Holy fucking shit this series is nice. I didn't even know you were allowed to make jokes like this in comics without apologizing first.
There's a lot of subtle references to pop culture, and some of it's in your face and some of it's so buried, you might not even think or care about it. An example would be how Bedrock used to be infested with Tree People until they were cleared out in the war and the city was built there. The school Pebbles and Bam Bam go to has a football team called the Fighting Tree People. This is a subtle reference to the Redskins.
I'm liking this series a lot, but I'm just waiting until they make a "wrong" joke and then the entire staff has to be fired after a twitterstorm.
Why just two pages instead of storytiming the latest issue?
William Campbell
Took me a minute.
Landon Parker
Oh, hey, this week's issue is already out? Let's see what it's about…
Damn, wish I had the time to storytime it at the moment. If nobody else has put up the issue by the time I'm off work, I'll do it.
John Carter
Alright, home from work now. Let's get this storytime underway.
Ayden Allen
Daniel Perez
Lucas Rogers
Jason Adams
Matthew Carter
I felt my ribs breaking from laughing too much.
I think the best parts were the tools n furniture animals, the whole marriage retreat thing, and the moral.
Brayden Cooper
Tyler King
I liked some of the small details, myself. Like the fact that Pebbles is having Fruity Pebbles for breakfast in the second page of , or the fact that one of the sabretooth tigers was smoking a cigarette in the flashback at the beginning.
Landon Nelson
Sometimes Fred Flintstone breaks my fucking heart.
Jonathan Brown
At first I thought it's a super dark comic where the kitchen devices kill the Flintstones. Now I'm disappointed.
Bentley Watson
This is CURRENT YEAR mentality in a nutshell.
James Ross
I kinda flinch at all these darker reboots of oldies, but this was a lot better than I expected.
Evan Gray
The fucking black dude, holding the "God hates dads" Sign, my fucking sides
Leo Bell
The garbage disposal is supposed to be a Pig like creature, not a reptile
Can somebody mega.nz these?
Nathaniel Bailey
Hopefully this slips under the radar, like the continued existence of Commando comics is doing. They're already pretty salty about DC's new "conservative" (not as leftist as Marvel) direction, this will alter the PH of the ocean.
Josiah King
The fact that this is conservative for comics speaks miles.
Michael Miller
Is this comic openly making fun of the hypocrisy of the black & LGBT community? Ether This comic has balls. Or DC trying to profit from conversativism. Is too uncanny.
William Gonzalez
im growing tired of this flashback gimmick it seems that the only purpose is to repeat the moral in capital letters in case you are to stupid to figure it out
Cooper Clark
But, like points out, it's not REALLY a conservative book. This particular issue takes a lot of shots at conservative ideas as well, because a lot of people do care about meaningless shit just because they grew up with or without it. Overall, it's probably a bit more left of the middle than anything else.
They only got so many pages, so I don't mind it yet. I figure at least these first 6 issues are a lot about establishing the characters and where they've been before this. I'm hoping we get to learn more about Barney and Betty soon, though.
Gabriel Harris
What caught me off guard was all the race jokes poking fun of blacks. I never saw that in a mainstream American comic before.
Christopher Adams
Nolan Wilson
The science is too real.
Benjamin James
I think that about covers everything; examining the institutions of society as if they were being invented today, and the resulting absurdities. The social commentary comes rather naturally out of that.
Also, lol at the gay couple being literally Adam and Steve.
Andrew Edwards
At this point, it's radical to say "You can't just expect people to accept something that's strange, weird and scary to them with browbeating, you have to make your case and appeal to them".
Alexander Cooper
Hey guys! What are you talking about?
Brody Howard
That's always been a radical idea to a certain set of people.
Daniel Walker
Adam Wood
Boy, do I hope so.
Colton Parker
I just realized… Bedrock hasn't even invented racial lines yet.
Jordan Stewart
A vacuum cleaner who lives alone in the dark emerges into the light and becomes "friends" with a bowling ball. I was not expecting this to be a touching moment in this comic or any comic for that matter.
The young Fred flashback for A&S is nice and it could be the possible reason for why gay males actually exist
there is research that shows that if the same woman conceives many pregnancy that produce baby boys, her immune system reacts with the male fetuses brain (due to the foreign Y chromosome) and gets stronger with each successive pregnancy increasing the chance of her having a baby boy who may grow up to be gay and back then in that time period not breed and stop competing with other males for females.
