Lets assume for a moment that Holla Forums are right - white people have better genes than anyone else and are the master race.
Would you say it's ok to prevent inter-racial breeding with the white race? Because if these master race genes become diluted, then surely that would be detrimental to society.
As a disclaimer, I am in no way a Holla Forumsak, I dont believe the white race is the master race at all, but it's a hypothetical I have been considering none the less.
If white genes are superior, wouldn't they overtake the inferior genes? In which case interracial reproduction would be whites genociding inferior races by replacing their offspring with superior white genes?
Levi Peterson
In the sense that we wouldn't force any white person to have children with black people, yeah sure. Don't want non-white children? Don't have sex with non-whites. It's really simple.
Now why would you prevent others from doing as they please?
Joshua Ross
Are we also pretending that "the white race" is a real thing and not just an arbitrary and nonsensical category based on little more than a broad range of skin tones?
Brandon Morales
You don't assume what should be from what is, because that's how you can get two conclusions that are in conflict with each other simultaneously.
In short, don't be fallacious.
William Rivera
I would assume because overall it would result in a lower IQ of society, meaning less scientific and cultural advancement, so it's essentially putting an individual's choice against what's best for society.
Jeremiah Phillips
Why is scientific and cultural advancement important?
Should society not conform to the individual rather than the individual conform to society?
Anthony Morales
Jordan King
gene based breeding and eugenics are useless as fuck in the face of medicine and genetic modifications.
All races are inferior in the face of transhuman grey master AI, delete yourself animal.
Jeremiah Thompson
This assumption is too much. Even going by Holla Forums's logic that white people are somehow 'smarter' or 'stronger' than other races, and that one can only have those superior qualities as someone descended from white people breeding, genetics don't allow for that big of a gap between one single species. Even retarded people have a decent amount of consciousness compared to any other animal, and someone with a prosthetic leg is still a good long-distance runner like any average human. And assuming that white people are 'superior' in these incremental ways, why wouldn't we want their superior genes to be widespread as possible? Even taking into account the 'diluting' of these special white genes, they'd still be present, if not dominant in a mixed-race population. An entire civilization of pretty athletic and smart mixed-race people would be more advantageous to building a better society than a small ethnic group of really athletic and smart people surrounded by hordes of their 'inferiors'. Holla Forums isn't even consistent with its own logic.
But anyone who has played Metal Gear knows that genetic determinism is complete nonsense and that humans are more shaped by social and environmental interaction than some random gene lottery.
Jack Hall
Actually yea genetic modification is something we should really stream line.
Scientific to increase productivity and make lives better, cultural to entertain and intellectually stimulate.
Colton Martinez
Joshua Roberts
Yeah. So? What's the point of that if we can't do what we want? Besides, if smart people and dumb people breed, who says that the average IQ falls? All it means is that more people move towards the middle, which indeed might increase technological development.
Tyler Martin
Holla Forums, I want to give you a hypothetical.
Lets assume for a moment that /x/ is right - aliens have better genes than anyone else and are the master race.
Would you say it's ok to prevent inter-racial breeding with the extraterrestrial race? Because if these master race genes become diluted, then surely that would be detrimental to society.
As a disclaimer, I am in no way a /x/eno, I dont believe the aliens are the master race at all, but it's a hypothetical I have been considering none the less.
Logan Gonzalez
Prevent as in ban by law? No. It would make sense for whites not to breed interracially but it shouldn't be illegal.
Joshua Moore
Why, sure. And if Stalin is right, you don't mind admiting you are a traitor of the revolution, do you?
all the BS in the world started with a "HYPOTHETICAL". And then some scientist set out to prove it right, no matter what the cost. And thus… Mengele happened
Jason Evans
I don't understand the hypothetical. How do we define better?
Levi Stewart
No, cuz im mixed race
Anthony Richardson
The quality of culture is subjective and has no correlation to IQ.
Isaiah Gray
yui i want your superior genes comrade
Alexander Thomas
No, because it's absurd to suggest that every single gene in a white person is better than its counterpart in a black person.
Even if Holla Forums were right about white superiority, it would still be sensible to have as wide a gene pool as possible to get the best chance of improvements through natural selection. The IQ difference they claim exists between races is much smaller than the variance of IQ within any single race, so irrelevant shiting would really have very little impact. Wealth is an infinitely more important factor than genetics for most of the metrics Holla Forums care about.
Matthew Williams
Wouldn't Holla Forumss narrative suggest we should all marry jews since they're apparently the master-race ruling over all us dumb goyim without none (except people who live in their mothers basement) even knowing?
Or am I missing something here?
