HomeNews 1,000s Turkish forces surround NATO’s Incirlik air base for ‘inspection’ amid rumors of cou


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Maybe something, maybe nothing, hard to tell.

Regardless of Erdogan's politics, the Turkish people are volatile. If nothing else, it shows how stupid it is to store nukes in Turkey.

guess the ride really doesn't end.

Wait wait wait

So erdogan entrapped bad goy soldiers into mounting a coup, swiftly captures them, immediately passes a bunch of laws that put turkey on a war footing, and then uses the coup that he caused/allowed to happen to surround the fucking NATO base with all the nukes demanding that a several companies strong force be allowed to inspect the entire facility?

Did I read that correctly?

Irl has turned into a fucking soap opera. Whodathunk wed live in such interesting times..

An italian on cuck chan said 6 jets took of from a base near him. Can just be rumours though.

And I was going to go out for the evening…

that about sums it up I think

Someone needs to get on the shortwave stations, pronto. I can't find any links for Turkey or the surrounding areas.


I doubt even turkroaches are dumb enough to attack or occupy a NATO base.
However, in case they do happen to be dumb enough to do it, all bets are off. This attack can be interpreted in ten different ways by all major players, and there will be no way to predict how exactly shit will hit the fan.

Yup you have it right.

The more I see happening, the more grateful I am that I didn't swallow those sleeping pills when I contemplated suicide four years ago.

Praise be to Kek, we live in a beautiful time!



I just want roaches gone from germany, please be useful and kill them while you're still here amis
t. berliner


There's protesters as well.



Well spoken.

fucking hell, i feel your pain here in swamp germany. lately these cockroaches have shown their allegiance by 'protesting' when the coup failed, saying they support 'their country'. why the fuck are you protesting here, and how is the fucking country you reap the benefits from living in not 'your country'.
please, let erdogan do something so ridicilous that yurop will turn turkey into an agricultural district

BUT WHY? What the fuck is ErDOGan thinking he'll accomplish besides getting booted the fuck out of NATO, if not bombed to shit by them?

Apparently someone posted this on Halfchan.

That sounds about right, coming from an us vs. them anti-Russian analyst.

Is it that time again?

I've been wanting to escape this shithole and head for the Austrian countryside, but I can't betray the fatherland for a future austro-hungary empire that might rise with höfer and orbán

I'm doing it right now. I just don't care, five years as a NEET has taken its toll. Only reason to stay alive has been to witness the European race war but now that it's actually really close I would be too pathetic a figure so it's better to just die off…

Sorry for once a year whine, at least this wasn't defeatism, hey, because Europeans will win it.

I know it's the weekend, but why doesn't this have more responses?

Has Holla Forums really devolved this much where actual news no longer gets attention?

fake and gay

This is all about Turkstream, I assume? I mean the USA can't reasonably fight a war against Turkey… I assume we have to give into their demands and abandon Incirlik? I doubt they'll attack, but the long-term power outage shows Turkey has soft powers at its disposal.

Stay alive.
Suicide won't get you into Valhalla. :^)

I think this is the answer hear, basically NATO is cucked and Obama is a pussy so Erdogan makes a power play


Right there with you. Keep fighting, user.

Trying to drive a wedge between Russian energy and European industry is ultimately a self-destructive policy. We'd be better off fixing our industry and practicing capitalism than trying to cause expensive chaos with our competitors.


So then why the hell did Turkey shoot down that Russian jet?


Wageslaves really are pathetic.

Lol, surely Erdogan is living in a bubble where he is a russian spy against basically the whole fucking country. How can somedoby believes such nonsense?
60% of the population is pro-Erdogan, anti-syrian, pro-djihadist and anti-european. They hate Iran like the plague.

Anti-September fags

It would have been embarassing.
You wake up either in a hospital or in your own home, covered in vomit after a 2 hour coma.
Now you have to live with failing suicide, besides all the other failures.
If you are gonna do it at least do it right.

