National Holocaust Remembrance Day

National Holocaust Remembrance Day

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RIP 22 million Russians who died in the Holla cost

Press [F] to pay respects.


why does the us need an extra date for this?
on 04/27 there is an international remembrance day for this

because people died you fucking bigot


i know that, but why is there a special need in the us for an extra remembrance day? as i wrote there is an international remembrance day only a few days later.

i was only jokin m8 i dunno why
does seem redundant

After reading protocols of zion i am unable to think straight. The worst part about it i agree with every single word those filthy jews say. When i see goyims around me how they act like brainwashed NPCs jews deserve the power they have even thought they branwashed us. I mean we let it happen to ourselves. We are just cattle as they say. God have mercy on my soul for saying this.

which one?

At this point the god for me are jews.

Fuck off goon.
Holocaust never happened but it should have.

Okay, but first, you have to name them. All of them.

The funny thing is that assuming the Holocaust happened and the full 18 quadrillion Jews were gassed, this "master race" german is still defending the Jews who have utterly destroyed his country.

It's like he's fighting slightly inaccurate domestic violence statistics while hiding in the closet and the black bull is fucking and beating his wife.

I somehow do not find it surprising that a German is capable of such irony and lack of self-awareness.

here you go fam


Kirby is literally better than the Holocaust

tl;dr lulz

We now post the top Holocaust anti-revisionist arguments, and destroy them.

The Nazi-orchestrated Holocaust is itself a conspiracy theory. There is not a single piece of written evidence from the Nazis describing the killing of Jews. There is however an enormous amount written about deporting the Jews to Palestine. Holocaust conspiracy theorists claim that "deportation" was secret Nazi code language for "genocide". When you look at the details of how this genocide was supposedly carried out, it becomes perhaps the most outrageous conspiracy theory ever dreamed up.

That's true, but the word "exterminate" in both German and the original Latin mean "deport" or "make exit from the area". This was also the original meaning in English. Oddly, modern English usage has altered "exterminate" to mean "kill". It cannot be denied that the population of Jews in Palestine was skyrocketing during the Hitler administration (1933-1945), leading to the establishment of the Jewish State of Israel. Population figures do not suggest any sort of genocide of European Jews, but rather the relocation of European Jews to Israel, as well as to Britain, France, USA, and Australia.

Forensic research has found no traces of human decomposition in supposed mass graves at the camps. Photos allegedly showing Nazis putting Jews in mass graves are more often pictures of Russians. This is only apparent if you can tell the difference in the uniforms on a black & white image, which is not always easy. Because the average person is not an expert on identifying military uniforms, the average person just assumes what they are seeing is true.

explain Einsatzgruppen

oh wait turns out there was a active program to exterminate jews in the nazi ranks


Celebrate by having a neighborhood BBQ!

Oy vey goyim, remember the 6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (((people))) killed in the Shoah! My granmudda was personally crucified by Hitlah himself! I survived gassings 5 times! The ebil Nazis even masturbated me to death! Believe every word I say, stupid cattle, or you'll go to prison!

What's being ignored is that the Holocaust claims have been used prior. It was reported in newspapers that 6 million Jews would die in a Russian famine, and during the Russian Revolution. There was even claims that the Romans murdered 6 million Jews in the First Century. The 6 million number is actually a piece of Jewish religion. In the 19th Century, a movement called Zionism emerged, calling for the establishment of a Jewish state. In the Talmud, it's written that the Jewish Kingdom of Israel would only be restored after 6 million Jews were killed by fire. Propagating the Holocaust lie served the purpose of fulfilling the Talmudic prophecy of the 6 million deaths by fire, giving a Biblical legitimacy to what would otherwise be regarded as the Jewish invasion of British-controlled, Arab-populated Palestine.

What's being ignored are the outrageous claims made at Nuremberg. Early claims made by the US Psychological Warfare division have been debunked, such as that the Germans were manufacturing shrunken heads; and lampshades, gloves, and soap made of Jewish skin; and mattress made of Jewish hair. There's pictures surviving WWII showing Jews with their own camp orchestras, soccer teams, and arts & crafts classes. At the trials, testimony was taken as fact from Jewish witnesses who claimed that the Nazis built fountains which spouted blood, and that when Jews were being incinerated, the smoke from chimneys billowed different colors (red, blue, green, yellow) depending on the burning Jew's national origin (German, Polish, Hungarian, etc).

True enough, but starvation doesn't take 6 years. When the Allies began to encroach into Germany territory in 1945, they strategically cut supply lines in Germany. This meant the shipments of food and medicine could no longer reach the camps. As a result, Jews and Germans alike went weeks without eating. When the Allies arrived, they found both Jews and Germans emaciated. The Germans were more often shot than arrested. The Jews were more often fed too much food too soon, causing them to die from the sudden shock from eating too much after being malnourished.

LOL great job uncovering this """"""""conspiracy""""""" neo nazitards what's next? Americans are seemingly obsessed with freedom too much? fuck off to germany if you want to larp as a past genocidal loser party.