Austin Roberts
fuck off pol
Jordan King
Remember kids, the white race didn't go to the moon, certain white people did.
The white race did not invent almost everything we have today, certain white people did.
A very small selection of white people were/are super intelligent. These were the scientists, architects, programmers, and mathematicians that instructed the OTHER, "less" intelligent white common folk to build everything they enivsioned. What, you think the Average Joe white guy knows how to instinctively build a steam engine or rocket without looking at the schematics that another, smarter white person drew? Come on fam, you're better than that.
In short, smart white people told less smart white people what to do because the latter are just smart enough to run the machines but just dumb enough to not learn how to build the machines they run.
Oliver Gonzalez
Well it's hard to win people over to your nonsensical dogma without creating a boogeyman to spook em.
Sure, they COULD just use the nonwhite races for that, but they're supposed to be dumb and weak. How are you supposed to make people fear objects of ridicule?
So that's when you reserve one race as inherently "evil," conniving menaces that, while intelligent and capable, are inherently "degenerate". Something to be afraid of.
Fuckin spooks, man. Fascists wouldn't survive without them.
Caleb Garcia
I literally don't care if some slank wants to ride dick and pop out a mullato kiddo.
Only thing I care about is owning the means of production.
Dummy spook
There are smart niggers and half niggers. Let them figure it out. It's not as though cleetus in Appalachia or Demarkus in Detroit contribute to scientific advancement anyway
Ian Foster
The problem in your thinking is that if your hypothesis is correct, then the diluted people would be worse than the original people. Mixing white paint with black paint doesn't give you white paint. Also,why do that in the first place?
Chase Thomas
No, why would I?
Landon Cox
I want crypto posadists to stay
Christian Martin
TIL genetics is like mixing paint.
Jaxson Morales
Let's just look at history.
If they're so much better, why is it that they didn't conquer the Caribbeans and assisted in the dilution of their own race by raping black slave women?
History blows apart this hypothetical. This begs the question of mulattos in America as well as the issues of race in the country that has plagued it for 400 years.
What's the use of having a masterrace if it's not used to its full potential?
Wyatt Watson
That would spread the good genes as far as possible, which, if they were truly superior, would have a selection advantage and then breed out the inferior genes.
Noah Robinson
Genes don't breed one another out. We take them both from our parents.
Gabriel Baker
Can w please just stop keeping pol/ sour time of day around here? Its bad enough there are all these threads and responses obviously made by them, we don't need to discuss them as wel. Cant we use any other example if we want to have an uncomfortable conversation about choice and/or eugenics in the post revolutionary era?
Jeremiah Garcia
I unfortunately don't give a fuck because white genes AREN'T inherently better than any other genes; white genes don't even EXIST, as race doesn't exist - there is only about 15% difference in human DNA, not nearly enough for "races" to be scientifically valid
Nicholas Campbell
that is to say, it's a pointless argument because it depends on a false assumption
Eli Morris
I find darkie music to be pretty entertaining. Not sue why, on the most basic level, the white culture is somehow superior or why it would be relevant at all when the majority of the worldwide proletariat would not be white
Jackson Moore
Wait, you don't believe that white people exist?
Xavier Watson
How does one dilute a gene no dumbass, you'd want more mixing to increase the frequency of intelligent genes
Charles Hall
Not as a race, pigmentation genes are not the same as intelligence genes Racism is just pseudoscience There's less genetic difference between human "races" than between different breeds of dogs
Hudson Fisher
it would literally tens of generations before you could measure the results of that though. bio-engineering makes it irrelevant
Logan Parker
You only believe the difference between races is pigmentation? A Pomeranian and a grey wolf are 99.5% the same.
Carter Robinson
No retard, you DECREASE the frequency of intelligent people in the initial population. If you mean in the world, then who cares about that.
Cameron Wood
It "literally" takes one generation for the mixing to happen. Bio-engineering babies (why are we even discussing this) is science fiction right now.
Isaac Hernandez
If every chink impregnated every white and black woman, the average I.Q. would dramatically increase. How many blacks do you think there are in the world compared to Chinese, Indian or Japanese people?
Jaxon Bell
The Germans are great for being an 105 IQ population, physically healthy and attractive, and of good nature, people. I think that keeping it this way works for me.
Jayden Reed
But according to the bell curve race theory, it could be way better of they increased their I.Q. by five or so points. Why do you deny your country a better life?
Cameron Morales
Aryanism is itself a political doctrine, not merely pseudoscience. If we lived in Holla Forums's world of course they'd be right.
