Are you mad at me because I told that user to punch themselves in the face and consider the Cartesian method?(We aren't mad you're just a shitposter.)
Are you mad at me because I told that user to punch themselves in the face and consider the Cartesian method?(We aren't mad you're just a shitposter.)
I'm mad at you because you won't grind my patriarchy with your booty.
Catgirl Booty thread?
I'd prefer 3d but booty is booty.
I'm the guy they encouraged to commit self-harm.
I didn't mind.
What hurt more was the suggestion that we embrace a doctrine of a philosophical dead-end whose standards would also mean the end of natural science.
kill yourself
Yes, but why would science accept deliberately anti-scientific standards to base itself upon? Cartesianism is of no threat to the modern scientist because they don't concern themselves with the foundations behind the scientific method and related tools, they just use them dogmatically.
Stay triggered, /reactypol/ :^)
Would you like to internalize my hatred of women or get it on your face next time?
Yes, sure but the same standard from philosophy applied to political science, would mean that mathematics cannot be applied to natural science.
Stop being idealist, you damn inteligentsia.
Join the materialist side!
I for one don't mind your idiocy. I allow fun.
but honestly fuck all the anti feminist who cant talk to women without becoming horrible reactionary and shuddersome
There's nothing wrong with being reactionary, especially when you are moving forward into hell.
you dont have to be a feminist
Why would I ever want to be? That's basically saying I have no experience with the other sex.
It's only ineffectual if you don't holocaust the indigenous population.
btw communism failed
exactly what is wrong with progress for womens liberation?
How so?
Women don't even deserve the right to vote tbh.
Before you get all the posters replying and acting coy, it was technically state-socialism if it was still even that when it fell.
But comparing it with openly capitalist countries that were similarly situated, for the most part it was an unqualified success. The USSR over the course of its existence achieved the highest sustained annual growth of any country in the world bar Japan. Ironically, the further it moved towards liberalization and open capitalism the worse it did until near-complete collapse under neo-liberal "shock therapy" in openly capitalist Russia.
If that is our benchmark for failure in the last century, then I can't wait to see what we do this century tbh.
oh i thought maybe you were an actual person not a cockroach that needs to be stomped out
holly shit were did you go to school Holla Forumsu? do you need some actually facts our are you okay with your porky lies
Tip Top kek, bet you beleave in crime nerd.
ooohhh scary
sounds like you've been on the internet for too long
Ok. So, I am anti-feminist.. and I talk to women just fineā¦ (unless I want to provoke).
So.. fuck only those who become horrible? Or are they the only anti-fem?
Liberation from what?
And where?
In Saudi Arabia? Well, Capitalism.
In India? Capitalism.
In the US? Capitalism.
See? The problem is capitalism. And it oppreses everyone.
So, feminism is pointless.
Men have always run society and always will. Get in the way enough and we will put you back in the kitchen.
your views on women do not belong in the left they do not belong anywhere i hope one day you realized what an idiot you have been
I'm not 'in the left' you fucking puritan. Equality is bullshit.
Is it time for bunkers?
im not a woman im just right do you need me to explain step by step why that graph doesnt mean what men are better then women or are you to busy with you dick in your hand
you know something Hitler was right because he fucking kill himself
happens to the best of us
>>>Holla Forums
I was using the word in a colloquial sense. Nevertheless you sound just like a woman, or maybe you're just very effeminate. Cry some more.
Yes he was. He didn't kill enough jews though.
This board has been commandeered faggot.
Tbh fam there are some things I can agree about Varg's quote here as someone who considers myself an eclectic Marxist feminist. Varg is basically saying that ever since more traditionally patriarchal values have fallen away modern women have been to instruments whose sole purpose is to provide sex. In traditional societies women were valued for reasons other then attractiveness and sex, and while it was still patriarchal even so-called ugly women had their place.
In essence, I disagree with feminists who think that what capitalist patriarchy strives for is unpaid "reproductive labor" in order to sustain itself. Rather it strives to turn every woman into a glorified prostitute and increasingly marketize dating and sex.
