Well, it came out. Civil War II is such a shitshow that threads for that event have just STOPPED, despite there being tons of tie ins and 3 full issues to go. Why care about this then? Well, it's not written by Bendis, so you don't know for SURE it's going to be bad.
Will Marvel finally kill all the X-Men due to Ike Perlmutter being a dickless cuck? I guess we'll see.
For the love of christ get some fucking model sheets at Marvel and FOLLOW THEM. Carol goes through the same shit with every artist, completely different every time.
And now half of a Cuckoo's hair is missing. This is fucking cat Beast but for everyone now. No one knows how short haired women look so they just randomly draw anything.
Jace Clark
Welp, Scott died. Time paradox. Fission Mailed.
Kayden Cook
I haven't been following Marvel recently. Is it really that bad?
Parker Cooper
The Inhumans make it out okay. Yay…
Joshua Carter
When I look back on it, I know for a fact the X-Men have saved the world, or even reality, more times than the Inhumans have.
Yes. It's at least as fucking stupid as the first Civil War AND it's boring as shit. The X-Men tie in was good, and the Spiderman tie in seems okay. Most of the rest I could do without.
Jason Evans
What in god's name is this art.
Ian Carter
So, after these 4 issues, the big throwdown event starts up. And, unlike Civil War 2, both sides seem to have a REASON TO FIGHT.
Hudson Hall
Whatsamatter, user?
Sebastian Wright
Why are they so intent on destroying their comic line?
Aaron Ward
Same reason they got rid of the Fantastic Four. Ike Perlmutter is a faggot that isn't allowed to ruin the movies, so he carries his personal grudge against Fox into ruining the books. One day that cocksucker will be dead, and we'll probably get the X-Men back.
Bentley Myers
God what is wrong with crystals hair
Christopher Jones
Haven't you heard, user? The CURRENT YEAR trend is to make everyone look as unattractive as (in)humanly possibly. Female characters especially! The male gaze is, like, really toxic, see?
Matthew Bennett
And yet, no Jewgag has been uttered on this thread. Strange, innit?
Dylan Richardson
Jeremiah Young
I've really not kept up at all. Why is Scott not in a jail cell? Just read up why and all it said was That is not a good enough reason for me.
That seems like too many but I know nobody cares. If it is that many a little island off the coast of new york isn't big enough, their island should be about the size of New Jersey. It would act like an actually large thriving country. I think something that scale full of enhanced people would be rife with neat story telling possibility. Something to actually try and flesh out. Not a constant stream of
Mason Smith
He also died in secret wars, some one at marvel has a real hate boner for him.
Ryan Hernandez
Does the mist only kill awakened mutants or does it kill people with the potential to become mutants as well? Well if it doesn't kill people with the potential to become a mutant and if they also have the potential to become inhuman as well, then they could be the .000000000000000000000001% person get both Inhuman and mutant powers? Also, they would probably be the cure for the other mutants as well, might be a way for Marvel to undo the fucktard era.
Lincoln Stewart
I think it combined with a lot of other shit ever since M Day means there are no more potential mutants. Or whatever series of reasons Marvel has concocted to explain why they will never make another new character that Fox can have the rights to.
How many fucking mutants have they killed off in the last decade?
Justin Murphy
This whole thing is so stupid. We know Goldballs survives, we know the "war" has little to no effect on the Inhumans, we know there's no cure, and we know the Inhumans are never punished for their reckless disregard for safety. What Blackbolt did is just as bad as anything Magneto has ever done and yet everyone is buddy buddy with the Inhumans (why aren't Magik and Beast on Magneto's side in CW2 if they witnessed this?)
And there's so much willful stupidity to make the plot work. Blackbolt releases the mist on the world, what happens when someone's power is emanating nuclear radiation or a death factor? Scott and team walk into what they know is a dangerous situation, but just walk around breathing in an unknown gas for at least half an hour, but probably more. Hydra has gunships but doesn't take the opportunity to open fire when the opposing force are clustered and immobile. WHY IS EVERYTHING GARBAGE?!
Says "Heh", follows with the verbal equivalent of *teleports behind you*, wears skull themed mask, works for Nazi off-shoot. Is Hydra recruiting and arming 13 year-olds off 4chan?
Eww, I get that the Cuckoos do things to differentiate themselves, which includes doing trendy things sometimes, but it always seemed to me they had a degree of class. Also retarded from a character design standpoint, because one of the Inhumans has the exact same hair, just on the other side.
As an aside, how are the Cuckoos not some kind of board mascot. They have "cuck" in the name and everything.
Julian Harris
We've all been Hydra agents at some point. It's just a phase everyone goes through.
Don't encourage these people.
Kevin Harris
So hey, you guys all know that this book is leading into Inhumans vs X-Men in December, right? Did you know that IvX is going to be going up against Justice League vs Suicide Squad in the same month?
And did you know that DC recently dropped the price for JLvSS to $3.99 per issue while still keeping each individual issue at 40 pages in length?
Just thought some anons might find the news interesting.
Gavin Nguyen
has hydra become a joke at this point? They went from take over the world nazi villains to domestic terrorists.
Gabriel Rodriguez
Well, I don't know how seriously they've EVER been taken. I remember an Iron Man issue from the 80s where Iron Man and Hulk busted up a conflict between AIM and Hydra. The police that cleaned up and dragged all the agents away referred to them as "the buckethead guys and the pajama guys".
I think if you really looked back on the entire history of them, the only people who took Hydra really seriously was Hydra.
Elijah Bell
Isn't it established that exposing potential Inhumans to the Mists without properly and rigorously testing them has a severe risk of creating inhuman Inhumans? Why are they being so reckless and stupid?
Hunter Lee
Levi Smith
that art reminds me of the president Loki art for some reason.
Isaac Baker
If anything Hydra got taken more seriously when 'terrorist' became something more than COBRA.