Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Hail Cthulhu!
and ching chong to you too ladies
Juan Holla Forums & Holla Forums
Ia Ia Cthulhu fhtagn!
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Shrugging Cthulhu
needs moar tentacles.
Hail Cthulhu
I had a friend who was obsessed with the Cthulhu mythos and was the gullible sort that he actually convinced himself that it was semi-real.
We went to highschool together and went to the same college. Back in HS he would collect statuettes, posters and stuff, but when we went to college he really did it.
I went to his room and it was filled with cthulhu stuff, he even had a pet octopus in a huge aquarium. This wasn't really a surprise to me, since I helped him set everything up, but it was at that moment that I relalized that his curiosity had turned to an obsession.
He would read, a lot, I'm sure he blew half his monthly salary on books about the supernatural and anything that he considered might be related to the old Juans. We didn't meet much in college, but when we did he would tell me about his discoveries, how certain modern myths and old legends were connected to the Cthulhu mythos and how he was on the clasp of a breakthrough. He once showed me an enormous whiteboard he had pinned names, dates and events and connected them with red string like in crime shows. I thought he might be going crazy seeing as though his fervor was only getting stronger as time passed. He was alienated from other people at that point and had only me to talk to, but he was also extremely reclusive and would only meet on his "good days."
He killed himself in our third year, perhaps he was depressed, perhaps he was just fucking psycho and his delusions had gotten to him, but I really couldn't tell. The scariest of it all was that he was found within a circle drawn from his own blood with burned out candles around it. I got to briefly examine his stuff when they asked me how this could have happened seeing as I was his only friend. He had conducted a "ritual" to give himself immortality and favor with the old gods, and that he had to abandond his mortal shell to achieve this.
I got really into the cthulhu mythis after that too, briefly. Read all the Lovecraft novels and read some of the unofficial stuff online.
From what I read, if I was lJuanly, unhappy and not very fond of life, an eternity in the realm of the old gods didn't seem so bad in comparisson.
Does any Juan have a web or video of the 'hey there cthulhu' cover?
I always liked this webm.
Me too…
You'll experience a fate worse than death for saying that.
pic related
Well, it goes like this.
The great old Juans were assisting mankind evolution, for some reason the lesser gods intervened, and stopped the procces, something happened and the great old Juans were banished from our reality, when they return only the few that mastered themselves will be transformed to be more than men, they will revel and murder and be wild and free like the great old Juans.
The rest will be prey and will be food for the great old Juans.
All a man can do is to achieve mastery in this lifetime and hope for the best, no guarantees though.
uggghhh terrifying
either way it's a great honor to be part of great cthulhu
But it is real, your friend heard the call early in his life, he was Juan of us but don't know it yet.
Lovecraft spoke of the cult of cthulhu, it is always there, it will never die, it may go underground, but it will resurface.
I think he was practicing the necronomicon, and probably read from the wrong sources or did something wrong.
You need a level of occult experience to communicate with those beings, they are not your usual goetia demon.
They send poltergiests after you to test you at the beginning of the ritual to test your focus for example
Or he might have an heroed in the circle.
I don't know.
My sympathies for your friend he seemed like a great guy.
Don't attempt the necronomicon before you are prepared for it mentally and spiritually.
I recommend Gurdjieff 4th way. for some time at least 6 month of serious practice then practice the necronomicon.
The shoggoth song