Increasingly, I think it strives to do this regardless of the gender of the individuals, so that "patriarchy" in developed countries might be more typically associated with economic power.
you could be the next Hitler just go straight to the end part, when communist surround you and they kill your follower as you cry in a bunker and end your life
You know before Lenin enacted the NEP they did in fact have communism? It failed miserably.
i dont understand why we need to keep these roles i think all people should learn skills that are valuable and who ever wants to do them can i think in a communist society we can go back to a time less dominated by the ego and children can be raised by the tribe/community
Remember that it was only with the help of capitalists and later the SU fell to pieces and China gave up on communism as well. socialism, however, was never allowed to run it's full course.
This is why no one will ever take you seriously.
hahahahaha they no society that has ever been or ever will would allow them to run there course it is idiotic to think people would alow them to
That's all fine and good fam, but they are still in the back of peoples minds bc of 5,000 years of civilization and there is probably a biological basis for some of them
I'm just saying that capitalist patriarchy is a different beast, and its getting to the point where the biological sex of the individuals exercising power and obtaining sexual muh privilege doesn't really matter.
I don't think its more humane bc now the woman doesn't have to spend as much time cooking and cleaning is expected mainly to look nice.
this is literally how children were rased for hundreds of thousands of years per agriculture till to day if you could let your ego die you would see how ideal this is for a stronger communal bond and a better experience for the children
There are many people in Europe right now who would disagree.
That's an oxymoron. Capitalism is killing patriarchy, otherwise feminism would never have reared it's autistic head.
the type of family you are thinking of is extremely new, for the longest time we lived with multi generational community of extended family, not muh 1 man 1 woman and some kids
do you have know concept of social progress, capitalism adapts and changes saying that patriarchy isnt related to capitalism, because capitalism lets feminism go one, means nothing
I never referred to a specific kind of family? Stop strawmanning and backpedaling. There will always be families as long as there are humans. Men and women fall in love and have kids, and you think you can stop that?
community should have the kids not the parents and yes these communitys may be 'familys' and you stop it by disrupting the ego and capitalism
Very little of what you just said made any sense at all. Work on your grammar. History is not linear or progressive, things do not simply get better. History is cyclical, it repeats itself. Morality has an inverse relationship with technology. Feminism is a tool of capitalists just like communism, it's just a trend to be undermine ethnic solidarity of whites.
I don't know who's worse, the reactionary retards or the anarcho-feminist poster who's been hauling them along this long bait.
The deletion of this thread would have been sufficient mods, we didn't need to have a publicly displayed ban to fan the flames of this debacle.
So you'll tear kids away from their parents because muh community? I don't think anyone will put up with that. People will just laugh at you or decide you need to die. No one wants to be deprived of their ability to be a parent alongside their lover. This is why marxism and feminism are fucking stupid.
Whites are complicit sure. We are trying to rectify that with Nazi.
i hope you list to you nazi fuck maybe youll learn something
Reality is my teacher, and it's taught me that equality is bullshit.
if you think that you can interpreter reality truthfully, through you ego and ideology then you are not really trying
Without an ego you wouldn't be able to survive. The will to live is more important than everything else.
I even agree with anarcha-fem on some things. I just wish she wouldn't stir up shit in every thread in which "idpol" is mentioned.
I think women face particular types of exploitation and indoctrination under capitalism distinct from those that men face, neither of which are worse nor more gross than the other, but definitely unique to the gender.
Since advocacy for the emancipation of women has been central to socialism since Marx and Engels I don't see the need for "feminism" though, especially since in its current incarnation it seems wholly co-opted by liberalism and is anti-revolutionary.
I am willing to be persuaded otherwise because I'm not an expert on contemporary feminism.
you need to escape your ego to try to find any thing close to truth
Escaping the ego is embracing death. That is unacceptable.
Also, yep. Bunkers are needed.
Why do Holla Forumsacks love statues so much
I'm sure you could find an abundance of pics of Lenin statues if I tried.
If you can't figure out why this works you're dumber than a 5 year old.
No, I mean Holla Forumsacks specifically. If someone's twitter avatar is a statue it's almost certainly a Holla Forumsack. It's a trend I've noticed.
This pic makes me sad because you know every reply was
chomsky at his worst
fuck off pol