Kayden Sanders
I lost my shit when I read that line. I bet I looked like a god damn maniac for laughing that hard in a public library.
This series and the KFC promo are my favorite comics today.
Jaxon Ramirez
It's a bad idea to assume everything the body does has some kind of evolutionary purpose, as it's pretty clear biology is basically random chance and whatever manages to live long enough to breed. But that does kinda make sense.
Nicholas Stewart
the Flintstones Post apocalyptic fan theory might be canon with this series
Aaron Davis
This is awesome. Not only is the art appealing but the writing is stellar, filled with both hilarious jokes and insightful commentaries. I really hope this gets story-timed on a regular basis whenever new issues are released.
Michael Jackson
One issue opens with a flash-forward to modern day, though.
Justin Price
Does anyone know how the series is doing sales-wise? I saw on comichron that there was a huge bounce in sales from July (40,000+) to August (less than 20,000), but no more info.
Dominic Gonzalez
What? is it Flintstones or Flinstones?
Grayson Jackson
Mandela effect
Andrew Walker
Flin-stones makes no sense as a caveman pun though
Parker Kelly
Parker Campbell
homosexuality is an abomination
Nathan Roberts
Humans could eventually rebuild a future future that looks exactly like the present.
Jack James
Abomination confirmed for gay
James Campbell
This fucking series I come in for the cheap jabs at our current year society and funny animals doing things they're not supposed to do, not to have existential crises
I just think they're passing cuck ideas as being the same as traditional values by switching them around, also no, people have been fucking each other in the ass for as long as civilization has existed, except none of them needed to prove that they "identified as gay" or needed any gay marriage. That's just identity politics brought on to divide people on idiotic issues.
Not really, in the original run of the show there were no niggers in it. I guess they just added a whole mix of races to colorize the crowds and make them more interesting to look at.
Hudson Ramirez
I'm liking Fred's new characterisation. So far he's not hidden any secrets from Wilma that would cause misunderstandings, and he's only once lost his temper. Not like he used to be in the show. Also seems to be a great husband, respectful but not a doormat, unafraid to open up but not a wimp, and with a decent father-daughter relationship instead of the typical bumbling dad. While the new social commentary and dark humor are great, it's a bit of a shame these comics are rated T. Fred's a better role model than you'll find in most comics these days.
Charles Flores
am i late?
Liam Adams
Right on time, by my watch.
Blake Sullivan
You're right on time.
Christian Adams
We missed you
Daniel Martinez
Or just people that can't spell. Seriously what the fuck is a "Flin"?
Aiden Howard
A name for a Gaelic boy.
Isaiah Gray
Hunter Wood
What do you think it is?
Leo Clark
Matthew King
Oh boy, there are so many layers of social commentary in these series, it's almost like reading an ogre.
Some people here are saying these comics smell like leftist, but I honestly think they are trying to conciliate both viewpoints by pointing out the hypocrisies of each group and basically making fun of everybody. The right wing caricatures here are pretty clear, but there is also some subtext that could be interpreted as a jab at SJW thinking.
While you could interpret the whole "polygamy majority vs monogamy minority" as a simple reversal joke, truth is there haven't been "angry mob" uproars about polygamy in a while, probably because hippies in the 60s had already vaccinated our society against giving a fuck about "free love" types. That said, some groups of SJW have been trying to shit on monogamy for a while, claiming that it's always toxic, based on dominance/a forceful contract and against human nature; instead, they propose polyamour, which is totally not polygamy because polygamy is also toxic because it implies contracts and contracts are eeeeeevil. If you are a an "old fashioned" SJW who still hasn't gotten used to the idea of getting into a relationship in which you are being foreverially cucked by your glorified sexfriends, you must accept calling it "monoamour" (like monogamy, but less worse) to get some brownie points, but even then, some of the most hardcore polyfags will shit on them. If we draw some parallels, we could think of the issue as a reversal on numbers and not on positions.
This is further reinforced by the fact that Wilma and Fred discuss that it doesn't matter how they call it (monogamy vs monoamour nonsense) because it's just love and fighting about terms is just stupid (page 15 I fucking love how batshit insane it is).