7 and 12 are pretty autistic

immigrants commit less crime on average than an american citizen



Also secure borders doesn't mean
It means you come in legally or go die.


feels good to not be racist!

lol I bet that works in your redneck echochambers but thankfully not everyone is as irrational as you fags

also the reason we have ICES and Tally Van in the first place is because dumb white people in washington funded them to destabalize other countries in a fit of insecurity and douchebaggery in the first place. so refugees are a problem you fucking made.

I'm fine with immigration you autist. I'm not ok with middle eastern desert donkeys coming in illegally and then raping a 10 year old girl and saying "muh culture" and then getting away with it and also getting 2k in cash and spending it on a fucking assault rifle and a van to run people over in the streets to yet again, be let off.
It's done so well in Europe, hasn't it?
I am to blame for the American governments bull shittery they made while living in England. Perfect sense making. Before you say it, yes obviously we shouldn't have destabilised a bunch of countries but the government doing things and then the common people taking the blame and attacks for it, is not how it fucking works you stupid faggot.

1. Is nationalism supposed to be a bad thing for everyone? Or just for white people?

2. Every non-white country has a right to not be invaded by white countries, yet white countries are denied this right, unless the country is fascist.

3. Every ideology identifies enemies. It's interesting that Capitalists, Liberals, Conservatives, Socialists, Communists, and Libertarians all consider Fascism to be enemy number one.

4. Militaries are strongest under liberalism and conservatism, as both use the military as an imperial force to cause disruption in other countries, while claiming they are spreading democracy, liberating fascist regimes, supporting human rights, fighting injustice; all while killing millions.

5. Suppressing rampant decadence such as public urination during gay pride parades is not sexism.

6. Who controls the media in non-fascist countries? When has fascism ever found a voice in mass media?

7. Seeing as national security is the single most important function of government, how can it be called "obsessive"? Even the Preamble to the US Constitution speaks of securing the nation.

8. Liberalism and conservatism are far better examples of religion mixing with government. Liberals project a strong universalist moralism which has its origins in Judaism and Catholicism, while conservatism is overrun by Evangelical Christians and Zionist Israel-worshipers.

9. Again, corporations are far more protected by liberals and conservatives, who open the nation's borders to cheap labor and use the military to bring American commerce and banking to foreign countries.

10. Fascists were historically supported by unions. This is quickly seen by the rise of the German Worker's Party, who are now called the Nazis. Fascist protectionist policies are what labor unions most often support.

11. When intecllectualism is spurious, yes. When the arts include painting made of shit, yes. But look at the architecture of the Third Reich and the innovative ideas of the Volkswagen. Fascists are very supportive of useful intellectualism that is practical, and art which is positive and uplifting.

12. Just like national security, you're called "obsessive" when you just want to make a safer world for people to live in. How can any Western democracy not think crime is a major problem that's not being solved by liberals and conservatives?

13. Liberals and conservatives are far better. "It's not a bug, it's a feature" of all Western democracies.

14. This one is really funny considering all the corruption coming to light that the Clinton campaign was involved in to rig the primaries against Bernie Sanders and the general against President Trump.

lol europe is fine

I bet you believed all the cologne rape gang migrant fake news from alt right sites didn't you


typical pol debunked dribble

when will white people learn to be less sociopathically insecure before everyone will actually turn against them

You debunked the Volkswagen?


This is bait. The German govt has out and admitted that hundreds of women were assaulted.


LOL nobody believes this anymore you dumb pasty cunt. western nations were built on the blood and resources of minority nations. Any infrastructure that was left behind was just there to steal shit faster.

and you have the gall to balk at a migrant or two when everything you built was stolen, enslaved or oppressed them

fuck off outta here

You forgot the illegal entry and continuous attacks on the population using Islam as a shield, with it working and receiving gib me dats.

We can't do anything about the past you autist, just because something happened doesn't mean the immigrants today can just up and wipe out western civilisation.

3rd world was not a concept back then. It changed things, for better or worse is hard to say. Lots of people died, though.

Immigration definitely makes things way, way better though. That is, if you're the elite who can profit off of a complete saturation of low-education jobs, increased demand for housing etc. If you're not, of course, you'll see no benefit during your lifetime.

You're joking, right? How did nordic countries play any major role in the new world during the age of discovery?

I will never fail to suppress my laughter at the pro-illegal immigrant people when they fail to reconcile the fact that when you have illegal status you have absolutely no protection from the department of labor against exploitation, indentured servitude, etc.

how about stop pushing shitty racist white systems which is clearly not working any more

lmao also debunked typical white bullshit. I'm sorry but the history written to prop up white people isn't real

Prove it is debunked.


only less than 1% of people where slave owners.

You're right, the Irish, the Polish, the Japanese, the Chinese, and the Italians were NEVER EVER EVER discriminated against and OUR historical view is the one that is skewed. It is ONLY niggers who have ever been treated badly, ever!

Go on sites that isn't pol

If irishmen could get up to normal living conditions after slavery, why black people, that also where slaves, couldn't?
Why we should pay for one but not for the other?

oh you have to answer to them too

that percent of the wealthy elite and the backbone of early american economy you mean

Here we go again, stop looking at the past you shitbag. The present is what matters, just because blacks were slaves (so were whites, asians, koreans, irish, *insert every other type of human here*) in the past doesn't mean that black people all of a sudden can be racist today, it's illogical.

irish were oppressed but later turned into white people when racist americans needed allies to discriminate more against. no one treats them other than white now


hahaha nope.


