Red Ranger's Power Sword released
And it looks like crap.
Red Ranger's Power Sword released
And it looks like crap.
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It's they don't even know what they're adapting.
Does it fly apart like Ivy's sword?
How is it even held? Does he just awkwardly grip the side that isn't covered by the blades or something?
Only thing I can think of is that being some sort of arm-blade thing that he sticks his forearm in to use it like an actual weapon.
Why does everything have to be shaped that way? Why are they so afraid to be inventive I already know the answer to this one Why don't they know that Zyuranger was inspired by rpgs? That sword is dumb looking enough but it looks like something sticks inside of it like the gun they may all have becomes the handle or that's the point where it might connect with the rest of the weapons assuming the power cannon will still be a thing
the current sentaired has a sword that does
Behold the power of the Monado!
I don't understand, there's already a mighty morphing movie.
When a PR movie came up they based it on the current season so why not now?
And if they're not doing that why MM? There's various seasons better than MM, usually the more western the better like "in space", SPD, RPM, Dino Thunder, the best Power Ranger series are usually the ones that borrowed barely anything else besides the disguises.
SPD did had the biggest potential for an expanded universe.
Well… Time Force. It's really more based on if Judd Lynn is involved or not.
Probably because Mighty Morphin' is the only iteration that non-fans are even aware of. And it's easy to gut reboot it than to actually go through the effort to remind everybody that there are different iterations and adapt any of them into a feature length film
It looka like a lighter
That's the most unwieldy looking piece of shit I've ever seen
Part of me is getting the feeling that someone is deliberately trying to fuck with people's love for Power Rangers. I don't know why they would do that exactly, but it seems more and more likely, everything about this thing is so fucking wrong. I could probably think of a couple reasons, Holla Forums could think of lots.
Like I've said: Hollywood does not know what giant robots look like.
Occam's Razor it. Hollywood thinks the original looks embarassing and lame and wants to make it more 'relevant', and have literally no idea how.
I know somebody already posted this but.
Seriously guys SPD, what the fuck it has literally limitless potential. You could make a whole universe out of it.
The weird thing, while original Saban could be good like in ZEO and In Space Disney keep pulling mostly entertaining seasons despite the execs desires to bury the whole thing down, creators just kept pulling fun shit.
If I don't see hand to hand combat in the megazord I'm gonna be pissed, and better that those stupid looking designs can pull Bruce Lee level kaiju ass kicking.
Nah, in space kinda did that already.
SPD's potential lays in the fact that you can have all kinds of Alien rangers, in all kinds of organizations based on SPD and finally learn about how the Galaxy rangers universe works.
Not to mention that it works pretty well as a militaristic kind of approach.
Doesn't that one hold the biggest ranger kill count? They lost three guys if I remember
The Pink Ranger
The Magna Defender
The Red Rangers older brother
But it comes with a copout.
That one was one of my favorites.
Lost Galaxy had a lot of great moments but always rubbed me in a weird way, should rewatch it.
Curious enough "Wild Force" is very beloved here in Mexico, probably because the dub fixed all the horrible acting, as PR returned to Saban with Samurai the dub got pretty bad for some reason.
Oim really feeling it.
Time Force was better.
tbf, the horrible acting was because they brought over a bunch of japanese directors who couldn't speak english to direct that season.
Fucking hell, how could they make a sword design worst than the average JRPG sword? This movie was doomed from the start.
Looks like a fucking keychain.
I kinda guess they're approaching a sleek design,
But PR is not fucking sleek, PR its grandiose as balls, the closest PR has to sleek is SPD and makes sense cause is some kind of military police setting.
I figured out why does it looks like cancer.
Everrything about this movie looks so horrendously overdesigned in that way that only shit-tacular Hollywood movies can look.
At least the new video game looks good.
BOOM comics are also pretty nice.
Reminds me of the N64 game.
It gets even worse.
How do they think this is acceptable?
Am I supposed to be surprised?
Fuck out of smash you piece of shit and stick to your shitty JRPG.
These can't be real…
Tactics was a pretty retarded series.
Do you guys think they'll at least use the original theme at 1.25 speed?
It's a funky alien gas lighter. Saban was a mistake
It also looks like they're discovering Rita from the very start.
Only the blue ranger is even remotely smug, the others look bland and serious, no joy whatsoever.
This was my first thought
The worst part is that the slightly cartoony sword design clashes with the serious looking suits, which themselves have the silly looking mouths that looks out of place.
My immediate thought when I see Power Rangers is five teenagers with attitude posing in distinct poses with a lot of strength and exaggeration. It's helped by the smart choice to make the suits lycra (I think), so the bodies of the actors was defined clearly. The armor in this movie looks clunky and unfit for the crazy action and martial arts the series is known for
To me this is something the Sentai can work on. I mean the poses are all great of course, but something Kamen Rider does well with poses is how they can show the character's own personality through the poses. Gokaiger is the one time where they did this though, where because the team was switching between the suits from past seasons they were given distinct personalities that were readable through body language making it easy to identify who was who even when they weren't they're same color. It was also neat to see how this varied the full team poses of previous sentai teams.
It looks like he sticks his hand inside…
good call user
This is Square's favorite sword.
Teaser trailer leaked.
…y'know, while the designs aren't great, this might actually be halfway decently acted. They have actual teenagers with attitude.