The moral of the story is that love is love, and fighting over it, no matter your position, is a sure way to waste your time. You may argue that this sounds like leftist thinking, but it's hard to deny it's shitting on fake progressiveness as well.
Gabriel Rivera
"Love is love" is literally a slogan used in televised propaganda for "tolerance" and "diversity."
Carter Moore
Context is everything. Here, it's used in a way that means "protect what is precious to you and I" rather than "You are a bad person for not liking this".
Carter Green
But what's the point then? If Fred is nothing like Fred, if the humor is nothing like the cartoons, or the themes for that matter, why not simply make a faux-Flintstones new series?
Angel Anderson
Nostalgia, juxtaposition, and visual comedy.
Robert Scott
How can seeing the Flintstones be miserable make for good visual comedy?
Brody Watson
Have you not been paying attention to all the constant gags about modern technology recreated with rocks and animals?
Adam Thompson
I guess not, because all this comics showed is that now animals are a metaphor for slavery. It's not even technology they represent, just furniture. The Flintstones have an actual LCD TV and it isn't made with animals.
Nolan Parker
Looks like Adam and Steve were looking to have a gay old time!
Blake Barnes
It honestly feels more like typical current year libshit pretending to be centrist/conservative. This story in particular felt like LGBTQIABBQ+ moral soap box preaching than actual social commentary on the inability for both sides to compromise or how the "persecuted" are just as much assholes as anyone else.
Benjamin Myers
I honestly don't see where you're getting this. This is 100% modern leftist shit. Any misinterpretation just seems to be hopeful self-delusion, and I don't mean to sound rude, but this shit just looks like the typical sjw moral messages you see in every other comic these days, and if you have to "take a closer look" at how it pokes fun at both sides, then it really isn't trying to poke fun at both.
This shit is pretty much not even remotely Flintstones-ish. Might as well have made a new series under a completely different name and new IP.
Jaxon Torres
I think the fact that the guy who was basically peddling the entire concept of marriage to turn out to have pretty much just as many hangups as all the rest of them, and even leave the comic stating that he only cared when it wasn't popular and likely isn't going to change his mind anyway is way too close to wrongthink for it to be a fully leftist comic.
If this was, he'd be completely perfect and the comic would end on the anti-marriage people all obviously being wrong and marriage to be unequivocally right. Fred doesn't even buy into it at the end.
Jacob Garcia
Its slightly less leftism. Its still pretty much a pro-gay marriage plot that's also an anti-straight marriage plot at the same time (With a Dash of Feminism).
It's just that even hard leftist stories pale in comparison to hardcore extreme leftist stories peddled nowadays. Its SLIGHTLY self-satirical, which makes it stand out. I agree with you. This is self-delusion.
David Miller
Leftists hate original concept of marriage as it is too restrictive and not progressive enough for them. Which is why they bash it so hard here. They think that by pushing gay marriage they are fixing it. Which is why Fred bashes it in the comic because it does not allow gay marriage. Things like black guy holding "God hates dads sign" are just unintentional hilarity and maybe author's subconscious thoughts.
He does not buy it only because gay marriage was refused. This entire comic was made to push gay marriage. It does so in 3 parts, by making people who oppose marriage look stupid and backwards, by pointing out flaws in marriage concept, and then by showing that gay marriage is natural continuation of original concept of marriage. Basically the author makes a point that "people should have gay marriage but since this is a stone age people are not progressive enough for it". I'm surprised people are actually fooled into thinking that this comic somehow presents both sides of the argument. Its the usual leftist garbage which pretends to advocate for both sides but never actually does. Though it is a bit more subtle then usual.
Also this.
Colton Gomez
Well, if you're going to go all over this because it's "too left" for you, why the fuck is gay marriage, or marriage at all a right or left issue? Unless you live in some shit country, but I'd rather people just quit pretending it's something more than it is. It's a legal agreement, which has positive and negative sides, but largely just effects the people involved.
And you say the entire comic is about gay marriage. That's wrong. Marriage, gay marriage, pets/appliances, and all of the cosmos is explained with loneliness. You might not agree with where it takes it, but radical left wing attitudes are criticized as well as radical right wing ones. Mostly because, at the end of the day, far Left and far Right both want to force everyone in the middle to follow their morals. And, as the Flintstones are basically the stone age middle class family, they are the middle that gets dragged into meaningless debates over nonissues like this.