Are you dumping your strawman comic folder?


So niggers benefit from slavery too, don't they?

Then why are nigger jokes funny?

Our ancestors were all extremely fucked up and most likely racist, those who agreed with slavery are all in your opinion, sick disgusting people including yourself, your family because you also come from a line of people who agreed with slavery.

The slavers benefit you faggot, if you're a slave you don't benefit believe it or not. The point is though, every single fucking race enslaved another race. Just because the blacks were enslaved once does not give them the right to be racist, the same goes for literally all sides.

No, I'm british

Then niggers benefit from irish slavery. Why aren't they paying for it?

LOL. also its called a free sexual market. don't be butthurt if you can't compete without trying to enforce racist fascism to get a blonde barefoot virgin into your kitchen as a sex slave

what else would you call them?

lmao no.


I'm also british, unless you didn't get what I meant by slaver, I meant the slave owner. They benefit. I don't know much about history but I'm sure British people also enslaved at some point.

because it's in the past and some people understand what happened in the past, happened in the past.
Holy shit, have we reached a level of new understanding? The past is the past and is not the present? Allah Christ, this is new to me.

No, it's that minorities cannot sustain civilized societies. That is the problem. Mexico could not run the world well, they are too stupid, lazy, greedy, and prone to drug use and violence. Proof? Look at their fucking country.

Niggers also could not run the world. They are too stupid, lazy, greedy, and prone to drug use and violence. Proof? Look at their FUCKING COUNTRIES.

Asians could ABSOLUTELY run the world, and it is a shame for civilization's sake that we are not being "replaced" by them. They are generally more orderly, more intelligent, educate themselves more highly, and are innovators on a global scale. Proof: LOOK AT THEIR FUCKING COUNTRIES

Not every race is equal. Some are worse than others, and some are UTTER garbage.

Their actions in their own countries, and their actions towards their own people (fucking ABANDONING their homes and families in pursuit of white man's money) are proof enough.

Stay mad Holla Forums.

What about chinese contamination, armenian genocides, russian genocides under comunism, chinese genocides under comunism, muslim sexism, turkish slavery of europeans, subsaharan extermination of whites.


this is the real conspiracy being pushed down your throats white narratives and white protagonists never humanizing minorities or telling minority stories. this is the bullshit brainwashing Americans should stand against

What is that chart?

lol this never gets old.

That may be due to the whole, 70% white population thing, dunno though.

race demographics of media

Europeans shouldn't be replaced by asians

He meant the source most likely.



They shouldn't, but the fact of the matter is that they are shoe-horned in with "minorities" when they are CLEARLY not equal to niggers or spics in EVERY meaningful aspect. Whether it is empirical science, contributions to the arts, or sustainable societal structures.

Why are subhumans like subsaharians or jews allowed to racially cleanse but we aren't?

Can someone post charts to prove the leftard wrong?

Why aren't you answering?

hollywood is a global industry if you're going to pull the population card

either way that doesn't mean they should keep going as the racist propaganda machine for white people

jeez just google

#hollywoodsowhite didn't become a hashtag for no reason you know you under the rock dwelling anons

this is whats great with talking with white people. they always reveal themselves to be lying deceitful hypocrites or inherent defective sociopaths

no one's going to post it because I'm right :^)

half of those are famine related shit

well you fucking brutalized and oppressed them turning them into brutality themselves. what did you expect

You're doing a good job of pretending to be retarded. I hope it's actually worth your time.

Romans and greeks are the best.


The movies are catered towards the US population and then exported.

Obviously, chinese movies will have chinese characters



The top image is a sustainable model for uncivilized society. We admire the raw competition that took place there.

The bottom is not a sustainable model for civilized society. We do not admire raw competition such as pillaging in places with office buildings. It does not belong in this time period.

You are conveniently admitting niggers are several hundred years behind white people in terms of development.

Ball is in your court.

He's paid per reply, probably.

The armenian genocides and turkish slavery aren't famine related.

Well maybe there were 6,000,001.
Who knows? Oy vey!

non whites amirite


what in the fuck would make you think that? he's just some schmuck with nothing better going on in his life, just like you. he doesn't actually believe what he posts.

m8 it's just shitposting…

or alternately 8/10, you got me

Columbus was a jew, you dumb kike.

b-but b-but the white man d-did it!

Can all the Holla Forums faggots in this thread kill themselves immediately? You're ten times the cancer Holla Forums could EVER be. If you hate whites so much, pick up the gun and start with yourself.



100 million, 12million? So how many million, looks like you be pulling a jew move with the poor Indains.


kill yourself, everyone of your "redpills" is an outright lie. now call me burger because the only way you can respond is by making me a strawman


I'm pissed at Hitler, he could have killed all the jews but he went to war instead. Imagine the nazi machine sticking to the one important task of snuffing out the jewish threat.
If he had done that we would be celebrating Adolf Hitler day every year.
