Hottest Bitch You Want

Holla Forums

Whats your dream woman look like?

pic related.

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On crip cuh




she doesn't bust her ass 9-5 sorting through cover sheets and graphs to be called a child.







ffffffffffuck sauce

come on senpai, can't find anything



Dat ass, oh my…


Either a Siberian husky or a German shepherd, OP



I lold.


pic related

how old is Tanya now?

Way too old for the pedos on here, about 20.

It is nice knowing that she is still doing what she loves though

You could tell she was made to be a model from when she was little

Looking good, tbh

Got any of her pussy?
Or spread butthole?

She has dJuan and only dJuan softcore.
As far as anyJuan knows.

She looks better now imo

Hawt damn!
Thanks for showing me that, user

I've been faping to her for awhile now. I'm five years older than her. Back then she was some poor little Russian girl taking fotos in her panties for mJuany. Now she's Russian model.

Damn! I once had a picture of a guy fucking his labrador retriever that said "If you need me I'll be in my lab". Fucking hard drive crashes.

When she was younger or her newer Juans? Both?



What's special about it?

What's with the Juan's instead of Juan's?

filtered for some reason

without the tat and piercing, pretty much this.

most definitely

Both cuh.

a non-exclusive pedo?

There's a term for that? I guess you could refer to my sexuality in that way. I could be can called an afficiando of the female species.

More like aficionado of the little girl species, right user?

photoshop of elizabeth marxs

she would never fuck me

Bustypetite redheads
bonus points for pale skin, fair eyes are a must.

Absolute win scenario are
Bustypetite 17yo twins with super pale skin, heterochromatic dark blue - jade green eyes and braces.

This is why we need to speed the fuck up with genetic engineering. I'm not getting any younger

Pass on the braces but I agree 200% with everything else you said. Cute redheads are god tier.

Pls post more senpai!

maybe later, this is just from my mobile stash

You like big breasts huh?
Mah nigga

Well if you know how to remove it with photoshop, I would appreciate it because I agree.


Have few more kouhai

Fuck Yea!

Fat tiddies, bitty waist, and an ass to slap.

This is the best in life


You can't just grow a bitch in a tube and fug it.

Not yet

That is the only proper answer.

bitch…get it.

I like the soft ones.

Actually any slut would be good right now.


Got a gf like her once. One of the best fuck I've ever had.
By the way the full video is hot as hell.

gotta agree, def not gay

especially midsection on the 3rd, and that ass on 4th are HNNNNNNNNNNG

The 2nd one is too muscular for me. Those quads are not really feminine and that V makes her look like a tranny.

I would fuck the other 4 on the spot through

Yandex finds literally anything and everything.
Fuck google.


Damn, that would feel sooooo good.
like fucking a marshmellow





Redheads are nice, but I only like natural redheads. Any girl who's got dyed hair is trash.
Also, last pic's got a bulge. I really hope that's either major cameltoe or a dildo.





brunette looks like a coworker of mine slightly, fug

i wish

what girl masturbates with a jizz-rag laid out on the floor?

You fell for it

so amazing
How can I find a girl like this to let me fuck her?

Best choice

ripped girls are not attractive for me

My boner has transcended space and time.

She only has four fingers like a Simpsons character.

Okay, please tell me what movie this from.



Bless you.





your mom


Don't judge Holla Forumsros



keep dreaming.

we'll all be free one day…

We can only dream

Sorry I didn't see your message before.

Those milk tanks





go away with this disgusting shit

What disgusting shit?

It's okay to be unsecure enough to prefer 2D underaged body type over real curvy women. Nobody judges you.


We should try to be understanding, maybe he had an unfortunate experience with his mother.

not insecure at all, just disgusted by disgusting things

What's disgusting about an adult woman?


This is why I SAGE these kind of threads…


>>>/nofap/ you degenerates

So, do you you just go thread to thread and post this shit? fucking shill

if you want nofap to get raided again, you're going the right way about it kiddo

that doesn't happen in the movie but the movie is called "office space" still a bretty gud movie

the searsh engine itself is great, dindu they had image searsh 🤔

who is she?

Who is she?
Would inseminate







Of course I could find the picture, just that there wasn't a name anywhere

fuck, I knew someone this perfect couldn't be real. Doesn't look like her anyway.

amazing body, but belongs in the butterface thread

If you say so.


Nice tuck job

What ever happened to him? Did he an hero?

this isn't a butterface thread, faggot

Anti-sage engaged.


but no one sage'd



I'd pay at least 40 schmeckles to tear his boi pucci apart.

What's his name?

Anti sagers aren't very smart.

That's the hottest trap since Baily Jay, holy crap.

I think he goes by Kalindra

Should have gotten on estrogen at a younger age it's 2017 there is NO EXCUSE for having hips like that come on

idk. i like being alone and it would be hard if i had a gf

I guess this goes to show how straight I am. I only find the fringest of the fringe traps attractive (the ones that honestly look like women).