Seconded, was the roach doing it out of active malice, or was he forced into a dumb decision by outside (((influences)))?

The Jews did it

It's only been an hour and there's a happening every other day, just keep bumping if your interested

Ya that pic seems way off to me, why the fuck would Turkey ally with Syria? Assad would have to be out of the picture for that to happen. Also why would China rely on Russia for an international pipeline that puts them completely at their mercy. I'm pretty sure China wants to go through the central asian countries for that, and gaining influence with those countries has the added bonus of pushing the U.S out of the region. Half-chan seems confused



I got a good laugh out of that pic because its true.

reported for not archiving and fake happening




don't be such an edgy cunt user
chose life
i did, and it's working out great


I know this kind of feel personally.

Good for you lad.

i'm serious user
no matter how bad you think you have it now, hell is worse

It's kind of awesome to watch the neocon plan fail so dramatically. 9/11 and the last 15 years of planned terror was for nothing

You know Christianity is satire, right?

In this tweet the Turks have got trash trucks, tractors and heavy-load trucks outside Incirlik airbase.
I work in construction and tractors can break down fences, remove rubble, break down doors and load up the trucks…perfect for a smash and grab!!!

Hell doesn't exist.

But regret does.

And it can haunt a soul for lifetimes.


I hope nobody do a smash and grab.

yup, looks like they want to grap as much shit as they can as quickly as possible

Are you me? I have no reason to live but to stand as a leader and save my city from degeneracy when the day comes. None whatsoever. I’m in my mid 20s and look in my 40s. Even if I was able to get a job (that didn’t make me want to kill myself even more) and find a chaste woman in my age group (not the feminist approved ages, but proper ages, down to the late teens), she’d be mocked by her peers for being with someone who looks like a sugar daddy.

The collapse of the economic system and the ramifications thereof is literally the only thing keeping me from starving myself to death at this point.


I wonder if ISIS will ever get a hold of a NATO nuke


Even if they get the nukes, they still lose the war.

In the game of nuclear war and dealing with a bunch of turkroaches, you can bet they'll launch them all against Europe like Hamas throwing bottle rockets at Israel.

If you explode one nuke on top of the nukes, the other nukes wouldn't explode in a chain reaction, the electronics needed for the other nuclear explosions to occur would have already been destroyed in the initial nuclear explosion.

But it would still add more nuclear material to the fallout.

did a turkroach F-16 just shoot down an american asset ?


If the Turkroaches try that then their entire country will be destroyed in hours because literally every fucking NATO member within striking distance will throw everything they have at them to prevent even the remotest possibility of nuke ending up in the hands of terrorists.

Yurop has pretty spiffy missile defense systems.

this is what will happen


turkey is to europe what mexico is to america

I'm relieved to hear that.

Maybe that's what the Turks/Neo Ottomans want though - Go down in fire, to satisfy some kind of endtimes sanddune prophecy.

On the other hand, I'm not so sure if NATO will actually defend themselves (sufficiently). They haven't really shown themselves to be very competent as of late - During the 6+ months Libya bombing campaign they frequently ran out of bombs and fuel, if I remember correctly.

It really is scary. It's obvious the Obama Administration has no clue what the fuck to do and Erdowan is playing hardball, but not in ways that are easy to translate into patriotic HURRRR for the genpop

What are the odds that the fallout rains down on israel?

more like
empty quivers are no fucking joke

The problem is that Obama is a pussy that thinks that he's a lot smarter than he actual is.

I mean just look at this fucking faggot

Damn I remember this. Good times.

Are you stupid? He knows exactly what is going on. He just doesn’t care about the American people and actively works against them at every single turn.

I saw the whole video some time ago, he sure is a massive faggot.
He does weird leg exercises where he steps on a small plate and steps down.
He doesn't even do squats at all.

did the americans really elect this weakling clown? even merkel is more manly than this nigger

Also, invited chairman of joint chiefs of staff to visit, so he can be taken hostage.

Let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing, he knows exactly what he's doing.


If you kill yourself, the Jews claims another life.