I think you see it as too far left simply because you're too far right. And to say otherwise, might be deluded.
Nolan Ross
Pretty much yeah.
No offense, but I kind of agree with as this really wasn't a mockery of the extremes of both sides. I'm not telling you to not enjoy it, but too think this is centrist or had some subtle "hidden" jab at both is just silly. It was just a generic gay marriage story that you would see in a mature sitcom, but with the caveman twist and shock value. Again, I'm not discouraging you from reading this shit. I'm just saying that it's not making fun of both. But if that's what you wanna think I ain't stopping you.
Kevin Lee
You're still playing your little word game. "It was just" what you think, and what others are saying is "what you wanna thing". I get how you're trying to dismiss other opinions without making it LOOK like you're being dismissive. I remain firm in my opinion that you see it that far left because you yourself are too far right.
Dominic Rogers
Let's not pretend that this is the most hardcore, right-wing, liberal bashing comic in circulation right now.. but let's also agree that it doesn't have to be. Most of us fall center or just left of center anyways now that classical liberalism ("do what you want, but don't fuck with other people when you do it") has been deemed a conservative value, anyways.
Besides, the authors of the comic clearly aren't trying to create some kind of fictional SJW paradise with the Flintstones and they clearly aren't aiming to preach far-right ideology. It's a mixed bag of social commentary. The protesters aren't evil people. They're just dumb and easily swayed. They get worked up easily and they give up easily, because really, who gives a fuck?
Juan Adams
I believe that's what you called not me. It seems you're getting awfully hostile over a comic to the point where you need to project and accuse me of shit I never tried to do. But if that's what makes you feel better then by all means go for it.
Now here is a more level-headed and accurate poster.
Ayden Fisher
So any anons that are straight in the middle or right to the middle qualify as "far-right" in your book?
I hope you're not suggesting this board have IDs. If so fuck off.
Parker Moore
Anything that isn't a blue-haired, gender studies major is Far-Right, these days.
Eli Clark
Yeah, I thought this comic was more or less neutral when making fun of these things. I don't think its really strong towards far left or far right. It just seems like a fun comic with some pretty good satire in there.
Lincoln Johnson
Relax chum. I don't know where you got the impression that I wanted IDs back. I was just saying that seemed like he was projecting and quick to accuse. That's it.
Such is life.
Well back to /a/ for me (which isn't doing much better in terms of anime quality tbh). Good luck with your comics and I hope things get better for you all.
Aaron Cox
All I wanna know is if animals will rebel or not. That's the only reason I started reading this. Just for the small hope that I'll finally get that edgy caveman on appliance war I've been wanting all these years.
Brody Diaz
maybe, they might. I like how in depth they're going with the animal appliances since they were originally just a joke in the cartoon.
Bentley Sullivan
Keijo just premiered. Anime has already been saved.
Brayden Davis
Last issue openly criticised how the government and society fucks poor vets in the ass (fairly un-lefty, considering "the commies" probably don't give a fuck about the government's human tools of imperialism), and you fags weren't able to understand the message even though it was clearly spelled out.
It's clear the comic is simply sparing no one with its biting sarcasm, but you are so convinced it's le librul you will ignore even those messages delivered with neon lining just to reinforce the already preconceived perception of the comic you have in your mind.
Parker Bennett
So long Holla Forumsfags. I'm going where the action is! Back to 4/a/!
Logan Carter
We'll see you again in a few hours once you see just how bad cuckchan has gotten. I'm not even exaggerating. Gookmoot set up a /vip/ board for the faggots who buy 4chan passes and they are having a serious discussion about deleting several legacy boards
Anthony Morales
That wasn't about vets. It was about how fags are believed to be a "natural part" of evolution and were supposedly the reason humans still exist. Only ones who seem to think that this wasn't entirely about gay marriage is you 8/co/fags. It was nothing more than another pro-gay marriage story. Nothing else. The whole flashback was a reference to that supposed theory on what purpose fags had in tribes and why they exist, not about vets you delusional cunt.
He's talking about the flintstones issue before this one that focused on vets and had aliens and shit
Josiah Fisher
Carlos you aren't old enough to get that reference.
Charles Martin
So what? Gay Marriage is already legal in all the countries that matter. The moral of the comic wasn't "GAYS ARE GREAT! STOP OPPRESSING THEM!" it wasn't even about oppression or some homo persecution complex. It's not like they took two beloved, previously established as straight characters, made them gay, and then did a giant crossover event for their wedding.