Well yeah, trannies are medical abominations - our brains never evolved to deal with "chick with benis", so if they possess all of the secondary sexual characteristics of a woman, a straight man will find them attractive. I'd argue that due to the oversaturation of porn, the fact that they're men just makes it "exciting" due to novelty and deviance.

Never change Holla Forums. I love you. some homo


This. I find degeneracy sexually appealing. gas the kikes, race-war now


thats not how it works

I love you too sir

Straight men find women attractive. If you find 2d porn or photographs of women to be attractive, it's the same fucking thing. If you see someone who for all intents in purposes looks like a woman, how is your brain going to distinguish?

holy shit, magine the back pain she must feel, with those 2 huge milk tanks

To a pedo? Everything. They can´t handle an adult woman


That's a fucking dude? Holy cow, i was tricked and now my boner is confussed. Am i gay now?


Who gives a shit?

I'm just saying, from a female point of view, it must be hard. I care about females, not like you. You insensitive, fuck.

Be /fit/ fag because feminism says so.
Go to some "fat acceptance" event.
Buy her a pizza.

Go back to >>>/reddit/ specifically AskWomen

More you flippin homosexual.

I second that

you're welcome.


Want to see her take black cock. She is built for it tbh.


There is only one thing that ruins her for me. The tattoos.

she's built to take some huge things inside her. that pussy could probably swallow a soda bottle with how wide her hips are. shame the pictures only ever show her being fucked by some 5 inch needle dick loser

She doesn't have an impressive face, so it's not shown, but the body's pretty damn good

make your own memes and/or get the fuck out

Is there any law prohibiting the use of old autitis memes? Fag lord

The newfags just get bothered when they see memes from before their times.

Wow, buddy, you sure are a huge fucking faggot bitch

This gook slave is just asking to get raped in the nearest restroom by conquering white cock

Get out of here you king of autism
21. Original content is original only for a few seconds before getting old
22. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality
23. Copypasta is made to ruin every last bit of originality
You should look into becoming an hero



Her body is off the charts, but her face screams that shes a stuck up, high maintenance and hard to please bitch.

ITT: 3dpd
You all disgust me.

wow he has a flag, used a lot of red and greentext and posted a chinese cartoon picture, you must be the more experienced ib user and thus correct by default

Would wife and colonize newly acquired lebensraum with/10

Who would have known?



i have actually had a debate with a friend like this once about traps


those degenerates will always look like men dressing womens clothes&makeup irl. the images that can be found on internet are heavily edited to look like that or sometimes just a shitty edit like putting a cock in some random image.

where do you think we even are, user?


getting back on track

I dunno user. Some men look pretty girlish to begin with.


The internet makes you gay user, just you wait.





She's the perfect woman. I wonder how it makes women feel to know that men can do everything better than women, even "being a woman". But then I remember that I absolutely do not care about the feelings of women, and I go back to my hobby of facilitating a worldwide rape culture.

Ok faggot we get it. You want dick in your ass.

Woman detected. Show your fish-gash, honey, or GTFO.



O Bumma

I picture slavs getting baptised in white adidas cloths


Fuck Yeah! Hee hee hee! Stripper broom Dancer Witches FTW! Hee hee hee!

What the fuck is wrong with her face?

you disgust me

looks like a wax doll

You 2D weeaboos are the most pathetic people possible in those boards.


Nothing, you just need new eyes.


She's the cutest, most beautiful child I've ever seen.

I would fuck the shit out of an ugly woman with big tits like this.

sauce required

I just want to lay my head on her lap and suck her tits while she lazily jacks me off and lightly sings in her native language

Lewd and hot

You're my kind of scum! Hee hee hee!

Me…? Scum?



Go back to your 3dpd children you faggot. 4chan along with other english imageboards came into existence because of 2d weeaboos. Because of the fact that you are one of us, you therefore are just as pathetic as the people you claim us to be. Just because you set yourself among us makes you just as much of a faggot as us.

Keep telling you that to make you feel you're a part of a community, instead of being the lonely pathetic waifu pillow-fucker you are.

no offense :^)

I can't afford a waifu pillow even if I wanted one.
I'm not joking, m00t was a weeb and that's why he made 4chan, He wanted to discuss anime and manga in a time when Something Awful's FYAD board didn't allow discussion of anime and manga. He promptly was banned afterwards for discussing the topic (indirectly). He decided to go full weeb and make the site like futaba channel, an anonymous imageboard.
If you tell yourself otherwise, then you are lying to yourself. Lonely, maybe, but pathetic? Not really, unless you count landscaping to be pathetic, not to mention amateur racing as a hobby. Not taking offense, but just laying it down.
Here's some hentai to make you one of us.