You don't wanna assist the Jews, do you?

How does having a base in Turkey help America? If we paid market price for oil it would be cheaper than all our self-inflicted foreign interventions.

I don't know the wind patterns for the area but I don't think north -> south winds are that common.

so much disinformation going on on twitter about this, and no MSM outlet is talking about it

dunno what to make of this. Turkroaches may start ww3, or literally nothing may be happening… guess we just wait till the world either blows up or doesnt before we know whats going on anymore

Stay alive, dude. You may get to see the Turks face nuclear annihilation.


Can anyone confirm?>

Hearing that a firefight has broken out at the base.

I actually think NATO or maybe Israel might have been involved in the coup. The jets that were flying around during the attempt actually refueled from a tanker that was assigned to the Turkish anti-ISIS mission that supports NATO. The Coup leader was the former military attache to Israel. Anyways the head roach in Turkey is a faggot I hope it descends into civil war and they all kill each other.




I laughed.

Find a purpose or a passion.

Good luck user.


Not necessarily. He genuinely tries to make what he sees as good decisions and to appear tough and threatening to the world. He's just a flamming weak homo that Iran, Syria, China and Russia step on.

I guarantee that like most foreign US bases, it's a Cold War relic installed to prevent Soviet expansion.

I kind of want to see ISIS nuke Europe while the media is trying to avoid even mentioning islamic terrorism.

Any skyking messages today?

another Cold War on the rise? just don't build a wall between berlin again


Now that you mention it this sounds a lot like Ground Zeroes.

I think the original plan, post-2000 (or post 1991) in particular was to encircle and besiege Russia. Missile shields would render Russia's nukes neutralized, thus allowing the US to nuke Russia out of existence.

Everything about that plan has been collapsing though, for quite a while now. Losing Incirlik is going to completely sink that plan.

absolute bullshit. The only way NATO is dissolving is if US - Russian relations get better not worse.

whoever wrote this is a dipshit

Fucking autocorrect, I mean NATO

jesus christ we are all the same at some level… fuck me.

Wanna kill ourselves and livestream together?

OTAN actually means NATO is some romance languages.

… we've fucking memed the plot of MGS5 into existence

We really need to find out who is our Big Boss to get us through this insanity.. god only knows they're going to probably invade that base and find out the US was secretly building a fucking metal gear platform there

lel looks like wotan to me

The sdrawkcab language group

He's doing that in this video.
He's doing it WHILE CARRYING dumbbells.

Yes, and in them the acronym are usually structured like Organization of the Treaty of the Atlantic North

i.e., in portuguese: Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte

I'm not a vidya nerd, I just assumed metal gears were giant mechs, and thus not viable.

Am I wrong? Are they actually a viable anti nuke device?


They are giant mechs that also have a nuclear railgun so they can act as stealth mobile nuke platforms

They are not anti-nuke devices, they are nuke-deploying devices. Their high mobility (less chance of being found and neutralized) was their strength.

Yeah but in the plot of MGSV big boss has a base offshore that houses nukes that he operates his mercanary corps out of.

While he's gone they get a visit for "compliance" and get zerg rushed and every one of his men were cut down except a few.

Blame whoever coerced Kennedy

Nukes are a deep state/military scam. There are no working (as in so called nuclear explosion) nuclear weapons. It exists only propaganda. Umfortunately we're all thoroughly conditioned/idiots, can't see how we would shake off the conditioning (some will probably jump right now to defend nukes story) on a large scale until they start escalating the story. (If that's the plan. Which would be in the Oct - (late) Nov timeframe I would guess. Would they stage some (fundamentally) fake (but with real consequences) WW3 scenario with nukes? Lol.)

Fuck off you can't fake the bombing of 2 cities.

I would not want attention. If I kill myself it will be in the woods so that I won't be found before I'm dead for sure.