Cameron Sullivan
Because justified imperialism and Orwellian control of personal life are so great. The idea that most Africans are literally borderline retards is only scientific insofar as no one has explicitly disproved it, and statistics purporting it have long since been debunked.
Oliver Torres
Personally speaking, I don't care about genes or chromosomes or other microscopic things. Nor do I care about IQ or "intelligence." I have misgivings about miscegenation based purely on aesthetics.
When non-blacks (europeans, asians of all kinds) mix with blacks (negroids) or other dark-skinned types, the most common outcome is that the attributes of the darker types end up dominant; this is especially the case for europids, resulting in someone who, simply put, does not look "white."
I can only presume, this is because dark colours and broad physical morphs are stronger or more apparent than lighter colours and gracile morphologies. The analogy is not perfect, but, if one has a can of light-coloured paint, then adds a can of dark paint, the resulting mix is always a darker colour; the original light colour is gone. Of course, there are exceptions or middle-grounds, but I don't think it can be denied that most mixed persons do come out on the darker side of the spectrum.
Again personally speaking, I don't know why any self-respecting person would want or accept their child's looks to represent a foreign heritage. This goes for all peoples; a black person shouldn't want their child to look less black/more white; and a white person shouldn't want theirs to look less white/more black. I don't like this notion of racial self-loathing.
Obviously, this doesn't really matter on an individual basis, but I don't want miscegenation to become so commonplace that humanity starts to lose its diversity and we all look the same; dark skin, dark eyes, dark hair. I don't want recognisable populations to disappear, overwhelmed by outside peoples; especially in regards to "whites," whom are already the global minority, with birthrates falling lower and lower.
Christopher James
Owen Barnes
we had this thread hundreds of times
someone post the screencap replies to BTFO, bumplock and ban OP and other stormfags
Isaac Hill
It's not a better life. Go to China. Then go to Germany.
James Gomez
for the love of fuck, just read a biological-anthropology book.
Nathan Williams
I want to fug this sexy alien motherfucker and there is nothing you can do about it. So no.
Jacob Davis
Don't pretend to know more than the man who discovered the Double Helix. You just don't like what he's saying, not who is saying it, or whether they have scientific credentials.
Ian Long
for fucks sake.
Matthew Barnes
Which one specifically you cunt?
Joseph Diaz
Hunter Bennett
Biological Anthropology: An Introductory Reader
its a good start, otherwise go to /freedu/ and look for the thread.
Zachary Cook
Why? Will that make me find negroid physiology more aesthetically pleasing and desirable?
Anthony Cruz
So what is your position on the matter after reading this book? Other than "read a book"? Did it make you any wiser?
read the book and get back to me. Maybe you'll be less of a fascist.
Alexander Parker
This is not how discussions work. Are you able to formulate your educated opinion or is it not so educated?
Wyatt Anderson
OK. I've read it and I agree with its content. Now what?
Connor White
What the hell do you want me to say exactly? " Did it make you any wiser?" The fuck should i know? I might be more fucking stupid by reading it but fuck if i know, how am i supposed to answer that? Yes, probably. I already read this kind of shit, its not tell me anything i dont already know. You, very obviously, dont. Their are thousands of resources at your finger tips, you just need to type in a few words in a search bar to find this shit. Am i your fucking tutor? Do the research yourself, or are you afraid you might actually learn something that challenges the way you already think? You have two options, either you are right and now you have more evidence to support yourself, or you are wrong and now have reason to change what you think but you'll never figure that out if you dont look for the information. You obviously have free time, your one here, so go do something constructive and stop asking stupid meaningless questions that cant have any constructive answer and learn something, then we can talk.
Adrian Roberts
No, you don't understand. I stated my opinion in the posts above. You told me to "read a book", but you won't tell my how they disprove my position. I'm waiting. That's if you want to have an argument. If you don't, that's fine.
Benjamin Gomez
What you said was not an argument, its a presupposition that because something someone said come's form someone who has "scientific credentials" supposes that w should just take what they say for granted even though nothing, absolutely nothing, that was said was quoted from James Watson.
Its like im talking to a fucking 5th grader.
Give me an argument.
Dylan Gray
That's wasn't my argument, that was my rebuttal to "read a book". I stated that people who have read much more, agree with my opinion which was stated above. So "read a book" isn't an argument. If you have a different scientific approach, tell us about it.
Tyler Cruz
The newly formed Equality and Human Rights Commission, successor to the Commission for Racial Equality, said it was studying Dr Watson's remarks "in full". Dr Watson told The Sunday Times that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really". He said there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but "people who have to deal with black employees find this not true".
His views are also reflected in a book published next week, in which he writes: "There is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so."
