How does it feel to know that Trump has turned out to be a legit moderate president?
Not in his words, but in his accomplishments. I don't know about you, but I am pretty relieved.
How does it feel to know that Trump has turned out to be a legit moderate president?
Not in his words, but in his accomplishments. I don't know about you, but I am pretty relieved.
I'm jew
you must be one of those weirdos hanging on who unironically call him daddy
Holla Forumsacks still can't see the difference between what a person says and what he actually does. Neither can you, apparently. And *I* am not defending him, I am merely pointing out that a majority of Americans are increasingly happy with what he has done (as distinct from what he has said he has wanted to do). A lot of people, both left and right, were afraid that he would be a tyrannical and dangerously polarizing president. but that was based on the things he said, and how he was portrayed in the media. Now that people are realizing that not only is the sky not falling but that he is turning out to be not all that bad, establishment voters are realizing that they were led astray by his negotiating and salesmanship strategies, as well as by the media. So I am not defending him, I am merely relaying newly established facts.
Secondly, you can look at Holla Forums as being representative of the American people if you want to, but you will have a very hard time defending *any* 8ch board as being truly representative of the nation as a whole, but /pol in particular is obviously an extremely isolated bit of social fringe. A national poll based in Washington DC (where Clinton got over 90% of the popular vote, btw) that shows Trump's support nationally is going to be much more accurate.
samefag hereā¦I didn't vote for him btw.
post those Bernie numbers and feel it faggot.
He wasn't even in the election! You are more delusional than I realized!
Enough of them did to win her the popular vote.
Wasn't it you who was talking about being unable to hide regret and embarrassment just a few posts ago? And now you are backtracking on your support of "anyone but Trump".
Pot, meet kettle.
Kettle, meet pot.
people voting AGAINST Trump more than FOR Hillary imo
Haven't posted on this board in weeks but good try.
Is moderate synonymous with anti-freedom?
Communism isn't moderate left, it's full on extremist left.
It's hard to trust Trump after the shitshow with Bannon and Syria. I still prefer him over any other candidate, I just don't think he will be anti-Establishment candidate I thought he was going to be.
You keep talking like there was a better option. Trump is shit but is still the best option there was.
Shareblue being this assblasted
Trumps done pretty much everything I've hoped & MORE.
I figure they must be pretty happy about it, right?
The people you're mad at aren't even liberal. Democracy is a liberal value, but they're mad that someone who cheated in the primary election lost. Freedom of speech is a liberal value, but they are trying harder than nazis to ban words they don't like. These people don't even care about economics, so you can't even call them communist (though they like to call themselves that for some sort of fake cred). They promote identity politics as a divide and conquer method of keeping people from even thinking that the rich or the system in general might be screwing them as not-rich people (remember how identity politics killed Occupy Wall Street). They were mad that Trump was nominated when he was by far the most moderate Republican Candidate.
SJWs aren't liberal. They are left wing, but they aren't liberal. The term Regressives works much better to describe their puritan values.
I elected trump if only to piss off the elite left and their mutant followers
But i wanted literally Hitler!!!
I want Link's boipucci
His approval rating is at 35% and falling.