"Satoru Ubuki, 62, professor at Hiroshima Jogakuin University, says that the earliest report of the atomic bombing was a radio broadcast at 6:00 p.m. on August 6, 1945. Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) reported: "At 8:20 a.m. on August 6, B-29 bombers attacked Hiroshima with incendiary bombs and fled. The damage is now under investigation." On August 7, the next day, a newspaper in Osaka printed a small article about the attack, again stating that incendiary bombs had been dropped."

"Bank of Japan Hiroshima Branch
Distance from hypocenter: 380 meters
The third floor was completely burned, but structural damage was minimal. Services resumed two days after the bombing."

What about the hundreds of atomic tests?

In the series MG platforms are primarily nuke platforms themselves, there are no "anti-nuke" MGs as far as I'm aware, though there are MGs that ARENT nuke platforms but their job varies, Ray was an anti-metalgear metalgear, and Gekko was an anti-personnel metal gear in 4 and MGR

I cant remember the names of all of them, but (of the ones I've played) the ones in mgs3, mgs1, mg, mg2, peacewalker, and mgs5.. were all designed in different ways to be capable of launching nukes themselves, they werent "anti nuke devices" they were platforms to launch them

the one in mgs3 was designed to be a rolling tank that got up to high speeds and then essentially catapulted their payload down a long stretch of terrain

the one in mgs1 used a high powered rail gun to fire a stealth nuke without the use of ICBM tech… mg and mg2 didnt go into specifics in the games, though I'm sure you could look it up and get more info

MGS5 didnt talk about it much as far as I know, there were other issues with nukes in that game. The one in peacewalker was designed to be an AI controlled automatic deadman switch because they thought people couldnt be trusted to fire nukes if given the order that their opposition had fired (ie: US controllers wouldnt fire if USSR fired first, so they wanted AI platforms to move about the world so they could never be easily KOd, and would fire automatically)

Oh I suppose MG:Excelsior in MGR:R probably could have shot nukes, it was basically a giant walking spider battle tank, but MGRR was really outlandish in places, fun game though, and the memes man, the memes

Really the only "non-nuke" MG platforms were in mgs2 and onward in the timeline, with MG-Ray being basically a defense system for the Arsenal gear platform which was more of a massive computer system and data collection/processing hub to control the flow of information in the world. Then Gekko units in MGS4 and RR were mostly small scale anti-personnel units. But I haven't actually played MGS4.. I need to, but I keep putting it off because I dont want to see that ending…

But yeah, there, as far as I know, has never been an "anti-nuke" MG. And while the designs in the game are fantasy, I dont doubt that real engineers could take designs from them and come up with something that works in reality. So its entirely possible. I mean, we know full damn well that the tech we see demonstrated in our day to day lives, those weird bouncing 4 legged robot dog things, and the bipedal robots they're showing off now that can move packages and such… yeah, we know the military is at LEAST several generations ahead of that nd we just dont know about it, because we never do until after its used

And then you have to square away how nuclear power plants came to be. And nobody can fucking deny that nuclear power exists when it's running half of fucking France.

It's just schizophrenic retardation.

Then what happened?

nips didn't have a frame of reference. It's basically niggers seeing the firearms in action first time rationalizing it as a lightning strike or something.

Stop arguing with this retarded faggot. He's trying to slide the thread.

well, we made it easy for Erdogan to push that lie after toppling a pile of other regimes in the region.

the next one will be real

Any confirmed recent updates? Lots of guessing not much facts right now.

Why don't you burgers build a wall around the Greek-Turkish border and make the roaches pay for it?

There were 67 Japanese cities bombed before Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Search for pictures "tokyo firebombed" (completely leveled, with huge number of casualties), destruction on the photos looks identical to Hiroshima.

NATO might dissolve, if Trump wins and cuts funding, Western Europe disintegrates into civil wars and Eastern Europe forms a neutral block

Then why did Japan immediately surrender after Nagasaki?

And can you explain nuclear power plants across Europe?


Once nukes are fired they have an inertial trigger to set them off in the event of them getting intercepted or hitting the ground at terminal velocity. For one of those triggers to get tripped on the ground the nuke would have to be armed dialed and in the back of a truck going 80 hitting a cement wall.