Kevin Sanders
Wyatt Wright
you know their have have been innovation's in the field of biology since the 1970's right? One guy who happens to be a scientist that agrees with you if not enough for a serious argument when their are much much more who disagree with you.
Isaac Adams
Tell me about them. Tell me what proof they have. I'm starting to believe you don't have anything.
Matthew Garcia
I assume some of them just don't want to see their face on the Guardian for doing "Hitler" science.
Kevin Turner
Justin Rodriguez
Owen Rogers
Those charts will undoubtedly make you angry, unless you have the political tools to address them.
I'm white and it made me angry that Asians are genetically smarter than me, at least in Math.
However I don't hate them for that.
I wish them happiness.
You need not deny the facts, but include them in your politics in a positive way.
First step should be: Segregation.
Easton Young
Not all asians are smarter. Im smarter than the avarage asian. The avarage asian is just smarter than the avarage white person, according to your graphs.
Henry Wood
Did you really need an IQ that big to make a stupid comment? We're obviously talking in GROUP terms. It says it right there on the first post: race.
Dylan Flores
However, I DO NOT DENY that minorities have and will get smarter as time goes on.
Owen Howard
Then why did you say "Me"?
Ayden Morgan
Robert Howard
Because I am, in fact, worse at math than many Asians.
For socioeconomic reasons. Society can't function justly and calmly with that much of a difference.
Jack Murphy
the only way is the systematic extermination of all white people
Jason Edwards
Then why would i want to be segregated with you?
I would rather tell all dumb people like you to fuck off.
John Morales
I can be a worker. Importing Asians for your Math and Latinos for your manual work is a) racist b) stupid. White people can do all.
Luke Gray
No thats not what I mean.
Why do you want to segregate based on race when there is so much overlap. If we're going to segregate anyway, i want to segregate based on IQ score of individuals, so I dont have to share a society with the likes of you.
Liam Carter
But even substituting your average whites for your superior Asians, would eventually lead to you living in an Asian or Asian-led society. Maybe in the future we can work something out with the Japanese, but for now we both have bigger problems
James Sullivan
Dude, I wouldn't mind. Give me that sweet sweet high tech, well run, orderly society with no dumb people. After a few generations, due to lack of difference in socioeconomic standing in a new society, we will have somewhat homogenised anyway.
What? Like dirty brown people?
Ryan Baker
It's very simple as to why you're wrong, but you're full of hate. Think about it in practical terms. A 150 IQ white with a 90 IQ white wouldn't do the same job. We can have eugenics in the future to drive the curve upwards. Asian won't "share" with you, they'll work for their own benefit.
Ethan Gray
They don't. Neither do "whites". In capitalism, its your own interest first.
Brayden Butler
Hardly the case. Crime rates in East Asian countries are higher than in white countries.
Luis Lee
I'm against capitalism, not because I'm an ideologue, but because it creates unnecessary tensions and failures. Blacks would be better off with their own State.
Matthew Cruz
Have you even looked at japan or south korea? They have really fucking low crime rates.
Not sure why im even arguing with someone who thinks people "work together" purely because of their phenotype.
Daniel Gomez
I don't think they do.
Austin King
I said, we could work some co-operation and controlled exchanges with them. There's no need for anarchy. And as I said, too soon.
Robert Lewis
Give me one good reason why segregation based on phenotype would even work.
Its even more retarded than ethnic nationalism. At least ethnicities actually do have a culture, values, language and customs in common.
Austin Hill
Nationalism is retarded. Phenotype is materialistic. By phenotype we mean proven achievement, given qualities, expected results. Do you believe in spooks or in reality?
Brandon Gonzalez
A phenotype is how you look you illiterate nazi.
Jeremiah Lewis
No, we don't. A phenotype (from Greek phainein, meaning "to show", and typos, meaning "type") is the composite of an organism's observable characteristics or traits, such as its morphology, development, biochemical or physiological properties, phenology, behavior, and products of behavior (such as a bird's nest).
Brayden Richardson
I think this must be ironic post of the year.
Jace Moore
There is always a need for anarchy.
Grayson Rivera
Angel Martinez
this tbh also can this cancerous thread die already?
Aaron Carter
It's cancerous because my fantasies aren't fulfilled Sad, tbh.
Sebastian Walker
Your qts will not sway the love of freedom.
Parker Gutierrez
Cooper Collins
At this point you are parroting your egalitarian mantra because you know I'm right. Watch as it slowly but surely matures into violence and despair.
Juan Collins
Benjamin Flores
You're acting like violence and despair aren't somehow integral to human existence.
Ryan Butler
wait I'm confused, can you explain your point, comrade?