I don't even see why you should give a fuck about gay marriage.
Connor Nguyen
Cause they weren't satisfied with a legal Union and wanted a ceremony from a religion that specifically condemns them
Eli Murphy
But, who the fuck cares? Seriously, besides some absurd religious nutjobs, like hardcore muslims, who gives a fuck if gays get married?
Charles Ward
OP, you piece of shit. I came in here for fun times with kitchen supplies and instead I get fags. Fuck you and your false advertising. And what is going on in this thread, when did 8/co/ get so pozzed? Are you all twelve?
Luis Rogers
So, what are you saying? People disagreed with you and now you're too upset to deal with it? Is that you, PGA? I thought you died.
Juan Bell
Let me try again: I'm upset that here comes this comic with an interesting concept as advertised by OP, and instead it turns into a mouthpiece, with you dipshits praising it for layers that aren't fucking there. The whole thing is the definition of hamfisted and I can't understand how anybody ITT is this easily bowled over by it.
Lincoln Taylor
Well, you're probably in the minority on this one, buddy. I know you think you're too cool for school, but maybe you'd be better off finding something you actually enjoy. All the rest of us see is you treating this place like a blog for how pretending you're the only person who "sees what's REALLY GOING ON!"
I think it's a good book, probably among the best DC has put out in a while. We spend a lot of time on the board ragging on shitty books, we should spend just as much time appreciating good ones. If there is a difference of opinion though, that's fine. This is NO ONE'S hugbox, this is not some faggot echochamber. I fully expect people to come by who don't like this, but each thread has proven there are people that do.
Colton Williams
It's so hard to stay positive because being negative is so hard.
That said, this is a great comic and I'm really enjoying it because every issue seems to be a mix of satire, social commentary, legitimately heartfelt moments, and genuinely funny writing.
So, is this issue pro gay marriage? Not exactly. If you pay attention, they say a great deal more about the problems with marriage. Namely, that there isn't exactly a point to it, but that it's a gesture of love and loyalty… and also a terrible idea that doesn't exactly work out all of the time, which can trap people in a loveless relationship.
Kayden Rivera
You obviously missed the Captain America comic where Spencer tried to make Donald Trump look like a super-nazi by writing the Red Skull into giving a Trump-esque speech, only for it to make Red Skull an extremely likable character. The Big Two aren't interested in shitting on degenerate leftists. If they're doing something that's anti-leftist, it's because they tried going after the leftists' enemies and it backfired from sheer incompetence.
Michael Bailey
I'm enjoying the Flintstones comic, but it's obvious that this marriage issue is primarily mocking the anti-gay marriage crowd.
Evan Rivera
Marriage is for fags, you'd have to be an idiot to get married.
Michael Thomas
It's mocking people who think protecting out-moded traditions is more important than respecting the individual rights and desires of consenting adults.
Read the fucking comic, instead of being offended over nothing.
Adrian Green
Probably true.
I didn't say I was offended, I just said that's the obvious thrust of the story.
Cameron Morris
Politics aside i'm the only that thinks this issue is the most boring until now ? , i mean the last one we had fucking ayys but now we get applingers and marriage
Jack Walker
Shitdicker detected Enjoy your poz
Jeremiah Peterson
I don't know, I feel this is a step up from the Ayys. I prefer the focus on just them trying to figure out what their society is even about, since the concept is that it's basically being made up on the spot.
I think it's also important to point out there is a clear conservative side to things, specifically due to Fred or Wilma calling out things from the past that they relied on, that made their lives better. They see the point of carrying forward things from the past that are important to carry forward. "Progress" just for the sake of change isn't what the comic is about.
Wyatt Gomez
They haven't outright said it, but it's been heavily implied that Fred and Wilma's generation are the first ones living in this modernized society. Before that, they were all nomadic tribes and tree people, and well.. A fucking war happened and they are experiencing a post-war boom and the rapid industrialization and modernization that comes with it.
Joseph Thomas
Holla Forums are basically religious nutjobs at this point, though without the conviction to actually worship.
It's basically deliberately equivalent to what the Flintstones was originally about- post-war baby boomers- but also using the device of being the first generation in a 'modern' society, who are figuring out how to make a society work as it gets more complex and larger.