Of course they'd report it as an incendiary attack. None of them knew what a nuclear bomb was.

You think they'd know what radiation poisoning was? Even the US didn't know the full extent of what would happen.

and none of those cities had blast patterns going outwards from a central point, along with the fucking shadows.

MGS3's Shagohod was the first one in the timeline, didn't really roll but had screws, jet engines, and a hovercraft skirt. Lore was it'd extend an IRBM's range by acting as a reusable first stage that'll work on any aircraft runway.
MGS PO had the next one, RAXA, was meant to be launched on a big rocket, plop down in enemy territory, and fire off cruise missiles while moving slowly.
MGS Peace Walker was a walking ICBM silo controlled by an AI, intended for a Dead Hand strategy, four legged. ZEKE in the same game was two legged, smaller missile (the railgun couldn't fire nukes)
MGSV had Sahelanthropus, two legged upright, built for combat with a nuke as a self destruct mechanism, intended to be a tool to scare countries into buying nukes.
MG1's TX-55 and MG2's D both were walking tactical missile launchers, much more focused on combat than previous ones, and much more compact.
MGS1's RAY was important as it had a railgun that could launch a nuke, without leaving a trace of where it came from, akin to a more advanced ZEKE.
MGS2's REX was intended to be a Metal Gear killer, so I guess it's an anti-nuke.
MGS4's Gekko weren't Metal Gear, more walking tankettes.
MGR's Excelsus couldn't launch nukes, it was more a giant walking spider tank.

That said the only possible viable Metal Gears would probably be TX-55, and even then it's sorta pointless. A standard tank with a missile launcher strapped ontop would do a better job.

Because they realized a single aircraft could accomplish the same level of destruction as the 1000 plane raids that they had been enduring for months.

mixed up REX and RAY's names, swap those, RAY was intended to be the REX killer

Hilariously, you pilot the REX you damaged in MGS1, that was left in a hanger for 9 years, in MGS4 and kill a RAY one on one.

Big boss already got memed. I didn't save the image but someone from Holla Forums probably has it, buts it's a reporter I think, who's friend got killed by lsls and he made his own mercenary group to help Christians and the Kurds defend themselves against the muds

dude don't we are so fucking close to witnessing something huge, go out and buy a remington 870 and a 3m chem mask and start getting into sewer spelunking and when the happening happens you will be a god among men smuggling shit through sewers to holed up neighborhoods. Im serious, learn that shit

What an unbearable faggot.


Not to mention they wouldn't have a chance to die gloriously for their Emperor. They were digging into prepare to take about 10 million US lives in exchange for taking Japan. Once you witness that your enemy has the power to occasionally wipe whole cities off the map and then waltz in with a mop up with a naval invasion shortly afterwards, it kinda took to romanticism out of it.

there it is again that fresh fucking meme

it also had to do with the fact that stalin was going to invade alongside the americans


Minor correction/clarifications:

ZEKE's railgun could indeed fire nukes. The final battle against Paz is precisely to prevent that.

Sahelanthropus didn't carry a nuclear bomb, but contained a fictional strain of metallic archea, a bacteria that can eat metals. It could use the bacteria to convert its depleted uranium armor back into fissile material, at which point its entire exterior would become a bomb. We'll never know if it was ever set off, because the game didn't end.

Peace Walker had two nuclear weapons: The ICBM it carried on its back, as well as a self-destruct hydrogen bomb contained in that big head. After it launched its missile, it would go hunter-killer and seek out a previously designated target before setting itself off.

Excelsius is explicitly not a Metal Gear in spite of wearing the title. Codec conversations spell out that if it doesn't carry a nuclear armament or doesn't have legs, it's not a Metal Gear. This should technically disqualify RAXA as well, unless landing struts count as legs. I can't remember if the Metal Gears from MG 1 and 2 had nuclear weapons, but I don't think they did.

