when shitposting. (see video related)

I have adblocker so I didn't see any.
Ads cost $5 per day per board or $20 per day site-wide.

There are banners on 8ch?

Mobile Chrome doesn't have adblocker
and yes they are running ads for their new board.
I use Ublock origin on my desktop so I don't see them.

here's your problem

I have UC browser, Dolphin browser, Firefox and Chrome Canary.
I like being synced, I don't like mobile phones in general.

After Cisbusters and TFA movies like this and Power Rangers should be supported for having white male leads.


He's the only white in the entire main cast. Doesn't pass.

Apps are against the Open Web.
You're the enemy but too young to realise it.

apps are cancer newfriend

Deleting spam is a rule that he's always enforced.

(((Jean Reno))) is not spanish.

there are scores of white characters and the black ones have limited lines, the main characters are white and the main romance is white kino

ya triggered fucking spunk

Pack your things and back to tel aviv, shlomo

that goy looks so fucking ugly, like a cockroach with fetal alcohol syndrome

Why is the mere sight of her face making me so hard? H owe is this possible?

Kill yourself, nigger (((Disney))) is kike shit

He's fucking her though.

Get the fuck off my board for insulting based Danebro.

Wrong because this board is made of les faggots that don't get that there was already a superior animated adaptation that was done.




Well in the novels he's arrested and enslaved the instant he returns to mars, and after a shit ton of adventures searching for her, eventually spends like 5 minutes total with dejah before she is killed off. Then the plot devolves into DBZ with carter encountering increasingly obscure martian races and fights with increasingly stronger swordsmen.

Is this superior like the sst anime?

Thank you for spoiling it to me.

Dejah is not killed.