But again, this is contrasting the argument by portraying regular marriage as the new and controversial thing, and the arguments against it are mostly a fear of change and demand to suppress what they don't understand, even by people who aren't affected by it at all.
Fred is more concerned about maintaining his own marriage than the idea of a couple of dudes he's friends with marrying each other. Which seems like a fun mockery of how most anti-gay types end up having affairs.
Ian Lee
I heard somewhere the writer hates the Flintstones. But man does it not show! Also
John Sanchez
So, since Fred and Wilma tend to share things about their past that the other didn't know about, they're from separate tribes that merged to form Bedrock, right?
Ryan Morris
The part with the appliances confused me. I'm not sure if this is pozzed or not.
Ayden Perez
yeah i guess i was deluding myself because i expected more humorous caveman adventures ala killer folk but they took another path, anyway at least is step in the right direction if the average book was like this one comics will be much better.
Carson Garcia
Fun is fun no mater if is intentional or not , stop worrying about meaningless politics this is a escapist board after all
Kayden Williams
nice try ctr
Nicholas Adams
da fuck is ctr ?
David Butler
My humble opinion on the left/right question:
The fundamental problem is that whether something is left or right wing depends on the context of when and where the terms are used. For example the main right wing parties in both Canada and the UK support the concept of universal, free at point of us health care, which would be heresy for most of the right wing here in the US.
So compared to the ideology of Holla Forums, this comic is left wing. Pro-gay marriage, there are black people living in Bedrock peacefully with their neighbors, etc.
Compared to the ideology of mainstream comics which has been completely dominated by hyper progressive SJW ideals, its right wing. It mocks hipsters and Neil Degrass Tyson pop science types, doesn't treat black identity rhetoric as beyond reproach holy speech, etc.
So if you're used to browsing Holla Forums all the time you could see it being standard leftist (((pop culture))) material, if you're used to the hyper progressive comic material of Squirrel Girl era Marvel it might be jarringly right wing.
Alexander Butler
I'm saving this.
Jayden Adams
The right parties in the UK are chomping at the bit to make health care overpriced and private again, they just don't have the balls to openly try because people actually like not having to choose being going broke and dying. So they just cut its funding to the bone instead.
Henry Russell
Actually it was. Fred contributes the survival of the species to non-breeders (aka the "gays") which is itself a reference to speculative theory of "helping the nest" which an user previously mentioned, which believes that gays supposedly helped early man to survive. The fact that you're still trying to pretend this is in anyway right or centrist is ridiculous, and I say this as someone who enjoys this comic. If you're intention is to try and goad the centrist/conservative readers into reading it by pretending the story has some hidden messages and that you're centrist just because you claim some sjws labelled you that, then you're doing a shit job of it buddy considering how hard you're getting offended at those who disagree.
How is this making fun of pop science types? It presents a cameo of stone age Sagan explaining how everyone is eternally lonely. Honestly, can't we just say we like the comic instead of making up some bullshit about hidden mockery?
Chase Gonzalez
This comic book series is very high quality
Christian Wright
It does kinda lead into the themes of building a civilisation. There's far more to be a member of a society than simply popping out kids; otherwise should we be holding up trailer trash and religious nutjobs as the pinnacles of humanity? Many people accomplished great things and never had kids, George Washington for one.
And the speech about loneliness is basically central to the themes of the issue; about how people come together in relationships, as tribes and as societies to not be lonely, and work together to build something bigger and longer lasting than themselves. And there's no necessarily right answer about how exactly that should work.
Jace Collins
This issue was real disappointing. The whole thing is one big push for gay acceptance, with a pop science rationale thrown in. Meanwhile, there's no mention of any rational or natural reason for humans to settle into pairs. I'm definitely reading the next issue before I decide whether or not to buy it.
William Young
libertarians are cancer
Robert Ross
Read it again. Specifically the second page posted here
It all comes down to love, is all they are saying. They don't even glorify marriage as a means to breed. The little backstory about the homos is just about how people can still be useful to society even if they aren't breeding. You post on an imageboard, I'm sure you can understand this sentiment.
Dylan Cruz
i am a pedophile and a major degenerate and even i know allowing my fetishes to be accepted into civilization is a retarded thing to do. is your race retarded or something. or do you just love pretending to be all patrician and shit.