I wonder what powerplant Excelsius and Desperado's custom RAYs operate on. Given their use of directed plasma weaponry, that might actually count as a nuclear-sourced weapon on legs.


To those that say they think the bombing was cruel and unnecessary (Even the second one) I ask them if they think A situation in Japan akin to Korea would be preferable.

Those fucking nips deserved it. They took the ZOG bait and dragged America into a war with Germany. I'll never forgive them for that.

Do you think the president's bodyguards ever have to stand outside the bathroom and listen to him loudly take a diarrhoea shit?

I wonder how many USSS agents Obama's tried to fuck.

is this still happening?

The newsfeeds I read earlier reported that the base was surrounded by the Turkish military because civilians were outside protesting the presence of U.S. forces.


Word of possible second coup attempt.


Are you white or a useful Asian? If yes, get back in formation faggot. Otherwise, by all means die off.

We've already seen turks face anal devastation

It's been several hours now and this thread still isn't stickied and the catalog is clogged with garbage, spam threads, and halfcucks struggling to fit in like mormons at a daytona rally.

Fucking weekend mods arent helping either.

Get your shit together, dipshit. Suicide does nothing.


Related Thread

Copy and pasting from cuckchan because I'm a lazy fuck
People who replied to the thread were asking who we were invading. The OP didn't reply… I think the thread wasn't talking about Britain invading somebody, but somebody invading Britain. These are all anti-air destroyers. Maybe defending Britain from some kind of threat from Russia?
Then you have this thread 13 hours later
And now you have this
And thus, WW3 begins


I sure know that early missle defense was.


One can only hope so

This guy a Portuguese real estate agent. The video doesn't even look like a siege either, just a demonstration

True, but I want it to happen.

If Turkey attempts to seize a base with nuclear weapons the resulting actions from NATO could be quite severe.

I don't even care. The only thing that matters is getting all shitskins out of Europe and out of America.

Whatever it was, its gone.

It said the base was being seiged..

Shagohod and Big Boss's final MG were the only viable ones.
peace walker was the only one that was remotely anti-nuke, the others are non-figurative walking nuke silos.

Just from a theoretical perspective, if I really wanted to siege the base as a Turk and I couldn't rely on my army/air force/navy etc, it might make sense to dig a huge tunnel and surround the base with a fuck ton of police in heavy armor to prevent anyone from leaving. Then put a fuck ton of explosives in the tunnel and detonate it and make a Halifax 2.0 explosion, and zerg rush in with heavy supressive fire and tons of smoke grenades ideally with some type of antiaircraft weapons and air coverage overhead.

Israel-Russia-Iran and Turkey reads like end times prophecy….
now all we need is a new union formed of 10 nations (3 of whom will be forcefully conquered and the other 7 will capitulate)

don't forget that in the end Damascus will be wiped out

you know your life is satire, right?

If the Turkroaches (government, civilian, or foreign elements) made any serious move towards the base and it's weapons they would be shoah'd.

Turkey would cease to exist if they tried to do this.
Forget Obama being a spineless fool(even though I think that even he would be forced to act), there is NO way that Russia would allow Turkey to seize nuclear weapons.

Perhaps Erdogan wasn't controlled back then?

I am a little curious just how much firepower a US base can leverage when they go into absolutely not fucking around afraid-for-their-lives mode.

We've more or less been shadowboxing since Vietnam. Low intensity conflicts everywhere. Our tech has advanced so far, and yet we never use it. It would be grand to see a spooked base commander take the limiters off and put two dozen aircraft in the sky at once and stop playing around in terms of artillery output.

Idk they could just let the protestors do it like the Iranian hostage crisis and let it develop into a mob like shoot out that Erogan could use as an excuse to force the US out of the country and embarrass the US.

The Turkish pilot that shot down the Russian Jet was part of the coup plotters and last I heard was arrested/dead. The leader of the coup was the former air force military attache to Israel. The Turks are pissed because during the coup many Turkish airforce elements that are based at Incirlik actually participated in the coup including a tanker that refueled numerous coup aircraft which is why the entire affair went on so long.

Double key system. Can't use them unless both the US and Turks agree.

Big dog robots and powered exoskeletons, which would be the foundation of metal gears and other warmechs, are still years, probably more than a decade, from actually being deployed. They're too slow, require too much power, they're too noisy, and have so many moving parts they're easily prone to breaking.

They simply are not viable and won't be for years, even with the military bragging when they were first announced that they'd have been launched years before now. They're basically another set of overspent military projects that has yet to yield any result but are eating up tens of millions each.

As always it comes down to our civilian military leadership's willingness to use that power.

Embassies and consulates getting ransacked, apparently not that big of a deal.

B-61's? We might actually do some shooting over those. We should evacuate and shut down that base anyways. Fuck the Turks and fuck NATO too.

why don't we just conquer turkey and use it as a giant rapefugee reservation?

Will there be dispensing machines where we can peanuts to feed the rapefugees?

some of them have peanut allergies you shitlord.
besides, everyone knows rapefugees eat falafel

Roaches will eat anything.

What's that quote that goes something like "A life not dedicated to reaching it's full potential is wasted" I think it's by an ancient philosopher

Just don't do anything stupid man, think about It man, really be careful and try not too go full crazy and get a hold of a white woman and f#€k her without any protection until she's given birth to 15 children back to back or you get caught, people that kill themselves do retarded shit like that right before because hey they were going to die anyways, really be careful man don't lose your grip.. Stay safe don't do anything totally wacko

Shills at work. Although I suppose there isn't enough coverage of events in Turkey to maintain a proper happening level, the derailing is still fucked

The guy shilling for nukes as fakes is right, the first nip general that showed up at the Hiroshima blast after the fact stated on record that it was precisely the size of an ordinary bomb, and everything about the blast looked to be the work of bombs he had seen countless times.

The video that is produced as evidence, even in le current year, is the old shitty telephone/house horseshit, work of ordinary bombs, explained thoroughly throughout the webs just don't be a lazy cow.

It's serious. We need to get those weapons out of Turkey ASAP.

Dude, I'm sceptical of nukes myself and believe very little of sensational news stories lately. I get called a hoaxtard in many threads. It's largely irrelevant to this thread, I don't care if Incirlik actually has nukes or not, it doesn't matter. It does matter if something "happens" there, the narrative will change.

Absurd that NATO would ever put nukes there (real or not)

You're derailing though, stop it. It would be nice if this site had an active board for discussion of fakery related topics because Holla Forums isn't friendly to such discussion and /x/ is not the same thing (deception isn't paranormal)

Not going to continue replying on the topic though because it's ultimately off-topic and if you are a shill (this is unsure) you are essentially looking to bait people into continuing off-topic debate


Turks sack base and steal nukes, kek wills it!

It's one thing to question why governments push a narrative but the denial of physical reality is pure derailing. I don't understand why anyone falls for it.

It's shilling to distract us and make us look like schizophrenics.

Yeah, I know and if you say "schizophrenia" you're somehow endorsing jew psychiatry.

These hoaxers are fucking cancer.

What was it, it's been taken down.

Whatever was going on outside Incirlik seems to be over, according to Conflict News.


GLA when?

Wow is fucking nothing


the missiles are irrelevant
they'll be going after the warheads



Turkey has to choose Russia/Iran/China or the West.

No more sitting on the fence, or else there will be another coup attempt in a 15-20 yeas timeframe. The US obviously will not handle Gulen and the band of traitors hosted in America to Turkey. Turkey will kept being a target to the den of vipers if it doesn't kick out NATO.

Also changing sides to Russia and Iran will accelerate the demise of power from the burgers, the same ones that are scheming the coups together with the traitors.

It looks like they're already choosing. There's a hashtag #goawayyankee that was trending around the same time.

I think the chief may be flying down to take charge and the Turks don't want it. Just a theory from the tweets

Provided Holla Forums doesn't go to Damascus we should be fine.